The Move Ins — [MF][Cuckold][Interracial]

Moving Day

I peered through my apartment window, looking out over the parking lot, and gave a low sigh. Another move. I took a sip of my coffee as I walked into my office to get the necessary paperwork for the new tenants. I worked as the superintendent to an apartment building, and this was one of my few administrative tasks. Ocassionally I wondered how I ended up here… being the super of this place.

Growing up I always figured I’d be a famous athlete… I was 6’5” and 250lbs of thick muscle… I was a star tight-end before my knee blew out. It wasn’t something I dwelled on too often.

Because I liked this job a lot—a free place to live, pretty quiet community… and ocassionally things got interesting. After about 8 years as the superintendent here, I had a bit of a fun reputation going, especially with some of the ladies of the building. Being 6’5” and a bit of a hulking beast has its’ perks.

I was reminded of some of those perks as I walked into the hall to catch the elevator downstairs to greet the new tenants.

“Morning Steve,” I turned to see one of my favorite tenants—Mrs. Lambert—smiling at me as she strolled towards the garbage shoot.

“Hey Christa,” I returned the smile and admired her as she walked away from me to the garbage shoot. Long strawberry blonde hair with big hips, long legs and a nice round ass. She had been in the building with her husband nearly three years and things had gotten… qutie fun in that time. I fondly remembered our session a few weeks ago—everything had been lovely, from how she screamed taking my fat dark cock in her pussy, to how enthusiastically she sucked cock after, to how pathetic her husband looked as I walked out his apartment having just pummelled his young wife’s pussy.

I was interruptted from my memory by fhe ding of the elevator.. I stepped in and pushed the button for ground, flipping through the new-tenant papers and making sure I had everything. I stepped out of the elevator to see the new tenants—another new married couple (for some reason my building’s combination of price and proximity to downtown seemed to attract a lot of them).

“Morning!” I called out to the pair surrounded by moving boxes. Man they had a lot of shit.

“Hey!” The guy called back “I’m Mike, nice to meet you.”
“I”m Steve, your super.” I said. Mike was about 6’1” with brown hair, and looked decently built—definitely worked out. Still though, he looked pretty tiny compared to my 6’5” frame and his hands were drwarfed by mine as we shook hands. I felt his hand slightly limp as I shook mine. Good, I thought, early signs of submission.
“I’m Wendy” The female half said, and put out her hand. She was quite something—5’1” or 5’2” with a very petite frame, long brown hair, and just a massive pair of tits. They were unproportionately big, two orbs on this small girl. I didn’t even try to hide that I was staring—she was wearing a tanktop that gave a healthy look of her cleavage and I was tall enough to get a nice view of a cute black bra underneath.

“Steve. Great to meet you.” I said, and moved my gaze as I looked her in the eye as my massive hand took hers. She felt tiny in my hands.

“Guess we won’t have to worry about security in the building with Steve around, eh Mike!” Wendy joked to her boyfriend.

“Oh don’t worry, everything’s safe here.” I said. “You can leave your stuff in the lobby for now… think I can get you in my office for some quick paperwork?”

I led them to the office and took out the paperwork and pens.

“You guys from here?” I said, making conversation while sneaking glances at Wendy’s big tits.

“Nah. Just finished school down at Southern University… working here.” Mike replied as he looked over the forms.

“Lot of those… Lot of young couples here. You guys will make friends” I told them.

“I hope so.” Wendy said and looked up at me with a smile.

“You guys married?” I asked

“Yeah, just 6 months!” Wendy said bubbly. Mike was a lucky guy—I was stunned at how petite and fit she kept herself given how top-heavy she was.

“Hey… I thought we were getting 2 parking spots with our lease?” Mike looked up at me quizzically. Everyone always asked this—while the apartment was close to the downtown core, it was pretty much impossible to get anywhere without a car, and the building didn’t have much parking.

“We have 10 extra lots which are assigned on a lottery system each month.” I said.

“Shit, we really need the spot.” Mike said, looking up at me with a pleading look.

“I’ll put you in the “lottery”, and you can see how you do.” I winked and intentionally said “lottery” in quotations, so they knew

“Time to figure out Steve’s favorite candy.” Wendy chuckled. Mike smiled too.

“We appreciate that… how exactly do we win the lottery? We’re pretty chill and really appreciate you doing us a favor here.”

I smiled and snuck a glance at Wendy. I loved this job.

“Oh, I don’t think it’d be very ethical or fair to the other residents to just give away my secrets like that!” I laughed and said coyly. “But I’m sure if you ask around to some of the other residents with spaces, you’ll get an idea.”

I was in a particularly good mood about my prospects with these new tenants. The rest of their document signing went pretty smoothly—it turned out Wendy was a teacher while Mike worked as an accountant. As an added benefit to me, their work places were definitely not close together, so they’d need that parking spot particularly badly.

The parking situation had been a huge boon to me—for years I had run a crooked lottery system where the men of the building would trade their wives in exchange for the parking spaces. It helped that I had a reputation as a serious alpha male… not only did I make the rules in the building, I was also the biggest person in it, easily. I was spectacularly well-endowed as well, with a massive thick dark cock, and I wasn’t shy about being dominant or aggressive… something the wives seemed to enjoy quite a lot.

I whistled to myself as I collected the papers from Wendy and Mike, and took the elevator back up.

“Hey Norm,” I said, seeing one of my tenants going up.
“Oh, Hey Steve.” He replied back. Norm didn’t make eye contact with me, just stared ahead… I guess he had seen enough of me lately. Just last week I had my session with his wife Kirsten—a super thin/petite young blonde. I smiled as I remembered unloading on his wife’s face after she had thoroughly sucked my balls—and I remembered how she walked right over to Norm and madeout with him right after she had just been claimed by her Alpha. Poor Norm… life of a beta.

I walked back to my room, closed the door and flipped on the TV. I was one of those people who always needed a little bit of background noise. I plopped down on the couch and began reading—something I enjoyed a lot and that my job gave me a lot of time to do. In the back of my mind I wandered how long it would be until Wendy and Mike had a conversation with one of their neighhbours about me… and if I’d hear a knock on my door anytime to discuss a parking spot.

Wendy’s body was special—flat stomach and thin legs… a cute bubbly face… and those tits. I couldn’t wait. Jeez I was lucky to get this job.

I read for a few hours, getting deep my latest fantasy-series obsession when my phone rang. I sighed and got-up to pick it up… wondering which tenant needed something this time.

“Yep, Steve here.” I answered
“Hey Steve, it’s Wendy.” I perked up. Things were certainly moving a little faster than I thought.
“Oh Hey Wendy, how’s everything?” I asked
“Yeah great great…” her voice trailed off as I heard her take a pause and continue “I was just talking to our neighbours about the parking spot while Mike stepped out to grab us some dinner.”
“Oh that’s right?” I asked. Fuck yes, I thought—the fact that she was calling was an extremely good sign. I felt my fat cock bulge slightly as I thought about wrecking Mike’s new wife.
“Yeah, Taylor had some interesting things to say.” Wendy said, emphasizing the word interesting.

I grinned. I was glad that it had been Taylor—the 5’7” blonde spinner with a pixie cut and nice round ass. Taylor was particularly addicted to me… a self described size-queen, she was especially fond of when I’d hold her down and pound her ass. Apparently her husband is incapable of giving her anal orgasms (despite me making him watch how it’s done multiple times). No doubt Taylor would give a glowing recommendation of me.

“Haha, Taylor is an interesting girl.” I used the same emphasis on the word interesting. There was a pause on the line and I continued.

“So what can I do for you Wendy?”

“Right, I guess I’m the one who called!” She laughed nervously before continuing “Well.. I guess I just want to know if what I heard is true. It all seems so… unreal to be honest.”

“If what is true?” I asked suggestively.

There was a pause on the line, as Wendy gathered herself.

“Listen… you know what I mean. The sex. Taylor said you fuck the wives in this building.” She said.
“Yeah, it’s true.” I admitted flatly, putting my cards on the table.
“…well apparently you’re pretty spectacular at it too.” Wendy replied on the phone coyly. Fuck yes, I thought—that was easy. She continued “I actually heard something about you from someone in the elevator too… Christa?”

I grinned.

“I guess my reputation precedes me. I’m not exactly shy… or timid.” I said with a bit of aggression in my voice. “So what do you think about a parking spot?”

“Honestly…” Wendy started “…I think this is fucking hot. I need to ask Mike. But, yeah. I probably shouldn’t admit that.”
“No don’t worry.” I reassured her “You’re certainly not alone in thinking that. I liked what I saw today.”
“You’re bad” Wendy said. “I actually can’t believe it.”
“Seeing is believing.” I said suggestively. “Besides, sounds like you really need this spot anyways.”
“We do.” Wendy said, I could hear the smile in her face as she continued “Just didn’t think I’d be doing it this way… this town is wild!”
“It is.” I agreed with her and smiled wryly.
“Just don’t break me! I hear you’re huge.” She giggled

As we hung up I smiled broadly—Wendy and Mike were about to have quite an interesting conversation. I got up and started to do a little bit of tidying… things were looking good that I’d be entertaining a bit of company tonight. As I cleaned I imagined where I’d position Wendy to get fucked, and thought about how nice it’d be to grab a big handful of her huge tits. I was excited to claim her and welcome her to the fold.

After a few hours, my mind was still wandering to thoughts of how I’d use Mike’s young wife when the phone rang again.

“Yep, Steve here.” I said
“Hey Steve, it’s Mike.” Came the meek voice on the end. Guess Wendy and Mike had their conversation.
“Hey Mike, what can I do for ya?” I asked.
“Well… it’s about the parking spot…” His voice trailed off.
“Wendy mention it to you?” I teased him.
“Yeah… actually ran into Dale in the elevator too.” Dale was Taylor’s husband… a local soccer coach who was a decent guy in his own right… but who had completely accepted my dominance of his wife. I especially liked how Dale would stare wide-eyed at how much his wife’s pussy would stretch over my cock. I was huge compared to him.

“Dale’s a good guy!” I said. “Hopefully you just heard good.”

“I heard… interesting things.” Mike said. His voice sounded nervous.

“Haha, no doubt. Have you talked to Wendy about it? She called me earlier.” I said.

“I did… I didn’t know she called you.” He said, sounding a little bit worried that his wife had taken initiative with me. Mike wasn’t the first guy I had dealt with who was hesitant—most first timers get nervous about handing over their beautiful wive’s to get pummeled and fucked by a hulking beast like me. I loved ruining pussy and was excited to ruin Wendy, so Mike had every right to be hesitant.

“Yeah. Seems like a cool girl.” I mused, knowing I was teasing him. “So what did you guys talk about?”

“Just how much we needed the spot… how crazy this all is, I guess.” Mike admitted.

“And? Listen there are lots of people who want the spot so I totally understand if it’s not really for you guys.” I started to back-out to instill some urgency in Mike. I knew he needed the spot bad, I just wanted to see him squirm for it.

“No-no, it’s not that. We definitely need it…” He said, voice trailing off as he prepared for his next words. “…I guess it’s just new territory for me. I’m sure you can understand where I’m coming from.”

“Worried about your wife?” I asked him directly.

“You have a pretty serious reputation…” Mike said. I guess either Dale or Wendy had told him. I reached down and idly touched my big dick over my sweatpants.

“Well, the building seems to like me just fine.” I said.

“Yeah… I guess i’m just nervous for Wendy, and how this works.” Mike said.

“But it’s something you two are doing?” I asked, hoping to seal the deal.

“Yeah.” Mike admitted. “We need this spot, and we are both OK with it.”

Fuck yes. I felt my cock bulge slightly as I got excited for the coming evening.

“Great—put her on the phone will you?” I asked and Mike obeyed.

“Hey Steve,” Wendy said “So looks like I’m your new favorite tenant.” She giggled slightly, enjoying the tension.

“Indeed. You and Mike both.” I said, including the husband who was giving her up to me. “Just wanted to say, you two should come down after you’re done dinner. Dress casual. Maybe bring some dessert if you want.”

I hung up the phone and went quickly to cooking dinner. Tonight was going to be a ton of fun. I imagined how I was going to be fucking Wendy while I cooked my meal, and the time seemed to fly by. I ate a huge steak along with some potatoes for dinner—I was a big guy and I needed my fucking fuel. I finished up and cleaned up, and sat down on the couch to get a bit more reading done when I heard the doorbell ring. They were here.

“Come on in.” I smiled down at the newlywed couple. Wendy looked so hot—wearing tight yoga pants and a tanktop with spaghetti straps. Her tits were bursting out of the tanktop and I could see she was wearing a nice black bra. I didn’t try to hide that I was ogling them.

“Hey.” Mike said, distracting me from checking out his wife’s big breasts. I looked down on him.
“Hey, Mike.” I replied. I loved when the husbands came over too. Part of me enjoyed breaking in the men, just as much as I loved breaking in their wives.

“Hey Wendy” I said, looking down her shirt.

“Um… eyes up here!” She laughed as they walked in. “I brought some chocolate cake, I hope you like it.” Wendy added.

“Oh great, you can put it on the table.” I said. “So, you guys excited? I know I am.” I was direct and to the point.

“I’m not entirely sure what to expect…” Mike said.
“Other than a parking spot!” I exclaimed.
“Yeah, that’s a little necessary.” Wendy joked.
“I’m pretty chill though, Mike.” I started answering his question “I’m just going to have some fun with Wendy. Make sure you guys earn the spot above the other tenants… and when I’m done, the spot is yours for as long as she holds my attention.” As I spoke I stared his wife up and down. She was tiny compared to me, and I was imagining the ways I could hold her down while pumping her.

“We’ll communicate a lot.” I continued “And I’ll check-in with you every now and then to make sure you’re both still good. Cool?”

Wendy looked up at Mike, waiting for his reply. She then looked at me a little hungrily. I guess Taylor had told her a few things.

“Yeah, that’s OK.” Mike said, giving me permission to have my way with his young wife. “Let’s just do it and get on with it.”

I laughed and decided to oblige him—I dropped my sweatpants to the ground, revealing tight boxers. My huge thighs bulged out and you could clearly see the outline of my massive cock under the material.

“Holy…” Wendy stared wide-eyed at my bulging package under my boxers.
“That count as a big cock?” I asked her, smiling.
“Fucking huge cock.” Wendy said hungrily.
“Come here. Get on your knees.” I instructed her and she walked over to me obediently, and got on her knees.

I slid my boxers off and watched her reaction. She bit her lip as my fucking huge cock sprang loose—it was veiny and pulsing already (I was admittedly very excited to fuck a girl with a body like her’s).

“Fuuuck…” she said in awe, staring at it. “That’s fucking monstrous.”

I reached down and patted Wendy head. “And you’re gonna be a good girl for this monster cock, aren’t you? Gonna let it have its way with you?”

Wendy blushed slightly at the dirty talk, and glanced at Mike with a bit of a “oh my god” face before looking up at me and saying diplmatically

“What would you like me to do for you?”
“Polish my cock with that pretty mouth of yours.”

I looked down and moaned as Wendy went to work. She kissed the base of my cock then ran her tongue up the shaft, stopping and swirling it around at the top before sucking on the head gently. She sucked briefly while her free hand stroked my shaft. I looked down and made eye contact with her… she looked up at me deviously, and I felt her salivating on my cock. She was enjoying herself.

“mmm” I let out a groan and looked at Mike “Your wife has a great mouth man.”
“Thanks…” Mike said as his voice trailed off. He was slightly mesmerized at the show—staring at his wife sucking on her knees.

I reached a hand down into Wendy’ shirt, and grabbed a handful of her tits. They were massive. My hands were huge and they barely fit into my hand—I took nice big gropes of her and heard her moan over my cock. I looked down on her sucking and raised an eyebrow.

“Mmm… fucking love having my tits played with.” She smiled to me before going back to sucking. I noticed she was slowly working more and more of me down her throat.

“Oh yeah?” I said, as I reached down further and grabbed another handful, this time purposely running my fingers over her nipples, causing her to moan.

I looked up at Mike, who was watching me feel up his girlfriend while she tried to deepthroat me. “What else does your wife like in bed, Mike?”

I leaned back slightly, relaxing and just enjoying the sensation of the sexy wife sucking my cock while my husband told me about her.

“Umm… she likes a lot.” he started. “I feel like she likes a bit of everything.” I could tell Mike was struggling to find the specific words—the aesthetic of the situation seemed a little overwhelming. I looked down at Wendy as she drooled all over my cock.

“Why don’t you tell your husband and I what you like?”

She popped my cock out of her mouth and started stroking my massive member while she said

“To be honest.. I do like a bit of everything… but right now…” Her voice trailed off as she looked at Mike guiltily. “Right now I’m fucking loving being submissive. I love it rough. I love the idea of a big rough guy.”

She went back to sucking.

“And what’s your preference with cock size?” I teased.

“Umm… right now…” Again she looked guiltily at Mike, my massive pulsing cock in her hand. “Right now I want a fucking huge dick to own me… Sorry.” She said to Mike, and went back to sucking.

I grinned at Mike, and continued to feel up his wife’s tits. Deciding I’d make Wendy’ wish of being owned by a big dick a reality, I put my hand on the back of her head and pushed her down on my cock a little more. She gave out a brief struggle and gag as she adjusted to my fat dick down her throat… but quickly adjusted and began sucking some more.

“mmm… see that there? You can see how deep I am in her throat Mike.” I called out to her husband to check out his wife’s throat—which bulged with each downstroke on my cock.

She throatfucked herself on my big dick for awhile—eventually I decided I wanted attention elsewhere.

“Get on those balls” I ordered her.

She obeyed and began sucking mouthfuls of my balls. Her mouth was so wet and sloppy… she had been drooling all over my big dick. I stroked my cock in my hand while the big titted-petite girl was on her knees.

“You look a little shocked Mike.” I sneered at him.
“She’s just… this is just different.” He said, watching her suckle my big balls.
“How so?” I asked.
Wendy let my balls slip out of her mouth as she said: “He means normally I’m not such a submissive slut.”

I laughed—this girl was fun.

“So she never let you dominate her? Cum on her face or anything?” I asked Mike, over the sucking and slurping sounds of his wife on my balls.

“No… never.” He admitted.
“Let me show you the power of being an Alpha with a big dick.” I teased Mike.

I began stroking my cock faster. Reaching down and groping Wendy’ big tits while she slobbered all over my big balls.

“That’s it Wendy. Fucking suck those balls like a good whore. Mmm, that’s it.”

As I got close I grabbed her by the base of her head and leaned her head back.

“Take that cum on your pretty face… mmmm,” I moaned as I unleashed a fat load on Mike’s wife.

Mike had a closeup as my massive head exploded with 6 bursts and I covered Wendy’ face. It was dripping off her chin. I pressed the head of my cock up against her lips and she obediently opened her mouth, sucking on my head—getting every last drop of the orgasm.

I took a step back so I could enjoy the view. Petite Wendy on her knees, face covered in cum… it was dripping down her face onto her tanktop and cleavage. She smiled up at me and Mike.

“Fuck that was a big load!” She exclaimed.
“Everything about me is big” I laughed.
“Apparently so.” She agreed.
“Fuck… it’s all over me.” She said with a smile.
“First facial?” I asked.
“Yeah… nobody has ever done that to me before.” She said. I loved being the exception to all these wive’s conversative rules. “Fuck… it’s all over my shirt too.” She said.

Without any prompting, she peeled her tanktop off. Fuck this girl was fit—she had a perfectly flat stomach—and her tits looked absolutely massive in a black bra.

“Why are you getting undressed? I thought we just finished.” Mike began to protest, glancing between his cum-covered wife and my still-pusling big dick.

Instead of answering his question, Wendy just gave him a “watch this” type of look and walked over to me, and got on her knees. She started sucking my shaft vigorously—moaning over it as she opened her mouth wide and took me down her throat.

“Mmm, that’s a good girl.” I said with approval as she skull-fucked herself firmly on my cock. She pulled off my cock with a gasp, saliva dripping off the head of my massive rod.

“See… he’s not done.” She said, holding my fucking huge engorged cock as proof.

She kept sucking as I undid her bra”, letting those gorgeous and huge tits out. They were massive and round, with perfect nipples and a surprisng amount of perk for their size.

“Mmm fuck your girl has stamina.” I joked to Mike as Wendy sucked me off.
“I’m… yeah… I’m a bit surprised.” Mike admitted. Guess she doesn’t suck his cock like this at home.

I looked down at Wendy cum covered face as she worked my shaft down her throat.

“Ready to earn th at spot for real?” I teased to her.
“Mmm… What would you like Steve?” She asked me.

I had her get completely undressed. She had cute slender legs under those yoga pants, and a beautiful tight pussy with a cute racing strip. She did a little twirl for me and I was pleasantly surprised to see a very cute little ass—something I hadn’t noticed before, having been distracted by her huge tits the whole time.

I had her lie down on her back on the table. Her head was near Mike, so when she lay back, she was looking up at him. I stood at the other end of the table and rubbed my bare cock-head onto her pussy.

“Fuck this girl is wet.” I said
“Mmm… fuck. I’ve never fucked anything like that.” Wendy said, “Fucking take that pussy. Wreck it.”

Mike was stunned watching his wife completely whore out for me. I think I started hearing him mouth the words “Condom?” to her worriedly, as I began to push my cock inside her.

“Aaahhh!” She gasped as my head opened up her pussy lips. She was tiny and I was massive, and I firmly stretched her open—making her take every inch of my man-meat while feeling her pussy gape open for me.

“FUCK! It’s fucking massive…” She moaned as I fed my cock into her tight little pussy.

“Fuck this pussy is tight, man.” I said, looking up at Mike, who was staring at my fat cock buried inside his wife. “We’re gonna have to work to break her in.” I joked to him as I began to fuck Wendy.

I reached down and grabbed two handfuls of her big tits while I pumped her firmly. Her pussy was so tight, but I made light work of her—pounding through the friction until she was gaping for me. She screamed and came uncontrollably as my cock worked into her pussy.

“Uuuuunnghh,” She moaned and arched her back as I felt her pussy pulsing and cumming all over my cock.

I accelerated the pace of my fucking—increasing the roughness as well. I grabbed at her big tits and put a hand around her throat while I pounded her pussy—eventually my huge thighs were slapping up against hers while she screamed and Mike looked on. He seemed amazed that she was taking it… a fat pop-can thick dick pounding into his young wife.

“Fuuuuuck Uuuuungh.” Another orgasm as my cock continued to rock her.

I worked her pussy out—pounding even harder and coaxing a few more orgasms out of her until she was a sweaty mess. I watched her big tits bounce on the table while she moaned and submitted to me.

“You like that big dick inside your pussy?”
“Fuuuck yes! Fucking own me.”

I picked her legs up and put them over my shoulders and began pounding away even harder. She screamed and came uncontrollably again—this time it was a massive orgasm that seemed to rip through her entire body. She was left shaking and whimpering while I continued to pump her.

“Who fucking owns you?” I whispered to her.
“Fuck… you do.” She said, looking up at my huge frame that was mounting her.
“Tell him. Tell him whose pussy this is.” I sneered at Mike, who was biting his lower lip… I guess he had gotten a little turned on at how roughly I was handling his beautiful wife.

Wendy laid her head back so she could look her husband in the eye while my thick dark cock continued to stretch her.

“Steve and his big dick own this pussy…sorry…” She bit her lip as she made the admission.
“Mm, that’s a good girl. That’s what I like to hear.” I said approvingly, reaching a hand down and rubbing her clit while her tight pussy was stretched around me.

“Mmm fuuuuck.” She said, moaning at the sensation. She continued to moan as I turned to address Mike.

“Now i’m going to cum inside your wife’s pussy. This is what I mean about her keeping me happy and keeping my attention… after this, the spot is yours… is that OK with you?” I wanted to make him admit it.

There was a pause as Mike thought over what I was saying as his wife moaned.

“We’ve gone this far…” he started.
“So?” I asked, insisting he say it.
“You can.” He said
“I can… what?” I gave him a shit-eating grin.
“You can cum in her pussy.” He said.

“Mmmmmmmm” Wendy moaned as her husband gave me permission to fill her up.

“Hear that? Time to claim this pussy… pump it full of cum.” I teased Wendy as I increased the rhythm of the fucking again. She grinded her hips into my cock, doing her best to milk me inside her tight frame.

“Mmm that’s it. That’s a good girl. Fuuuuck. I’m going to fucking fill you.” I teased her as we fucked.

Our pace intensified and I felt my cock beginning to pulse. I leaned forward, burying my shaft inside her balls deep.

“Ooooh fuuuuck.” I groaned as I felt a huge orgasm course through my body. I came hard—I know this not just because I felt it, but because Wendy did too.

“Fuck he just came so hard. Wow, fucking massive load mmm.” She moaned as her pussy got filled.

I held my cock inside her a few seconds after I came, wanting to make sure every last drop was deep inside her. I slid my cock out of her and admired my handy-work… her pussy was gaping open and oozing cum. I grabbed a handful of her heaving chest as I walked towards my boxers on the floor.

“Mmm fuck! That’s some good pussy. That’s some good pussy.” I said.
“Fuck, you liked it?” Wendy asked. She was laying on the table—sweaty and her face was red from all the forced orgasms, she still had cum on her face/tits. Her neck was slightly red from when I was choke-fucking her… and her slender legs were a deep red and beginning to bruise from the thigh-on-thigh action in the brutal pounding I had just given her.

“You were wonderful. Mike, you have a great wife.” I smiled to him as I bent down to put my boxers on.

“Fuck. That was incredible. Wow.” I heard Wendy say to Mike.

“We should do this regularly. Mike, I appreciate it.” I said to both of them as we all got dressed.

“I certainly wouldn’t mind…” Wendy giggled—she had cleaned up but still looked a little red in the face, with messy hair. It was clear she had just been aggressively fucked.

We made a bit more small-talk and they moved to the door.

“Oh! One last thing before you go!” I said, and quickly grabbed a piece of paper from my den. “Here’s your parking pass.” I said, handing the paper to Mike.

“Thanks…” he said, still looking a little stunned asto what just happened with his woman.

“Have a good night.” I said, and closed the door. I sighed, that was a satisfying evening… and these were going to be fun tenants.

I plopped onto my couch and opened up my book—the last thing I heard before diving into my story was Mike and Wendy running into Christa in the hall.

“Wendy you lucky girl… I guess you just met Steve!
