[MF] [Fantasy]Taken by the Invaders part 2

Maria awoke with a start, not knowing, initially, where she was. It was the dull ache between her legs that reminded her.

She was in the dusty hide tent of the barbarians, the enormous wild men that had captured her, slaughtering the men in her village, and last night, she had given herself to her captor, Odhan, letting him touch her as no man ever had, letting him fuck her, begging for it, for hours on end, in a blinding whirlwind of sweat and pleasure.

She glanced to her side. She was laying on top of her captor, her head on his enormous, broad chest, his arms wrapped almost tenderly around her. She immediately leaped up from the pile of soft hides that served as his bed, feeling an intense wave of shame and disgust. How could she have? How could she have let this murderous, bloodthirsty monster –

But he didn’t really seem like that much of a bloodthirsty monster, did he? He was enormous – at least a foot and a half taller than any man Maria had ever seen – and tan, with thick muscles, very pleasing to the eye, and a wild mane of long dark hair. He was gorgeous. It was hard for Maria to deny how much just looking at him turned her on. And he had not touched her until she had begged for it –

“No,” she whispered to herself. That wasn’t her. She hadn’t done that. Whatever he had rubbed between her legs, some paste that had filled her with an enormous sexual hunger – that was what had done that, that was what had made her beg for his cock, beg him to fuck her until she passed out –

Maria shook her head to clear these thoughts from her mind. She looked around the tent. In the corner, in a neat pile, lay Odhan’s armor. On his belt was a knife.

She could do it right now. She could take that knife and slit his throat. It would be revenge for Puck, the poor boy that had died defending her, revenge for this beautiful monster seducing her, taking her.

Maria slowly slid the knife out of its sheath, silent as a whisper. She looked back at Odhan, still slumbering peacefully. She tried not to think about how beautiful he was. She tried to summon up all her anger, all her hatred, all her rage. These beasts, these barbarians, had murdered all the men in her village, took the woman as slaves, and this one took her virginity. It didn’t matter if she liked it, it didn’t matter if it was the most pleasure she had ever felt. It didn’t matter if Odhan was beautiful, and gentle when he wanted to be. She had to take the chance now, she would never get another one. She had to kill him.

Try as she might, though, she could not stop the thoughts of how he had made love to her, seemingly knowing exactly where to touch her, exactly how fast or how slow to go, to make her cry out-

She couldn’t do it. She couldn’t bring herself to kill this man. She didn’t even know if she was physically capable, honestly – he was so much larger than she was, his dagger felt like a sword in her trembling hands. What could she do?

Maria stepped towards the flap of the tent and looked outside. Last night had been an orgy – all the captured women of her village begging the invaders to fuck them, crying out in pleasure. Maria wasn’t sure she understood. She had heard stories like this before. Barbarians coming out of the wild, capturing women, raping them. Only the stories had never mentioned the women crying out for more, moaning in pleasure. Usually in those stories, the women would resist, or wait for rescue, or…kill themselves.

Maria looked down at the knife in her hands. Is that what she should do? Should she kill herself? She didn’t really want to. Maybe if the invaders were as cruel as they were in the stories. The stories always had lurid descriptions of how the invaders were brutish, disgusting, dirty, how they would beat the women senseless and starve them. These invaders were nothing like that. Surely, Odhan had handled her roughly. But he was beautiful, not ugly. He had not beaten her, at least yet. And his lovemaking-

Maria turned around only to gasp in shock at the sight of Odhan standing less than a foot behind her. He was still nude from last night, as was she, and he looked down at the knife in her hands with a wry smile. “See, I knew I liked you for a reason,” he said. “You’ve got some spirit in you.”

“Stay – stay back,” Maria cried, instinctively raising the knife. Odhan made no move, although the blade was pointing inches from his chest.

“If you want that knife, you can keep it, little one. I have many. Though I think it is a bit big for you. I may have a smaller one that is more your size.” Odhan shrugged and turned his back to her, and began sorting through a collection of small clay jars he kept laid out on a hide mat in another corner of the tent.

Maria, trembling, stepped back into the tent, still keeping the knife up.

“I enjoyed our playtime last night. Are you sore?” Odhan asked, still sifting through the jars.

Maria did have a dull ache between her legs, although she wasn’t about to admit that. “I-”

And then, quicker than she could react, Odhan sprang up from the corner. Maria yelped and waved the knife. She hadn’t really been meaning to hurt him, but the heavy blade struck the flesh of his forearm as he held it up to block it. To her horror, the blade did not even pierce his skin. With a flick of his wrist, Odhan disarmed her, the knife clattering into the dusty floor of the tent. He looked at her with his flat, green cat’s eyes.

Maria’s heart dropped into her stomach. Perhaps this was it. Perhaps this was where she was killed for striking out at her new master. Perhaps –

But Odhan just laughed at the fear on her face. Exasperated, Maria stamped her foot. “Did you know that blade was dull this whole time?”

Odhan raised his eyebrows at her. “Oh, little one. The blade is not dull. Look at your leg.”

Maria glanced down at her leg, and saw to her shock that it was covered in a thin sheet of blood. The knife, as it fell, had sliced her leg, so cleanly that she had not even felt it at first. “How? How then – how were you not cut?”

“Sit on the bed and I will dress it,” Odhan said simply, turning his back to her, as he went back to the jars in the corner and began sorting through them again. Maria did as he commanded, feeling foolish. She could not stop herself from admiring his broad back as he crouched down. She firmly commanded herself not to look below his waist.

“I am a Man of the Dragon. Well, this whole band here is, as well. Most of them, anyway. Men of the Dragon. We are not like you little ones. I am sure you have noticed? We are all much larger than you? Our flesh, too, is stronger.” Odhan turned to her. In his hands were a few small clay jars, and a yellow cloth. “Alright, then. Show me your leg.”

Maria grudgingly stuck out her leg, and tried to remind herself this man was a killer as Odhan tenderly washed away the blood with a damp cloth. “Men of the Dragon? Why have I never heard of you before?”

“This is the furthest south any of our bands have ever been. We normally do not raid on this side of the mountain.” Odhan tore at the white cloth with his teeth, teeth that Maria now noticed were far sharper than any human’s. He rubbed a cool paste into the wound, and wrapped the cloth around her leg.

“Why, then? Why do you come so far south now?”

“The Dragon has awoken,” Odhan said simply. He opened another jar. “You are sore from last night, aren’t you?”

Maria blushed furiously. “I’m fine,” she stammered.

Odhan gave her a frank, skeptical look, and then dipped his fingers into the jar. The next thing Maria knew, he was massaging a cool, soothing paste between her legs. Maria cried out as his fingers curled up deep inside her, even as the soothing feeling seeped deep into her belly, taking away the ache. She did her best to hold in a moan as Odhan withdrew his fingers and flashed her a sharp smile.

Maria stilled her shaking hips, and closed her legs, trying not to think how she had spread them wide for Odhan the minute he touched her. “S-so…” she breathed, “What…what am I, then? Why did you take me?”

Odhan shrugged, then turned around and began dressing in his armor. Maria tried to hide her disappointment that he was no longer going to be naked. “I took you because you looked fun. And I was right, you are very, very fun. Is your body normally very sensitive, little one?”

“THAT,” Maria shouted, and then calmed herself, “That…that was because of whatever you…you put on me.”

“You ASKED for that.” Odhan was now strapping on his leather chestpiece. “And I will have you know – I never saw someone react to it like you did. Normally it wears off after an hour or so. You were hungry and begging for me all night-”

“SHUT UP!” Maria cried, clapping her hands to her ears. “Shut up! I won’t hear it!”

Odhan laughed, a cruel, mocking, but merry laugh. “Very well. But yes, little one. You belong to me now. But, you know – some men like silent slaves, but I chose you for the fire in you. I think I chose well.” And here Odhan bent to pick up a bow almost as tall as Maria herself was. “But now I must go to hunt. You are free to wander about the camp as you wish. Remember that you belong to ME – you don’t need to obey the orders of anyone else.”

Maria felt the outrage and indignity swelling up within her. “I….I don’t belong to anyone, first off…second…” she swept her hands down across her nudity – “give me some clothes!”

Odhan shrugged helplessly. “You smallfolk and your clothes, I swear I will never understand. I’d go naked all the time if I could.” He pointed to a small cloth sack. “There might be some in there.”

And then, ignoring Maria’s protests, he was gone.


The only clothes Maria could find in the sack were a large, heavy poncho, slit entirely up the sides, that, besides being hot and heavy and made for someone much larger than her, would have done little to cover up her nudity, since she would have been entirely exposed from the sides anyway, and a small, narrow, but long loincloth made from threadbare brown cloth. She put this on and, after a few unsuccessful attempts to cut the poncho into something she could wear, shrugged and resolved to go topless. It was already too late for her modesty, anyway. Everyone had already seen her nude.

She stepped out, blinking, into the sunlight, and looked around her. The camp was large, around one hundred tents, it looked like, though it seemed to be mostly empty at this time. A few of the Dragon-men were in the middle of the camp, sparring with wooden spears, and sitting there, watching them, rapturous, completely nude, was –

“Brea!” Maria ran over to her friend. “Brea, you’re alright!”

Brea leaped to her feet and embraced Maria, and then surprised her by kissing her full on the mouth. Maria, shocked, didn’t react. “Oh, Maria. I’m better than alright.”


Brea smiled at Maria, and then kissed her neck. “It was so amazing last night,” she breathed into Maria’s ear. Maria became aware of how hot her friend’s flesh was, pressed into hers. “You…making me cum while everyone was watching…and then after…”

Maria pushed Brea away, to stop her friend from kissing her yet again. “They…they MADE you do it, Brea, they forced you to-”

“I loved it. Don’t pretend you didn’t love it too, Maria. I heard you moaning – we all did – long after everyone else had stopped.”

Maria blushed so furiously that tears sprang to her eyes.

“There’s no reason to cry!” Brea embraced Maria again. “Maria, you see those two men?” she pointed to the two sparring Dragon-men. “They’re fighting to fuck me. Whoever wins gets to fuck me. Fighting, over me! Do you know how good that feels?”

“Brea, these men – they’re murderers, they made us slaves…”

“Gann….my master…he explained it all to me last night,” Brea said rapturously. “Maria, this is what life is. Conquering, death and pleasure. It is the way of the world.”

Maria stumbled backwards from her friend, horrified.

“Oh, if only I had his words. I’m sure he could make you understand. But you must understand a little, right? I heard you last night…one of these days, you must let me into your bed with him-”

Unable to listen to her friend speak like this anymore, overcome with horror and confusion, Maria ran.

She stumbled, barefoot, over the rocky and dusty ground, just trying to get away, as Brea called after her. The things she had said…didn’t Brea care? Her whole village, killed, she had been captured, forced to fuck in front of everyone…how could she have liked that? How –

Suddenly, Maria found herself yanked bodily off the ground, her forearm caught in a vicelike grip. She found herself staring into a pair of golden eyes, framed by a mane of deep golden hair, like a lion’s. It was one of the Dragon-men.

“I hope that you were not trying to escape,” he said, sternly.

“I…no, it’s just….” Maria gasped, coughing, and then looked back toward Brea. The Dragon-man’s eyes followed her gaze.

Apparently the sparring match had ended. Brea was kneeling before the victor, his cock in her mouth, grasping his buttocks, pulling him into her with an insatiable hunger, her head bobbing up and down, both of them covered in sweat.

“How? How can she just – ” Maria coughed, and then began to cry. “They…you…you killed everyone, and…how can she…”

The Dragon-man looked down at her with pity. He was tall, as tall as Odhan was, if a bit more lean. “Come with me,” he said, although he did not give her any choice – he scooped her up in his arms, and carried her off.


The Dragon-man carried Maria to a large tent, much larger than Odhan’s. As he stepped inside, Maria gasped. It was like a large bath. A gigantic hole had been dug into the ground, and the hide of some animal – larger than any Maria had ever seen, surely, unless Dragon-men knew how to stitch together the hides of multiple animals without a single seam – had been stretched across it, preventing the water from seeping into the ground. As she watched, two small women – other slaves? – poured a large cauldron of water that had been heated over a fire into the bath. Another woman poured an urn of perfumed oil into it as well. It was large – it could probably hold twenty men – and deep, as well – one slave-woman was lounging in it, and the water came up to her waist. All around the bath were hides, and on top of them rested various jars and fruits. Other than the slaves, they were the only ones here. “Why did you take me here?” Maria asked suddenly. “Put me down.”

The Dragon-man laughed. “You looked like you needed to relax. That is what this bath is for. Breathe deep.” He set Maria down at the edge of the bath.

Maria closed her eyes and breathed. The steam from the bath soaked into her lungs. Perhaps it was something in the oils they were putting into the water, but she did immediately feel calmer. At least, until she turned around and saw that the Dragon-man had undressed, his cock less than a foot from her face. She yelped and nearly fell into the bath.

The Dragon-man smirked at her, and then slowly descended into the bath himself, sighing as he lay back in it. “You are welcome to get in as well,” he said, gazing at her with those mad golden eyes. “I am Wael, by the way. And you?”

Maria shifted, and dangled her unwounded leg into the bath. It did feel very nice. “I’m…Maria.”

“Mah-ree-ahh,” said Wael. “You are with Odhan, yes? You are very lucky. Odhan is a fierce and renowned warrior. An odd one, too. Normally he doesn’t keep slaves. He prefers to trade them for blades and trinkets.”

Maria didn’t think to ask why that made her lucky. She kept her silence, dangling her leg into the water.

“I was a scout,” said Wael. “I was this far south, scouting out your villages long before any band ventured here. Months alone, in the wilderness, watching you smallfolk. I got a bit of an idea how you live. I know all this must seem very strange to you.” Wael took a breath and dipped his head beneath the water, then popped up again. Maria could not help but admire him. Everything about him was golden – his eyes, his hair, his skin – and the water running down his muscled chest made her breathing quicken. “If you want to get in, you’re going to have to get naked, though. No clothes in the bath.”

Maria almost felt the need to protest, but…something about the steam, this bath, was so relaxing. She quietly undid the loincloth at her waist, and the wound dressing on her leg, and slipped quietly into the bath. It wasn’t even bothering her that she and a man were naked so close to each other. He had probably seen her naked last night anyway, right? That, and so much more. The water enveloped her, just hot enough to make her shake a little, and then seeped into her bones.

“I know your friend must have shocked you,” Wael’s voice floated into her ears as Maria closed her eyes. “Some of you smallfolk…adjust to us much quicker than others. Usually those who felt dissatisfied living among you.”

“But…Brea didn’t seem so unhappy…”

“Did you know your friend Brea used to sneak into the woods very late at night, when no one was awake?”

Despite the hot water, Maria felt a chill. She opened her eyes, to see Wael staring at her intently with those mad gold eyes. “I watched your village for a very long time,” he said bluntly. “It is very interesting the things you see as an outsider. She would go into the woods, dressed in very strange clothing. I think she was praying to the trees.”

Maria felt her heart flutter. Brea would not have been praying to the trees. There had been old stories about the Witch of the Woods, Lady Savhain. You found her by talking to the trees. To seek her out was to offend the gods.

“Sometimes, she would undress and pleasure herself,” Wael continued. “She would cry out someone’s name. Mah-ree-ah. I always wondered who it was.”

“Stop,” said Maria. “I don’t want to hear this.”

Wael shrugged. “My point is this: I think your friend Brea was not very happy among you. I think she was looking for something outside to show her another way. I think that’s why she is adapting so quickly to her new life. Don’t think poorly of her for it. Even if it does seem cold-hearted to the dead.”

“It’s not just that it’s cold-hearted to the dead – though it is. It’s…how she gives herself up to you. So shamelessly.”

Wael gave her a bemused look. “We are the Dragon-men,” he said simply. “By right of battle, we hold dominion over all we please. We are so much more than you smallfolk. Your men, though they fought bravely, were so much less than we are. Is it any surprise that your women give themselves to us?”

Maria snorted and practically got water up her nose. “You’re certainly superior at boasting, at least,” she laughed.

To her surprise, Wael laughed, too. “I think I can see why Odhan likes you.” Glancing behind him, he called over one of the slave woman attendants, a small, thin, slight girl, with short blonde hair. When she came close, he lifted her bodily with one arm, and sat her in his lap. The girl cried aloud with delight and laughed, blushing.

Maria looked away, blushing furiously, as Wael began playing with her breasts, pinching her small pink nipples delicately. “To us,” came Wael’s voice, “Life is to Conquer. Life is Death and Pleasure. There is no shame in taking as much pleasure as you can out of it.”

Now the slave girl was beginning to moan. Maria felt a fire beginning deep in her belly, and despite herself, turned to look back at the two. The slave girl was flush, her pale skin pink, grinding her hips and her ass into the Dragon-man’s lap beneath the water. Maria felt her breathing quicken, felt her chest tighten.

Wael stood up, lifting the slave girl out of the water with him, holding her by the waist. His cock was fully erect, sliding between her legs, parting her delicate pink folds. He was so huge, Maria thought, compared to her. The slave girl threw her head back and moaned as the head of his cock jutted up and bumped against her clit. “I want it,” she gasped, struggling to turn around and kiss the Dragon-man. “Please, I want it, please, master…”

Maria found herself spreading her legs, her hand sliding down to play with herself, as Wael lay the slave girl down on the hides on the side of the bath. The slave girl lifted her hips up, moaning as Wael pressed his cock against her pussy, and then the moan turned into a long wail of pleasure as he slowly slid himself into her, inch by inch. Maria slid two fingers into her pussy as she watched the slave girl begin to tremble, then arch her back, then finally roll her eyes into the back of her head and wrap her legs around Wael’s waist.

“Did you already come?” Wael asked her.

The slave girl moaned, her hands twisting up the hides she lay on, still arching her back. “Y-you’re…just so big, master…”

Wael began sliding out of her and she moaned again. Maria closed her eyes as he began to pound her, listening to the sounds of their lovemaking, one of her hands playing with her breasts, the other with her clit. She couldn’t listen to them and not feel a deep need, a deep hunger, for…

For Odhan, Maria realized with a start. She wanted Odhan, wanted to feel his cock sliding inside of her. Maria moaned as she imagined Odhan’s naked flesh pressed against hers, wanted to feel his hands on her body, wanted to feel him filling her up –

Maria gasped as, suddenly, she was lifted up out of the water and onto the hides on the side of the bath. She opened her eyes to see Wael looming over her. She looked to the side to see the slave girl, laying where Wael had left her, looking utterly spent, her pussy a deep flushed pink.

“That one is all worn out,” said Wael. “But you look like you want some fun.”

Maria became aware that his cock was pressing at the entrance to her pussy. She was breathing heavily, and she felt that deep, empty need, she wanted, wanted to feel that cock sliding into her, filling her up –

“N-no,” she gasped, finally, as Wael began pushing forward with his hips, nearly penetrating her. “No! Only he can-” and then she slapped her hands to her mouth.

Wael drew back and laughed. “Only who?”

Maria scrambled to her feet and stumbled out of the tent, forgetting her loincloth. Wael’s mocking laughter followed her out, and she wasn’t ten feet away when she heard the pleasured cries of another slave girl being fucked.


Maria stumbled, nude, back to Odhan’s tent, a deep, needy throbbing between her legs haunting her all the way. When she arrived back, she fell into Odhan’s bed and spread her legs wide, sliding a finger between her lips before slipping them inside of her.

“Not enough,” she moaned, frustrated, grinding her hips down on her own fingers. Her head was in a fog, and all she could concentrate on was the insatiable need she felt. So occupied was she that she didn’t notice when Odhan returned from his hunt, didn’t notice until he entered the tent, naked, dripping with sweat, didn’t notice until he was on top of her, his hard muscles pressing into her smooth flesh, his throbbing cock on her thigh.

Maria made no pretense of resistance, she was too full of hunger and need. She grabbed his face with both hands and kissed him, moaning into his mouth as his cock pressed up against her pussy, breaking the kiss to cry out in ecstasy and pleasure as he slid all the way in.

She couldn’t think, could barely breathe. The smell of his sweat, his weight on top of her, his throbbing, pulsing cock inside of her, all filled her mind and pushed out the thought of anything else, all notions of modesty or right and wrong. She wrapped her legs around him, trying to push him deeper and deeper as he slid in and out of her, her hands wrapped around his chest and clawed at his back.

Every stroke, the last inch he pushed into her hard, and Maria cried out in a mixture of pleasure and pain feeling him deep inside of her. She was dripping with sweat, intermingling with his. She found herself biting down on his shoulder, squeezing him with her teeth at the height of every thrust, until her hips lifted, shaking, squeezing down on him, her back arched, and she cried out wordlessly, seeing nothing, as pleasure shot through her body, shaking, squeezing, convulsing around him, and then when she thought the pleasure couldn’t get any greater she felt him throb and pulse inside her, felt his hot cum splashing into her, and she came again, slamming her fists feebly against the hide bed as her entire body shook.

And then, her body still shaking with the aftershocks of pleasure, still panting, Maria curled up in Odhan’s arms and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/5pfgkn/mf_fantasytaken_by_the_invaders_part_2