[M] training customer [F] at work …

Forgive me if this is all over the place. This is my first post :).

This happened a few years ago. I work for a tech company, and at the time I was doing technical support, and supporting customer through training. At this time, I was training fairly regularly. Usually nothing super special. Just how certain apps work, and maybe a bit of troubleshooting. Anyways, in comes Lucy. She’s 42, married beautiful Thai lady. Initially, I didn’t think anything of it aside from the fact she was insanely pretty. Brown hair, around 5’1, roughly d/dd fake tits (but not too big to be really noticeable).

As the training session starts, she starts asking me questions about design software and so on. I helped her out a bit with that which led into her pictures (because she was attaching image ideas). We enter her library and the first picture is her in a bikini. She looked insane. She was wearing a yellow suit, and was obviously at a vegas hotel. I don’t say anything initially, but she was giving me a vibe by smiling a lot and looking right into my eyes. I waited a moment, then asked her about the photo. I said something along the lines of, “why don’t we use that one? You’re very pretty.” It was a risk to say anything, but to my amazement she responded back, “do you really think so?” She said giggling slightly. This led her to show me more. She basically was asking what I thought of her in this suit, and that suit. She was really sexy. Slightly tan, and this where I noticed the fake tits. I didn’t initially notice till these images.

Fast forward to us flirting and me complimenting her. She comes out of nowhere before our training session ends and asks, “what are you doing after this?” I responded saying, “coincidentally I’m off right now. Would you be interested in meeting me in the parking structure? I have a joint rolled up and would love to share it.” She lit up and said yes! I was shitting my pants. Mind you I was twenty six at the time, and had no idea what the next step was, but just went moment by moment.

Fast forward to the parking structure. We’re in my car boxing with a lovely joint. We are just talking about design ideas and her pictures. I mention I take photos for work as well, and she asked if I would take pictures of her at some point for her business. I make some bullshit sly comment, “well Lucy, I would love to take pictures like you took in vegas.” She smiles and says, “I’d love you to do so. I’m thinking of separating from my husband, and really appreciate the compliments from a young man like your self.” As we are talking and smoking, my cock starts to bulge slightly through my black jeans. I catch her actually staring and notice her nipples slightly erect. Now, I go out on a limb and ask, “am I distracting you?” She responds with a slight lip bite (broken English mind you), “yes. I confess i am a bit distracted.” I’m not the longest (roughly seven inches or so), but am pretty girthy. I respond, “what if I take my pants off and stay in my underwear, and let you glance?” She nods her head (I forgot to metntion she’s wearing this tell and white skirt roughly mid thigh high).

She touches my leg and my cock head starts to peak out of my Calvin kleins. At this point I’m working my hands slightly up her leg and up her skirt. I feel her underwear drenched and rub the outside of her pussy through her underwear. She slowly pulls my underwear back and my cock slowly plops out. She grabs with one hand, and I ask “would you like to put your lips on it?” Without nodding she dives her head down and slowly sucks on my cock head. My cock basically bursts in her mouth. As she works her mouth slowly down it, makes it half way down and starts stroking and sucking me harder and faster. I pull her big lovely tits out. She has those darkened nipples, and things are getting more and more heated.

The more I pinch her nipples, the harder she sucks and continues to stroke my cock. Her pants are dripping and her clit is moist, red and swollen. However, out of nowhere she starts to worry about doing this in a car, in this parking structure. She starts worrying and not wanting someone to catch or see us. She says she and her husband know a lot of people in the area. I of course oblige her. We exchange emails/numbers and spoke briefly on meeting up again. I didn’t even feel let down. She was so much fun, and still one of my fondest memories, and it was my first time with an older woman. She was fucking amazing

That’s the end of that story. We actually connect again, but it’s like a year later lol. If you want to hear that story drop me a message, or maybe I’ll post if anyone found this interesting. Please give me feedback on how I can improve with the story telling. My first one. :)

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5peeim/m_training_customer_f_at_work


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