[FF] Our Secret Part 1

About 4 years ago I went through a really bad break up and I was looking for whatever I could get to soothe the hurt and betrayal I was feeling. So I turned to online dating as a way to get the attention I was lacking in my life. I met a couple of people but they pretty much all flopped because we were either not compatible or they ghosted or there was just a lack of Interest. Then one day, I finally met someone who was cool but I wasn’t sexually attracted to her and I thought to myself, “awesome! New friends”. We hit it off and found conversation really easy and fun.


Fast forward a year or so.


We had been drinking all day. We were drunk but not the kind of drunk that’s too sloppy. It was a good buzz. Partly due to too much alcohol and too little water. We were sitting in her living room just talking like how we always do when we get like this. It started with her talking with her hands and setting them on my thigh when she’s trying to get my attention. Then it turned into our feet touching and playing footsies. Then our knees bumped but neither one of us moved. Either one of us could have easily moved to the other side of the couch but I didn’t budge. She put her head on my shoulder and I put my arm around her. I know she’s got a boyfriend. But at that point, I wasn’t thinking that way. I looked at her and I was feeling playful and frisky. We flirted back and forth shamelessly. I was getting hot and I was craving to touch her and be touched. That’s when the play wrestling started. I wanted to be close to her. Our relationship was open and honest enough that I knew this wouldn’t be weird afterwards. We wouldn’t think much of it but as another drunk memory to add to our friendship.


Somehow, I ended up hovering on top of her now and she was playfully struggling against me exchanging flirtatious banter. Our faces mere inches away from one another. I felt her breathe quicken and her eyes spoke more than words could ever speak. I smirked and sat up. She took a handful of my shirt in her small hands and tugged me her way right back where I was, on top of her. My body hovered over hers again. I could feel the crazy amount of sexual tension in the air and I thought to myself *well this is a first.*


Suddenly, something clicked in my head and I saw her differently. All the times we’ve gotten drunk together and late night heart to hearts got me thinking maybe this could be something more. On multiple occasions, she expressed some sort of interest in me. Whether it was a joke or just drunken antics, I’m not so sure anymore. This time, I wanted more than to be her playful punching bag. For the very first time, I saw her as a woman and not just a female friend. I felt a warm tingly feeling flow through my body and down to my very core. This situation was awakening me in more than one way. I felt my heart beat racing and my mind spinning. I knew I was slowly losing the little bit of self control I had left in me. The way she was looking at me and the way she was holding on to me was enough to drive me wild. Perhaps it was the alcohol that got me into this situation and mindset in the first place but I guess I can’t fully blame it on that can I?


She has a boyfriend, I keep telling myself. That doesn’t stop me right now. Mind over matter? Out the window. I just wanted to kiss her. I’m so close. Man up and grow some balls and just do it! I dip closer towards her and inhale her scent. If this whole situation could get me anymore worked up, it just did. I felt a pool in between my legs. I have never been so turned on in my life. The combination of this taboo situation and the teasing that has been going on for the past hour has got me so hot and bothered I needed some release. I squeezed my thighs together hoping for just a little bit of pressure. The only thing I got from that was sheer pleasure and wetness spread around my inner thighs. Fuck. This wasn’t going to cool down. I squeezed my eyes tightly and bit my lip ever so slightly. When I opened my eyes, I saw her looking right back at me. Her pupils were dilated and her eyes were darker than ever.


I touched her face and played with her hair. Running my finger across her lips. I can see her getting hot and bothered but I continue on because this is the sort of tease I am. I can feel my self control slipping with each passing minute. I felt so close to her. This was it. I was going to make a move. We were so into the moment until the doorknob jiggled and it jolted me back to reality. I flew across the couch and sat straight up staring ahead at the TV. “Hey guys”, Peter said.


[Click here for PART 2] (https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5pftbz/ff_our_secret_part_2/)

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5pfzre/ff_our_secret_part_1