Eric vs. My Girlfriend [MF][Hotwife][Cuckold]

Another custom story I wrote for a redditor over in /r/cuckold!


You know how you have those buddies that are friends, but really sometimes you just hate the guy? That’s how I was with Eric. We were always buddies but something about him rubbed me the wrong way. It could have been feeling envious of the fact that he alternated cars he drove to school between the two convertibles his rich parents had given him. Maybe it was some subconscious jealousy at how much more athletic he was—we were both on the basketball team except I came off the bench as our back-up point guard at 5’11” and he was our starting power forward at 6’5”… he was definitely more built too, spending hours at the gym everyday after class while I usually went home to hangout with my girlfriend.

Maybe it was how he was always suggestive and making jokes around my girlfriend that bothered me, actually. I had been dating Grace for six months, and Eric never seemed to miss an opportunity to remind me of how much Grace looked like one of his drunken hook-ups. She was a knock-out, petite build, curly brown hair and a nice bubble butt with firm C-cup tits. It always bugged me how Eric would tell her how good she looked, or ask her what she was doing with a loser like me… he said it jokingly enough, and Grace always assured me that she only had eyes for me… but sometimes it bothered me, looking at the way he looked at her. It didn’t help that I had seen him in the showers—the man is packing. Blue eyes, blonde hair and a huge fat cock on an adonis body… yeah maybe he was just a buddy I didn’t like because I was just plain jealous. Whatever the reason, I wasn’t a fan of him teasing me, especially the afternoon before a big game.

“I hope Grace is coming to the game to see me play” He teased “… oh and maybe she’ll see a few minutes of you too, if you ever get your ass off the bench!” “Shut up dude, don’t you have some other girl to make fun of?” “Haha take it as a compliment bro, your girl is fine as fuck. What do I have to do to get a shot at a girl like that?” I took the chance to tease him back “Probably average 30 points and 10 rebounds, to compensate for your personality” “Heyo! So you’re saying if I scored that much, you’d give me a shot with Grace?” “Doesn’t matter because it’s never gonna happen.” The leading scorer in our division only put up about 20 points per game. “I’d bet I can do it at least once. Especially if your Grace was the motivation.” “No, idiot. You’re not getting with my girl and you’re definitely not scoring that many points.” “If Grace was on the line, I could be Lebron James himself” “And if you’re not?” If he was this eager to make an easy bet for me to win, I figured I’d see what I stood to win on the other side of it. “Hey I’d make it a fair bet… you could drive one of my cars for a month… so if I win, I get to test drive Grace, and if you win, you can test drive one of my rides.” I replied “Shame Grace would never touch you, because I wouldn’t mind your Camaro for the month.”

He chuckled as we went our seperate ways to class. I was excited since my next class was with Grace—we were still in that cute stage of going out where we wanted to do everything together.

“Hey you, hows your day been going? Big game tonight!” My girlfriend greeted me with a smile as I walked into class. She looked divine—bright eyes and curly brown hair, wearing a simple tight t-shirt and jeans that revealed her slim figure. I loved these jeans because of how they framed her bubble butt, and the tight t-shirt definitely didn’t hide how perky her tits were either. “Hey you” I replied, smiling back “Day’s been good, definitely can’t wait for the game… gotta shut Eric up about me being on the bench!” “Haha, you can’t let that guy bother you… I think he’s just the playful type, there’s no way he means any of it!” She was being supportive “You don’t think he does?” I raised my eyebrow at her “Well that’s probably good you think that, because you should’ve heard what he was saying about you.” “Oh what’s that? I’m sure I’ve heard it all before from him… pretty sure he just compliments me to get to you anyways.” She blushed slightly… even though she was gorgeous she didn’t feel like a guy like Eric—star basketball player with a God-like body–would be interested in her. “Well I don’t think you’d like what he had to say… though it did open up an avenue for me to benefit potentially.” I tried being cryptic about it so I didn’t have to blurt out exactly what Eric and I had been discussing to my girlfriend. “Babe speak English, I’m a big girl and I seriously doubt it was a big deal at all. I’m mostly just curious now, what’d he say about me?” “Basically tried to get me to make a bet with him. Said he could put up a ridiculous… and I mean ridiculous… stat-line up in tonight’s game. If he lost, then I get one of his cars for the month.” “…and if he wins?” Grace looked up at me inquisitively. “He’s not going to. The statline is literally impossible, nobody has done it in our division in years. Eric is good but he’s not that good.” “Still didn’t tell me what he gets if he wins, loser!” “He’d get you.” “Like… to date?” “No.t exactly…” Grace laughed as she realized Eric was totally objectifying her, and just wanted her as his prize. “Oh, like some kind of trophy fuck?” She sounded a little indignant. “Told you that you’d get offended! Anyways it doesn’t matter—like you said he was probably joking and it’s never gonna happen.” Grace looked at me mischeviously “How sure are you that it’s never gonna happen? Like 100%?” “100%…” I looked at her hesitantly, already understanding what she was about to suggest. I definitely knew there was next to no chance of Eric making that statline, but the fact that she was clarifying and that it might be real got me a little more nervous than I would’ve liked to admit. “Well babe, I wouldn’t mind being driven around in Eric’s Camaro for a month, what do you say? You should take him up on the bet if it’s so easy… at least to call his bluff on all the shit-talk he gives you!”

Either Grace was 100% sure about my read on Eric’s odds of going off in tonight’s game, or she wasn’t so opposed to being his fuck-toy for the evening. I was on-edge, but didn’t quite know why—there’s no way Eric could put up numbers like those…but maybe I was just anxious thinking about him with her… and how he was more massive than me in almost every way. He had forced me to think about it with his bet, even if the odds of him and Grace together were basically zero.

“Haha really? Yeah I guess I am getting tired of walking to school…” “Text him! Do it!” Grace seemed enthused that she was helping me take on a buddy that she knew busted my balls a lot.

I shot Eric a text.


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  1. PART 2

    Me: Hey asshole, still serious about giving me that Camaro for a month? Eric: Oh you mean the bet? Hells yeah I am, you still down to let me take a go at your girlfriend, have her as my personal slut for the evening? Me: You know what, she’s so certain that you’re gonna lose that she’s actually OK with it Eric: Famous last words! Haha, so are we doing this? Officially? Me: Yep. 30 points and10 rebounds tonight, or I get the Camaro. Eric: One question… your GF do anal? Me: In the dreamworld where you score 30/10—she’ll do anything buddy. Just make sure you bring the Camaro tonight, I intend to drive it after the game. Eric: Yeah, you mean drive the car while me and Grace are in the back, can’t wait to get into that ass.

    The rest of class passed easily, with Grace and I making a few plans for some road trips we’d like to take. Eric and I continued the crass conversation throughout the afternoon, trash-talking eachother leading up to the game. I was feeling pretty confident as the evening drew nearer—Eric was definitely one of our better players, but 30 points? No way! I had an extra pep in my step as I went to the game.

    Things didn’t start out great during the game. Our opponent’s starting power forward was out, and Eric had an easy match-up early in the night. He was scoring at will, and our coach kept calling play after play for him. By halftime, he had racked up 20 points and I was beginning to feel queasy glancing up at my pretty girlfriend in the stands, and imagining her being bullied in bed by my buddy.

    At halftime coach’s peptalk was only five minutes (we had a big lead because of Eric so there wasn’t much game-planning to discuss), and I pulled out my phone to catch up on texts. I saw a message from Grace…

    Grace: He has 20 points already? WHAT? You told me there was no way! Me: I honestly thought there was no way… idk, I should just call the bet off to be honest Grace: Do you actually think he’d want to collect if he won? Me: Yeah. You don’t know Eric like I do… he’s a savage Grace: I can’t believe you made this stupid bet

    I nearly jumped as Eric sat down beside me and whispered “Bet your girl’s mouth is gonna feel so good sucking my cock.”

    “Ugh, fuck off asshole, I can’t believe I actually took that bet.” I looked away from my phone and up at Eric. “If anything I should’ve asked for a month with Grace, like you would’ve gotten with my Camaro! 20 points and 7 rebounds… not bad for the half eh?” “Dude, you’re not actually serious about the bet are you?” My stomach was going crazy thinking about Grace and Eric fucking. “Put it this way—if it was the other way around, would you want the Camaro? Of course you fucking would. Don’t be a pussy, I’ll be decently nice to her, I don’t even mind if you watch!” He gave a laugh and patted me on the head as he went to go warm-up for the second half. Ugh, I hated him right now.

    I looked back at my phone

    Grace: So what, now I probably have to fuck Eric? I can’t believe I’m going to be the one cleaning up your mess… I just wanted the Camaro chauffeur service for a month! Me: He seems pretty set on it, but I don’t mind telling him you won’t do it. I’m sorry, it’s my fault for even putting you up in the first place. Grace: He already thinks of you as enough of a wimp as is. Fuck it. A bet is a bet. Me: What do you mean? Grace: It means I’ll do it, if you want me to.

    I swallowed the lump in my throat as I realized what my girlfriend was saying. I was toying with the options in my head, thinking I could just back out and endure him lording this over me. Still, I was unable to shake the image of his huge frame mounting her from behind… ugh, fuck it.

    Me: Yeah. I’m an idiot for making the bet and accept the consequences.

    The second half was a blur for me, I could barely concentrate. I didn’t even notice that it took Eric until nearly the end of the game to get his 30 points and 10 rebounds, in a game that our team won easily. I was way too distracted… thinking about some of the stories I had heard about Eric on campus, about the pussy he had “destroyed” and girls he had “owned”–and now my girlfriend was going to be added to his conquests.

    After the game I found Grace and gave her a hug.

    “Congradulations on the win” She said, though it definitely felt like an empty victory tonight. “You still want to do this?” I asked her nervously “A bet’s a bet, let’s just get it over with or he’ll never let you hear the end of how you don’t follow through on your word.” Grace seemed pretty determined.

    Eric walked up to us chuckling and dangling the keys to his Camaro.

    “There’s my favorite couple! Hey buddy like I promised, the Camaro keys, you get to drive Grace and I back to my place” He tossed me the keys which I caught and eyed Grace up and down.

    “Damn, we are going to have fun tonight miss.” “Yeah, well my boyfriend makes dumb bets” Grace laughed, determined not to show weakness to Eric.

    We made small talk as we headed to his Camaro, he and I got in the front while Grace took the backseat. As we made the short drive to his place he broke the ice and started teasing me

    “So are you just dropping your girl off? Wanna watch the show?” I hadn’t thought about whether or not I should stay, or whether or not I’d even want to stay.

    “I’d prefer if he stayed… more comfortable for me” Grace chimed in from the back “Guess you’re staying and watching the show then” Eric grinned as we parked his car and went up to his apartment. He grabbed a couple beers and we sat around his living room. He took charge without any hesitation

    “So… should we lay some ground rules or just play as we go along?” He was asking Grace directly, ignoring me and eyeing her hungrily.

    “I have no idea… I’ve never done this before, what was the bet even?” Grace asked “That I get you for the night. Anything I want… like a personal robot or…” “Slave.” Grace finished the sentence for him

    Eric bit his lower lip. “Oh we’re going to get along just great… have you been submissive before?”

    Grace and I always had pretty vanilla sex, and since we hadn’t been dating long, we hadn’t done much talking about sexual exploration yet. I was actually curious to hear her answer myself.

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