My Recurring Fantasy

*”I’ve had sexual fantasies like these since I was just a child, and a very strong obsession with female anatomy and sexual reproduction.”*


**The Setting:** A utopian private island located somewhere in the Caribbean Sea.

**Phase 1)** I step out onto the beach with hundreds of beautiful bikini-clad women who all volunteered to live on my island. After spending time with several of the girls, I take home the ones I deem worthy for closer observation and inspection. I Assign roles for each female based on her physical attributes.

* Females who have the most attractive faces will become my wives who love me and each other unconditionally. We will be the overseers of this island harem, making sure everyone is well taken care of.

* Females who are young virgins will be impregnated by me. My wives and I will continue to have sex with them until they finally give birth to our new children.

* Females with large perfect shaped breasts will serve as an “Island Mother”, to breastfeed and care for the newborn children in a community on the other side of the island.

**Phase 2)** When my newborn children reach sexual maturity they will be provided with roles as well.

* I will train my daughters in the arts of sex. This involves them watching me impregnate local virgins, and providing me with non-penetrative sex. When ready, they will enter mainland countries where they will seduce and break the hearts of thousands of men; denying them of sex. They will also send me selfshot erotic video/photo of themselves longing to have sex with their father (me) and return to their paradise island home, after being sick of the “real world”.

* All of my sons would be the only male population on the island other than myself and they would be free to have sex with the local women I had no use for.

**Phase 3)** As the population on the island grows I will begin observing, and documenting the process of human sexuality and reproduction. I will also study and try to understand what makes everyone else so different from me, as my sons develop “real” relationships with the women on the island.

At the end of each day a naked “Island Mother” embraces me in her arms and I morph into a newborn baby. I reach up with my hands playing with her breasts and giggling with pleasure watching their hypnotic movement. Finally I latch onto her nipple and begin to drink her warm sweet milk while slowly drifting off to sleep.
