Through the Fog, Part 3: Payton makes Progress, [t], [fantasy], [anal], [creampie], [group], [forced], [reluc], [rape]

Disclaimer: This is a purely fictional story. I’m honestly not sure how many parts this will be since I have no idea where it is going. Feedback and input is more than welcome since this is out of my normal realm of writing. What works, what doesn’t, etc.

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“This is as far as I can take you.” Flit spoke as he looked around. They were on the edge of the woods, a vast grassland spread out before them as far as the eye could see. He cleared his throat and looked down at Payton.

I look over and up at him. “Thank you very much. I would have gotten lost long ago if I had tried to make it through the woods on my own.”

Flit cleared his throat again and looked down towards his crotch briefly.

My eyes followed his. I could see his naked cock starting to grow, already halfway down his thigh and steadily growing. “But you said only one more time. I let you last night before bed.” I had been forced to walk slowly throughout the day I was so sore from the pounding he had given me.

“I lied. One last time and I’ll get you something for dinner tonight so that you can start refreshed tomorrow. That or I can make you again.” He placed his hand on my shoulder with enough pressure to let me know that he meant it.

My eyes watered a little but I made myself look down at his now fully hard cock again. It stood out from his body hard as steel, a slight upward curve . The mushroom head at the end of his nearly 20″ fuck rod was strained so, it looked an angry red brown. My eyes followed his length along his black/ brown cock, thick as my forearm, finally resting back on his balls, the size of apples. *Already! How are they so full again?* I looked back up at him, feeling the pressure on my shoulder. “Fine, but I expect enough food to take with me.” I had already gone through my bars that I packed when I left the house a few nights ago. I looked out over the plains.

He smiled a wolfish grin. “I want you naked this time then. I haven’t gotten to see your body yet and I’ve earned it.”

My green eyes flashed green as I started to turn into the woods. “Fine.”

“No. Here on the edge. I like the view.” He smiled again, almost malicious.

I looked back out over the plains, but not seeing anyone I nodded, the fire in my eyes snuffing out. *Better to just get this over with so I can rest longer.* I grabbed the base of my tee, looking up at him so I could take it off.

He removed his hand and I pulled my t-shirt over the top of my head, my bra covered 34Cs bouncing free, pressed together for just the right amount of cleavage. I couldn’t help but see his cock as I began to undo my skirt. It was visibly throbbing, a drop of clear pre-cum falling from the tip. I let it fall free from my hips and stepped clear from it.

“Keep going.” He licked his lips hungrily, wrapping his hand around his cock, stroking it slowly now as he watched me.

I took a deep breath and, reaching behind me, unclipped my bra. I pulled it from my shoulders and tossed it to my skirt. Exposed to the air, my pink nipples became hard pebbles pointing straight out at Flit who had now moved to be in front of me.

“Don’t stop now. I’m enjoying the show girl.” He was still slowly stroking his cock, steady drops of pre-cum now fell.

I dropped my head and moved my hands to the sides of my panties. I pulled them free of my body, my juices having plastered them to my ass and cock. *Ouch!* I stepped out of them and kicked them to the side. *I’m going to have to wash those before I can put them back on.* I sighed. “How do you want me this time? Doggy again like the last two times?” I made to get back on all fours for the beast of a fuck he was.

He put his hand on my shoulder stopping me, his voice coming out husky and rough, full of lust. “No. This time, I want to see your face, your breasts.” He stepped forward, his cock bending up between us as he showed me how far in he went each time.

I looked down at the head of his cock as it rested neatly about 4 inches below my breasts. My body quivered. I hated him, but damn if he didn’t feel good inside of me each time he had filled me up. I made to move back so I could lay down for him.

“No.” He wrapped his big hands around my waist and picked me up, easily hovering me over the tip of his cock.

I opened my legs, my own little cock of a clit hung limp between us, and wrapped them around his back lightly. I prepared myself for another rough fuck and the wonderful orgasms that it would produce. My ass pussy was already dripping wet, mixing with his pre-cum as he held me just at the tip.

My juices ran down his cock and he smiled. He lowered me slowly, pressing the head of his cock to my tight opening, slowly pressing himself into me. My ass pussy stretched to accommodate his girth, stretching just enough that I could still feel each vein as it pushed into me.

I felt the valve switch inside of me opening my womb to his cock and seed.

He must have felt it too because he gave a little shudder before he lowered me further onto his cock.

I looked between us to see how much more was left. *Almost all the way in, good.* My clit dripped juices of their own, running down to my ass and his cock, adding even more lubrication.

“Looks like some little girl likes this.” He grunted and pushed himself in a little faster.

I gasped as two inches entered me at fucking speed, my clit shooting a small spurt of juice onto his hairy stomach. Seeing that, he smiled and shoved me down onto his cock, as hard as he could. I lost it and shot a bigger spurt of juices onto him.

“Yes, this little girl really likes my cock inside of her.” He held me closer to him, bouncing me on his cock like a little fuck doll as he bit my neck a little too hard.

I yelped, but only briefly. “FUCK!!!” His hairy stomach was tickling my clit as he fucked me. I was about to cum, and it was going to happen sooner than later. “Fuck fuck fuck fuck FUUUUCCCKK!!!” My body shuddered, a spasm starting in my now clamped down pussy, but soon spreading to my toes and fingertips. Held between him, my orgasm had nowhere to go but on us. Spurt after spurt of my clear, lubricating juices soaked the two of us.

“Mmmm, yes. Now you’re sliding really easy.” Flit bounced me faster now, rubbing my clit even more on his now lubed stomach. He lifted me off of his cock only to slam be back down onto it. “Good slut. Take my cock!”

Over and over he bounced me. My hard nipples tickled by his chest hairs, my clit rubbed between us, and my pussy filled to bursting by him was almost too much. “Slow… down… I’m… going… to…. FUUUUCK!!!!” I lost it, clenching myself onto his cock as he tried to keep fucking me. My body shook and I came again, harder than before. My body slumped over onto his shoulder as I lost consciousness.

He never slowed down fucking me. Off and back onto his thick cock, my breasts bouncing, jiggling, with each entrance of his cock into me. “You’re going to make me cum you little fuck doll. You better be awake for it or It doesn’t count.” Flit began to fuck me harder.

“Gnnnuh.” I mumbled as I started to wake back up, his harder bounces stimulating too many parts of me for me to be out long. “I’m up, and I’m going to cum again. Fuck me, fill me up with your seed. I need it, and I need it now.” I had learned that this talk sent him over the edge.

“Good slut. Get ready for it. I’m almost there.” He bounced me faster using my pussy ass to massage his swollen, throbbing cock.

My ass slapping against his balls got louder as he sped up. *Horses?* I looked around as I distinctly heard horses galloping.

Flit heard them too because he looked out into the plains while using me. “Fuck!” He saw something I couldn’t and doubled his efforts. “Here it comes bitch, here comes your reward.” His cock seemed to grow another inch inside of me as he buried himself inside.

I yelped and then screamed out in my own orgasm as I felt the first spurt of his cum inside of me. I released my own jet of cum between us for the third time as he began to bounce me faster shooting jet after jet of cum into my waiting womb. “YES! FUCK ME! GIVE ME YOUR CUM, GIVE ME THAT GIANT COCK OF YOURS! GIVE ME ALL OF IT!”

He let out a mighty roar as he released one final jet of cum deep into me before I was pulled from him, his cock dripping as it softened.

*Ripped from him?* I began to panic. *Who had me? Where had they come from?* I turned around, looking over my shoulder. I was held by a centaur and there were more coming.

Flit was talking but he seemed panicked, afraid. “She’s to go to the elf king, take her there. I won’t trespass on your lands. We agreed.” He had picked up my bag, skirt and bra and threw them to the centaur.

The centaur caught them in his free hand. “If she can take us, then we’ll take her.” He looked down at me.

I fought back the tears and looked past him. There were maybe twenty or so centaurs standing around, and they all appeared to be male. I looked back to Flit who was backing away into the woods. I mouthed “help me”, but he only shook his head before turning and running back into the woods.

“Do you have a name girl?” He shook me in his grip.

A small fire flared up in my eyes. “It’s Payton. What’s yours, Mr. Ed?” My juices dripped off of and from me and fell to the ground beneath me.

He shook me again, smiled an dark smile, and turned back towards the plains. He began to walk, followed by the remaining group who had showed up. With each step, I could feel Flit’s cum slosh around inside of me. They talked amongst themselves, but never to me. Soon we were half a mile or so from the woods and I was dropped less than gently onto the ground, hitting my ass hard, as they all circled me.

I stood up and brushed myself off. “Well where is the elf king?” I looked around.

“You heard me. I said we would take you if you could take us. What don’t you understand?” It was ‘Mr. Ed’.

“How can I take you when I don’t know where to go? What don’t you understand about that?” I was holding onto my anger, trying to sound as fierce as my very naked and very recently sexed self could.

They all laughed. It sounded like a cross between a man laughing and a horse neighing. ‘Mr. Ed’ spoke again. “You *take* all of us.” He stomped his right front hoof and pawed the ground.

Then I saw it. His very hard horse cock was fully erect under him. If I had thought Flit was big, I was wrong. ‘Mr. Ed’ was longer by at least 6 inches, and thicker by half. I looked around the circle of centaurs. They were all that big! Some different colors and markings, but all HUGE. I gulped. “And where am I supposed to *take* you all?”

A centaur behind me pushed my shoulders and I went over, barely catching myself on my hands. My ass was full in the air, my breasts hanging under me.

I tried to stand, but ‘Mr. Ed’ had already moved behind me and was moving to stand over me.

“Right here.” He stepped forward and pressed the tip of his cock to my ass pussy. “Now hold still. I need a good fuck slut. All of us do!” And with that he stepped forward again and pushed himself halfway into me.

I screamed in pain. If it hadn’t been for Flit’s cum and my own having just been fucked, I wouldn’t have been able to take him. I felt myself stretch, felt myself split and rip. “No! NO! I’ll make it on my own! You’re hurting me!” I tried to walk away from him and to get free.

He just stepped forward, the circle shifting with him. “STOP MOVING!” He stepped forward an extra step impaling me on his cock. He began to slide in and out as I felt my insides shifting to accommodate him.

“She’s really taking all of him. She can take all of us guys!” Another to my left spoke excitedly, and from my perspective, I could see 19 horse cocks starting to leak pre-cum.

I tried to move forward again, but as I did, he would step forward driving himself right back into me. I began to cry silently. His cock was so big that it hurt, but at the same time, he felt so good. *No, I won’t enjoy this. He’s raping me.* Tears dripped from my cheeks as my juices dripped from my pussy. I began moaning and panting against my will and desires. “Fuck fuck fuck!” I was about to cum and I cried even more. My crying mingling with my moans and screams of pain and pleasure creating an eerie sound. *I don’t want to like this.* “STOP. YOU’RE HURTING ME. FUUUUCK!!!” And with that, I came hard, spasming and clenching around his thrusting horse cock. *Noooooo, I’m cumming from being raped.* My tears flowed freely as clit flowed freely, shooting jet after jet of proof of my shame.

He began to speed up, not giving me a break. “She’s tight boys. Even I can’t last in this slut.” He let out a neighing sound as he sped up, thrusting hard enough to break a human in half. “Let’s see how she handles my cum though.” And with one last deep thrust, he began to cum.

I only thought Flit came a lot. I felt each and every spurt of his cum. It felt like lava, and it was forceful enough to almost hurt inside of me.

Slowly, his bursts of cum slowed, and he softened, slowly sliding from me. As he popped free of my ass, the valve inside of me closed over my womb sealing in his seed. His dangling cock, soft and retreating, leaked a few last drops of cum.

I tried to stand upright, my legs shaking.

“Not so fast girl. You have 19 more loads to take. Maybe more if some of us want seconds.”

I never got to see him, but I felt him soon enough.

Taking ‘Mr. Ed’s’ place, he straddled me preventing my movement. His cock pressed against my aching ass pussy. He had no intention of giving me a break. Pushing against my ass, he popped into me, my womb opening to accommodate him. “She’s tight even after the boss fucked her. There may be hope after all for us.” He laughed as he began thrusting all the way in and out of me, clearly enjoying himself and not caring if I was or not.

I couldn’t stop crying. I hated myself. My lower half was loving every second of the pounding that I was getting. My head however, knew I was being raped, knew I was going to be raped over and over and over. *Oh no, what if I can get pregnant from them?* The realization and fear broke me even further, fracturing my mind just slightly. I braced myself against my hands as he continued to thrust. *At least he isn’t AS big. Maybe this counts as a break.*

“Think I can make her cum boys?” He began to thrust faster as he was greeting with resounding cheers of yes, taunts of no, and all manner in between.

My stomach quivered, my pussy began to undulate and my mouth hung slack, a broken voice escaping my throat. “Not again…” But it was too late, my pussy clenched like a vice on his cock, needing him to cum as my own orgasm shook me. My knees buckled slightly under me and I began to spray the ground with my cum, a small puddle beginning to form under me.

“She’s cumming! He fucking did it!”

“And so am I! She gets… TIGHT!!” And with the last word, he thrust his cock deeper in, cumming hard.

He may have been smaller than the previous, but he came much more. It felt as if my stomach was growing, stretching. I felt sick to my stomach, and at the same time, I needed more. I cried as I came, my body no longer my own.

Pulling out before he finished, he put his cock on top of my ass and shot one last spurt. It landed on my back, rolling off my sides and hitting the ground.

I didn’t bother trying to get up this time. I was the mare in heat as far as they were concerned. *I was just going to take it and there was nothing I could do about it. I may as well enjoy it.* I shook my head. *No. That’s not me. Where did that come from?* I started to move.

My motion was stopped by another large body and large cock. Before I could think, I was once again impaled on his fuck rod. He wasn’t wasting time and was only interested in his own end. Three more thrusts and I was being filled with yet another load of cum. *How much more can I hold?*

I looked down at my stomach. *FUCK! IT IS GROWING!*

Out he pulls only to spray me with a jet of cum too. *Damn that shit is hot.* Some splashes into my hair.

No sooner has he pulled himself free, another has replaced the void I have inside of me. The valve working overtime closing and opening my womb preventing a single drop of centaur (and Flit’s) cum from escaping. *When was my last period?* My pussy hurts now from being repeatedly stretched and fucked so hard. I no longer try and get up though. *Maybe I kinda like this, being taken, used, raped, and filled with cum? They are big enough to make me cum too.* “NOOOO!! SHUT UP!”

“Shut up slut. I’m almost there. No one told you to speak!” He stomps his front hoof narrowly missing my fingers.

I yelp in fear, pulling away from the hoof. When I do, I force myself back, meeting his thrust. It’s like a hot poker hitting all of my pleasure nerves. I begin to spasm, cumming out of nowhere, spraying the ground with yet another load of my orgasm juices. I bite my lip to stifle my moan of pleasure.

“That’s right slut, take it. Take my cock. Like it. Cum on it. Earn my cum bitch.” He stomps again eliciting the same reaction from me. As I meet his thrust mid orgasm, my orgasm starts anew and his starts. He begins pumping thick jets of hot semen inside of my womb. “OH YES! TAKE ALL OF ME YOU LITTLE CUM WHORE!”

“Yes! Give me your hot cum stud! I want everyone’s hot cum. Fill me up. Give me a womb full of cum!” I all but screamed it as my body shook with it’s own orgasms. I barely registered him pulling out and covering me with a few jets of cum before I was stuffed and being fucked again by a new cock.

Over and over, I was fucked. Over and over I came, was filled with cum, and came some more. I screamed out begging for it. I cried more begging them to stop only to beg for it again. By the time it was over, I had 25 loads of cum in my belly from today, including Flit’s. When they had finished with me, my belly looked like I was 9 months pregnant, I was milky white from head to toe with their cum, spots of grass and dirt stuck to me, and I was exhausted.

‘Mr. Ed’ looked down at me. “We’ll take you, but along the way, you will take any load my men and I want to give you. This is not a debate. Let’s go.” With that, he started walking carrying my bag, skirt and bra.

I waddled after them, barely able to walk. I yelled as best I could. “Can I clean up first? A river?”

‘Mr. Ed’ looked over his shoulder, laughed, and then nodded to one of the last who fucked me.

He nodded, trotted over to me, and grabbing my arm, half drug, half carried me about a half mile away to a small stream. He tossed me down into the muddy bank. “Hurry up slut. Take too long and I may want another turn.”

I half crawled, half walked to the middle of the stream. I splashed the cold water over myself before finally giving up and submerging all of my I could under the water. My belly poked above the water by about 4 inches. Coming out of the water, I noticed, and bent over so that I could clean it.

“Are you begging me to fuck you again?”

I looked over at him, a flash of anger brightening my green eyes. “No.” I stood up and waddled over to a nearby rock. “Turn around.”

“No. I’m not giving you the chance to run.”

I sighed heavily. “I’m not going to run. I’m going to try and get this nasty belly full of cum out of me. I can’t move with it in me. If I try and run, you can fuck me 3 times before we go back.”

“Please try and run.” He laughed an evil laugh and then turned around.

I lowered myself ass pussy into the cold water. I let out a sigh of relief. *That feels good.* I relaxed a few minutes letting the cold water numb me, take away some of the soreness, and then I took a deep breath. I lowered my right hand to my hole and gently pushed. A sharp intake of breath escaped my lips causing the centaur to look over his shoulder. “Still here. Turn around, please.”

Thankfully he did and I continued. I tried again, this time managing to fight through the pain and get a finger inside of me. I bit my lip and pushed harder, further in. *There. That’s it.* The valve inside of me flipped opening my womb again. I bit my lip and added a second finger to my pussy, this time spreading my hole open as best I could.

A steady stream of cum began to pour out of me. I watched it flow down river staining the water a milky clear. With my free hand, I gently pressed at the top of my distended belly forcing the cum out more forcefully, faster. *It kinda feels good coming out like that.* I lifted my thumb around to the front and lightly tickled the underside of my clit. I gasped in pleasured pain. *Too sensitive.*

Five minutes passed of my sitting there emptying myself of cum. “Are you done yet?” He turned around and looked. “Wow. You got skinny. How’d you do that?” His tone had changed, like I wasn’t just a slut, like I was a person again.

I smirked. I felt naughty. Broken, fractured, and not right, but naughty. “Trade secret. Can I get a ride back or do you have to ride me again first?” There was a hint of anger, a pinch of teasing, and something else in my voice that I couldn’t place.

“I’ll give you a ride. You’ve been ridden enough.”

It wasn’t my imagination. He really did seem different. I shrugged and walked from the stream.

He met me at the edge before I stepped into the mud and pulled me onto his back. “Ready?”

“Yeah. Let’s go, but be easy. I’m a little sensitive down there so too much stimulation may result in you having a slick, wet back.”

He actually laughed. “Ok. I’ll keep that in mind.” With that he took off, galloping rather roughly. He looked over his shoulder at me.

I didn’t notice. My eyes were closed. The cracked part of me was pressing my clit against his back, letting the pace and pressure get me closer and closer to my own choice orgasm. I let out a moan.

He changed direction slightly which I noticed.

“Where are we going?” I snapped out of my own world.

“”Just giving you some extra time for yourself.” He smiled.

“Nothing else?”

“Nope. If you want to go on back, we can do that too.” He turned back to his original direction.

“No, a little more time would be nice. Thank you.” Right now, I couldn’t think of anything else but cumming. Despite having just been raped by 20 centaurs, I wanted to, no, needed to, cum on my own, of my own choice. I slipped back into my world, pressed myself against his strong back and moved in time with his pace. I whispered, just for his ears. “Mmmm, yesss. Almost there.”

He sped up just a little more with his gallop, still veering away from the rest of the herd.

I thought of his cock, how it had to be hard under him knowing I was about to coat his back with my own juices. I began to ride against his back and shoulders getting closer. “Yes, yes, yesssss!” I whisper screamed in his ear as I pressed myself into him hard as my orgasm took me. I began to spray his back and shoulders with my orgasm juices. They mixed with his sweat, running down his sides, his legs, my legs. As I slowly came down from my orgasm, he slowed his pace to a gentle trot. I hugged my naked chest into his back. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Shall we go back now?”

“Can’t you just take me? Just us?” I nuzzled his back with my hard nipples.

“No. We can’t. They would kill me and then literally fuck you to death.” His breathing was faster. “Let’s go back.”

I only nodded. I wasn’t in the mood to argue, and I was too tired to talk. I fell asleep, arms wrapped around his stomach, head against his back, breathing softly.


We arrived back to the herd shortly after I feel asleep. The herd never stopped moving through the night. They talked to the centaur carrying me, picked at him for getting my juices on him, tried to get him to let them fuck me again, and asked about how I had lost my belly so fast.

“All she told me was trade secret.”

“She should teach the other humans then.”

‘Mr. Ed’ spoke. She’s not full human. She’s half pixie. Didn’t you notice what hole you were fucking when you entered her?”

They all just shrugged clearly having not paid any attention, glad to have a hole to fuck.

‘Mr. Ed’ shook his head and galloped on ahead.

The rest of the night, they rode on like this, making small talk which usually revolved around Payton, checking out her still naked body, joking, and snacking as they walked.

Payton slept the whole night, too exhausted to be woken up by any of it. She would need her rest come morning, so they let her sleep.


If you made it this far, I hope that you enjoyed it. I will have the next installment up as soon as I can. Any input and advice is welcome as I would like to improve.


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