My time as a maid [FF] [Bondage]

Okay so, I did an ama based on this experience and it was suggested to me that I write it into a first ha f story. I wrote it in the third person as I feel it lends itself better to the reader in understanding exactly how this all took place. Hope you enjoy what I have so far!


The Craigslist ad displayed itself upon the screen of Anna’s iPad long enough for the screen to go black. She slipped the cover over her tablet, and crawled out of bed towards the door. Down the hall, on a destination set for the kitchen, she found the fridge bare bones. Half a gallon of milk, leftover Pabst Blue Ribbons and an assortment of condiments that ranged from ranch dressing to wasabi paste.

Her mind wandered back to the ad while her hands grabbed what little remained for a late breakfast. She was a typical, broke college student. Her fridge reflected that fact. She hosted at the local seafood restaurant on the weekends, which barely paid for the drinks she consumed shortly thereafter. It was this issue that led her to Craigslist.

She stayed in the New England town for the summer, her sorority sisters all took off to their hometowns or their vacation destinations, but Anna decided to take two extra summer classes. It was nice to have everything to herself, and she maintained a clean home diligently, mostly through boredom. So, when she read the ad, and then washed her sandwich plate off, her mind pictured something far sexier, but way more risqué. “Screw it” she thought.

She made her way back upstairs. Tapping her home screen button, the ad appeared just as she left it. She read it again:

**Wanted: Topless Maid for light cleaning.

Please be courteous, curious, upstanding and attractive. I prefer college girls, but will accept applications for anyone under 30. I am a middle aged, professional woman that maintains herself physically. I will treat this in a discreet, confidential manner and I expect the same in return. I live in a gated community, have a large estate and can assure you this is for real. Hourly rate is $50, but I am willing to pay more depending on how you would like to clean.

Please message me with basic information, including your shoe size. Please be drug and disease free. Trust me, I will know if you aren’t

Boys need not apply. Serious applications will be replied to, incompetent replies will be deleted.**

Anna tapped the blue link, which brought up her gmail. “Should you be sending this from your college email address?” Anna asked herself, and thought out loud that would prove she was indeed a student. This all seemed surreal, but fifty bucks an hour is 5 times that of what she makes bringing bratty kids and old people to their restaurant table. The nudity, though awkward at first, wouldn’t be that much of an issue. Anna lived with 5 other females, so being naked around others was par for the course. Plus, her breasts were perky and firm. Hesitantly, she began her reply. I can always chicken out later, she figured.

The tone of the ad was no-nonsense and to the point. Anna replied to it, rough draft at first, proofread and edited for probably too long. Her response was succinct, figuring that’s how this woman would prefer it.


I am Anna Prescott. I came across your ad, and would like to be placed under your consideration for the topless maid position. I am a college student still in town for the summer, as I’m taking two courses instead of going home. I work part-time, but found my bank account dwindling too low. I’m fit and tanned. I have dark, straight hair that falls to my breasts. My bra size is 38C, my shoe size is an 8, but in heels I usually buy a 9. I’m 5’7” and about 135 pounds. I belong to a sorority, have a 3.8 gpa, and consider myself well spoken, outgoing, polite, and most importantly capable of following orders. I will be anxious to hear back from you, and look forward to helping clean your house!”**

Hitting send sent a slice of fear and arousal through the consciousness of Anna. She wondered what this woman looked like, had she done this before? What will the cleaning be like?

The reply came an hour later. It was short, but contained all of the information Anna needed.


Thank you for your detailed message in regards to the services I am looking for. You fit the criteria perfectly, a young, attractive and single college student. Below is my address, when you arrive at the gates, please enter the supplied security pin. There will be a security guard that will ask for your ID, and he will know that I am to be expecting you. Make sure to mention you are here to visit Miss Caroline Crosby. I want to make one thing clear: You will not be helping me clean. You will be cleaning for me. I will expect you to be pulling into my driveway at three in the afternoon. See you soon.


P.s. You should be weary of giving your full name to strangers on the internet. At least I now know you will be easy on the eyes.**

There was irony in the fact that she scolded Anna for giving out her name, but she had herself mentioned her own. Though a google search returned few hits.

Her address was indeed part of a gated community, a 20-minute drive separated the two women. Anna read the reply again, her heart thumping even harder when she realized this woman wanted her cleaning today, and in 90 minutes. At least this kept Anna from contemplating the potential consequences of death and dismemberment at the hands of a Craigslist serial killer.

She pulled into the driveway at 2:55. The gentleman at the gate smiled and wished her on her way. Anna would have been earlier, but her car crawled along the neighborhood roads as she gawked at the size of the mansions. It was clear this woman was filthy rich. “Only fifty bucks an hour?! Cheap skate!” She joked to herself.

The note on the door was in a professional, cursive script. Dated and everything.


Please allow yourself in. Directly to your left is a small powder room. Remove all clothing, including jewelry and place them on the lift of the dumb waiter. Once that simple task is complete, you will receive your uniform for the day, and a list of your chores. I expect them to be completed in a timely manner and to my satisfaction. Please be diligent, as you will find I leave no stone unturned.


Anna immediately undressed, jeans and panties hitting the tiled floor at once, followed shortly by her bra and tank top. She piled them into a ball, with her bracelets and rings beside them, and shoved them into the small wooden tray that sat inside the dumb waiter. Her sandals and purse finished off the first chore. The waited door closed and whisked away Anna’s clothing as well as any chance she had of leaving.

Anna fixed her hair in the mirror, tying it back into a ponytail, peeked into the small drawers housed beneath the sink and used the toilet out of nervousness.

The uniform arrived,, though there was not much to it. A black garter belt, adorned with white lace on each side clasped behind Anna’s back with ease. 4 hold ups sat ready to grasp each thigh high stocking, and after they bit into the stocking Anna made sure the back seam in lingerie sat pin straight and ran up her tanned legs picture perfect, ready to be approved by Miss Crosby. Anna felt sexy, though a bit of embarrassment crept into her face, showing itself in her reddened cheeks.

The black, platform pumps were open toed and featured a single strap that crossed and buckled over Anna’s ankle. Six inches in height, the two inch platform helped to traverse the room as Anna pranced back and forth, clicking away on the marble tile.

She was not shocked to find no bra, after all the ad was indeed for a topless maid. However, there was also no underwear provided. Her pussy, shaved smooth an hour prior was devoid of any coverage. Without any choice of her own, she would be on full display. Her cheeks were now a deep crimson, and Anna found herself continuing to marvel at her look.

Lastly, she found the chore list on a printed, thick paper stock.

**1. In my bedroom is a hamper of dirty laundry. No need to sort colors. Wash, dry, fold and hang. Any maid worth her salt will know where to place the items of clothing.

2. In the kitchen sink you’ll find dishware. Please rinse and run through the dishwasher. Please sweep the living room, dining room, outdoor patio and bedroom for any stray glassware. When the machine has finished, please put said dishes away.

3. Dust. Take some initiative and find what you need.

4. Tidy up. Fold blankets if needed, make my bed, fluff pillows. If you find something that seems out of place, find a home for it.

I am indeed home, but don’t feel as if you’re disturbing me. I will address you as needed, and will introduce myself face-to-face once I’m done with assorted tasks of my own. I look forward to your work, your obedience and your ability to follow orders. Do not disappoint me, as I’ve placed faith in you that you will not.


Anna slipped the bathroom door open, list in hand, and headed towards the kitchen.



  1. as someone that is also a great fan of serving someone, your story is extremely well written and an incredible turn on to read.

    I hope you keep posting as your story is very arousing on so many levels.

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