[MFF] Welcome Back Weekend.

My [previous post](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5np3zy/fmm_the_night_i_got_more_than_i_bargained_for/) was about an event that occurred the final weekend before winter break began at my school and I returned to rural Michigan for the holidays , only going out a few times to visit friends. Most of my friends have either moved, Started school in other parts of the country, or had family obligations to attend to. I was bored. All I know is I kept looking forward to getting back to school and going out to party on the weekends. This was my first weekend back after classes started on the 9th and is about my experiences during that weekend. I hope you enjoy it.

It started out with my two best friends and I helping each other be the best sluts we could be. This meant assisting in grooming habits and making sure we were as hairless as possible, from the waist down of course. A little light teasing occurred, which is nothing new, the three of us have had full on sexual relations with each other, except the fact that Charlotte will not go down on Robin or I. She enjoys being licked out, but will not touch us below the waist with her tongue. She will taste her own juices but not ours, at least not from our fingers, she has went in for long deep kisses after one of us came up for air during our diving session. Anyway, there was some light teasing Robin said she wanted to prep for an anal night and that meant using a shower attachment we had and some private time for a cleanse. Charlotte and I went to look though clothes and decide on what we were wearing. We both decided on just tight tee shirts. Charlotte chose jeans and I chose black leggings with a miniskirt with black leather high heel ankle boots. Robin wore Jeans, a crop sweater high enough that she showed underboob when she raised her arms. We headed out to the bar.

The bar we frequent has about six booths with three on each side of the front door as you walked in. They are each walled in with only the front open, dim lights inside and a curtain to pull for privacy. We usually leave early enough to get a booth and meet up with other friends. There is usually about 6 to 8 of us sharing the booth. We’re able to leave our bags and coats there because there is usually someone there at all times. Robin, Charlotte and I grab our drinks and head out to the dance floor to see who was there and dance a little. After a few minutes a couple guys move in and start dancing with us. Robin and Charlotte are dancing with one guy while the other guy is dancing with me. He put his arm around my waist and pulled me close. I turned around and starting grinding my ass against him when another guy came up and started trying to dance with me. I didn’t mind, but the first guy got upset and loudly said “I’m dancing with her asshole!” Seeing a fight ready to happen, I looked at him and said “No, by all means, Dance with him.” and I walked off back to the booth to hang out with friends. A couple of them bought rounds of shots for the table and since legally, I’m not allowed to drink, they would set the shots for me to the side out of sight and I would dump them into my Dr. Pepper glass. For all anyone knew, I was raising my Dr. Pepper when they were raising their shots.

Fun times were had and I met another really cute guy named “Paul”. Somewhat shaggy, not quite shoulder length blonde hair and the type of stubble that just feels awesome rubbing your inner thighs. We talked at the booth and danced for a bit, while texting friends on my phone. It wasn’t one of those rude texting moments where you completely ignore the person in front of you. It was texting when others in the groups were talking to someone else. My attention went straight to whoever mentioned my name and the texting would stop. After a bit longer Paul and I were dancing again and I was beginning to have trouble standing. I had an awesome buzz going on, and he was getting a little too handsy. I love exhibition, it is a huge part of who I am, but Robin and Charlotte said something did not look quite right about the guy and they came to rescue me. They told him I was getting sick and needed to go rest so he followed us to our booth which was full, Robin got the guys number and told him “She’ll call you.” and he walked off.

It was just about 10:30pm now and we would normally be there until 1 to 2 am with last call at two. About an hour later, I was sobering up pretty good and felt a lot better and went to see if Paul was still around. I looked and didn’t see him. I hung around on the dance floor talking to a couple friends and dancing a little. I was getting ready to head back to the booth when I saw a guy heading my way.

As he was walking through, from I guess the bathroom; I gently grabbed his arm and started dancing with him. He said his name was Pete and all I could think of was how my grandmother would call a penis a Peter when I was a young kid. I thought this may be a good omen. We danced until the end of the song and he held my hand and started leading me away from the floor. We got to the booth, I was assuming, HE had reserved and we start making out. His hands are sliding up my shirt and he’s cupping my tits and tugging on my nipple ring. I catch the curtains move out of the corner of my eye and hear someone kind of, but not quite yell “What the fuck?” I pull away from him to see a gorgeous redhead with a killer ass and tits standing sideways in the curtain with a half angry scowl and smile, at the same time. I used my finger to tell her to come here and she slid in behind me saying her name was Amy. I turn and start kissing her neck and then up her jaw, and I could smell her lip gloss, I asked her if it was peach and she shook her head and mumbled “Mmhmm”. I went in for a full on kiss and her boyfriend is still squeezing my tits. She’s twirling her tongue around mine and running it across the backs of my teeth and I suck her tongue hard like I’m blowing mini cock in my mouth. I let go and she licks the roof of my mouth and my lips as she pulls back. She darts in and starts sucking on my earlobe. Turn on spot one for me, especially when it’s a girl. Anyway, as I’m making out with her, I feel the guy grab my hand and move it towards his groin. Just then I felt bare skin and I opened my hand to grab a medium sized cock and start stroking it back and forth. It’s not long but has decent girth. It’s not the biggest I’ve seen, but not the smallest either. His girlfriend asked me between kisses “It’s huge, isn’t it?” I didn’t have the heart to tell the poor girl I have had bigger in two holes at once. I just agreed with her and let her feel good about her man, which he felt pretty good to me considering my previous month back in Michigan. I turn back towards him and they trade activities, she is sliding her hands up and down my belly and under my shirt while playing with my boobs. She keeps sliding her hand down my belly and under the waistband of my leggings and skirt but it doesn’t go very far. Her fingers were reaching only an inch or so under my skirt. I continue to stroke her boyfriend whiles she’s feeling me up and I reach down and undo the button at the side of my skirt.

The next time her hand slid down my belly, there was little resistance and she went deep. I was already wet from kissing her and the earlobe job she gave me really had me going. I remember kind of lying back against her while she had her hand down my leggings and was rubbing my clit with her thumb and her middle finger plowing through my slit. I suddenly felt her slip two fingers in and started pumping them back and forth while thumbing my clit. My heart rate was climbing and my breathing was getting deeper. By this time, my leggings had slid down to my knees and her boyfriend was sitting back slightly stroking himself while watching his girlfriend finger fuck me deeply. I turn my head to look at her and we start making out again while moaning into her mouth. I don’t know when it happened but as if she were magic, her fingers in my mouth with my own juices still clinging to them, she licked her fingers with me and I realized I was still being fingered. I glance down to see her boyfriend still stroking himself with one hand while shoving his fingers from the other hand into my pussy. Each time he slid out I would clamp down on his fingers as if to say “Don’t you dare leave me.” Each time in, he would go deeper. He continued and then he tried to slip three fingers in which caused me to slide back against Amy. She just whispered “Shhh! It’ll feel great.” And I relaxed a little and he slipped all three in slowly and gently. My breathing was getting faster as Amy began to twist my nipple ring around and flick it with her finger.

I could hear her breathing in my ear and I put my arm behind my back to feel her out, to find out what she had going on. I didn’t notice the clothes she was wearing when she came to the booth, other than a lightweight sheer, blouse with a black bra underneath. She was also wearing stretchy leggings and no underwear underneath. I ran my hand slowly along her leg to a warm, wet spot between her legs. I ran my hand up behind my back to feel her tits pressing against my back, bigger than my own, but very warm and soft. I pinched and pulled her hard little nipples a couple times and then placed my palm against her stomach and slid my hand downward. As I reached her waistband, I pressed inward to push my fingers underneath and into her pants. She was well groomed and had a small thin “landing strip”. I spread my fingers to slide down both sides of the fine, soft hair and down each side of her lips. As I pulled up, I pinched my fingers together as if I was squeezing her pussy shut. Upon reaching the top, I focused my middle finger with light pressure over the hood covering her clit. When I did this, I heard her take a sharp breath and I pressed in to roll her clit around under the small warm flap of skin protecting her treasure. I slid my hand further down to slip my middle finger inside and hooked into her like I was going to lift her up from the curved bench.

All of this attention her made me forget her boyfriend was still there. It reminded me of my remote control bullet vibrator. You put it into standby, slide it in, the tether hangs out, and you turn it on with the remote. Easy. I only received it as a Christmas gift recently and have used it during two of my classes this week. Once, while responding to comments on my last post. At this point Pete felt like a remote control sex toy to me. He was turned slightly sideways, angled toward me with my left leg up on the seat against the back and my foot behind him. His hand reaching underneath my leggings which were pushed to my knees and into my pussy and he continued to penetrate me with three fingers. As I lay there against Amy with my hand behind me fingering her and Pete’s fingers pumping in and out of me, I was in pure heaven. I began bucking my hips into Pete’s hand with my eyes half closed and breathing heavily, I heard someone at the curtain and looked to see another girl standing there watching for only a few seconds. As I lay there, eyes half closed, I smiled and she smiled back, closed the curtain and left. Pete pulled his fingers out of me and slid them into his mouth. Seeing this pushed me to the edge and I leaned up, pulled my other leg up onto the bench. A couple second later, I was on both knees and impaled my face with his hard cock. I could feel Amy behind me exploring my folds with her tongue and judging by the cool breeze, I could tell I was soaked past my asshole which is where I felt her next gentle touch. She ran her fingertips over my little hole, and slipped her finger inside and hooked it slightly. She then began to twist it around as she pressed deeper. I felt Pete pushing my head down onto his cock with my nose bottoming out against his “manscaped” yard. It felt as if he was trying to push his cock out the back of my throat. He was already as deep into me as he could go.

As I am on my knees slamming my face down on Pete’s Cock, his girlfriend is behind me reaching under to grab and squeeze my tits while sliding two or possibly three fingers into my wet little cunt, still stretched from her boyfriend’s fingers just a few minutes earlier. I can feel her licking my asshole every few seconds followed by her tongue sliding downwards to lick my slick, sopping hole. With her fingers hooked downwards, I could feel her pulling on my G-Spot. I was going crazy. Judging by the cool breeze against my legs, my own juices had run down my legs, almost to my knees. As Amy began to lick me harder and put more pressure on my G-spot, I start sucking her boyfriend hard until he was pumping upwards into my face. I had my index finger and thumb wrapped around his cock at the base while cupping his balls with the rest of my hand, I began to feel him tense up. As I raised up, he blasted me in the face with his first shot of cum, the rest pumped out and back down onto his hand which replaced my warm, wet mouth. He continued to pump every last bit of cum out of his balls while I had shoved my hand into my crotch to rub my own clit. Amy, still pumping her fingers into me like a jackhammer, and just then my right leg went stiff and slid off the bench as I planted my foot on the floor to steady myself. Still shaking from my orgasm, I turned to face Amy with her boyfriend’s cum still on my cheek. Amy pulled me around a licked it off my cheek then plunged her tongue into my mouth for a deep, passionate kiss to share her boyfriend’s solitary drop of cum.

We all laughed about the whole experience for a minute and Pete reached for the stack of napkins in the middle of the table. As I was wiping my inner thighs down, Amy ran a napkin across my cunt, wiping some of my wetness away. She ran another one down my other leg as I was finishing up on my left leg. I pulled my pants back up, adjusted my skirt and turned to help her as she was reaching down her pants to clean up a little. Seeing she needed no help , I turned to Pete who was still wiping his cum from his hands. He raised his hips and pulled his pants back over his ass. As he did his pants up, I sat back down between them and told them “Wow, this was fun.” And they asked “Will you be here next weekend?” I told them there was a good chance as it was my favorite bar. They said they may see me again then. I did recognize Amy from around campus, but Pete was a new face to me. I had never seen either of them in the bar before though. They may have been weeknighters where I rarely go out through the week. I tend to focus on schoolwork and staying in through the week and usually only go out on Friday and Saturday nights.

I made it home around 1:00am and settled in to read some comments from my last post. Replied to a few and got some rest. Initially I had planned on going out again on Saturday night but failed. I made it out for a little bit. Grabbed a Dr. Pepper and just sat to talk with friends about their break. I kept checking my phone hoping to get a message from someone I met on here that I really enjoyed talking to. I had done something earlier in the day and thought I may have scared her off. Out of frustration I went home to write about the earlier events in this post when She messaged me. We talked until the wee hours of the morning and had some fun. Maybe I will write about that soon, she had a fantastic idea for something fun that we still have to discuss. I hope you enjoy this post and I hope to post more in my continued exploration of sex and fun during my college years.


Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5o9tut/mff_welcome_back_weekend

1 comment

  1. Thank you so much for the response! I will be staying glued to your stories to come. You have a great way of telling these experiences and I fell like I am there! Enjoy your college years to the fullest I have not been out for long but miss them greatly!

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