[???] The Amorphous Dream

*You are approached in a dream by a strange entity. It’s both inhuman and indescribable but strangely enough, seeing it and being close to it inspires deep feelings of lust and desire.*

[**Click here to read it!**](http://www.hentai-foundry.com/stories/user/LeviathansLust/23123/The-Amorphous-Dream)

[**^^(Pastebin ^^Alternative)**](http://pastebin.com/XwC3JHXh)

*This story was created for the /r/DirtyWritingPrompts community and was based off a prompt.*

**This was a pretty interesting one to write!**

**It’s a bit on the short side, just like my last one but, I hope you all enjoy it!**

**You can also find it on [HentaiFoundry](http://www.hentai-foundry.com/stories/user/LeviathansLust/23123/The-Amorphous-Dream)**
**(I also have a tumblr, [check it out!](https://leviathanslust.tumblr.com/))**

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/5o6h6v/the_amorphous_dream