The time I blew his “mind” in the London Underground [FM] [Public]

It was a cold December Sunday in London. We were wrapping up a ‘date’ day with him going to work (night shift) and me heading home. We had to take the same tube for seven stops before he had to get off for work. We walked down the platform where there were fewer people and as the train approached we realised there was no one in the last few carriages so we made a run for it and got into the very last one. Empty. The Bakerloo line has these couch-like seats for 2 that face each other, rather than the typical lines of seats of most London underground trains. So we splurged as if we were in our own living room, threw our bags on the other side and sat down.

I leaned into him and said ‘Ok, so lets make the most out of this’.

We kissed for a bit and then he stopped, saying ‘Nah, we just ate, I can still smell the food’. He is a very very kinky man with a dirty mind but, at the same time, he is very particular about certain things.

‘Oh, come on’, I said, leaning in, ‘I have chewing gum’. And we kissed again, properly making out this time with lots of tongue, which always gets me immediately excited and wet.

‘OK, lets go for it with the gum’ , he said after pausing, obviously convinced.

While I was fetching the gum and we were giving it time to do its job, 2 stops had passed. Luckily, no one got in our carriage.

As soon as the doors closed the second time, we started making out again. I had no plans of taking this much further, given how few stops we had left and, of course, the tingling fear that we might be seen by people or CCTV. He, however, had other plans. He unzipped his pants and took his cock out, already hard and pink with the pumping blood, and said ‘Suck it’.

For a moment I was shocked at the sight of his hard dick exposed like that in the tube. It was both very scary and exciting at the same time. There wasn’t much time to waste, so I just bent down and took it in my mouth as deeply as I could. As soon as it was wet enough, he pulled me up by the neck and we started kissing again, while he started jerking himself off. I couldn’t help but look down and enjoy the view, while the adrenalin was rushing through me as we passed yet another stop. I was sucking him again, when he pulled me up startled and said ‘Oh shit, she is totally getting on’ – he pointed to a woman, as she was getting onto our carriage, at the opposite end. I hadn’t even realised we had reached another stop. He was very quick in hiding his dick and I am pretty sure she saw nothing. But it was also quite obvious what might be happening the way the two of us were sitting all alone at the back of the train.

We were looking in the direction of travel, acting all casual, while I reached under his jacket and started rubbing the length of his hard dick through his trousers. He put an arm around me and nudged me to move so that we sit on the couch opposite to ours – with our backs to the woman and the direction of travel. As soon as we sat down, he took his cock out again. I was even more aroused and nervous than before.

‘Do you think you can cum so quickly?’ – I asked, given that we had only three stops left.

‘Yeah, I probably can’, he replied. I wasn’t going to wait for
another invitation. With his hand pushing my head down, I sucked his cock again. And I sucked as hard as I could, given the angle. With my mouth around his dick, he started jerking himself off.
Very soon, I felt his cum filling my mouth, right next to the chewing gum. I felt him tense and pause for a second and realised that we had reached the next stop. I pulled my scarf sideways to cover him just in case there was someone on the platform. I didn’t see if there was, couldn’t take my eyes off his dick and the drops of cum coming out. As soon as we were on the move again, he pushed my head down and gave me the second part of his load, while groaning quietly and cramming his fist into the seat on his other side. I had to go down and lick cum off the tip of his dick a few more times as it kept on coming and we have a ‘no drop wasted’ policy. When I had licked it clean, he put it back in his pants and straightened up as if nothing had happened just as we reached at our second to last stop. And surely, 5-6 people entered the carriage only a moment later. As they started sitting down around us, we just looked at each other and started laughing. God that was close.


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