[FM] Random act of blowjob fantasy comes true

I am generally a very open and sexual person, I am willing to try most things, even so, the idea of meeting a complete stranger for a random blowjob was giving me a tingling feeling inside. Nervousness? perhaps, I didn’t think it would be since I have done far more adventurous things, but still, this was a unique feeling.

I had may lovely requests and after scanning through a catalogue of lovely cocks chose one which would be my first RAOBJ. It belonged to Mr S, or at least that is what he shall be known as on here, as he does not want me to say his username :P. Mr S is a nice looking man, smart and funny, who came across very well in the messages he sent. From his pictures he had a lovely cock, and I was quite looking forward to making sure it was the same in person.

Mr S was younger than me, only 21, and still very inexperienced. I found this strange considering how good he looked naked but I looked forward to teaching him a few things. So we discussed details online, we would meet a neutral location, chat for a bit, at which point we would go back to his place for a little fun.

We met, and immediately I knew this would be fun. He was a lovely man, but clearly very very nervous. We chatted for a few minutes and he offered to buy me a coffee. I said ‘maybe lets stay away from coffee, it might affect your flavour’. At this he got super embarrassed, his cheeks flushing poor red. ‘Oh right, um orange juice’ ‘How about we just go back to yours and talk’ ‘oh, yeah, um yeah, wow, okay’ At this point he was trembling like a leaf, Any nerves I had were long gone and I wanted to make sure his were too but did not know how to calm him down. It was a short walk back to his, i nonchanlantly chatted away about some random things, trying to get his mind off being scared (I don’t bite, well not unless you want me to :P)

Finally we get back to his, we sit on his bed. This is it ‘So, um, how do we start this’ he asked ‘Well we can just start :)’ I say. I reach for his pants and he pulls away slightly. ‘I um, have never done anything like this’ ‘Me neither!’ ‘No i mean, iv never even kissed a girl at all’ He told me he was a virgin, which I actually quite liked, but I never realised he had never done ANYTHING. ‘Well that’s okay, do you still want to do this’ ‘Yeah, you are beautiful. i want to, I am just nervous’

I had originally not planned to make out with my RAOBJ but I felt in this case, it may be something to ease him. So I reached over and gave Mr S his very first kiss, He was nervous at first but soon he got into it and we had a lovely make out session, it felt like being in high school again. I broke away eventually and said ‘Well you feel a little more at ease’ ‘Yeah ‘ ‘Good’ I explained what was okay and wasn’t, just some ground rules. He said whatever I wanted was great. I had noticed his eyes constantly darting to my cleavage (we notice guys) so i thought it would be a good time to give him a better view. I stood up and took off my top and my skirt and leggings, leaving me standing in just my underwear. I took off my bra and stood in front of Mr S in nothing but my underwear ‘Wow, magnificent’ i heard him say softly. That was honestly one of the loveliest moments, a true honest reaction to seeing me, i am not sure he even heard himself say it. ‘I have never seen a girl naked before…i mean in real life’ Mr S was really cute, such a sweet guy. ‘Okay, lets do this’ I got on my knees with him on his bed and unbuttoned his trousers, his hands migrated to my breasts and he started to touch them as i took off his pants. i let him play with my breasts for a bit before taking off his underwear, he was rock hard at this point, with a lovely cock. I had already started to get wet just looking at im, and I decided it was now or never. ‘Okay, are you ready for this’ ‘okay’ I reached down and stoked his cock for a while, he watched wide eyed. i went down to put it in my mouth, the look on Mr S’s face made it worthwhile.

I started sucking that lovely cock enjoying the moaning that came from Mr S. I was a lovely experience and as he became more comfortable he slid his hand onto my cheek and through my hair, still being so careful and sweet. It was an enjoyable moment for both of us, and he lasted a good long time, i could see he was close to cumming so i went hard and fast down his cock, his hand move from being gently in my hair to gripping harder, I like it. he started to put his hand on the back of my head and pushed my head down, first it was gentle, but i love being forced down so i moaned loudly and genuinely. he stopped ‘Oh, im sorry was that too much?’ sweet Mr S. I pulled myself off his cock ‘No no, don’t stop, i like it rough’ I said. He then grabbed my hair and pushed me down. it was great. ‘Fuck fuck!’ he said, his cock was throbbing and his balls pulsing and suddenly there was a literal explosion of cum in my mouth. It was one of the most massive loads i have ever felt and came out of him like a hose. a massive load hit the back of my head as i get my mouth on his cock. he lay back exhausted as i pulled myself off him and swallowed his cum. i still cannot believe how much he had inside him. ‘Oh my god that was a lot’ ‘i haven’t masturbated in like a week or more i guess’ he sat up and i sat next to him, suddenly he went back to being nervous. we chatted for a bit, both of us not wearing much and still being all high from the experience. i cant remember much of what was said, but Mr S was happy it seemed. he touched and felt my breasts for a little while longer as we chatted. he was still hard the entire time. He asked to return the favour, but i declined. he then, cheekily, asked if i could do him again. His cock still rock hard and throbbing at this point, i reached down and stroked it for a little bit and said I should be off. he said okay, and thanked me, and i got dressed and left.

To be honest I was soaking wet and horny and this point, i could still taste the cum at the back of my throat. so when I went home my first port of call was to masturbate myself while thinking about my random hook-up and giving Mr S his first blowjob.

All in all, it was a lovely experience and really enjoyable. Something I will certainly try again :)

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5nxc07/fm_random_act_of_blowjob_fantasy_comes_true


  1. You should see him again, I bet he would love it. Sorta show him the ropes while you get a few ropes of your own! Just make sure he knows it’s just a casual thing, else he might start to fall in love with you ;)

  2. This was so beautiful, thank you for sharing. I’ve looked at that board plenty of times and wondered if I’d be brave enough. And also did not expect that you’d end up dating him!

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