My [F]irst Squirter

This story happened about a year and a half ago now. I was 21 and working a summer job out of state and living at my buddies house from May-August. My buddies parents were really cool. They only charged me $150 to live there for the entire time I was there and they gave me a car. Their was only one rule in the house…no random girls. I didn’t have a problem with this because I had a girlfriend who actually visited me there a couple times. Well towards the end of summer we end up breaking up because the distance was too hard. This is when I download Tinder.

Immediately I start matching with some girls most of which didn’t really turn into anything but some, and one in particular, did. A little about me I’m 6′ tall with short brown hair and brown eyes. Athletic build but also about 5 pounds of weight I wish I didn’t have. This girl I match with, we’ll call her Mary was about 5’2″ dark hair very tone body with a little smaller tits but a great ass.

So we match probably a week after me and my girlfriend break up and I only have about a month left until I go back home. I’m not looking for anything serious, just a fling to end the summer and I’m straight forward with her about it and tell her I recently broke up with my girlfriend. Mary told me she doesn’t sleep around and really needs to get to know someone before she gives in. I don’t argue with her but continue to talk with her just because she seemed like a cool girl. About another week after we matched and exchange numbers we decide lets go out and just see how things are. She had this spot that she loved that she suggested to go to and I agreed. It was actually pretty cool. Their was a little downtown strip and we went behind some of the buildings where we found some stairs and have to do a little maneuvering to get to the roof of one of the buildings. It wasn’t very high only probably 3 stories.

We didn’t meet until 11 at night and by the time we left it was almost 2. We just sat and talked about life the whole time and drank. Towards the end as we were walking back to our cars I figured to go in for a kiss in which she gave one right back. We made out by our cars for a couple minutes before leaving. I didn’t want to force the issue any further in respect for her.

So after that we go our separate ways for the night and as I get back to my place I get a couple messages from her saying she had a great time and would love to do it again sometime soon. I agreed and went to sleep. But then I woke up the next morning to messages from her saying she wanted to hang out every day and that we could make it work and she could come visit me when I left to go back home. This kind of threw me off where i responded to her saying I’m sorry but I’m not ready to jump into anything as I just got out of a serious relationship. I actually told her me and my ex were still working on things, even though we weren’t. That settled her down and it was pretty much the end.

So now fast forward a couple weeks and me and Mary haven’t talked at all since that day. I have 3 days left until I go home and I’m pretty much counting down days. Me and a couple coworkers decide to go out to one of the few bars downtown one night. Its almost midnight and I’m about 5 beers deep when i get a text from Mary saying that she hopes everything between me and my girlfriend work out but that she wants to see me before i leave. Im talking to my coworkers, who are also drunk, asking what i should do and they all say go for it. So in my buzzed/more horny state I say thank you and that I’m downtown if she is around. She said she was just getting off work (she was a waitress) and would love to. A minute later she texts me “Meet at my spot in 10?” in which i reply sure.

So I meet Mary up there and it was much like the first night where we just talked. She brought a six pack with her so I was able to keep my buzz going. I got a ride from my coworkers to the bar that night and got a text saying they were about to leave. I told Mary and she said she could give me a ride back. At this point Im thinking their might be a chance. So i tell my coworkers to leave without me. Me and Mary leave probably 20 minutes after them. Now I’m about 9 beers in as I drank 4 of the six pack and Im feeling good. As we’re walking toward the stairs from the rooftop I grab Mary by the hand and go in for a kiss. She kisses me once but then backs out and says “what about your girlfriend?” I immediately thought i was fucked. But then I just told her We were going to talk more when I got home. I wasn’t proud of using my ex as an excuse to get in and out of this situation but i really couldn’t help it at this point. She bought it and were started aggressively making out right there on the roof and I turned her around so her back was against me and kissed the back of her neck and stuck my hand in her spaghetti strapped shirt to play with her nipples as she moaned. I took my other hand and started playing with her clit outside her jeans. She stopped me right there and said we need to leave.

When we get to her car she starts asking if I have a rubber and if a knew a place we could go. I immediately think FUCK my rubbers are at my house where I literally have no way of sneaking her into or would try to since my buddies parents have been so good to me over the last few months. We’re driving around aimlessly but nothing is open as its 2 am now but while Mary is driving I start to feel around and she immediately unbuttons her jeans and puts her seat a little further back. I then reach my hand into her pants and she is soaking wet. I haven’t even fingered her yet and she’s wet from her asshole up to her clit and her panties were drenched. As she’s driving she starts to moan and actually swerved a little bit, luckily no cops were around. We pull into a random parking lot and figured the car would have to do….but still have no condom. We’re only about 5 minutes from my house where I tell her i can run in and grab one and that their is an empty lot by the house we can park at. She agrees and we’re on our way as I’m fingering her the whole way only making her more wet and me rock hard.

We finally get to the house when I tell her to turn off the headlights and I run in grab the rubbers and come back out as quickly and quietly as I could. Success! I tell her to drive around and point out where the lot is. We get there, put the back seats down and get after it. We start making out feeling each others bodies I get her shirt and bra off and start playing and sucking her small nipples as she starts moaning even louder. She takes my shirt off and since her jeans are already unbuttoned I take them off as well to see a little white thong. She kisses my neck and lick my nipples as her hands run down my stomach into my pants when she whispers into my ear “I want to worship your cock.” At this point I can tell she was a little freak. I get my pants and boxers off and she starts stroking my cock and balls. Then kisses down my stomach and eventually sticks my entire cock in her mouth. Im sitting with my legs spread around her in the back seat of her mazda wagon. Her ass up in the air when she stops for a second and goes “stick a finger in my ass” I almost came right there. She’s blowing me nice and slow making sure it lasts as long as it can as i reach down her back and start circling her asshole. She moans on my cock until i finally get about my first knuckle deep inside her asshole and she goes crazy. Her moans were so loud and passionate i was even more turned on than i already was. After about 2 minutes I feel her quivering and shaking. She came (but didn’t squirt which ill explain later). I quickly get her up after she done and i remove her thong and get on top of her missionary. Before going in i forgot about the condom and grabbed it and put it on real quick as she’s laying there begging for me to fuck her.

The moonlight and lights from the car dash is all we had but I felt around and could tell she was creamy and she told me to get it on my finger and she would lick it off. I did as she asked and she moaned as my finger was in her mouth. In the same moment I rubbed the head of my cock against her clit then moved it down to her pussy. I gave a little push and i was in. It didn’t take much because of how wet she was but it surprised me because she was very tight. I start going and getting into rhythm but after a couple minutes we both had to stop because I was getting rug burn on my knees and she was on her ass. We agree to get out where i pushed her back against the car and we started making out again and i run my fingers down her body until i get to her clit and start rubbing it. As I’m doing this she starts stroking my cock. She takes my hand and pushes it further down and so i stick 2 fingers in and start fingering her G spot. Within seconds I feel this warm sensation coming over my fingers then running down my wrist and arm. She’s a squirter! It starts going every where and she screams like its literally from a porno. Im in disbelief but love it. I take my fingers out. Turn her over and start fucking her from behind. Again she’s asks to stick a finger in her ass as I’m going. I do and i guess she wasn’t done because she starts squirting everywhere again.

We continue but i can’t feel much as I’m wearing a rubber and was still a little intoxicated. I pull out and she takes the rubber off and starts sucking my cock again from her knees. It’s one of the best ones ive ever felt. I felt like i was now getting close so i pulled her up and starting fucking her from behind. I start to feel it more and she yells “I want your cum on my face!” I immediately pull out and she gets on her knees and puts it in her mouth for about one head bob and I tell her I’m cumming. She gets below my cock and I explode the longest streams all over her face and mouth. She takes her finger and starts pushing it into her mouth. Im exhausted as it was almost 4 am at this point. We went back in the car and laid across the back naked for about 20 minutes before getting dressed and her dropping me off.

I kissed her goodbye and that was the last time i saw her. She texted me the next day saying thanks and that she wishes I didn’t have to go. I said the thanks back and that she was cool and that she would find someone closer to her that deserves her because she really was a cool chick, just a little clingy at first. But that was the my most memorable story and have some more if you’d like to hear to give me of your comments.
