[FM] About the time I gave my boss a blowjob

Hi, I’m Cindy, and this is a true story about something that happened to me about two years ago while I was working at a small company that sold wholesale office furniture. I worked in the admin office full time, where I helped out with invoicing and other clerical duties; this was a job I found at the community job bank, and I was saving my money for when I would be starting college the following September. In short, this wasn’t a job I planned on keeping for long, but I was hoping I could stay on for about a year.

My supervisor was a woman in her 50s who was kind and seemed to like me a lot. I work hard, I’m good with Excel, and I’m never late or absent—all qualities that frankly set me apart from the other admins who had been through that place over the years, or so I was told. As for me, I was 20 years old at the time and eager to learn—that was my first full-time “real” job, and besides a few summers spent working as a lifeguard I’d never really had a job of any kind before. I always dressed professionally to work, never provocatively or inappropriately. I’m Chinese-American, and I come from a strict family, so I suppose I was raised with a conservative mindset.

At that time, I had a boyfriend who is the son of my father’s business partner. We had been dating since we were both 13 or 14. In fact, I wouldn’t really call it dating—after all, we had never really been on an official date, we had been thrust together by our families because our parents were originally from the same area in Shanghai (technically, a place called Puxi) and I suppose to them that made us compatible and an acceptable match. We had been together for so long, and everything seemed so familiar and normal, if not a bit boring and routine. I realize now as I write this that I’m probably creating the impression that I didn’t love him, but I really did. Hindsight has a way of changing the color of everything, but the truth is he was a good guy and we got along great for the most part. We didn’t really have much of a sex life, mind you. We had been sexually active with one another for a few years by that time, and it was good, but certainly not very frequent and it is was often awkward. I guess we were still learning about sex and experimenting with what we enjoyed and what we didn’t enjoy. We always used condoms, and I rarely orgasmed, though when I did I admit it was usually more a function of my imagination than anything he was doing.

As for me, I am petite, shy, and soft spoken. I’m 5 foot 2 and I weigh around 105 pounds. I work out and I’m in great shape, and I know I look good in a pair of leggings or a tight outfit. I’m also somewhat busty—not a D cup, certainly, but a healthy B cup that can be emphasized with the right top and bra. I have long brown hair, usually worn straight or in a pony-tail. All told, I think my best quality is my lips, and my smile.

I don’t think I’m beautiful—that’s my big sister, who could be a model if she weren’t so focused on school. But I know I am sexy. It feels strange to say that, since when I was growing up I was always awkward and geeky. I had braces and glasses, a weird overbite, and I was super skinny. It’s only in the last few years that things have changed for me. My body has matured, my breasts developed, and my braces came off. Still wear glasses though :) I used to be so shy about smiling, but now I love it, and I especially love how men smile at me when I smile at them. It’s such a new feeling, and I am still getting used to it. I love being sexy and knowing I’m attractive to men. I never thought about doing anything about it, but I admit I like the attention. Still do.

Anyway, all of this is just to give you a background into what my life was like at the time and how inexperienced I was. I really want to skip ahead now to the interesting parts, but first I need to tell you about Mark.

I never really interacted much with the owner of the company, a guy named Mark who was in his late 30s or early 40s. His office was on the other side of the building from the admin office, and there was a big warehouse in between. He usually only came around when it was time for him to pick up documents or drop off receipts. I admit, I was very attracted to him.

Mark was tall (over 6 feet for sure) and athletic. He had a full head of brown hair but he usually kept it buzzed short, about the same length as the five o’clock shadow he always had on his rugged face. He was very handsome. He usually wore jeans and a tucked in polo shirt or button up, looking neat but casual—much more casual than the manager’s dress code, which always struck me as a sign of how much power he had. In other words, he owned the company, so he didn’t need to wear a tie to work, while the office managers all had to dress for business. For some reason, I found that really sexy. Also, it was obvious that Mark had a great body and that he worked out. I admire that in a person— as I pointed out earlier, I exercise often as well, swimming and cardio mostly, and I’m proud that I work hard to keep my body fit and healthy. I could tell Mark was the same way. He had great, strong arms, a flat stomach, a well-developed chest and broad shoulders. Just looking at him always made me wonder how great he would look with his shirt off. He looked great in a pair of jeans too!

Mark wasn’t married. This wasn’t a secret. Everybody knew he was single and people in the office used to gossip about how so-and-so saw him out on a date last week or that he was dating somebody new, etc. etc. I even heard people say they thought he was gay, but I never believe that. I’m sure you know how small offices can be gossip mills, and a guy like Mark just seemed so mysterious and interesting that much of the gossip seemed to orbit his life. One certainty about him is that he never dated anyone from the office—this was made quite clear by my supervisor and others who knew him for years. He was a professional, and obviously a smart man, so he knew better.

Well, I finally had a chance to interact with Mark when our company was preparing for an audit ahead of a standards certification for the warehouse. This meant a lot of overtime for the admins, which most people weren’t able to do because of families or other obligations. Obviously, I was more than happy to put in extra hours to pad my savings, so I usually stayed an extra hour or two with another admin, crunching numbers or organizing files. And when my supervisor told me that Mark asked for a volunteer to come in for a few Saturdays to help him sort through his own files, I jumped at the chance.

I admit, part of me was curious to work closely with him, and I was excited to get to know him better and talk to him. He seemed really friendly and approachable, and yet we had never spoken before. He didn’t ever seem to notice me the rare times he came up to our office space, so I was surprised when I arrived at his office door on the first Saturday: he knew my name, and welcomed me with a smile.

The work was slow and steady. We had to go through each of his files one-by-one in order to figure out what could be shredded and what had to be reorganized. I could understand why he wanted help, and why it would take a few Saturdays to sort through everything. Mark was a serious, analytic man, but he was also funny and charming, and I really enjoyed working with him. We had lunch together at his desk (he ordered shawarma for us) and we got to know each other a bit, although nothing too personal was shared. It was just great to be around him, and I found myself extremely attracted to his whole aura. I remember wondering if it showed. But he was a perfect gentleman, of course. I stayed from 10am until around 4pm, and when I left he thanked me and gave me $100 cash “under the table”, which was a fantastic surprise.

What I remember most about that day was how amazing he smelled. He wore a kind of cologne I’ve never been able to place—it reminded me of a sailboat, or summer time. Just a fresh, attractive, and sexy smell. It suited him perfectly. What surprised me the most was how horny I was when I got home that night. I took a long bath and made myself cum pretending that he was there with me under the bubbles, eating me out with his rough stubble teasing my soft inner thighs. I kept wondering if he was home thinking of me too, whether he had a big dick, and whether he would cum imagining himself having sex with me on his desk. When I went to work the next Monday, I kept thinking I would blush if I saw him, but he never made his way over to our office, and I didn’t see him again until the following Saturday. I looked forward to that all week.

When the day finally arrived, I was dressed somewhat less formal than I usually do when I go to work. It was Saturday after all. I wore a loose fitting, comfortable sweater, a pair of black leggings, and ankle boots. My hair was up, all in an attempt to make myself look as studied and casual as possible. But I also made sure I looked good, and I wore a little perfume to accent the strawberry conditioner in my hair. I wanted him to notice me the way I noticed him.

Mark was the same as he had been the previous week for most of the day, but after lunch we ended up sitting next to one another in front of his computer while we matched printed invoices with the PDFs on his hard drive. We were really close together, knees sometimes touching, and I know he could smell my perfume because I could smell his cologne. I could really feel the hormones in the room, and evidently he could too because at one point he stood up to go to the printer and I couldn’t help but notice an enormous bulge in his jeans. My breath caught in my throat, and I gasped audibly.

When he looked at me, what he saw was probably a blushing, shocked face staring at his crotch. We made eye contact, and he turned his hips away from me, obviously embarrassed. He was so cute, he stammered a few words, grabbing the papers out of the printer before quickly sitting back down. He pretended to pay attention to the computer screen for a moment, but I couldn’t look away, so when we made eye contact again I smiled.

“Sir, are you alright?” I asked.

“Yes,” he replied, “sorry.”

“It’s okay.”

There was an awkward silence at that moment, and I started trembling a little because the words were right on my tongue but I was too scared to speak. I wanted to acknowledge what I saw, but I also didn’t want to say something stupid, or inappropriate, or offensive. But I couldn’t help myself. So I just closed my eyes, and started speaking, and as the words came out I felt dizzy, like I was falling.

“That looks uncomfortable,” was the best I could manage.

We locked eyes again, and I’m sure I looked shy and submissive. He looked confident.

“It is” he said.

So I swallowed again, and let it out. “If you want to,” I said “you can take care of it. I won’t mind”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing myself say. I had never, ever cheated on my boyfriend, or even flirted with a guy beyond extremely innocent exchanges. I was always a good girl, calm, reasonable, and loyal. But something happened to me that day, I don’t know what it was, but it awakened something that I had never known was inside me. I felt older, and I felt ready for anything.

Mark stared at me, his eyebrow slightly cocked, obviously surprised but not quite offended or shocked. He looked like he was sizing me up. I think a part of him wanted to decline, move on, and pretend the last two minutes had never happened, but I also think a larger part of him was driving him forward. In fact, I know it.
“Are you sure?” he asked, somewhat skeptical but not at all nervous sounding. Even as he asked, his hand reached instinctually for his bulge, and my eyes followed. I simply nodded, and tried to speak, but I couldn’t. I was mesmerized.

Mark undid his belt, unbuttoned his jeans (which had become unimaginably tight all of a sudden) and revealed his big, thick, beautiful circumcised cock. I had never seen a dick that big, certainly never in person, and the head was enormous and already wet with precum. I couldn’t take my eyes off it, and I felt myself squirming in my chair in spite of myself. I wanted so badly to strip my leggings off and play with my creaming pussy right there in front of him, to let him jack off on my body while I came for him, to have him shoot his cum all over my body. But instead I just sat there dumbly in my chair and stared at his beautiful dick while he started stroking it.

In his hand, it became even bigger, and I was amazed. He was at least twice as long as my boyfriend, much thicker, and more dangerous looking. I wondered whether that thing could ever fit inside me. Mark was such an incredible man, so virile, so strong, I could hardly contain myself. My mouth was open and I kept licking my lips while he squeezed and rubbed his dick, and I found myself moving even closer to him. Before long, I was crouched toward him, knees touching, and my right hand had somehow found its way between my thighs and was cupping my pussy over my tights.

Then I looked up at him, and we made eye contact again.

“You’re so big and hard, sir” I gushed, “I can’t believe it”

He didn’t smile, or even respond. He just kept his eyes on me with a very serious expression, his gaze locked on mine. I licked my lips again, and when I did that he sighed.

“Wow” I whispered, watching him grow even thicker in his hand.

Finally, he spoke. “Would you like to touch it?” he asked. He voice was deep and strained.

I bit my lip, and recoiled slightly, as if the very last parts of my conservative mindset were putting up their final fight. But it was a lost cause. I just nodded, eyes still locked on his, and then I turned my gaze to his big dick, and I reached for him as he released his grip. I wrapped my little fist around his shaft and felt it throbbing in my palm. I flicked my thumb over the head and felt him bounce in my grip, his muscles flexing to my touch. I pulled on him slightly, and Mark turned his chair toward me and I dropped to my knees in front of him, as if on instinct. It just felt right.

I wrapped both my hands around his thick shaft and squeezed and massaged him while Mark wriggled his jeans down to his ankles. I leaned closer and breathed on the head of his cock, just inches from my face, and I was amazed. He was so incredibly big, with a thick ridge down the bottom that connected to his enormous balls.

I had never imagined a cock so big, and so beautiful. I wanted it so badly.

Without thinking, I moved even closer and gave his shaft a long, slow kiss, spreading my lips and rolling my tongue against him, then licking the head of his cock and tasting his precum. He tasted so musky, so manly, and I completely lost control of myself. I popped his head into my wet mouth and sucked slowly, feeling the heat of his flesh warming my tongue as I coated him with my saliva. I started bobbing softly, taking a little more of him into my mouth, but I couldn’t even get past a quarter of his length before I felt too full. He was just too big for me. So I simply held his shaft with both hands wrapped around the base and ran my tongue over the head, trying to relieve him of the pressure he had been coping with all afternoon. While I was blowing him, he held my head in his hands and guided the pace, making sure I sucked him the way he liked.

Meanwhile, my pussy was on fire, and I could feel it creaming up and preparing itself to be penetrated by such an enormous, intimidating man. I wondered if it would come to that, and if I could handle him. I hoped he wouldn’t hurt me, and I felt scared just a little, but I knew if he decided to fuck me right there I wouldn’t resist him at all. I felt like, at that moment, I belonged to him.

But then I felt his cock stiffening even more in my hands, and I gasped as I released my lips from around his head. I gazed up at him in astonishment. I had never before in my life felt so sexy, so in control, so womanly, so confident. His cock was twitching in my grip, and his head was tilted back and his eyes were closed. This strong, handsome man had lost control of his body, all because of me. I was so amazed by him. So I opened my mouth, rested his head on my wet tongue, and I stroked his long shaft slowly with both fists, waiting for his cum.

Mark exploded all over my mouth, his cock twitching in my grip as he came thick, heavy ropes for me. I loved it. I closed my lips around his head and sucked him hard, feeling his sperm filling my mouth with each pulse. I looked up at him, loving the feeling of power I felt, so amazed that this had happened. I tried swallowing all of his thick load, but it was too much for me and when I released his cock from my mouth his sperm flowed from the head and coated my hands, and some of the cum in my mouth dripped down my chin and onto the carpeted floor. I licked his shaft as he eased his way down from an intense orgasm, cleaning him with my mouth and showing him just how grateful I was that he allowed me to do this for him.

Then the moment passed. He stood, pulling his jeans back up and sheathing his softening cock while I remained on my knees, cleaning my face and hands with tissues and wiping up the mess I had made on the carpet. Finally, I sat back on the chair and looked up at him, worried what he might say. But then he smiled, and my heart soared. “That was incredible, “ he said, “thank you.”

“My pleasure” was all I could say in response, because that was the truth. I really loved it.

We didn’t finish the paperwork that day, but he still gave me the $100 under the table bonus before I left. I felt strange accepting it. The entire time it happened, I didn’t once consciously think of my boyfriend, but on my way home it all came crashing down on me and I felt terribly guilty about the whole thing. I never told him what happened, of course, and he was so sweet to me that weekend that it made me feel even worse about what I had done. Still, though, Mark had connected with me on a level I had never reached with my boyfriend, and despite all my guilt I knew that if the opportunity came I would do it all over again. I hope that doesn’t make me a bad person, although I suspect it does.

All week, Mark and I behaved like nothing had happened, and I barely saw him, but I kept wondering what might happen the next Saturday. But to my great disappointment, there were about a half dozen other people who showed up that day to do overtime, including my supervisor, and she was the one who helped Mark in his office. One thing I am certain of is that they didn’t have the kind of fun Mark and I had.

Nothing ever happened again at the office after that Saturday, but I will admit that something else happened between Mark and me after our office Christmas party, when he took me home with him and fucked me all night. But that’s another story, perhaps for another time.

EDIT: Thank you all for the encouraging feedback! I’m so happy people liked this! Please let me know if any of you are interested in reading about my other experience with Mark. This took a lot of energy to write, but I will write more if people want me to.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5nobla/fm_about_the_time_i_gave_my_boss_a_blowjob


  1. Wow! Please tell us the story of what happened after the christmas party!

    I can totally relate to the situation :)

  2. if you wear leggings even half as well as you write, that must have been the hottest experience of mark’s life. cannot wait to read more from you.

  3. Please share more stories!! On another note are u still will the same guy? U really should find a man that makes u feel sexy all the time especially when are u having sex with him!

  4. You are an excellent writer. I know what you mean about it being draining, but you have a real knack for it; you should keep it up (not just in GWS).

  5. All I could think was “I want you”… such good writing. Please write about the other time with Mark!

  6. This sounded like a wild ride you went on. It was amazing and I liked how you wrote it. I’d be keen for the Christmas party story.

  7. Very descriptive, you painted a beautiful image in my head with every word. I can’t wait for part 2.

  8. WOW! WOW! WOW! WOW! That was a fantastic story. You have a way with words. I soo want to hear about the Christmas party now!

  9. I want more. I have totally the yellow fever so it makes it even hotter for me lol!

    Please continue writing those haha

  10. REALLY well written and I hope you enjoyed writing and sharing. Here’s to some more down the road, huh? Thanks.

  11. Great writing, super hot! Would love to hear about your other experience with Mark :)

  12. That story was insanely hot! I’m at work reading it and had to use the bathroom to relieve myself. I came so much I wasn’t able to stand, had to sit there for a few minutes lol. Thanks for sharing! Looking forward to other stories that you’re willing to share!

  13. Super hot story! Got hard reading this at my desk just now. Thanks for sharing. Great writing too, very descriptive. Well done.

    You are not a bad person. We all need to give in to our carnal desires sometimes.

    Definitely want to hear about the post-Christmas party sex fest!

  14. Very Hot! I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall in that office! Please keep more stories coming!


  15. Wow beautifully written it got me hard just from your writing alone bravo. I would love to hear the Christmas party story

  16. Do feel bad for your ex boyfriend, I have to admit. The Christmas party part though, did that happen before or after you had broken up with the BF?

    Good writing though! I do hope we hear more from you / you enjoy your experience(s) with DPP and continue on. :)

  17. Oh my goodness i loved your story! I also grew up in a very conservative household, and i feel like my guilt had always stopped me from some really incredible experiences I could of had. Im glad u somehow over came that obstacle! I was never able to do that!!! Your my inspiration!

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