[MF] Fucking destroyed


This story may be a trigger as it contains non consensual sex, watersports and violence. Discretion is advised .

I come home to my place after having a lazy day in the park. I’m in yoga pants, a sports bra and my Thriller tshirt. My hair is in a messy bun on top of my head and I couldn’t feel any further from sexy. I’m in chill mode.

I go inside and head to the bathroom to pee. My place is peaceful and quiet. I listen to my Hello Kitty clock tick as a clean myself off. Then the goddamn lights go off. There isn’t a storm so I wonder if it’s from everyone running their air conditioners at one to beat the summer heat.

I can’t see anything and I cuss out loud because I don’t have my cell phone for light. I feel energy nearby and shake my head, knowing i’m being paranoid. Next thing I know, a gloved hand is around my throat lifting me up off the toilet, with my yoga pants and panties still around my ankles. I freak out and scream, hitting the body in front of me and trying to run away. I’m spun around and slammed against the wall. I’m slapped across the face several times and spit on. I gain my balance and start to scream. A wash rag is stuffed in my mouth mid-scream and I start choking on the dry cloth. He grabs both of my wrists and drags me out of the bathroom. I stumble behind him, pants still around my ankles. I want to fight, yell or run away. I try to make recall the self-defense training from high school. But my mind is paralyzed with fear.
I’m thrown onto my living room floor and land awkwardly, hurting my knee. He sits on my ass, pinning me down while I wiggle and squirm under him. He duct tapes my wrists together, above my head.

My face is planted on the floor and I can’t move to spit out the rag. I feel his cock growing hard through his pants on my bare ass. He stands up and I attempt to roll over. He kicks my ass in one swift motion, sending pain through my groin. I yell through the rag and stop moving. I hear him take his pants off and kick them to the side. I start crying and slithering away trying to escape. He rolls me over, onto my back and back-hands me three times on the same cheek. I feel dizzy and overwhelmed by the pain. He kicks my legs open and kneels between my thighs. I’m whimpering and afraid to move. He bends down and bites my nipple, hard..while pulling down hard on my hair. Pain erupts through me from multiple sources. He stops his assault and scoots back a foot from his original position. I panic not knowing what’s coming next.

His left hand spreads my pussy lips and he rubs my big clit with two fingers. It gets aroused and starts to swell and stand at attention. Embarrassed I grunt and try to tell him to stop. I attempt to close my legs and am met with a cold knife between my breasts. I freeze in an instant, understanding the message. His left hand still rubbing my clit and the right sliding the knife down my stomach. It leaves a trail of pain and i’m not quite sure if he cut me or not.

He removes his hand and moves himself down, lower. He licks and sucks on my clit and I unwillingly raise my hips to meet his mouth. I cry because I hate him and want him to stop but my body responds anyway. My clit is throbbing and swollen, my pussy is leaking out juice. He stops and I feel him pull my clit hood back, exposing my hypersensitive bud. The air hits my bud and I the sensation overwhelms me without the hood protecting it. A devastating blow with his belt lands on my exposed clit. I scream but am silenced by the cloth in my mouth. He continues to spank my clit with his thick , heavy belt and I cry and scream. Not sure of how much time has passed, I lay there shaking from the pain I have experienced.

He leaves my aching pussy alone and wraps the belt around my throat. He pulls, cutting off my air making me panic and feel lightheaded.He rolls me back over and lifts my hips up so that I am resting my weight on my knees, face planted on the ground. He reaches down and squeezes my destroyed clit and I yelp out like an injured dog. I feel his hard cock sliding up and down my ass, searching for my asshole. He is an inch too high and pushes hard causing a searing pain from him poking at that delicate skin. I wince and whimper while he searches for his penetration spot., He stops when he locates it and slowly pushes against it. I feel his head easing in and I am overcome with pain. He shoves it halfway in while holding onto my hips. I grunt and tears stream down my face. He picks his knife back up and slides it from my neck to the top of my ass, reminding me to be still and endure. He pulls it out a little and pumps in and out of my ass while my sphincter does a poor job letting him in. Without lube or warning this job is impossible. He spits down onto his cock to allow a little ease in the penetration. He pulls all the way out and I exhale, but he jams himself in to the hilt. I am overcome with a wave of nausea and dizziness. The pain is intense and it rips through me. I can’t even fathom what part of me hurts anymore. He moans with his cock buried in my demolished ass. It still holds a tight grip on him and I pray he doesn’t move. He quickly thrusts in and out of my little ass making me scream and cry. I start gagging from the pain in my ass but he doesn’t seem to let up. He pounds and pounds into me. He leans forward to squeeze my tit hard causing even more agony. Although inaudible I cuss and beg him to please stop. His fucking is torture and I wish desperately that he will stop. My pussy gets more wet and responds to the invasion of my ass. My crying turns into loud sobbing and he must have enjoyed the sound because he fucks me ridiculously hard and fast, pounding into me like a wild animal. He grabs me by the shoulder and pulls me back onto him, burying himself completely into me. He explodes inside me, erupting cum into my ass. I feel tears forming in my ass and every time he throbs, pain shoots through me. He finishes cumming in me after what feels like an eternity. He quickly pulls out causing even more pain and me to fall over.

I lay on the floor shaking with my eyes burning from crying for so long. I hear him go to my kitchen and grab a bottled water and take a long drink. He lets out a loud “aaahhhh” and returns to me.I lay there exhausted and paralyzed with fear, cringing at what he might do next. He lifts me up, making me kneel in front of him and yanks the rag out of my mouth. I sway, weak and faint afraid I might fall. I feel his semi hard cock rub against my lips. He grabs my jaw and forces my mouth open, I keep it that way. He tilts my head back and before I can think, he starts pissing all over my face, and into my mouth. My mouth quickly fills up and I start choking and gagging causing it to spill down my face and neck, splashing up onto my face. He continues spraying me with his golden nectar soaking me from my hair down. I am choking and gagging at the smell and find myself even more nauseous. He takes a step back and spits on my face causing me to cry again. He kicks me in the chest making me fall back and lay on the floor, a piss covered, cum filled, destroyed mess. I hear foot steps go out of the room, his pants zip and my front door open as he exits as if he were a friendly visitor.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/5neywj/mf_fucking_destroyed