[Group] A very special New Years Eve Party – Part 1

At the end of my last post I promised to tell you more tales from my time in the Med if that’s what you wanted. Thanks for the great comments and I promise I will but first I HAVE to tell you about what happened this weekend. It was amazing! (Well I think so at least)

This story is pretty long so I have split it into two parts. I know some people find the backstory/scene setting boring and just want the juicy stuff but to me the backstory is an important part and helps with the build up to the exciting stuff.

One of my wife’s best friends from school lives just two roads away from us with her husband and baby. We see them at least once a week, pre kids we spent much of our twenties hitting the bars, pubs and restaurants of London. These days we normally end up round one of each other’s houses drinking and talking with the kids asleep upstairs, every so often we get a babysitter and head out for the night. Often when we are a few drinks in there is a bit of joking/banter about how everyone must think we are swingers!

Before we go any further I should probably provide the obligatory descriptions to get your mind going! Sarah my wife’s friend is a pretty, 5ft 7ish red head, with a fairly trim body, smallish but pert looking arse and b/c cup boobs. She is the total opposite looks wise in many respects to my wife and the normal type of girl I would go for which is possibly why I have always had a sort of fascination with her. I have definitely thought about what she would look like naked during some ‘alone time’. Her husband Matt is I would guess a little under 6ft with sandy blonde hair and has a bit of a long distance runners physique, I.e. Fairly wiry.
My wife Gemma is a gorgeous blonde with an amazingly firm but round arse and a fantastic set of E cups on a body that should have much smaller boobs and bum.
As for me I am a little over 6ft 5 and in reasonable shape. Not super fit but not ‘Dad bod’

Anyway, Sarah works for one of the big TV companies and the last couple of years she has been involved with their New Years Eve broadcast which has meant no NYE partying for her. This year we decided that we would celebrate NYE the following weekend all together and rent a house/cottage in Somerset. We did ask some of the girls’ other friends and their families but it ended up just being the four of us plus kids.

By the time we got there on the Friday night after work it was pretty late, we settled the kids all up in the loft room together and sat round the open fire and polished off a couple of bottles of wine before heading to bed. The next day was pretty miserable weather wise so we headed into the local town and explored, shopped and had a good old pub lunch.

Saturday night was our fake NYE night, once the kids were all in bed we cracked open a bottle of prossecco chucked some food in the oven and got down to partying, drinking and having fun.

After dinner we played a couple of board games and then started playing a card game called Shit Head. For those who haven’t played it before the premise is to get rid of all your cards, last one to do so is the shit head. By this point we were well on our way booze wise, Matt suggested to make things a bit more party like we should each write a forfeit on a scrap of paper, the shit head/looser from each game would then have to pick one out. We were all game.

The first round was fairly tame with mainly drink based forfeits. I think at that point we were all just playing it safe/testing the water. In the second round I lost the first game and had to play the next one with an ice cube down my trousers. Other forfeits included Sarah having to tell everyone about her ‘first time’, and Gemma having to do a shot from Matts belly button.

At that point we reached fake midnight and popped open another bottle of fizz and sang Auld Lang Syne. (I know, very sad!!) Danced around to some music and had a cheeky snog with our respective other halves.

We were now all fairly drunk and as we sat back down for the next round everyone was looking at each other as they wrote their forfeit, trying to work out how far they could take this. Gemma lost the first round and there was definitely a feeling of tension in the air as she picked out the forfeit and opened it up. It was my one, “play the next round topless” The three of us cheered and looked straight at Gemma who was already mouthing off at me. After a bit of persuasion she whipped off her top and then with one arm covering her boobs she removed her bra. She was doing her best to preserve as much modesty as possible but it was a pretty hard task bearing in mind the size of her breasts.

We started the next round but Gemma soon realised it is near on impossible to play one handed, with a “fuck it” she let her hand go and the rest of us just stared at her. Gemma has the best boobs known to man. Lovely and large with very little sag – pretty amazing considering she has had 2 kids – and big pink nipples. Both Matt and Sarah were struggling to keep there eyes off them. I know Matt has a real thing for my wife’s breasts as he is often making comments about how lucky I am.

Sarah lost the next round, she pulled out the forfeit and scrawled across the paper was ‘kiss the winner of the last game for 30 seconds.’ The winner (in many senses) was me! Sarah and I both looked at our respective partners who in unison said go on then. I turned to face Sarah and slowly leant in to kiss her. I assumed it would be a no tongue job but no Sarah was definitely keen for tongues. It started out quite tame but soon we were both very much into it. If I wasn’t rock solid before I certainly was now. After what felt like more than 30 seconds Matt called out time. Sarah and I broke away and there was definitely a hint of something in her eyes as we turned back to face the others.

We took a break at that point and the girls popped upstairs to check on the kids as we topped up the drinks. They were gone for quite a while and just as I was about to look for them they appeared back downstairs.

The third round was a close affair and it was Matts turn as shit head. With only two bits of paper left he took his pick and as he opened it there was a hushed ‘balls’ from him, he had picked out his own one which was to strip completely naked and run to the bottom of the garden and back.

No sooner had he read it he was naked and at the back door, 20 seconds later he was back. I noticed Gemma getting a good look in, before catching my eye and giving me a mischievous smile. I definitely didn’t want this game to end and was keen to see how far it would go.

The cards were dealt for the last round and Gemma won soon followed by Matt. It was down to me and Sarah to fight it out. Gemma kept saying ‘its my dare left and two are going tor really like it’, I was intrigued. Finally I managed to ‘go out’ leaving Sarah as the shit head.

She opened the last piece of paper up and read out ‘with the 3rd place person act out your favourite sex position for 1 minute…… in your underwear’ Bloody hell! I thought out of the 4 of us my wife would be the most tame/conservative, how wrong was I. Sarah started to protest saying that it was effectively 2 dares in 1 but the other two were adamant. Them’s the rules!

We both got up from the table and made our way over to the rug, gingerly Sarah started to remove her dress as I took off my shirt and jeans. We were both stood there in just our underwear. Sarah it appeared had a black lace matching set. You could just make out her nipples through the lace of the bra and as she turned to put her dress on the chair I caught sight of her little pert arse in a gorgeous lace thong. WOW. I have a real thing for thongs but my wife rarely wears one as she says they are too uncomfortable. I was struggling to hide the fact that i was rock solid in my boxers.

Sarah said her favourite position was her on top so I lay down on the rug and Sarah sat down on my lap, resting on my painfully hard dick. We sat there for a moment before Matt piped up saying the dare said to act out your favourite position. With that Sarah started to rock back and forth grinding her pussy against my dick as Gemma counted down from 60. I am not going to lie, it was amazing! I could feel the heat from her pussy and as she rocked back and forth her boobs were gently swaying in her bra. As Gemma called time Sarah jumped up and I rolled away trying to hide my very obvious erection and the wet patch Sarah had left on my boxers. We both hurriedly sat back down at the table as Gemma and Matt proceeded to rib us a bit.

It was now after 1am and I was surprised that we were all still going strong considering the amount of booze we had consumed and the fact that we were ‘boring parents’ these days. I put it down to the adrenaline that must be pumping through everyone’s bodies after the last round. We were talking and laughing away when Matt suggested another round, he was complaining that Sarah and I had snogged and had a good old grinding session whilst the only ‘action’ he had gotten was running naked round the garden. Gemma reminded him that he had seen her boobs which surely must make up for it to which he agreed. At that point Sarah said that the drinks were running low and as gents Matt and I should sort out refills. We headed off to the kitchen to top up the drinks leaving behind the girls who were quietly talking away.

A couple of minutes later Matt and I returned and as we sat down Sarah announced that her and Gemma had decided that we shouldn’t play another round, as Matt started to protest his wife just shushed him. ‘Let me finish’ said Sarah. ‘Gemma and I have come up with a great way of celebrating our “special’ New Year and our very “special” friendship’ Matt and I looked at each other, ‘ we have decided that we should “swap” for the night!’

I couldn’t believe it, surely this was some sort of drunken joke. Gemma and I had never discussed doing anything like this. Our sex life is great but fairly conventional. Trying something new would normally mean having sex on the sofa. I looked over to Gemma who smiled and mouthed to me ‘only if you are ok’. I grabbed her had and led her to the kitchen. She told me that Sarah had mentioned before that her and Matt had jokingly discussed swapping but she thought that he was pretty keen. I am sure it was the booze talking so I double checked that Gemma was happy with this, she said she was as long as I was. It was on! Then came the but, ‘I don’t want to all have sex in the same room.’ She said. ‘I want us to pair off for the night and then tomorrow night we can swap stories while you give me a darn good fucking’ Sure I said.

We headed back to the others and they were in deep conversation. ‘Are we all ok with this?’ Asked Sarah. ‘We certainly are’ I said. I looked at Matt and he just had a huge grin on his face. With that Sarah grabbed my hand and said ‘have fun you two, see you in the morning’

Now this even by my standards is epically long, I will post part two later. Hope you have enjoyed it all so far. Trust me you do not want to miss part two!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5n5d08/group_a_very_special_new_years_eve_party_part_1


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