[F]ood like review of first time swallowing cum

(I have previously posted this on my personal blog. Decided it would be fun to write about it like a food review. Happened yesterday, not sure if I’m breaking any rules for not describing in details every act, I focus more on the senses)

5 stars (/5)

I’m a self-confessed foodie, I think my obsession with good food is only rivalled by my obsession with good sex. I give myself whole to my obsessions: I won’t find peace till I have researched everything humanly possible about it, I will watch, read, and compare different techniques, then I will try them, put them to the test, ask for opinions, always striving to do the best, always trying to improve, never content, always perfectionist, forever passionate.

I’ve also always wondered about swallowing cum: would I spit or swallow?

Even as a teenage girl I thought swallowing would be more practical, however I was quite aware of how despising some of my friends found it. Still, in my mind swallowing was not only fair but the sexier thing to do. In a way, I would assure my partner: “I accept you, you have me, in this moment I’m yours”. I have never wanted to belong to someone, but for me sex is (at least) two people giving themselves completely to each other, during a certain amount of time, and giving in to the pleasure they create.

I had made my mind, for better or worse, I would be a swallower.

The opportunity came (pun intended) with F, he was my second partner, my 4th sex encounter, and my 1st proper finishing off blowjob. I will remember him fondly for it, he was otherwise unremarkable.

I was on my knees, my hands caressing the back of his legs, mouth open wide, when the first shot of cum hit the roof of my mouth. Immediately, I felt the warmth, and the dissonance began. See, I thought it would be hotter, but no, it had the mellow warm temperature of a sunny basked water puddle, somewhere in a Mediterranean beach.

Then other streams of lukewarm cum filled my mouth and hit my papillary glands. What really surprised me was the milky beginning it had: it felt rich and velvety like cream, soothing even. Just after my brain realized that, I took my first gulp. Another sensation was emerging, a back-throat encompassing toned-down spiciness, much like mint: it made my mouth vibrate and buzz in a soft addicting manner.

By now he had ejaculated all of his load inside me, I clawed the back of his thighs, and restarted sucking his head: I was not about to let a drop behind, and I knew he was fond of it, so much so, that with each swirl of my tongue his thighs would shake.

The buzz reduced slightly and gave the metal after taste a time to shine: an unappreciated actor, perhaps, it played its role. I understood this was what people called bitter, for bitter was not, it was delightfully complex.

I got up, and started dressing myself, said my goodbyes, and made my way home.

The flavor evolved and stayed with me for at least another half hour, between telling my best friend all the details of the encounter, I would lick the insides of my lips, effectively trying to make it last.

Eventually I drank a glass of water, brushed my teeth, and got ready to enjoy a well-deserved rest. When I looked into my eyes, in the bathroom mirror, I felt at ease: indeed, I was a swallower.

I must confess: I already knew I loved pre cum, but now I might have fallen in love with cum.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5n1kh1/food_like_review_of_first_time_swallowing_cum


  1. I have a boner, but also a mind boner, and a heart boner. you hit something in me.

  2. This is a wonderfully written review! As a straight male, this is the kind of stuff that makes me wonder if I shouldn’t try it at least once haha

  3. Your writing and the words you used were amazing, it was such a pleasure to read this!

  4. Unless you’re in a long term relationship or married it is wrong and utterly disgust. Why do that if you’re not gonna be with this person for ever? And the ending wtf you acted like a porn star. Bless you hope you reach some sort of wisdom on your sexual journey.

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