[fM/FfF] Wild Roses pt. 7: Harvest Feast [exh]

As the forest traded its greens for reds, yellows and browns, game grew bold and numerous, and the branches of the trees were heavy with fruit, so Autumn’s hunts were quick and easy to a one. Even with the days growing shorter, she found she didn’t want for time to herself and her own fun, so she spent her days exploring the parts of the forest that were new to her, or rarely visited. By mid-autumn she had discovered two new lakes and traced a dozen rivers that flowed into and out of them, and even discovered an enticingly dark and mysterious cave system she made a note of for further study.

On her way back to the rosewood she took a detour, and stumbled upon a glade where a band of a half-dozen hunters were setting up tables and benches made from rough-hewn logs.

“Hallo!” Autumn halloed as she walked into the clearing, and each of them waved in greeting, save for the two women balancing a log bench between them, who simply nodded instead.

“Are you here for the harvest feast?” one of the hunters asked as she drew up to the fire pit he was setting up at the head of the table.

“Well”, Autumn offered, “I wasn’t really, but if you have a free seat I’d love to stay.”

“Excellent!” the black-haired hunter said with a smile, rising to greet her in earnest. “I’m Theo. A pleasure to meet you.”

“You as well.” Autumn offered with a smile. “I’m Autumn.”

“That’s a pretty name.” the taller of the two women engaged with the bench said as she let it drop.

“And so apropos.” the other woman offered, her sister from the look on her.

The first woman nodded. “I’m Hazel, and this is my sister Page.”

Page curtsied ridiculously. Both of the sisters were huge and well muscled, taller than any of the men around, with great manes of copper hair that shone in the light of the fading sun. The third woman was younger, perhaps a year on Autumn, and went by the name of Erin, and she was their younger sister. She didn’t quite have their massive frame, but she was still as tall as Theo and taller than any of the other three men.

Along with Theo and the women, there was Homer, an older bowman, willowy and slender with grey hair well salted with white and a short, well trimmed beard; Kit, a small and sharp straw-haired boy of an age with Autumn; and Wylie, a brother to Theo who shared his black hair and blue eyes, but where Theo’s hair was cut short and neatly trimmed, Wylie’s was long and wild, with a long, bushy beard to match.

“I’m afraid I didn’t bring anything for the meal.” Autumn said unsurely. “I didn’t realise I’d be going to a harvest feast.”

“Nonsense.” Homer offered, gesturing to two newly felled boar hanging from a tree at the edge of the clearing. “We have more than enough meat, and Kit and Erin have been foraging wild greens all morning.”

“Although”, he added with a glance over at the two of them, “they haven’t come up with _a lot_ it must be said…”

Kit blushed softly, and Erin giggled.

“I could take a run at it –” Autumn began, but Page cut her off.

“No need, girl. We’s got a sack of potatoes, they’ll do fine.”

“And a keg of beer.” Hazel added, gesturing over at the barrel.

Autumn nodded. “Anything else you need me to do?”

Page shook her head. “You just park it and relax, we’re all but set up.”

Hazel nodded in assent. “All we need is the fire, really.”

Theo nodded and cursed as he tried working a spark off his dagger with a series of artless strikes of his flint.

“Useless.” Page muttered, and walked over to him, shoving him roughly out of the way.

With a single practiced strike she had the kindling alight, and soon the pit crackled happily. When the fire was strong enough, Hazel loaded a bushel of wood onto it, and soon the flames licked hungrily at the sky as Erin made her way around the table, pouring beer into rough-hewn wooden tankards.

“You’re up, old man.” Wylie offered, and with a nod Homer fetched one of the boars and hoisted it onto a spit over the fire. While Theo slowly worked the crank, Homer packed potatoes and wild greens into an iron buckler he was carrying, and when he was done he tied another atop it and bound the two of them together with leather ropes, sticking the whole bundle into the char at the foot of the fire.

Halfway through her first tankard, Autumn could feel Wylie’s arm creeping up her leg. “Food will be a while.” he offered in his shadowy, husky voice. “Do you need something to tide you over?”

Between watching Erin and Kit’s clumsy flirting at the foot of the table and the sweat glinting on Page and Hazel’s strong arms in the firelight, Autumn very much did.

“As fun as that sounds”, she said, taking another deep pull of her beer, “I think they’d all notice us sneaking off.”

“Who said anything about sneaking off?” Wylie asked, nodding over at Kit and Erin. Autumn hadn’t noticed before, but saw now that Erin had gotten into Kit’s laces and freed his cock, stroking it slowly as she kissed him, the beer and excitement conspiring to put a deep blush on her face.

“Harvest feast is a time for celebration and revelry.” Wylie said, squeezing Autumn’s thigh as he moved his hand further upwards. “Not a time for hiding in the woods.”

“Fair point well made.” Autumn said, moving his hand away. “But you spoke of an appetiser.”

With one hand she quickly unlaced Wylie’s breeches and pulled out his already hard cock.

“Mhm, yes.” she said with a grin. “This will do nicely.”

Ignoring Erin’s giggles and Kit’s panting she leant forwards and wrapped her lips around Wylie’s cock, and soon got into it, her head bobbing slowly up and down in his lap, taking him deeper and deeper. Soon she felt his hand curling over her ass, fingertips slipping past the hem of her tunic and feeling out her wetness, exploring the outer reaches of her lowlands. With slow, sure strokes she got all of him in at last, as the tips of his fingers sunk into her, toying with her, twitching lightly as she slipped a hand in to fondle Wylie’s balls as she worked.

As she bobbed and sucked she could feel his excitement building, and as she drew back and twirled her tongue around the tip of his cock Wylie exploded, hitting her square in the face with the brunt of his offering.

“Aw”, Autumn carped as she sat up licking her lips, “I hardly got anything.”

“Well”, Wylie said, still panting and slipping his fingers into and out of her, “I guess we’ll try again for dessert.”

“I don’t think so.” Autumn said with a frown, and got up. Taking her tankard with her, she walked around the table to sit down between Theo and Page.

“You’ve got something on your face, girl.” Page offered with a grin.

Autumn nodded as she took another pull of her beer, a few drops dripping from her nose and mingling with the frothy head. “Wylie has no aim.”

Page laughed softly. “You want a linen to clean up with?”

Autumn shook her head. “How then would you all remember that Wylie has no aim?”

She pointed to where Kit and Erin sat. Erin had become emboldened by watching Autumn, it seemed, and her face was buried in Kit’s lap.

“Oh…” Kit said. “I’m about to…”

With a quick move, Erin was on him, and when he came she caught it all, swallowing it greedily.

“See”, Autumn said, “that’s how you do it.”

“Hmm, yes.” Page said warmly. “It appears Erin has learnt well from her sisters.”

Autumn drained her tankard, and as soon as Erin was done and noticed she was on her with a refill. “You and Hazel taught her?”

Hazel shook her head from across the table. “Me and Page don’t really go for that stuff. Our other sisters, tho’…”

Page nodded solemnly. “We have two more sisters, closer to Erin in age.”

“We’ve taught them what we know, of course.” Hazel offered with a shrug. “But they go more for cock than cunt.”

Page shrugged. “What can you do?”

Autumn giggled and took another pull of her beer. “I don’t see why you should have to choose one or the other.”

Page smiled. “Don’t have to. Get to.”

Hazel grinned in reply.

“You’ll have to forgive my brother.” Theo interjected. “He can be inconsiderate, but I’m not sure he can really help it.”

“It’s fine, really.” Autumn offered with a shrug. “I’m still keeping his gift for you all to see, though.”

Homer leant down and placed a large platter with roast potatoes, wild greens and boar meat between the two of them.

“We’re a bit short on plates, I’m afraid, I hope you don’t mind sharing?” he said apologetically, and Autumn shook her head.

“I’ll share with Theo.” she said with a smile, and Homer nodded quietly in assent.

Before Theo could dig in, Autumn clambered quickly into his lap.

“For easier reach.” she said with a grin as she sat down, and Theo nodded. “But if your brother is inconsiderate with women, are you at least better?”

“Much.” Theo promised. “Get up a moment please, I need to sit myself better.”

Autumn did as she was bid, Theo adjusted his seat slightly before bidding her sit back down. When she did, she realised that one of his adjustments had been freeing his cock from his breeches, as it slid right into her as she found her way into his lap with a quiet moan.

“That”, she panted quietly, “certainly is considerate.”

As she sat eating, she ground her hips carefully against him, an occasional moan or gasp escaping her between bites. It transpired that Theo had been somewhat less hungry than her, and as she set into the second plate, his hands were free, one wandering quickly to her chest to knead her gently through her tunic, the other, slick with boar grease, finding its way in between her legs, playing at her rose bud as she rocked quietly back and forth in his lap.

When the second boar came off the spit for the third serving she was full, and instead turned around in Theo’s lap, riding him slowly with her back to the table. Over his shoulder she could see that Erin and Kit had much the same idea, but had retired to the edge of the clearing, where Kit lay in the grass with Erin atop him, the both of them naked now.

“Does – ah – your sister not know – uhn – the point of a tunic?” Autumn asked Page between moans.

Page looked back over her shoulder at Erin and Kit, before looking back to Autumn and shrugging.

“It’s a warm night for autumn.” she offered as she drained her nearly-full tankard of beer. “Besides, other places than the cunt want for access.”

With the way Kit’s fingers dug into the milky flesh of Erin’s breasts, Autumn could see that Page had a point, but she had little time to reflect on it as she soon found herself trembling in orgasm as she felt Theo’s explosive passion fill her up.

Unsteadily, Autumn clambered off of Theo’s lap and sat back down next to Page, leaning a little against her for support.

“If you’re done with these jokers”, Hazel offered as she wiped her broad hands off on her leather jerkin, “I know of a hot spring nearby, if you want a bath.”

“Or anything else.” Page offered with a sly smile.

“That sounds lovely.” Autumn said with a weak nod. “Just… n~hn… give me a minute?”

A short wait and a short walk later, Page and Hazel had Autumn at the hot spring concealed under a large jut of rocks a few hundred paces from the clearing. As they stripped off their leathers and she stripped off her own, Autumn could see that their shapeless jerkins were concealing the truth. Under, the sisters’ bodies were warm, inviting and womanly, with broad hips, narrow waists and large, full breasts. Standing on the edge of the water, she was lost for a moment in the moonlight glinting off their wet bodies, before finally Hazel’s admonition to get into the water already snapped her out of it.

With a splash she jumped into the warm water, finally washing the bacon grease from her cunt and Wylie’s gift from her face.

“You know”, Page said as she pulled Autumn into her lap, “Theo can be pretty inconsiderate with girls as well.”

Hazel nodded as she waded up to them with a grin. “Perhaps you’d like to really celebrate harvest with someone who isn’t?”

Autumn nodded enthusiastically, and with two broad, heavy and gentle hands Page grabbed her breasts where she sat on her lap, teasing gently at her nipples with her thumbs.

“I think we both figured as much.” she said, and Hazel nodded in assent.

After planting a heavy kiss on Autumn, Hazel disappeared under the water, and as Page sat kneading Autumn’s breasts and nibbling at her neck, Hazel gently spread her legs and put her mouth to Autumn, her lips playing over every part of her aimlessly at first, then, after a quick trip to the surface for air, frightfully directly.

Before Hazel could come up for air for a second time, the sisters’ expert touch had brought Autumn to orgasm, and her joyous passion filled the air, reverberating off tree trunks and stones as she screamed her pleasure to the skies, and under the moonlight the three of them traded places time and time again, playing like otters in the water warmed in the blood of the mountain.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/5n76r3/fmfff_wild_roses_pt_7_harvest_feast_exh