27 JAGed Pills ch 3, p1 [mF, mf, inc, ms, alien, rape, tentacle, mind break, fat fetish, cons, hung]

Jerry and I returned home late that night. I didn’t ask him about Caroline. I did tell him, he had better fuck Lana for a week, for breaking his promise. I don’t think he hated his punishment.

“Okay.” He said. He went to bed.

I looked in on Rory. I sighed at the sight. The bed frame sagged under her. She wheezed unconsciously. I blew her a kiss and whispered, “Sleep well.”

I crawled into my bed and ran down two sets of batteries.

“Rory was still sick the next morning. I was walking to her room, when she ran out and into the bathroom.

I heard her vomit and flush. I found her pale and sweating.

“My stomach really hurts, Mom.” She looked piteous. “Do I have to keep taking those pills?” She was crying.

“NO!” I shouted. “I’m going to kill that doctor and blow up that stupid research lab.” Unfortunately stopping the drug required a lengthy time of decreasing dosage.

I can’t believe I’d held out hope, this long, for the damn things to work. I wanted to blame Jerry, but he was just being a young man, eager to put his dick into any hole that would let him. I’m sure my daughter was thinking the same thing. “We’ll go on a real diet, I promise, together.”

After helping my dearest to her bed, I called the doctors. There was no answer, not even a machine. “Son of a bitch!” I yelled into my cell.

“You need me?” Jerry poked his head around the corner of my door.

I wanted him with every fiber of my being, but I felt I would be betraying my promise to his sister, if I let him soothe my anger.

“Jerry, there are going to be some changes around here.” I was about to say.

“Hey, Mom. Read this new flash. He thrust his cell phone at me.”

“I can’t read that, from here.” I didn’t take the bait. “Toss it.”

He grinned and chucked it over.

The screen displayed a news article from this morning. “Area doctor found dead. Auto-erotic asphyxiation suspected.”

I called Lana. “How many pills do you have?”

“I dunno, half a bottle.” She giggled. “And another full bottle I, uh, convinced the doctor to prescribe under a separate name. Isn’t it awful?” She meant the news.

“I have two full bottles.” From my last visit to the fuckable doctor.

“I mean the news.”

“Couldn’t have happened to a less qualified person.”

“When’s dinner?” I had told her about Jerry’s punishment.

“Um, we’re going to have to make some changes.” I was able to say, finally.

“NO! I will NOT be denied again!”

“I’m not talking about that.” I promised. “You’re welcome to come over, but you’ll leave starving. Rory and I are going to seriously try to lose weight, this time.”

“I’ll be over at five thirty.” The usual time, six PM, wasn’t soon enough for what my friend was starving for.

That night, I didn’t listen at Jerry’s door. Lana’s shrieks could be heard down the block. I fed Rory some broth with mushrooms, spinach, and scallions. “I’m going to see about finding a doctor at that lab, Exo-Genetics.” I assured her.

I spent every hour of every week day for two weeks, trying to contact a doctor at Exo-Gentics. Without a prescription, the guard wouldn’t let me enter the grounds, even after I promised to blow him. I barely found time to fuck Jerry. He seemed happy enough with his nightly, three or four cum fuck fests with Lana. Rory just seemed to get sicker. I tried another pregnancy test. It was also negative. One less thing to worry about, I told her and told myself. I worried. Finally, I had to capitulate. Honor be damned, my daughter was in trouble. I called Russ.

“Your daughter is sick from those pills, Dear.” I probably shouldn’t have called him Dear.

“Can you prove it in a court of law?”

“Damn, you! I gave you a one percent chance that you still cared about your offspring, and you blew even that.”

“What do you mean, Sweetheart?” He sneered through the phone. “Jerry is my little man! He can do no wrong.”

“Your daughter, D-A-U-G-”

“Ever since you let her get fat, she became dead to me.” Russ was dead seriously a fucking asshole.

“No. No, You shit seed, of my children. You can walk away from me, and your obligations to your children’s future, but you will not give pills to your daughter that could kill her.”

“How much weight have you two lost?”

“The – pills – are – what – made – us – fat!” I yelled loud enough to possibly shatter my phone’s glass screen.

“Okay. I’ll put you both down for ‘before’ pictures.”

You had better be joking. I’m willing to risk 10 to 20 years in prison if you aren’t.

“Fine. I’m joking. But what can I do?”

“Get us an appointment at Exo-Genetics. They need to see what their drug does to healthy women who just wanted to lose ten pounds. Maybe they can find out what’s wrong with Rory. If they do, I’ll rush her to real medical professionals.”

“I can do that.” My ex, stated.


“Hang up.”

I hung up and checked on Rory. The pain in her gut was bearable, but it seemed to shift around her huge waist. I figured all the fat under her bloated skin was confusing the source of pain. My phone rang.

“Russ?” I asked anxiously.

“Sorry, Hon, its Lana! Why would you sound happy to hear from your ex?”

“He’s trying to get an appo-”

“That’s not important, right now! I called because of a miracle!” Lana sang, “I gained thirteen pounds!”

“Lana!” I shrieked. “Get off my phone!” I hung up.

My phone rang. “Lana!”

“That lesbo still all the fuck you can get?” Russ grinned from ear to ear, through the speaker.

“Fuck you.”

“Fuck you not at all, fatso. Your appointment is at 11am tomorrow. Be there or kiss Rory good bye.” He hung up. A chill ran down my spine. He wasn’t kidding about that last bit. They told him, I knew. Our daughter was in serious danger. I broke down, until Jerry returned from school.

I rushed to my boy. “I need you, Jerry.” I was in tears, while tearing off my son’s clothes. “No bullshit, right now, sweetie.” I pulled off my dress and bra, and went down on him. I mouthed his soft cock, taking more of it into my face that ever before. I licked and sucked and drew his hands to my trembling, balloon tits, until he hardened. “I can’t face her. I can’t tell her.” I stood up, my rotund belly sliding up his boner. I kissed my son. “I need you to fuck me, or I’ll never be able to tell your sister.”

Jerry didn’t say anything. He pulled down my panties and we fell to the rug in front of the door. His massive prick stabbed into my cunt, and he pounded me furiously, reflecting my acute anxiety.

“Oh yes, Son, Momma needs to cum like only you can make her.”

My fear proved to be an incredible turn on. Jerry bit me all over, my fat arms, my nipples, my bulging neck. I came within two minutes. He didn’t stop plugging my desperate hole with cock goodness. He came into me and then sped up. Cum spurted out of my cunt with every incredible plunge. I orgasmed twice more, calling out my daughter’s name, “Rory! Rory, I’m so sorry!” Jerry shot another load into me, his mother. He never said a word, but I could see his love for me, his worry. His second orgasm shattered me. I cried out in lust and ecstasy. “OOOOOOHHHHHHH!!!!!”

“Ms. Bollinger?” Caroline walked in through the front door Jerry and I had left open. “Oh my!” She covered her eyes with her hands. “Jerry said it’d be okay if I visited.”

“Just a second.” Jerry told her.

I was speechless. My son pulled out, spilling last of his cum on my tits. “Sorry, Mom. I couldn’t have expected you’d need that.” He hung his head and took Caroline’s hand. They went to his room.

I lay still. My post orgasmic glow didn’t fade, but my thoughts swirled. Rory. Russ, Caroline, Jerry. Lana. The gods spoke to me. “Lana!” I lept to my feet and grabbed my phone.

“What do you mean, you gained thirteen pounds?”

“Isn’t it a miracle? I was going throw out those pills. Two weeks ago, I was under a hundred pounds.” Lana rejoiced. “I can hardly wait to show Jerry!”

On Lana a hundred plus pounds were still within super model range. It was unlikely to impress him. Also, he seemed to have a girlfriend. I carried our conversation to my son’s door, expecting sounds that echoed my own three minutes ago. “Shhh.” I hushed Lana. Hearing nothing, I touched my ear to the door.

“…the boy was eyeing Julie’s test, but I shook my finger…” Talking. They were just talking. I shook my head and returned to the living room. After all, a mom should let her son have his privacy.

“What time is dinner, Fran?”

I covered the microphone with a finger and called out. “Jerry! Is Caroline staying for dinner?”

“Um.” His voice barely reached me. “I’ll ask.” Silence. “Yeah, she says she’d like that.”

“There won’t be much.” I had rescued the household cooking.

“I already warned her.” He sounded dejected.

I removed my finger and spoke into the phone. “You’ll have an audience.”

“I don’t care.”

“Six PM.” I hung up.

I stayed with Rory until I had to fix supper. She told me it wasn’t so bad that day. I didn’t confront her lie. Tomorrow, we would invade Exo-Genetics and figure out what to do, together.

At dinner, Lana and I kept our conversation separate from Jerry and his, um, girlfriend? I hesitated to call her that. It’s not like they were fucking. Their’s was the most boring intercourse I’d recently heard at my table. I had forgotten what small talk sounded like. I had to tell Lana about the girl finding me attacking my son, by whispering it into her ear.

“And she watched?” Lana told my ear.

“Covered her eyes, but never said anything.”

“Huh.” Lana blinked, unable to understand. “Then they wandered into his room and kept their clothes on?” She saw me nod. “Kids these days, aliens, I tell you, all aliens.”

“I didn’t hear them taking anything off.”

“Ms. Bollinger. The cottage cheese and peaches were really nice. Thanks for helping me keep fit.” Caroline smiled simply. She had an adorable smile.

I wanted to punch the little shit right in her gratitude.

Lana touched my shivering arm. “Come with me.” She took me too my bedroom and licked my cunt until I shouted, “Fuck you, Caroline Gincotter!”

Lana left me mostly sated. I laid on my bed for half an hour or so before getting up, grabbing my vibrator, and seeing what I was missing. I found the three of them in the living room.

Jerry had my friend bent over the back of our couch. He plugged her pussy with hard prick while Carol watched with amusement. “Thirteen pounds, Ms. Meryl, that’s terrible! What have you been eating?”

“I’ll make you eat this.” Lana raised her fist. “After I get the prick pounding I’ve earned.”

“I guess you earned it, Ms. Meryl.” Jerry agreed softly, but he fucked with a big stick. “Maybe next week, you’ll have another ten.” He was exciting himself by thinking how fat this skinny bitch was going to become.

In my head, I applauded my son’s imagination. Still. Thirteen pounds, after two weeks. I stared at my boy glued crotch to crotch with my friend, attempting to free themselves with boiling sperm. I wished I had bought fresh batteries.

Two weeks of being fucked by my son.

Three months had fled by since Rory and I had first felt Jerry’s superior cut of beef pound our pussies. Rory fucked him three times more often than I. The two had more free time. As his sister gained weight faster that his mother, Jerry was more inclined to spear her fat. Rory had gained three times the weight I had.

“Good gods. It wasn’t the pills.” I thought. I dropped my dead vibrator. Nobody noticed, or me running back to Rory’s room.

“My sweet, honey child.” I held and kissed my obese daughter. “It’s going to be all right.”


“What do you mean, she’s all right?” I shouted at the researcher.

“Hey!” He shouted back. “I told you. I’m not a doctor. You wanted us to check out your daughter. Your ex-husband talked us into it. But I’m not lying. She has to keep taking the pills. How many days has she gone without?”

Almost two.

“That shouldn’t be too bad. You give them to her at your normal time tonight. And make sure you take yours. Come back in another week. We’ll be able to run better tests, given time to prepare. I’ll examine you both, personally.”

The researcher, Michael (I didn’t get his last name) was not trying to hit on me. What sane man would? I was a walking watermelon. If I didn’t get occasional sex from Jerry and regular licks from my grateful friend, I’d sign up online to Fat Fetish Friends Finder. All one word. But as far as I could tell, the pitiful tests he had performed were less about curing my daughter and more about saving his experiment.

Sure, he took Rory’s blood pressure and temperature. He even listened to her heart or breathing with a stethoscope. I wasn’t sure which, because he kept prodding every fold of fat, every crease in my girl’s wrecked body, with cold metal disk. And the way he would jostle her folds, seemingly adjusting the lumps inside her, didn’t look like any kind of exam I’d ever seen, and I’ve seen my mother examined.

Michael told me to call a doctor he recommended.

I called the doctor and gave him the info. Michael had coded the exam results. I read off a list of numbers and letters, correcting the doctor when he repeated them back wrong. He made a lot of mistakes. I’m pretty sure he was drunk. He called me back the next day, worse drunk, and said to pick up a prescription at the nearby drug store I had named.

The pharmacist looked at the list of pills and potions and shrugged before handing them to me. “I hope your alligator with a peptic ulcer and colon cancer gets well soon.”

I nearly dropped the bag. Preparing the remedies took seven blocks of fifteen minutes every day. I hardly had time to work. Finally, after three days of pills and potions, Rory stopped throwing up. She was so happy. She wanted to celebrate.

“No!” I forbid her.

“It’s not fair! You’re still fucking him!”

“I”m trying to cut down.” I changed the subject. “How’s your stomach?”

“It hurts, but at least I’m keeping down the little bit of food you give me.”

“All you’ve done for the last three days is lie in bed, and you managed to lose six pounds.” I kept to myself that her loss was actually measured from when she had stopped fucking her brother.

“Shhh.” She grabbed my upper arm. “Don’t you DARE tell Jerry.”

“Honey, you’re ill. I don’t care what the researcher said. Don’t get over excited.” I didn’t tell her the insane conclusion I had reached, that fucking Jerry was making us fat. “If you need to cum, I’ll loan you my vibrator. I bought fresh batteries.” And a dozen backups.

She pouted for an hour before sleeping. Like a cat, she was getting fourteen to sixteen hours a day. It made the rest of my day much easier. Unfortunately, when I was alone with Jerry, I couldn’t help but desire that masterful prick he had become incredibly skilled with. He called me, “Cunt”, and “Whore”. He forced me to my knees and punched his massive girth into my mouth. I could barely suck it. That didn’t matter. He liked to make me suffer for the fucking I needed. He bent me over table and couch and chair, ramming me from behind, cunt or ass. He did lube my ass, never enough though. I cried in pain and orgasmic release. He made me crawl. He made me lick. He made me mop utensils with my wet bush between forkfuls of steak and spoonfuls of custard. My snatch smelled awful. He made me masturbate with his socks and underwear before he went to school. I kept gaining weight.

I gave Lana an open invite, whenever Jerry was home. She kept herself abreast of him for hours at a time. I was jealous, but also, I could see her breasts growing. The effect was that pronounced. I overheard him snickering with Caroline. “Every day she feels heavier on me.”

I gained another four pounds that week.

My son’s ‘virgin’ girlfriend didn’t visit much. He tended to visit her. I talked with her mother, every few days to touch base. “They just talk and study.” She kept telling me. I didn’t want to believe it. I had a fantasy that Mrs. Gincotter was taking my son up her ass while we spoke on the phone. Caroline wouldn’t have cared a lick if her mother had been.

Strange girl. Strange son, I reminded myself. Finally, I couldn’t take it any more. Four days after Rory’s examination, I stalked my son’s girlfriend after school and confronted her the moment she was alone.

“Why aren’t you fucking my son?” I demanded.

“Huh? Ms. Bollinger, are you feeling okay?”

I hissed. “No. But that’s not the point. I’ve got to know.”

The prissy student council president straightened and said very seriously. “I have to think about my career.”

“What?” I burst. “You’re barely in high school.”

“I’ll be honest, Ma-am. There’s nothing more that I want than to sink to the same depths as you and Rory and Ms. Meryl, and get fattened up to excite your son. Unlike you wonderful, crazy bitches, I’m not going to sacrifice my future for what would probably be the best sex of my life.” She sniffed. “America may be getting fatter, but the powers that be aren’t. I’m headed to the top, Ms. Bollinger, and I’m going to take your son with me, when I’m legal.”

“Why would you need to get fat? My son would fuck you. He really cares for you.”

“Yes, he would. He does, but I don’t accept favors, Ma-am. They’re strings that let people manipulate you. Not that Jerry would manipulate me. We love each other for who we are. I know what fuels Jerry’s desires. If he didn’t feel about me how he feels about your fat body, he’d just be doing me a favor.”

Defeated, I skulked away. I found Jerry at home, and I let him boss me around for an hour in order to get his prick into my sad sex.

On the morning of our mutual exam, I strode into Rory’s room and found her heaving under her brother. He labored mightily to give her the fucking she had been missing for nearly a month.

“OOOOHHHH!! I’m Cummmminngg. Agggaaaaiiinnn!” She wailed.

I didn’t have the heart to stop them. After they had exhausted themselves, covered in my son’s cum from heads to toes, I finally cleared my throat. “I hope you enjoyed that enough to last a lifetime, young lady.” I was oddly, suddenly furious. “I’m calling the lab and canceling our appointment.”

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/5n32lb/27_jaged_pills_ch_3_p1_mf_mf_inc_ms_alien_rape