My first time masturbating on a train [M]

Yesterday I had a long day of train journeys to get home and was browsing some of the NSFW/GW sections of Reddit on my phone to pass the time.

The whole carriage was rather empty but there was someone sat a seat behind me and another a seat in front.

Whilst reading some of the posts, my free hand had crept it’s way up from my knee and was now rubbing against the bulge in my jeans.

I took my coat and placed it to the side of me juat to shield it from view of anybody passing down the aisle.

I quietly unzipped my jeans and started rubbing through my boxers, focusing on the head. I felt a little rush that I’d started doing this with people so near to me.

My erection continued to grow and a finger just wouldn’t reach that magic spot any longer. I got my whole hand inside my jeans and was rewarded with multiple fingers stroking me through the cotton underwear.

Pretty soon, it just wasn’t enough. I needed more to bring myself off. I slipped my hand inside the fly of my boxers and slightly gasped at that skin-on-skin magic.

Just at that moment a ticket inspector walked past. My heart raced and my hand froze. He passed through the carriage without asking for my ticket and I got back to rubbing with a sly smile on my face, knowing that if he’d have asked for my ticket, I would have been caught.

I needed more space. I relieved myself from the confines and boxer shorts with my soldier firmly on display with my coat at its side.

The thrill took over from here. My breathing quickened whilst I tried to be silent. My eyes lost focus, darting between the carriage door and the person sat in front of me. I bit my lip to stop a moan. It felt so good knowing that I was approaching climax soon.

The point of no return arrived as I forced my cock back into my jeans. I held my breath as I felt the pleasurable throbbing start to soak the insides of my underwear. I bit my finger and tilted my head back. The tiniest whimper escaped my lips.

I let a relaxing sigh as I slowly re-zipped my jeans, sitting there with a faint scent of myself concealed underneath my coat, feeling rather pleased with myself. I quickly looked around and none of my fellow passengers were any the wiser about my little adventure.



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