Transformation name game [T]

Not exactly a story, more of a game.

This is an idea I came up with recently as a sort of erotic thought experiment. The idea is to think of a super common name, a name that many people have that you know personally. Once you’ve picked a name, every person you know with that name experiences a particular sexual transformation. Then you need to describe their body and personality before the transformation, what the transformation will look like particularly to them, and how it will affect their behavior and their life.

In my example I will give here, all the women I know with the name Kate, or Katie, will suddenly grow a penis in addition to their vagina, and I will have to decide what that looks like, and how they will respond.

Katie W. – A short, pale redhead with appropriately proportioned tits and hips, that I knew in college. She was a nice girl and I liked her. She was a little more open to sexual advances than society told her to be, but who’s going to hold that against her? To fit her petite body, her cock would only be 5 inches long, but she would also grow good sized balls, and cum a LOT. When she discovers her cock, she is surprised, but very curious; the very first thing she would do is masturbate at least three times. After tasting her cum the first time, she would scoop it all up and drink it up immediately, and every time after that, she would throw her legs up over her head and cum directly into her own mouth. After she had finally calmed down a little bit, she would become very curious about what having sex with a penis is like. She has always been a bit obsessed with the nature of desire, and been fascinated by the moment of ejaculation. It would be a waste of this opportunity to not try and experience it for herself! Her closest friends aren’t as adventurous as her, so she is afraid to approach them about it. Instead, she seduces a young bi-curious freshman from her sorority under the influence of alcohol at a party. The unsuspecting girl thinks she’s about to experience lesbian sex for the first time, but instead gets a more familiar form of intercourse. She keeps Katie’s secret, but tells her friends it was an interesting and fun experience. Katie gets a reputation as a good lover among the sorority girls, and spends her time cruising curious young women and seducing them.

Katie G. – Think “generous C cup breasts,” and the proportions that implies on a college girl, and you’ve got Katie G. Hot curves but a trim body, long brunette hair, and a gorgeous face made her one of the hottest girls at my school. She had a steady boyfriend most of the time I knew her, and her best friend was a flamboyantly gay dude that everybody loved. She would grow a 7.5 inch cock, in keeping with the theme of “just a little bit bigger and better” that the rest of her body does so well. She would wake up with her new cock in bed with her boyfriend, who would be freaked out, and run the fuck away. She would be so distraught that she would not take the time to tend to her raging new cock, and instead rush to her best friend to be consoled. She would not hide anything from him, but tell him everything. He would do his best to comfort her, but he would not really know what to tell her in this situation. To make matters worse, growing her new cock has caused her to become extremely horny, but she had not taken care of it. Not thinking straight, she asks him if he would want to have sex with her now that she has a dick. He reminds her that cocks aren’t the only prerequisite for attraction for a gay guy, but he takes pity on her condition and offers to help her get used to her cock. At first he is showing her how to use her hands on her cock but she swiftly convinces him to just blow her instead. She is surprised at how much she enjoys the experience. Her boyfriend ends up not being able to deal with her new cock and they break up. She has trouble making herself go out and date for the rest of college, but she and her best friend still help each other out from time to time. He never really forms an attraction to her body overall, other than a genuine admiration of her beauty from an objective standpoint, but he likes to joke that if he closes his eyes, he can let her dick do all the talking; they are glad to help each other take the edge off. She moved to New York after college, and realizes that she really liked being in a relationship with a boy, feeling desired as a woman and getting fucked, but also likes the feeling of sex with her penis. She ends up getting together a bisexual guy who is glad to have a smoking hot woman with just a little bit extra, who gives just as good as she gets!

Kate M. – a neighbor of mine, kinda awkward, who had a bit of a crush on me growing up, but we haven’t really talked at length for years. She is a bigger girl, but not a round one, with those soft squishy looking boobs that come from a few extra pounds. She would grow a ordinary 6 inch cock, but would cum buckets. She would wake up in her bed at home, on break from college, and would discover her cock under her sheets. She would be freaked out, and not really know what to do with it, not having had any boyfriends in high school. She would not mean to do it, but in the course of examining her new appendage, she would overstimulate herself and prematurely ejaculate due to her inexperience. While it was the most amazing feeling she’s ever felt, suddenly she has a huge problem: she and her bed are soaked in cum. She panics, and is trying to clean up when her sister Lucy barges into her room. Lucy, while younger, fitter, and more outgoing than Kate is, looks quite a lot like her. Lucy would see Kate’s cock before she could hide it, and couldn’t miss the fact that her sister and her bed are dripping with cum. She would want to help her sister, of course, but being quite sexually adventurous, couldn’t help being more than a little bit curious. She seduces her sister, and they end up having brief and unsatisfying sex. Because it was Kate’s first experience with sex on this level, and sex with her cock, she naturally wants to continue doing things with her sister, but Lucy, while excited by the amount of cum her sister can produce, has satisfied her curiosity and decided that she has better prospects, and is not very interested. They have sex only one more time before they both leave to go back to school. However, Kate goes to a women’s college, and now knowing firsthand the pleasure a woman can give her, is suddenly desperate with desire for her peers. In the end, she breaks down and confesses to her close friend, who demands to see it. While her friend is afraid to do anything with it, she thanks Kate for sharing with her, and promises to keep her secret. Naturally the news spreads about as fast as you would expect for a juicy secret at an all girls school. Soon, Kate finds herself beset by girls just as sex-deprived as she had been, and suddenly is having more sex than she had ever previously imagined. She learns quickly, and goes from being entirely inexperienced to being incredibly proficient with her cock. She ends up with a close harem of friends/concubines, plus some additional lovers who work their way in every now and then, all of whom have come to love her enormous cumshots, and crowd around her, waiting for her to paint them all at once in a one-woman bukkake.

A personal favorite:

Kate A. – My ex girlfriend. A true Big Beautiful Woman, she had all the curves you could want, dark hair, and an innocent face. She had a high sex drive and liked to feel like a woman but was incredibly vanilla in her sexual tastes and preferences, which ended up being a source of friction between us, and a source of irony in this fantasy. She is very fixated on her work as a high school english teacher. Her cock will be a real monster, 18 inches long with big ass balls to match. Not only will it look incredible with the scale of her body, but also is deliciously ironic, since the sexual nature she tried to cover up is now enormous and unavoidable, and completely at odds with her timid and vanilla nature. When she discovers her cock one morning, she is afraid to touch it at all, but cannot help herself; growing the cock makes you unbearably horny, and combine that with her high sex drive and it was basically a foregone conclusion. Her cock reaches between her plush boobs, and she is reminded of how her ex (me lol) had asked her if he could fuck her tits. She hadn’t let him, but now wondered if he had known something she hadn’t. The act of pressing her tits against her shaft alone makes her moan, and she quickly begins fucking her own chest. Each thrust brings her cock head close to her face, and she considers how while she didn’t like someone “using” her mouth, she didn’t mind doing it herself. Even as she cranes her neck down to gobble up her dripping cock, she isn’t sure which this counts as, since she can’t bring herself to slow down even for her own comfort. It simply feels too good in her mouth. She feels the new sensation of her colossal cock about to cum, but before she can even consider the consequences, her orgasm is already upon her. She shoots her first spurt right into the back of her throat, and immediately coughs, her pulsing cock coming out of her mouth. She suddenly is reminded of how while she doesn’t mind cum in her mouth, she can’t stand it on her skin, even as her own body is drenching her face with more cum than she had ever imagined. Instead of being repulsed, however, she is turned on more than ever to be covered in her own seed. Her oversized balls are constantly dumping sex hormones into her body, cranking her sex drive ever higher. She is afraid to try to engage in sex, but she cannot help herself. She ends up driving to a sex shop with a glory hole in the back, so she can get fucked without revealing her new growth to anyone. After two cocks have come through the hole, however, she cums all over the floor of her own room. After this humiliation, it doesn’t seem like much of a stretch, when a feminine finger comes wiggling through the hole, to stick her own gargantuan penis through. After a cry of surprised delight, the girl on the other side performs the most mind blowing sex acts Kate has ever imagined. After she has cum again, her insistent sex drive leads her to knock on the room next door, where she meets an adventurous young couple, exploring the excitement of anonymous sharing. She ends up going home with them, and becomes a third member of their relationship, in which they slowly coax her to give into every perverted impulse that her hypersexed body can handle.

This is where it gets weird, but part of the point of the game is that you have to think of EVERYBODY you know with this name in a sexual light. So with that in mind…

Kate H. – my high school age cousin. She is very tall and lanky, with red hair, small boobs, and not much of an ass. She was a gymnast when she was young, but got way too tall, so now she plays volleyball. She’s a bit of a princess, and hangs out with popular girls. They’re all into whatever bullshit the highschool girls are into these days, notably Ariana Grande. Maybe I’m biased, but I think she’s smarter than the rest of her friends, who are a little ditzy. She would grow a cock that is 9 inches long but slender, to match her tall but skinny body. She would be scared at first, but the burning desire that growing a cock instills in her ends up driving her to explore. She would stroke her long cock, experimenting with what felt good, as her eye would be drawn to her Ariana Grande poster across the room. She had always felt that she wanted to BE Ariana, but now all of a sudden she WANTED Ariana. She couldn’t tear her eyes away, and she slowly walks over in front of the poster to look closer, without removing her hands from her cock. She takes in the singer’s flawless skin, tantalizing face, and seductive curves as an overwhelming sensation overtakes her, and she sprays her first load all over the picture of her idol. After she catches her breath, she realizes she wants more of that feeling, and unsticks the poster from the wall, and brings it back over to the bed. As she is getting back into bed, her still hard cock pokes up right near her face, and she suddenly remembers hearing her friends talk about blowjobs. Without even thinking, she opens her mouth and slurps her long cock into her mouth. Immediately everything else, even Ariana Grande’s ass, is forgotten. She can’t stop thinking about how good her mouth feels, and bobs her head and bucks her hips at the same time, fucking her own face. She quickly cums again, deep in the back of her mouth. She can just barely taste her own cum, but samples enough to decide she very much likes it before she swallows it all. She continues to suck her own cock without pausing, not knowing or caring that the ability to suck one’s own cock, and to keep going immediately after cumming, are things that most people with cocks would kill for. She is completely satisfied with sucking herself off for some time afterwards, until a few weeks later, one of her friends is whispering conspiratorially about whether some boy had a big cock. Without even stopping to think about it, Kate tells her “I’ve seen a penis that’s 9 inches long. I can show you, even.” After sneaking into a bathroom stall together, Kate reveals her long, slender penis. Her friend is not sure what to do with it, but Kate is glad to demonstrate how she likes it with her own mouth. Before long, all of Kate’s friends, who are eager to experience sexual things with someone they trust, are sucking her dick whenever the mood strikes them. It probably won’t be long now before one of them gives into the temptation to find out what it feels like to have such a long cock inside of them.

Even weirder to think about than my own cousin:

Katie L. – my lesbian sister’s partner and a personal friend. She is a larger than life personality, fun loving and excitable, with long brown hair, average breasts, and a nice ass. To my knowledge, neither she nor my sister have any real sexual experience with men beyond second base or so. She would grow a 7 inch cock, just a little bit above average to go with her personality, but would have BIG balls. She wouldn’t cum nearly as much as Kate M. above, but her cum would be super thick and potent. She would wake up with her new appendage in bed with my sister Elizabeth. There might be some confusion at first, but once they establish that it is indeed Katie’s cock, they have to decide what to do with it. They have talked about a lot of their sexual idiosyncrasies before now, and neither of them are repulsed by penises, they just don’t feel a positive attraction towards men. Katie, being more adventurous, suggests that they have a unique opportunity to experience sex in a way they never have before. Elizabeth already likes getting fucked with a strapon, and this can only be better. Elizabeth is a little scared at first, but Katie can convince her to do just about anything. Being a little distracted, it takes some work and careful touching on Katie’s part to get Elizabeth as wet as she needs to be, but Katie has been hard as steel since she woke up, from the sudden libido shift caused by growing the penis, from touching my sister’s body, and from the excitement of trying something new. Eventually she can wait no longer, and slides her new cock into Elizabeth’s body. Both of them are surprised by new sensations. Elizabeth is surprised at how different a cock feels from a strapon; even though the motion is similar, the heat of it, the fact that it flexes with her, and the fact that Katie can FEEL how it is oriented inside of her, all make it a whole different experience. Katie, for her part, is having her mind blown at the amazing feeling of sex with a cock of course, but also the concept of mutual pleasure from fucking. Of course in lesbian sex there are ways for both parties to feel pleasure at the same time, but having both of them derive pleasure from the same single motion is a feeling of connection that is hard to replicate. They quickly lose themselves in this new kind of sex, and forget about any other considerations. Considerations like how they have never had to even think about protection before, or how Katie has no experience controlling her orgasm when fucking with a cock. Before either of them realize what is happening, they are wrapped around each other, Elizabeth quivering through an intense orgasm, while Katie pumps her thick, potent seed from her big balls into her partner. Without even ever considering it as a possibility, my sister is pregnant with her girlfriend’s baby. In the end, they decide it was for the best. While it may have been a little sooner than they intended, they knew one day they would end up married, and even having kids together, but neither of them had ever dreamed that they could both be a biological parent to their children. Happy with the promise of the future, and the knowledge that they need not worry about pregnancy, they gladly partake in their new form of intimacy as often as Katie’s big balls demand it.

So that’s all the Kates and Katies, and their new cocks. I hope you like the idea of the Transformation Name Game. Play in your own head! Pick a name, a transformation, and figure out how each person would transform! If you have any good ones, please post the highlights in the comments, or create your own Transformation Name Game thread!
