When we finally meet irl [Str8][mf]

My fantasy includes you finally comming to belgium after a long time of driving eachother crazy via skype and snapchat. We meet in a hotel room and we’re both sitting on the bed. You imediately feel that I’m a bit shy, in your head it goes:”he is a virgin afteral, it’s to be expected” and you decide to take the lead. You take of your shirt and then quickly do the same with your bra, you see my eyes lighting up at the sight of your beautifully pierces breasts. You cant help but feel a bit happy by how easily you are able to satisfy me, but at the same time you can’t remember the last time someone looked at you with such hopeful eyes. In your head it goes: “he looks so innocent and so happy. I wonder if he will remain like that after I’m done with him”.

You shuffle a little closer to my side of the bed, and then proceed to kiss me. Our lips touch and our eyes close, “he’s such a gentle kisser” you think to yourself, but you feel me getting more and more into it slowly getting more aggresive in my kissing. Then you feel 2 hands on your shoulders, gently pushing you down onto the bed. You open your eyes and realise they’re mine. “Is he starting to take the lead now?” You’re surprised but also kind of excited, you let it happen. You’re laying with your back on the bed now, my hands still on your shoulders and still kissing with me. But not for long, I detatch my lips from yours and you feel them sliding over your chin into your neck.

You feel the feeling of soft kissing when I slowly keep moving my lips down. I’ve arrived at your breasts which are still as exposed as ever. You feel a little chill runnin down your body from excitement, thinking about what I’ll do to your lovely breasts. You feel my lips going up to your left breast, not stopping the gentle kisses on the way. I arrive at your nipple, putting my lips around it and playing with it with my tongue. Spinning circles around it and pokin it, it feels… Surprisingly nice. This goes on for another 20 seconds or so when you feel me going for the right nipple this time. But to your surprise it doesn’t get the same treatment, instead of my soft tongue you feel something else. My teeth, playfully biting in your nipple.

Before you can make any objections I am already moving down again, running my lips over your belly. Just passing your bellybutton, and ofcourse not without the obligatory soft kisses. Just as I’m gonna arive at your pants I start pulling them down further both your pants and your panties at the same time, so that I can keep decending undisturbedly with my lips. As I pass your sexy tatoo you feel my lips curling into a smile. I’m almost at my end destination: your already dripping vajojo. But what’s this? I went right past it, going straight for your tighs.

“As if he hasn’t teased me enough” you think while almost drowning in excitement. I go down your right thigh with my lips not leaving 1 place unkissed and as I reach the end I switch to your left thigh, but this time going back up. Your breathing becomes heavier as I slowly come closer and closer to your vajojo which is screaming for attention by now. Finally I arrive at my destination and I’m wasting no time getting straight to business. I give your clit 1 small kiss and then start licking your whole vajojo in broad strokes with my tongue, while slightly spreading it open with both my hands. Good comes to those who wait, and good it was. Every lick even better than the last. Lick after lick after lick, the pleasure keeps building up inside of you. Your breathing keeps getting heavier and your hips start to move up and down a little in an attempt to feel even better.

I decide it is time for the next step, I pull your lips a little more appart to better expose your little clit. And focus all my attention on it, licking it from left to right and up to down. Making these circular motions drives you insane with pleasure, your hips start moving faster your heartbeat is through the roof and the soft moaning you tried to surpress before is clearly noticeable now. Eventhough you are moving your hips like that I am relentless, I do not give your clit 1 moment of rest. I keep softly massaging it with my tongue, you’re on the brink of orgasm and can’t take it anymore… then I stop.

You look at me with an angry expression, as to tell me to finish what I started when you see me standing up and taking of my own pants. You hear me saying “If you’re gonna cum, it’s gonna be with my dick balls deep inside of you”. You quickly take of your pants all the way and get into position, for you have no more patience and are aching to cum.

> I’ve written a few of these before, never were they this extensive though. I felt a little proud and wanted to share this with everyone interested so I decided to make a reddit account and post for the first time. I wrote this about a girl I know when i was feeling… inspired ;). Feel free to leave any feedback or comments or send them via PM. And hopefully enjoy~

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/5mn832/when_we_finally_meet_irl_str8mf

1 comment

  1. I don’t want to be “that guy”, but this is really hard to read.

    Use paragraph breaks (two newlines in succession) where relevant. As it stands it’s just a wall of text.

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