[MF] Starting the New Year with my sister’s friend [long] [first post]

Having been a long time lurker in this sub, I’ve decided to share a one of my best sexual experiences and is definitely fresh in my mind as it happened just a few nights ago, as we all welcomed in the New Year.

First of all though, a few bits of information about me; I’m a 21 year old, 6ft1 Brit living in London with Irish background. In terms of build, I would say that I’m a bit heavier set than I would like thanks to quick and easy meals at university but I feel like I carry it well and make up for it with the way I present myself and my personality.

(To skip to the good bit, look for the *************)

Ever since my friends and I have been able to drink legally (18 in the UK), we have always gone to the same bar to celebrate the New Year, this tradition wasn’t going to change and we all agreed that it was best that we shouldn’t turn up sober. The drinks at the bar were quite expensive on an ordinary night and we were certain they’d put prices up. I decide it was best that we have “pre-drinks” at my house, as it was only a 10 minute cab journey to and from the bar and my house can fit a lot of people into it as we have an open plan kitchen/living room design.

I ask my parents if it was all okay to which they say yes. However, there’ a slight problem as my sister has already asked them if she could invite people over, this was nothing bad though, I get on well with my sister and most of her friends, they were all roughly a year younger than I am, plus they were mostly girls so it would provide something good to look at and also allow the conversation to steer away from the usual stupid and crude things me and my friends would usually talk about.

New Year’s Eve comes around a few days later and I start getting ready early, I tell my friends to get to my house for 5pm so that we can watch the football (soccer) together and get into the spirit of things. Halfway through the first half of the game, I hear a knock at my front door, I answer it and it’s my sister, her boyfriend and her friends all coming back from a last minute shopping spree of dresses and make up for the night ahead. The girls all say hello and run upstairs to start getting ready and my sister’s boyfriend joins us in watching the football.

I return to drinking and finish up watching the game, our team won so the mood was getting better and better, I knew that it was going to be a good night no matter what happened. At around 9:30pm, my sister and a few of her friends come downstairs to get some glasses of wine to drink and they’re all looking gorgeous, my friends’ jaws all but hit the floor but being the over protective older brother that I am, I tell them to pack it in and that they were all off limits, as most of them already had boyfriends whom we’d eventually meet at the bar anyway. I soon ate my own words however because Charlotte is the last one to come down, she must have arrived at some point after everyone else as I hadn’t even realised she was at the house, and describing how breath-taking she was looking would be impossible but I’ll give it my best shot.

Charlotte’s 19 years old and I’d say she’s around 5ft6 with dark, shoulder length brunette hair. She has a very voluptuous body, a nice ass but the most amazing tits I’ve ever seen on a girl, I would definitely describe myself as an ass man but she made me forget that instantly and my God she knew how to use them too. She was wearing a strapped black dress that hugged and showed off all of her seductive curves, it cut off about half way up her thigh and had the deepest neckline. You could almost get lost in her cleavage! She also wore a dark red, almost burgundy lipstick that complemented her soft, pale skin. This was an instant turn on for me, I catch myself looking her up and down but quickly snap out of it because I knew there was no way anything could happen. We’ve never had any sort of history together either, I’ve known her for a number of years as she was one of my sister’s closest friends throughout secondary school and 6th form, but it was something about the way she looked that night which made me see her in an entirely different light.

We welcome the girls to join us in a drinking game we were playing, it involved a cup surrounded by a deck of cards, and each card had a rule associated with it. It was a game fairly popular amongst us, as we all learned to play it at university. As the game goes on, I keep making little glances over at Charlotte, admiring how stunning she was looking, I accidentally let my gaze linger a little too long as she turns and notices me staring, she gives me the cutest little smile and returns to picking a card. I feel my cheeks starting to get flush, so I thought it was best to make my way over to the kitchen to grab myself another beer out of the fridge, after closing the door and preparing myself to return to the table, I’m shocked to see Charlotte standing right in front of me, she tells me she needs a new glass, and my sister had told her to come and ask me where to find one, I tell her that they are in the top cupboard, on the top shelf, she thanks and walks passed me, this is when I get hit by the strongest aroma from the perfume she was wearing, it was incredible, and even as I’m writing this I can still remember how good her scent was. She opens the cupboard and reaches up to the top shelf struggling to get a glass, I take this opportunity to get another look at her body, her ass looking even better as she stands on her tip toes. After failing to get a glass she gives me a look and pouts, I knew what this meant, so I walk over to the cupboard and easily grab a glass, trying to make it look as simple as possible, we were quite close together at this point and were making strong eye contact with each other, combining this with the smell her perfume, I could feel a definite sexual tension building between us both, but I playfully pat her on the head, calling her a “shorty” in the process to defuse the situation, she gives me a sarcastic laugh and we both return to the table.

As the drinking game is drawing to a close, one of my friends, who is very drunk at this point, decides that he is bored and wants to play something a bit more “interesting”. We try to ignore him but he gets more agitated, clears the table of cards and places a single wine bottle on its side. He announces that were playing spin the bottle and we collectively all roll our eyes. My sister, who is also quite drunk at this point, thinks this the best idea she has ever heard and gives a cheeky smile over towards Charlotte’s direction and gives her an anything but subtle nudge whilst raising her eyebrows. This clearly meant that Charlotte had taking a liking to one of people in the room and my sister hoped this would speed any excitement up.

So we begin to play and things start off pretty tame at first with the bottle landing on a few of my mates, leading to a couple of funny homo-erotic scenes and then some of my sisters friends, we decided it was only pecks on the cheeks as the girls didn’t want their make up to be ruined. The game continues and the bottle first lands on Charlotte, it is spun again and I’m hoping at the back of my mind that it lands on me but I was facing 14-1 odds and I’ve never been that lucky, so I don’t get my hopes up. The bottle spins for what seems like forever but eventually slows down and lands pointing square at me, fireworks are going off in my mind and my cheeks start to feel sore trying to hold back my smile like I’m 12 years of age again or something.

Charlotte stands up to walk around the table as there’s someone sitting in between us, she stands next to me and I look up at her, I had wished I was more daring and ushered her towards my lips but was too much a wimp and I present my cheek to her. She leans towards me but out of nowhere, my sister leans over and gives Charlotte a push in the back, and before I realise what’s going on I’ve got a pair of tits in my face, not the worst part of the night at all! Everyone starts cheering and Charlotte quickly collects herself, rushing back to her chair in embarrassment with her cheeks bright red whilst giving my sister an evil look, but she just has this huge, shit-eating grin on her face, and the cogs in my head start to turn and begin putting things together, this confirmed it wasn’t a one way street in terms of the way Charlotte and I were feeling about one another and I knew I needed an opportunity to get her one on one.

At 10:45pm we order cabs, make our way to the bar, arrive and queue to get in. How we all got in was a mystery as the bouncers started to turn people away on the door if they were too drunk, but we don’t care, we were in and were looking forward to listening to some good music and dancing. 20 minutes pass, and after saying hello to a few people I recognise, I make my way over to the bar to get myself a drink and a shot.

I order my drinks and feel a small tap on my shoulder, I turn and see Charlotte standing next to me, the drink must have caught up with her because she pretty much yells into my ear and tells me she was sorry for what had happened earlier on during pre-drinks, proclaiming her innocence, and blaming my sister for the whole thing. I was caught in two minds, but thought fuck it and decided to turn my charm on, it was made a lot easier thanks to all the liquid courage I had been drinking for the last 5 hours and I jokingly say that she had done it on purpose but tell her not to worry about it, confessing that it was the best part of the night so far. She gently pinches and slaps my arm but smiles and asks me what I was getting, I didn’t tell her but ask the bartender to double my order. She tells me not to but I say that I was repaying her for the motorboat, she laughs and bites her lip whilst still holding on to my arm. The bartender prepares and brings over the drinks, her eyes widen and she looks mortified at what I had presented her with, she says she can’t do it as shots didn’t agree with her and she’d throw up. I thought of pressuring her into it but I think that if she throws up, I wouldn’t be getting any action at all.

I give her an option, she either did the shot or she’d have to give me a kiss and remind her that she still owed me one from spin the bottle. She decides on the latter, leans in and gives me a kiss on the lips, her lips were very soft and tender, I thought it would be a quick peck but after pulling away she grabs my face and gives me another and then another, my luck was certainly in my favour so far, so I decide to chance it by sticking my tongue out ever so slightly, licking her bottom lip, she definitely got the message and we full on begin to make out, I place my hands on her hips, noticing how soft the fabric of her dress was. I examine her curves, moving slowly towards her ass and give it a small squeeze, she pulls away and smiles, I thought to myself how much better that was compared to the peck on the cheek I would have gotten at pre-drinks. She grabs my hand and pulls me towards the dance floor. I felt like going back to my drinks as I had paid a small fortune for them but whatever was going to happen next had to be worth more, so I pass them off to a small group of people I recognised, saying it was an early New Year present. We walk pass my sister and she laughs, pointing at my lipstick covered lips, giving me an awkward as fuck fist bump as well, I guess it was her way of giving me her blessing.

Charlotte and I reach the middle of dance floor and I hold her hand up and spin her around under my arm, she continues spinning until her back was facing me, I grab onto her hips and pull her close to me, she starts grinding her ass on my crotch and I could feel my dick getting excited and start to get harder, she definitely notices it too and I thought she would be weirded out but she starts to grind harder and faster. We continue like this until the end of the song and it was starting to get closer to midnight, the DJ begins the 10 second countdown, and we all join in. We reach midnight and welcome in the New Year. Charlotte grabs the back of my neck and pulls me in for a midnight kiss, it was different to the one she gave me at the bar, it was much deeper and passionate, almost aggressive. After celebrating with all my friends, Charlotte grabs my hand again but this time she leads me towards the seating area which was in the next room behind the bar. We find a corner with an armchair, and she pushes me into it, climbing on top of my lap, sitting with her legs over the side, I wrap my arm around her and support her back with my hand.

My brain sort of shuts down and I stupidly begin to make casual small talk with her but I get back on track and ask her why she hasn’t come down to my sister and I’s university to see us (we both study at the same place), she says she kept meaning to but couldn’t afford it, I explain to her how excited I would be if she were to come down and we’d all have a great night out together, she asks me what I would do after but I tell her that it was a secret and she’d only find out if she came to visit me.

She begs me to tell her and I found it impossible to resist, I decide it would be best to get her in the mood, so I say that I would first take her back to my place and start things off by kissing her perfect lips, I then reached up to her face with my free hand and trace the shape of her bottom lip with my thumb, she gives it a playful nibble and then asks me what I would do next, I then tell her that I would take my time and admire her sexy body, I stroked her cheeks and ran the back of my fingertips down the side of her neck, she closes her eyes and lets out a satisfying moan, this encourages me even further and I tell her that I would strip her down, I then pulled the strap of her dress from her shoulder and give small kisses from her shoulder and down her upper arm. This gets her excited and she begins to squirm in her seat, rubbing her ass against my crotch again. My dick begins to get hard once more and I daringly take things even further by caressing and rubbing the inside of her thigh, she spreads her legs and was giving out very slight moans, I continue further up her thigh until I reach her underwear, and she lets out a small gasp. I stretch my neck and softly whisper into her that I would make her feel like she’d never felt before and that my dick would make her pussy its slave.

I don’t realise how late it is because the music suddenly cuts off and a chorus of boos echo through the bar, I’ve never been so frustrated in my life and I could tell Charlotte felt the same way too. She tells me that there was no was that this was ending so soon and orders me to get an Uber for us to go back to my house, something about the way she used the authority and hold she had over me was so sexy, I got my phone out and see a text from my sister telling me she was going to stay at her boyfriend’s house so that I “had the place to myself” with a winking emoji at the end.

I order the Uber with a huge surcharge, normally that would have made me cry inside a little, but I was way passed caring. Charlotte stands up and tells me that she’s going to say goodbye to her friends, I do the same and one of my friends even asks everyone come back to his house for an after party but tells me that Charlotte and I aren’t invited and tell us to both go home to bed. He gives my light slap on the cheek and grins. Charlotte comes over to me and links arms with me, she tells me that we should stand outside and wait for the Uber to come, I agree and we make our way outside. The weather’s a little shitty as it’s raining slightly, I see a canopy around the side of the bar and drag her over. I take my jacket off and cover her head and body with it, I lean back against the wall and pull her towards me and giving her another kiss.


The Uber comes and we jump in, she sits close to me and whispers if I wanted to continue where I had left off and she looks towards her open legs. I didn’t have to be asked twice and I lean in and start kissing and sucking on her neck, she grabs my hand and pushes it towards her pussy, I reach down and start to rub it through her panties, I then pull them aside and rub the top of her clit directly, she begins to moan again, but then quickly covers her mouth making sure that the driver doesn’t hear her, but there was no way he hadn’t heard such a loud moan, she reaches towards my crotch and starts rubbing the outline of my dick from the outside of my trousers, my boner was raging and this point and I was surprised the buttons on my trousers didn’t pop trying to hold my dick back.

We reach my house and race through the front door, she kicks her heels off and jumps into my arms and kisses me even more aggressively, I carry her up the stairs and kick the door to my bedroom open and throw her on to the bed. She gets up and gives me a small strip tease, slowly pulling her dress up over her head, revealing her incredibly sexy body in full. She comes towards me and pushes me against the back of the door, closing it. She begins to kiss me once more and grabs at my belt to take it off. She pulls it off and throws it towards the corner of the room, yanks my trousers down and rubs my dick though my boxers and rubs it against her cheeks. She pulls out my dick, and although I’m not a monster, I’m a decent size and quite thick which I definitely planned to use to my advantage. She takes her time to admire it, takes it in her hand and starts slowly stroking my dick up and down. She then takes me into her mouth and sucks hard on the head, I don’t know how my knees didn’t give way, I’ve never had a girl use such aggression straight away, and it definitely wasn’t a bad thing. She continues sucking and starts to rub my balls, I push down on the back of her head and she attempts to deep throat me to the hilt, it feels incredible and I felt myself getting close to climaxing.

I grab her arms and pull her up so that I could myself a break, she turns around and walks towards my bed, pulling back the covers and crawling up onto it. She turns and slowly opens her bra from the front, revealing her stunning tits. After letting them gracefully fall, she grabs them with one hand and gives me a come hither motion with her other, I quickly undo my shirt, step out of trousers and boxers and rush over to her, kissing her once more. She tells me to repeat what I said I was going to do to her earlier on. I remind her that I would admire her body and make her pussy my slave, she lets out a “Fuck yes you will!” and pulls me closer and we continue kissing, I run my hands all over her body, grabbing her tits and rubbing her nipples every now and again, she breaks away from the kiss, and looks into my eyes, running her fingers up through my hair. She tells me that she had wanted this to happen since she seen me after coming down the stairs. This gets my motor running even more, and I grab her and push her onto her back. I start kissing and sucking her neck and collar bone, I make my way down I reach her tits. I take one of her nipples into my mouth, suck it and use my tongue to play with it. I alternate each nipple, making sure she was experiencing as much pleasure as I could give her.

After a little while, she pushes my head down and tells me to go down further, I do what she says and explore and tease her body even more, kissing and blowing cold air onto her stomach as well as tickling her sides with my fingertips. I continue downwards and kiss along the crease between her stomach and thighs, making my way towards her pussy. I notice that it was completely shaven and tell her how good her pussy looked, she says that she shaved especially for tonight and was glad that it was me who got to see it. She was also dripping wet at this point and as I was kissing around her pussy her moans were getting louder and more frequent. I definitely wasn’t going to let this end this sooner than it had to so I decide to continue down to her inner thigh, I get up, kneeling with my dick just centimetres from her pussy, but I reach back and grab her left leg, lifting it high into the air, she lifts her head up and gives me a confused look but I start licking from the back of her knee all the way up her calf and eventually reach the heel of her foot, she throws her head back and lets out an “Oh my God!”.

I decide that’s she’s been teased enough, and let her leg down, I position myself with my face in front of her pussy once more, noticing the heat coming from her. I begin to gently lick her lips from bottom to top whilst simultaneously rubbing her clit with my thumb, savouring the taste of her juices as they pour into my mouth and I tell her that she tastes incredible. I begin to kiss and lick her clit, using my tongue to spell out to alphabet like google told me to. I slip my index finger into her and try to find her g-spot. I couldn’t tell if I found it or not but her moans encouraged me. I continue and her breathing gets more intense, she tells me not to stop and by the time I get to Q she lets out a high pitch squeal and cums all over my face with her juices flowing out of her.

Her breathing slows down again, and she looks up at me and begs me to give her my dick, I go into my bed side drawer and go to get a condom, she grabs my arm saying not to worry as she’s on the pill and the thought of caution left my mind as soon as it entered. I position myself on top of her and try to insert myself into her, I struggle at first but she reaches down, grabs hold of my dick and guides me into her. Her pussy is so wet that I slide into her with ease, I get halfway in and she lets out a satisfied “Oh fuck!” and I feel her pussy clamp down on me. I push myself as far and as deep as I can go until our bodies are touching, I get lost in how good her pussy is and just freeze for a couple of seconds, forgetting to move my hips, I snap out of my euphoria and begin to slowly pull my hips back, she moans once more and I begin to get into a rhythm, building up speed with every thrust.

I tell her how fucking incredible her pussy is and that my dick is about to explode, this was after just 20 seconds or so, so I slow down a little and emphasise my hip movements. After doing this for a couple of minutes, I could feel a cramp coming on, so I ask her if it’s okay to switch things up, she says of course and asks me how I wants her, telling me that her pussy was my slave. I tell her to get on her knees and she slowly sits up, she grabs at my dick and leans in, taking me into her mouth and sucks me once again, her mouth felt almost as good as her pussy. I notice that her tits were hanging freely, swinging every time she bobbed her head up and down my dick, so I grab them both and rub her nipples.

To stop myself from coming close to cumming again, I stop her and force her to turn around. She complies and turns. With her presenting her ass to me, I grab onto her hips and bring her pussy closer to my dick, I enter her once more and build up to same rhythm as before. I continue to thrust into her harder and faster, she tells me how good it feels. I decide to go a bit rougher by grabbing onto her hair, she lets out an aggressive groan and I take this as a good sign and pull a little. Her deep groans and moans were such a turn and I could feel myself letting very close to cumming, I let go of her hair and push her body down and into my mattress, she pushes her ass into the air and I enter her from behind. I go at it as hard and fast as I can, she goes quiet and her entire body starts to quiver and her pussy clamps down hard around my dick, screaming into my pillow that “she’s cumming!” This pushes me over the edge and after a few more thrusts I can’t last any longer, I buried myself into her and my body freezes as let out a huge groan, pumping my cum into her pussy, she exclaims “Oh Fuck!” and we both collapse on to my bed side by side, we stayed like this for a little while as we both got our breath back.

After collecting ourselves we both look at each other and laugh, I kiss her on the head and tell her how unbelievable that just was and that I’ll be right back, I go to the bathroom, piss, and grab a few tissues for her on the way back, she cleans herself and goes to the bathroom too. I get into my bed and pull the covers over myself, thinking back to what had just happened and how amazing it was, she slowly creeps back into my room and joins me under the covers, we lay together for a while and spoke about how good the night was, she falls asleep as I was rubbing the bridge of her nose with my thumb and I too fall asleep soon after.

After waking up the next day, we showered and made breakfast. I dropped her home and exchanged number so we’ve have been talking casually ever since, hopefully it will lead to a few more fun fuelled nights or even something more…

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5mj0o1/mf_starting_the_new_year_with_my_sisters_friend


  1. Hot story, I really enjoyed it! Especially the part she wanted you bareback.

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