[MF] Slamming my student during the Grand Slam

After junior year in college I decided to take the year off and get to know a little about the real world and be certain about what I wanted from my life, Isabella by then was done with college and was leaving her apartment at the beach, and I most certainly did not have the money to afford it. In fact most of my friends were leaving that year, making my decision to take a year abroad much simpler, after a few inquiries I was set to go to Ireland for the next 10 months.

I was about to major in English Literature and was willing to try out if I had what it took to be a teacher, so after about a month of searching I got a job in an English School for foreigners. I found a nice house in Dublin 9 that I shared with 11 other people, and it was one of the most fulfilling experiences of my life, they were people from all over the globe, Italians, Brazilians, Spanish, Polish, French and so on. Everyday it was kind of an adventure and a new learning moment to broaden my horizons, we would go partying from Thursday Night until Sunday and we were never out of new places to explore and people to know. Whenever I was up to it, I would find a good lady to take home and call her mine for one night (plenty of stories here). There were of course plenty of stories, but none as sexy as Beatrice.

The school where I worked had a very relaxed environment, we would often go out and have some drinks after working hours and since all our students were over 18 years old, it was very common to some of them to go out with us and party together, all of them were foreigners and so was I, and we were all trying to make friends and fit in. Studying languages was always my thing, and I was trying to learn Italian for a few years, so I soon became friends with a bunch of Italians at my school, besides the practice of the language, they were fun to be around, no one parties as an Italian. (There was this Apollo like Italian man that almost made me lose my mind, but this is yet another story).

I was working there for 3 months already and I was trying to keep my dick inside my pants for a change and not cause any problems, I really liked this job. Good money, good hours and specially fun environment. It was all good and fun until the day my Italian friends brought Beatrice to enroll in my school, she had just arrived from Palermo, a little over 19 years old and as much as I, was trying to enjoy the world and trying to figure out her place in this world before college. The first time I saw her it was one of those moments where the world stopped and there was only her. It was the end of January or beginning of February I am not certain, I just remember it was cold to Irish patterns and not much of the hotness she hid under her clothes was exposed. She had this cute face and mischievous smile, deep green eyes that would spark when she was about to be naughty, however had a slightly big nose (kinda fat). It was not her appearance that captivated me, the moment we started talking when they introduced us, we would not stop talking, about anything and everything, it was this instant connection that made us feel comfortable around each other, and we immediately started flirting as if there was no one around us.

That is where our story takes a surprising turn, she had a boyfriend that came along with her from Italy and she kind of neglected to mention that in the beginning, one of her friends pulled me aside and told me to take it easy and not fall for it, just was just a tease and she was (apparently) very much in love with her boyfriend. He proceeded to explain that he was some kind of game programmer and had found a job in Dublin and she had tagged along. It was a bath of cold water in my intentions, but in a certain way I thought it was better that way, I would be able to keep my dick inside of my pants and not screw things up.

I kept on with my life of drinking and partying and sometimes Beatrice would tag along with our friends, mostly alone, because her boyfriend was huge pain in the butthole. He would be that know it all douche bag that would make everyone uncomfortable with his presence (he was hot, I will give you that, but annoying as hell). Everytime she was alone we would get into our flirting dance, but I would never make a move with everyone around. I would try and find another girl to pound my frustration off or go home with the worst case of blue balls. When we started partying I realized how hot she was, she had this huge thighs, toned from going to the gym, nice round butt and perky C-cups that would stay up even when she was not wearing a bra (and that was most of times I learned with time). She had olive skin, that natural look from mediterranean areas, long dark hair that would go to her lower back and the most striking feature, deep green eyes.

I loved watching Rugby, I was never much of a football fan, too much stops and goes to my ADHD to keep track on, but Rugby was perfect, action from the beginning till the end. That year Wales was destroying in the six nations and by the fourth game against Italy the Grand Slam seemed very much in reach. I was a fanatic and in the lack of a team of my own to support I was cheering for Wales and well the fun. Since they were playing against Italy (huge table spoons) my friends decided to gather everyone in their house to watch the match. They were Italians but we were still living in Ireland so much beer was drunk that they and they furious that I would not stop cheering for Wales. Beatrice went alone of course, (her boyfriend was too good to care for sports), and even though she was not a fan, she was having fun with us and drinking as much as we did, and spent the whole time flirting with me, even going as far as asking me to give her a foot rub mid game, she was wearing this long sleeved dress with a huge clevage and black pantyhose with some flower details in it. It is one of the outfits that make my heart race and my jaws drop whenever I see someone in it, and I got hard the whole time she was with her legs over my lap, and she made no movement to get away when she realized that, but we were surrounded and little could be done.

By the end of the game Wales wiped the floor with Italy’s but (24-3) and my friends were drowning their sorrows with Guinness. (I was never much for Guinness, so I kept drinking Carlsberg, if it is good enough for the Queen of Denmark, it is good enough for me). So I was slightly sober than everyone else and went to the kitchen to fix some food for us. I had opened the fridge door to see what we had available when I saw Beatrice approaching with the naughtiest smile in her face, walking bare foot and that was my breaking point. I got her by the waist and pinned her against the kitchen sink and went for the kiss. About a month of frustration and desire were in that kiss and she wade no attempt to stop, in fact she reciprocated all my eagerness, moaning loudly in my mouth and kissing me full French.

I was about to burst here and there, I think no one ever teased me that much before finally letting me get what I wanted. She was panting and our breaths were about to burst of our chests, someone could come in any moment, but that was just a distant thought in our minds. My hands were full on her butt, and what a butt, round and hard, the feeling of it covered on the pantyhose was divine. After enjoying her mouth until we were both breathless, I started kissing her neck and when I lowered the shoulder of her dress I first realized she was not wearing a bra. I looked at her asking her about it (Senza reggiseno?) and she limited to smile and shrug, my heart started pounding even faster and with my hands trembling I pulled her cleavage down revealing this perky breasts, with slightly big dark nipples and after taking a breath to take that goddess image I went straight to those nipples and started sucking on it, biting and not caring if it would leave a mark (and it did, more on that later). She let me go to town for a while on those monuments, before pulling me by the hair and telling me to stop before someone came in. (Qualcuno può venire in, everything in Italian sounded sexier).

As you know may know by now, I was never much of one to care about whomever was watching. But realizing what was at stake, I went to the Kitchen door and saw that my friends were all on the couch listening to ACDC and in a fight of which was the greatest Rock Band of all times. I told them that some pizza was coming there way in some 20 minutes, took them some beer as precaution and went back to kitchen (not before closing the door, no keys) and actually put the pizza in the oven. Before pulling her by the arm and pinning her down against the kitchen door to make sure it would stay shut.

Our time was short and I was about to make every single one of them count. I went back into kissing her and sucking on her breasts, my hand found its way down her body and after some struggle with her pantyhose I was fingering her soaking wet pussy, she was holding her moans as much as she could, but some (most) were going out very loudly, but to our luck ACDC was blasting of the speakers. I couldn’t take it anymore I opened my fly and took my dick off, conducting her hand to it, that she eagerly accepted and started tugging it as well as she could while moaning with my fingering and tit sucking. Time was of the essence her and I could not enjoy her as I usually would, so soon I pressed her shoulders down and getting my intention she got on her knees and start giving me some hot head while I held on her hair and awkwardly tried to caress her breasts. (Seriously they were awesome boobs).

The timer on the oven let me know we had now about 8 minutes before the fateful ding and I needed to fuck that nice pussy. The pantyhose was in the way and lowering it would make it too hard to cover our tracks if someone decided to come into the kitchen. So I turned her around with my back to me, pinned her against the door again, I started fingering her hard and grabbing her boobs (that would spill of my hand no matter how hard I tried to get a full grab), and after kissing her neck some more I went to her ear whispered that I would give her 2 new pantyhose, before she could answer me I grabbed the crotch area of it and ripped apart. She started protesting but gave up when I pulled her panties aside and slammed my fingers on her pussy, I positioned myself, pulled her closer, leaving her leaning against the door and after some fumbling I had my dick locked into the right position. Ti piace was the only thing I asked her, and after a loud moan as answer I slammed by dick to the hilt, making her scream (thanks Malcolm and Angus for making it so much loud), she started bucking and begging me to fuck her in a sexy English with her thick Italian accent. I had her dress completely down around her waist by now and her boobs were wiggling around with each thrust, her pussy was soaking wet and I couldn’t get enough of it.

After banging her in this position for a while and the whole teasing that led into it I was about to cum, but not quite ready to do so. I turned her around and I pulled her up throwing her legs around my waist and lifting her off the floor, I knew I wouldn’t last long that way but the sight of her in that position her boobs jumping up and down were one of the most amazing things I have ever seen in my life. She started moaning loudly and I knew if I kept on my pace she would cum around my dick, I was about to cum too but I am gentleman, so I held as much as I could and soon enough I was rewarded with her spasming and a loud squeaky scream followed by swearing in Italian. I couldn’t hold her anymore and the timer had gone of a few minutes ago so it was time to finish it up, but before I could decided what to do she went back on her knees and started milking me dry and soon enough I was bursting into her mouth like crazy, my time to moan loudly now. She was quite surprised when I got her back up and started kissing her with her mouth still with my cum (her boyfriend would never get close her mouth after she even blew him) and gave her breast one last suck before helping her to fix her dress.

The pizzas were slightly overcooked but no one actually complained. Bea didn’t linger much and soon after her boyfriend came to pick her up, I had to use all my might not to laugh when she kissed him. When I was leaving the host accompanied me down stairs and laughing asked me how was it in the kitchen and proceeded to tell me they all knew what we were up to. When I started apologizing he said it was cool, they were all happy for us and hoped she would leave that douche (they all hated him, but she never left).

When I got home she sent me a message telling it was great and hoped we would do that again, and complained that I left some sucking marks on her boobs and she had to come of with some lame excuses about it. We were just beginning our story then, I would slam her many more times even before Wales finished with their Grand Slam.

I hope you all enjoyed this story, again leave your comment and suggestions. I would love to hear from you guys, let me know about your stories too.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5mmb6y/mf_slamming_my_student_during_the_grand_slam


  1. Damn, this was really hot! As an Italian girl myself I was also pleased with the correct Italian instead of some crappy google translation. :)

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