“Sally” [MF], [BDSM], [teaser]

So new here have been wanting to do this for a while. Started working on a new series and wanted some feed back from you guys. So here is the teaser to the first of my “Sally” series. Hope you enjoy.

Sally adjusted her outfit in Front of the mirror one last time. The tight-fitting, yet flexible, clothing she had to wear bunched awkwardly at times. She wanted everything perfect when she first walked in. She wanted a good day. Happy with her appearance, she turned to the coffee maker.

Grabbing the largest cup she began to work on the doctors coffee. Dark, and black. With only a few pieces of ice to cool it off. The doctor was sightly impatient at times. Waiting for coffee to cool was something he would not tolerate.
After, she turned and grabbed her lab coat throwing it around her body. Picked up the tray with the coffee on it and made her way into the lab. As she entered she felt the warmth of the place wash over her. Every where she looked brought memories of her time here.
She was the doctors assistant for a while now. Though, truth be told, she was also his lab rat. When ever he got an idea he would often test it on her first. She had experienced great pain with the doctor. As well as great pleasure. Whatever the case, knowing that she could aid him in his testing satisfied her greatly. Knowing some one so below him could offer so much to his cause.
She passed a table, with an assortment l of probes laying on them. Most she had come to very intimate terms with. On the walls were varies tools the doctor used. Floggers, and Electrical prongs often used to motivate and punish her. Then, his favorite. A collection of various ropes.
The doctors preferred to bind his subject himself. Often spending hours laying the ties on them. Sally had spent much of her time just allowing the doctor to tie her up. If she behaved he would always reward her. He said the task gave him peace of mind. The meditative state of the act allowed him to creat new experiments. As well as connect with his subject. She had to admire the art of it all as well. Often she would ask for pictures of his work.
As she approached the doctor she noticed he was turned away from her. He was standing on a step ladder peering into a tank on wheels. The sides of which were solid steel. For the briefest of moments she thought she caught a glimpse of a tentacle hanging out. She swallowed hard as she came closer.
She knelt down, and placed the tray on the floor as he stepped off the ladder. Sliding her coat off and on to the floor behind, she bent forward pushing the tray gently closer to the doctor. Placing her head on the floor, she prostrated her self before him.
“Good morning doctor.” She said
After she stayed silent and still as the doctor inspected her. She could feel his blazing blue eyes scanning her body. Every curve, every inch.
Finishing he bent down grabbing the cup. Placing a hand upon her head gently. Still she did not move. She knew this was only his way of saying good morning. Standing up, he sniffed, then begun to sip the coffee. Reaching into his coat pocket he pulled out a remote. Pushing a button as he pointed it as sally.
Waves of pleasure shook through her body as a device built into her underwear went off. She knew she had done well this morning. She was now allowed to sit up on her knees. Placing her hands in her lap she looked the doctor over.
He was average hight. Built stocky and strong. Although he had a bit of a belly, the rest of him was very muscular.
She dared to look at his face just for a moment. His trimmed beard perfectly framed the wicked smile beaming down at her. The lenses of his glasses reflected the light near by. Making his eyes all but impossible to see. He wasn’t looking at her, she realized. He was looking through her.
The stair caused her heart to race and she snapped her eyes back to the floor. Only the best of days came when he wore this look.
“I have a lot of fun experiments planed today Ms. Sally” he finally spoke the her
Her eyes betrayed her as they darted to the tank laying behind him. Turning his head he laughed. It spoke volumes. Telling her just how silly she was. How much lower she was to him. It filled her with shame, and determination. She wanted to impress him.
“No, no my dear.” He assured her
“We will not be experimenting with that…… Yet, it still need time to grow.”
The sentence made her eyes open wide. Equal parts of fear and excitement rushed through her. Her breathing began to quicken. The doctor, noticing, bent before her. Placing a calming hand on her cheek, as he brought her eyes to meet his. The piercing blue circles seemed to travel deep inside of her. His voice a guiding beacon to her brain.
“Now, now Sally I need you to keep calm. We have a long day a head of us. No need to get so worked up yet. There will be plenty of time later for that.”
His words Immediately snapped her back to her calm and obedient self. Embarrassment of her outburst caused her to place her head back on the floor before him. She would be fine no matter what he threw at her, she knew she could trust him. He would never let her fall. He patted her head again.
“Now just breath sweetling” he whispered to her.
” when your ready we can begin.”
Pulling back, he stood up and backed away from her giving her some space to compose her self.
Eyes focused on the floor before her, a smile crept to her face.
“Today was defiantly going to be a good day for science.” She thought as she raised up, ready for the testing to begin.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/5me1g0/sally_mf_bdsm_teaser

1 comment

  1. Formatting tip: Don’t indent paragraphs with spaces. (Not just on Reddit, but in general. Set the paragraph head tab stop in your text processor instead.)

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