[MFM] I [21F] got into an impromptu threesome with two guys I met at a bar in Kathmandu

This happened two days ago and I haven’t told anyone yet. I needed to get this off my chest so here goes. I’m not a very good writer and English is not my first language so please bear with me.

I am a 21 year old college student from Nepal who studies in the US at a small liberal arts college in Pennsylvania. I am currently home in Kathmandu for break and have been feeling quite lonely since most of my friends are either away or busy. So two nights ago, I decided to go out by myself, which I have never done before and girls in Kathmandu do not tend to do.

I went to a popular bar in the touristy section of the city called Sam’s and sat by myself drinking rum and coke since it was quite cold. They had a big fire going and lots of people were gathered around it. People were just talking to each other and this American guy named Matt started talking to me. He was there with two Nepali guys who were talking to each other in Nepali so I think he felt left out. We started chatting and he was quite interesting.

Eventually, I started talking to the two Nepali guys too and they asked who I was there with. When I said I was alone, they couldn’t believe it and asked me to join them. So we were all sitting, talking and drinking together and I managed to get quite drunk. They wanted to go to another bar and asked me to come with them so I agreed. We went to a rooftop bar where the Nepali guys rolled a joint and passed it around. I don’t usually smoke that much, especially when I’m drunk but I did and I got very very high. I was giggling at everything and feeling really off-balance. Matt put his arm around me and held me up and I ended up leaning on him the whole time.

It was around midnight at that point and one of the Nepali guys went home. The other guy, name is Pratik, hung around and the three of us wanted to continue drinking. So we got some beers and whiskey at a store and went to Pratik’s apartment. We drank some more there and for some reason, maybe it was the alcohol or not having gotten laid in a while, I got really horny. We were all sitting on the floor and drinking and talking. I don’t know what came over me but I started to hold hands with both of them. I had Matt’s hand in my right and Pratik’s in my left. I could tell they were interested too because both of them were stroking my palm.

I don’t remember when it was but Pratik asked if we’d like to go sleep. I remember saying yes and he said I could have his bed while Matt and he would sleep on the couches in the living room. I drunkenly told them we could all share the bed since it was big enough for the three of us. I’m also a pretty small girl so I could fit in between. I think they got the hint because they quickly agreed.

Before getting into bed, I asked Pratik for a t-shirt and wore just that and panties into bed. I was under the covers when the two of them came in. They were both wearing boxers and a t-shirt. Pratik got into my left side while Matt got into my right side. They turned off the lights and immediately, I could feel Matt’s hands on my stomach. He wasn’t groping me or anything, it felt more like he was trying to spoon me. I turned towards him and felt for his face in the darkness and started to kiss him.

It was completely dark and all you could hear were the sounds of Matt and I making out like crazy. Matt had his hands under my t-shirt and was stroking my tits and my stomach. I was moaning in between kisses and I could feel Pratik moving uncomfortably on the other side. I felt him get out of bed and start to walk outside when I called back. I told him that he didn’t have to feel uncomfortable and that we would go outside and he could have the bed. He protested awkwardly and said no no and tried to leave. I jumped up, got out of bed and went to him. I had to grope in the darkness to find him but I did and pulled him back into bed. And before I knew it, I was kissing Pratik.

So now I was making out with Pratik while Matt had his hands on my tits and was squeezing my nipples. I was so fucking horny at this point. I reached into Pratik’s boxers and started to fondle his dick. It was quite big for a Nepali guy and uncut too. I could feel Matt’s erection poking me in the back too.

While I was stroking Pratik, Matt pulled my panties down and started to finger my pussy. Matt was a big guy, maybe 6 feet something and I’m just 5 feet 4 inches. His hands were huge on my pussy and when he tried to put a finger inside, it felt amazing, like actually being penetrated by a dick.

I was so wet at this point and I don’t think Matt was going to waste any time. He pulled his dick out and started to rub it on my pussy from behind. This whole time, I was kissing Pratik and massaging his dick. But it was time to take things to another level. I pushed Pratik to sit up in bed so that his back was against the wall and his dick was near my face. I took his cock in my mouth and I could hear him moan audibly. I also got up on knees so that my ass was in the air. I could feel Matt getting up and into position behind and his dick head rubbing my pussy.

I have a really small pussy and its often quite tight but I also get wet really quick so its’ not a problem. Matt was rubbing my pussy juices all over his cock and then he stopped, putting his dick right at the entrance. I was sucking Pratik but I stopped. I was anticipating the moment when Matt would put it in. It had been more than six months since I last had sex and I was really really horny. I needed him to fuck me. And then, he put it in all at once and I nearly screamed. He had a big cock, maybe 7 or 8 inches and quite thick. When he put it all in me, I almost felt like I was going to burst. I had never felt that full before. Fuck it was so good.

Matt started to fuck me slowly from behind and I continued blowing Pratik. He had a really nick dick, very straight and hard and a nice foreskin. I really like uncut dicks for some reason. I had his dick in my mouth and he had his hands in my hair, trying to control the rhythm. I’m not much of a deepthroater so I gagged repeatedly on his dick, nearly even threw up oncce. But it was quite hot and I was getting fucked hard from behind so I didn’t care.

After a while, Matt started to go faster and harder and it felt so good that I couldn’t even suck Pratik anymore. My knees were weak and I was going to cum. I told Matt to keep doing it and not slow down. I told him I was going to cum and he started to fuck me faster and faster. I started to cum and it took all the effort I had not to scream. I buried my mouth in Pratik’s thighs as Matt fucked me harder than I’ve been fucked in a long, long time.

Unfortunately, it didn’t last. Just when I was cumming, Matt pulled out and came all over my back. His pulling was out was really hot too. I had never felt that kind of wave of pleasure at pulling out, not just putting it in. Matt came and moved away and Pratik took his place. His dick was a good size and fit perfectly in my pussy. He started to fuck me steadily and in the middle, I felt Matt wiping the cum off my back with a towel or a t-shirt. I thought that was really sweet of him to do. He sat off to the side while Pratik continued to pound me.

I was thinking that Pratik would also last as long as Matt but that guy could fuck. He had gone 10 minutes fucking me doggtstyle continuously and he didnt show any signs of stopping. I asked him to stop and lay back while I got on top. I sat on his dick and kissed him while riding him. While I was riding, Matt came from behind and started to massage my tits. I had never had a threesome before with two guys and it felt great. I sat up and Pratik started to suck on one of my nipples while Matt started to suck on the other. I have large breasts for a girl of my size and they’re quite sensitive. I was cumming like crazy within 5 minutes of them sucking.

I asked Pratik if he was going to cum and he said he couldn’t cum if he wasn’t in control. It was almost early morning and I was tired by this point. I had cum more than five times and my body was aching from all the drinking and fucking. I got on all fours again and he again penetrated me from the back. Matt put his dick in my face and I started to suck it, getting him hard again. Pratik was pounding me and I was sucking Matt. It felt so great but I was really tired and needed to sleep. It was quite easy to get Matt off. I put his dick head in my mouth and swirled my tongue around the head while sucking it noisily and with lots of spit. I know guys like that and they like to hear it too. Within minutes he was telling me that he was going to cum and that he should pull out. I ignored him and continued sucking. He came in my mouth but when he came, he thrust really deep and I gagged, nearly vomiting. I hadn’t really planned on swallowing but I was forced to, otherwise I would have puked.

Pratik still hadn’t cum and I started to beg him to cum, asking him please cum on me, on my stomach or my tits or even my face if he wanted to. I think that’s what sent him over the edge. I think porn has made guys really into the idea of cumming on a girl’s face and they really get off on it. Pratik immediately pulled out and reached for my hair, roughly pulling my head towards his dick. He put it in my mouth and started to thrust really hard. My throat was already sore from Matt but it didn’t go on for very long. Pratik then pulled out and came all over my face. Man, he had a huge load, I was covered in cum. Couldn’t even open my eyes. I asked for a towel and wiped it all off and even the t-shirt (they gave me a tshirt, not a towel) was sticky with cum.

Didn’t have any mood for a shower so I just collapsed. They both got into bed naked and next to me. I ended up being spooned by Matt and woke up sweaty, dirty and stinking of cum and sex. Pratik had already woken up and gotten dressed. Matt was still naked and so was I. I quickly got up and covered myself, feeling quite ashamed. I had never done this before. I mean, I have had one-night stands but a threesome and that too with two guys I had never met before, it was kind of wild. I had never expected this to happen in Kathmandu.

Pratik had made tea and asked if I wanted to eat breakfast but I quickly said no and left. I was so embarrassed. Felt like everyone on the streets knew who I was and what I had done last night. Didn’t even take a shower. I got into a cab and came home. I didn’t get either Matt or Pratik’s number. I have been thinking about this for the past two days. I feel a mix of guilt and pleasure. When I thinking about getting fucked by two guys and sucking on one while getting fucked by another, it really turns me on. But then again, I think what did I do and what kind of person have I become? For now, all I know is really really enjoyed it. I don’t know if I will ever do it again. Just had to get that off my chest. Probably the wildest thing I have ever done and will ever do.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5meaw1/mfm_i_21f_got_into_an_impromptu_threesome_with


  1. Very hot, thanks for sharing. I don’t think you should feel ashamed… it was consensual and everyone had fun.

  2. Thank you for sharing. I quiet enjoyed reading it.

    I can kinda relate from an older experience of mine (more guys though and less alcohol). If you are interested, [here] (https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5lu95n/my_first_gangbang_group_gangbang_old_experience/) is the link.

    I will say that you shouldn’t feel ashamed. It was an experience, and you will grow from it, becoming a better person who knows more about what they like and what they don’t.

    Just my two cents.

  3. Or rather would you want to be a pen pal with me? Nepali, 22. Just for conversations and I will never ask to meet you. Try garnus, k that manparcha ki tapailai.

  4. Don’t be ashamed! as long as you were safe and you were in control of your self and had fun, I think that’s pretty much the point.

  5. I enjoy visiting Nepal and I enjoyed this story. Your dad didn’t used to own a construction company did he?

  6. That’s actually a really nice story. I don’t think you should feel ashamed. No one was forced into it, and it’s your body, you do with it what you want to.

    It’s not as if you were cheating or anything like that.

  7. You didn’t cheat on anyone. If it’s something you don’t wish to do again, then don’t do it. Don’t beat yourself up over it. And don’t tell anyone who would judge you and make you feel bad for it.

  8. I can understand where you are coming from having come from a very conservative upbringing myself. It can take time to stop feeling guilty for enjoying yourself. Give yourself that time and you’ll learn to understand the difference between feeling guilty because you think people will think badly of you and feeling guilty because you genuinely don’t like what you did. There’s a difference, and you’ll figure it out. In the mean time, don’t beat yourself up for exploring. It’s natural and healthy.

    I’m sorry that posting didn’t feel as liberating for you as you hoped it would, but hopefully you can see that this can be a supportive community of people who won’t judge you!

  9. no reason to be ashamed or feel like a whore. sex is fun. and messy. as long as everyone consented, it’s all good. just make sure you use protection every time – if not, go get tested.

  10. Hey. Don’t beat yourself up. Sure, it was dangerous, but it seems you picked a couple really nice guys who respected you. I wouldn’t male a habit of picking up dudes at a bar, but this time it seems it worked out well for you.

    You should go back to the apartment and at least get their numbers. Just talking to them will make you feel better, I’m sure. And if anything else happens, please share!

  11. You aren’t a whore. You’re a real person. I’m glad you enjoyed it in the moment. I hope you feel better, what you did was awesome and liberated.

  12. Don’t feel bad, it sounds like it was fun :)
    It seems they were respectful and weren’t judging you negatively for it either (wiping, spooning, breakfast, etc.).
    As a girl who likes brown guys, I’m quite envious of your sexcapade !
    I really liked that you held hands with and kissed them both, that you were letting the sexual tension rise and being the initiator for the threesome, just following your instinct, your desire. That was really hot :)

  13. First, really hot and nice story.

    Second, don’t be ashamed of yourself. This is something which comes with the hangover for almost everything someone does when drunk, do not associate being wild with the hangover disgust of the evening before.

    Even if you decide that it was a one-time thing for you, cherish the memories. From what you wrote, they are worth it.

  14. I read some good advice recently: “I advise all guys and girls to try new things and be open. Sex is private thing but it is fun thing that everyone should enjoy.” Hopefully you can let the guilt go and focus on the sexiness in due time. Thank you for sharing it was a very hot story.

  15. fucking hot! you should share some pics of yourself so we can get a better idea =)

  16. Holy crap, nice story, wish I had met you. Would love to see your body, you sound very sexy.

  17. Hey I am also from Nepal and please don’t be ashamed about your sexuality at all. I know what you mean about feeling like a whore or a slut. The guys treated you good, hope you had safe sex.And sams is a good place haii! Aba winter break sakyo hola timro so have a safe journey.

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