[FM] I finally fucked him

He’s going to read this, so I want to do this story justice (i.e. long story, bro).

I’ve known him since I first met my ex (the one who could never keep it up long enough to fuck me). When he was in the navy, we went to visit him. This guy, who before was super immature and as lanky as my then-boyfriend, had matured and gained a lot of muscle. (It wasn’t as huge a transformation as Captain America, but damn did he look like the end result.) As soon as I saw him, I almost started to drool. But I was dating my boyfriend, so it couldn’t happen.

A few years later, he had contacted me a few times. Assuming he was checking up on me for my ex, I always cut the conversations short.

But reddit. You glorious, horny pervs and sluts have encouraged me to be a better slut each day. So when he messaged me on Christmas day, I decided that I was going to finally fuck him. During our conversation, he suggested meeting up to catch up when I was in town. I already started forming a plan to get him in my bed. However, stupid slut that I am, I couldn’t hold off and ended up sending him gifs from r/nsfw_gifs that depicted the sex I like. Basically, by the end of the conversation, we ditched the plan to meet for lunch and instead decided to meet at my hotel room to fuck.

But I wouldn’t be in town until after the new year. So every day leading up to it, I teased him with sexy pics and dirty messages, describing what I wanted to do to him.

I figured we’d meet up, fuck, and I’d move on with my life and forget about him. Oh, how I was wrong.

When he got to my hotel room, he made the first move and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around him, tossing his hat off. I pushed him back towards the couch that was in my room. I straddled him, pulling his shirt off and continuing to kiss him. I tried to take his pants off, but he was wearing an annoying belt. He ended up taking his belt off while I unbuttoned and unzipped his pants to grab his cock.

Then he grabbed ahold of me and carried me to the bed, where he laid me on my back. He hooked his fingers on either end of my panties and slid them off quickly so that he could start licking my pussy.

Alright, he looked pretty hot before. But his face between my legs…definitely hotter. Definitely. While he was eating me out, he slid his hands up my dress and grabbed onto my tits. I was going insane, and we had just started. Eventually, I begged him to fuck me. And he tortured me.

He grabbed his cock and started rubbing it up and down my pussy, teasing me while I begged for it. I begged the most I’d ever had to beg before. But he finally filled my pussy with that hard cock.I don’t remember how long he fucked me, but I loved every single second. After cumming yet again, I needed to taste his cock. I pushed him off me and slid down, off the bed. I started to suck his cock, and I could feel him getting weak in the knees. So I pushed him onto the bed to lie down while I worked my magic.

But I had a problem. Half of me wanted to show off my cock-sucking skills and blow his socks off. The other half of me — the cock-hungry slut — said, “Screw strategy” and wanted to lick and suck every inch.

I loved sucking it. I loved licking his balls and stroking his cock while making eye contact. I loved watching him groan and toss his head back in pleasure. I loved taking as much of him in my mouth as I could. But then my pussy wanted more. So I crawled onto the bed so we could fuck.

Honestly, I felt so overwhelmed, and I felt like I was constantly cumming. I can’t remember how long we fucked or any of the positions we were in. I just remember being on my back, cumming, and looking up at him. His eyes were squeezed shut as he pounded my pussy. Then he groaned and went balls deep in me. And then I felt his cum filling me up.

I was such a proud slut, with my pussy full of cum. It was amazing.

He seemed pretty shakey afterwards, so we got under the covers and cuddled for a little bit.

Fast forward two showers and dinner, we were back in bed, watching LOTR. We were cuddled up, watching the movie. I leaned up to kiss him, and it turned into a makeout session, which turned into sexy time.

Afterwards, we were back to cuddling and watching the movie. He started rubbing my clit and we were back at it with sexy time.

Finally, we cuddled up once more, watching the movie. And I started to fall asleep. He put the movie away and we snuggled up for bed.

At some point, he started kissing my neck, which drove me crazy. I didn’t care about my other fuck buddies seeing hickeys. I didn’t care about showing up to work with a hickey. I just knew that I didn’t want him to stop. I think this led to him cumming in my pussy again. I’m not sure. The whole night was full of sexual bliss for me.

More happened, but this is all I can handle writing right now without playing with myself, thinking about it. This experience is on par with any time I’ve had sex with pornstar penis. But in a different, better sort of pleasure. It was in a different universe of mind-blowing sex. And I still can’t wrap my mind around how lucky I am. All I know is that I want more. I need more.

Edit: At some point in the middle of the night, he was fingering my sore pussy. I remember begging him to finger his slut. I told him that I wanted to be a good little slut for him. But he told me that he wanted a bad slut. And that was one other thing that he did that drove me crazy.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5mas1q/fm_i_finally_fucked_him


  1. My favorite part about this isn’t the sexy bits (though those are amazing) is the fact that you guys fucked while watching LotR.

  2. Hot. Brings back fantastic memories from my past. About 15 years ago I became involved in a long distance relationship with a woman. We met via the internet from our mutual interest in erotic stories. Eventually this lead to writing and exchanging our own erotic stories and ultimately agreed to meet. We had previously exchanged pics but the first time we met I was blown away by how beautiful she was in person. We met at a hotel that first time and we both knew it was for sex. And it was hot sex. Just like you described, all afternoon, a quick break for dinner, then right back at it. We woke each other up through the night. I had never had so much constant erotic and hot sex in my life. It started again when we finally woke up in the morning. We tried things we had always wanted to try and it was mind blowing. I knew this would be the start of a wonderful relationship. Even though I’m a guy I can totally related to the sexual bliss you experienced.

  3. Yeah I love this feeling of constant getting turned on and just going for it for the longest times until one of you either sleeps or food lol

    I did this the first weekend with my American boy and it was awesome and I even think this time I wore him out so yay me !

    More people should just lock themselves up in a room and just mind blowing sex for hours or days and the world would be a better place hehe !

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