Shake Away those Thoughts.. [Incest] [erotica] (Please give feedback if my writing is any good?)

“Why his smile is so alluring to me? He is my brother now, I should not be thinking like that.” I slammed my head on the pillow in attempt to get some sleep. It has been four months since me and Patrick met, and though I didn’t felt it at first but since we are living together for last 2 months after his mom and my dad got married, I cannot stop myself from getting drawn towards him.

It is wrong, it is so wrong yet why does it feel so right? I thought as yet again I found myself at the threshold of his room. Lately, I have developed an obsession to watch him sleep. I cannot recall when I left my room and opened his door. How long am I staring him like this? He has a tall and lean built with a muscular figure but what attracts me most is his green-grey eyes and those playful lips. Oh, how I wish to kiss them? What? No, no! He is my brother. I turned on my heels an instant and paced as fast as I could without waking anybody to my room only to stop at door again. I thumped my head lightly on the door regretting my thoughts. Being in a girls-only school has kept me quite far away from boys for whole life. I turned 18 this October and never even had a boyfriend. I couldn’t comprehend why I get so weird and nervous when my friends introduced me to their brothers or male-friends. “Creepy Christy” one of them named me, and it stuck for pretty much whole high school.

I sighed and turned myself around to lean on the door as I slide down to rest myself on the floor. I am not that ugly to not have a boyfriend. My new mother always says that I am the prettiest girl she ever met. My friends may call me creepy but always appreciated how I look and dressed.

But this Patrick always teases me, even though he does it out of fun, it stings my heart like a dirk. Every day I give my best effort to make him look at me, but he only laughs, always. Stupid jerk! I hate him! In that sudden flush of rage, I noticed tears dibbling down my cheeks. I rest my head on my arms over knees and sobbed till it felt better. I looked in the mirror as my new step-mother called from downstairs for me. A slim, not so tall, young girl with blonde-brown hair stared back at me with a blank face and big blue eyes. As if she was asking, what are you doing with your life, you loner? I shook my head to shake away such thoughts and dressed myself in a blue tank top and green short skirt. I was tying my shoes when I heard the knock on my door.

“Are you coming down Christy? Mum is calling us for breakfast.” A strong yet kind voice asked from behind the door. Gosh! I am tongue tied, but why? “Christy, are you ok in there?” he asked again, bringing me back to my senses, somehow.
“Oh yeah, I… will be down in a minute” I called back and expected to hear more from behind the door or it getting opened and him slipping inside but after a moment I heard steps speeding down the stairs. I shook my head again to shake away those thoughts and climbed down the stairs after finishing up with my room.
As I entered Kitchen, Patrick was already sitting on the dining table and eating his cereal but turned to look at me raised an eyebrow as if appreciating how I look and dipped back in his cereal bowl. I couldn’t stop the beam of smile that flashed on my face like a lamp.

“There’s my little princess” Patrick’s mother came with another bowl for me and placed it in my front as I sat next to Patrick. I tried to be close to him but as my stepmother kissed me on my forehead I realized her and my father’s presence in kitchen and I slurred back away from him.

“What are your plans for today darling?” She asked breaking my concentration again from him. I stared back blankly at her kind and sweet face. With half a mind of screaming back at her for marrying my father and making Patrick my step brother, I politely answered, “nothing much, mom” It is still difficult for me to call her mom, but not as much as calling Patrick my step brother. Oh why does he have to be my step brother?

“Alright sweetie, so can you look after home for afternoon? I and you father needs to go to Aunt Eli’s place for lunch and then we need to pick some stuff from our old apartment” she muffled Patrick’s hair as she turned back to kitchen counter to bring another bowl for my dad.

“Yeah… sure whatever” I smiled back at her politely again. She gave me one of her tentative look with kind yet piercing eyes. “You know Christy darling you do not need to say yes to everything just to be polite with me. If you have to go somewhere, say so.”

“Umm… no mom, seriously I can stay home for an afternoon.” I reassured her.
“Oh let her go mum, I can stay, my game got cancelled. She must have some guy waiting for him” Patrick teased me as he lay back in his chair pushing the empty bowl of cereal away.

“What happened?” this time my father poked out from behind his newspaper.
“The other school called off game after their coach was reported drunk and humping in air during practice” Patrick chuckled.

My dad snorted back and put the paper down as he rose and patted Patrick’s shoulder. They two are already so close then me and Patrick’s mother. I glumly stirred my cereal as I stared at blank.

“So who are you going out with?” My father asked as he and his wife started picking their things to leave.

“I… I am not going out with anybody. I can stay home if you like” I replied back timidly.

“As you wish dear” my stepmother petted my cheek lightly, “you know Jon, it would be good if these two spend some time together, what do you think?” she asked my father.

Something between my legs reacted to that before my mind. Thanks to Patrick’s fake evil laugh that made me realize my mouth was open.

“Yeah sure, whatever, now hurry up” Dad put on his jacket and rushed to get his car keys, mom took some more time to instruct me my responsibilities, but I couldn’t listen anything she said. Half because of the sensation growing between my legs and half because of the guilt, which was arousing inside me because of that.

A couple hours after our parents were gone; I decided to do the dishes. As I climbed down in the hallway from my room to the kitchen, Patrick was nowhere to be seen. Assuming he may have gone out to meet his friends I put on the apron and started cleaning the dishes at the sink.

Few moments later I felt a tug on my skirt, I waved a hand to soothe it out without looking at it to as the sink was too much fill with water to divide my attention. Within few moments again I felt another harder pull at my skirt. When I looked down, I saw the sink’s door budging with small pushes from the inside.

Scared that there may be a raccoon or any other animal trapped inside I knelt down cautiously to open it and screamed when I saw what came out of it. One moment I was on my heels, the other I was lying flat on my back with a ghost, black as night sprawling over me with a blood dripped butcher’s knife in his hand.

I screamed again and he laughed menacingly in response and steadily lowered his face near mine about to bite me. But instead he gave me a wet sloppy kiss on my right cheek and sits up straight laughing and pulled out his mask. I felt anger burning in my chest and throat and raising for my heart which was then in my mouth. And as it reached there I found myself jerking up and kissing Patrick as hard as I could on his playful lips.

I was still shivering when I let him go, and to my surprise he was shivering too. Realizing what I just done, I slid back away from him put a strand of loose hair behind my ear and stood up slowly. Patrick was still sitting the same way immovable looking at me with his wide green grey eyes, my lipstick smeared all over his lips and teeth. Before his throat found a voice I turned on my heels and ran back to my room as fast as I could.

I cannot remember after how long I realized he was knocking at my door, it could be an hour or only 10 or 15 minutes since I rushed back in my room blinded with tears, and fell on my bed sobbing with guilt and feeling sick of myself. But when I did heard him knocking, again blinded by tears I hurried to the door and embraced him asking his forgiveness.

“I am so … so … sorry” I sobbed hard as I mushed up his shoulder with my tears. Hushing me as he petted my hair he walked me inside and made me sit on the bed again. I was still finding it hard to let him go because of the mixed reasons.
“Hey you don’t look as pretty when you cry” he said it in a soft silky voice which made me squirm. I never heard him talking like that before and it was even more arousing, “I am your brother, it’s ok, it was just a kiss” he tapped my nose gently.
“What … what… if I didn’t… mean that kiss as a sister?” Why are you telling him that?? A voice creamed in my head as I tried to read his eyes. They were looking so different right now. His mouth twisted in a leer “Ok, I won’t take it like that and its fine as you are not my real sister.”

I stared back at him blankly; unable to understand what he meant by that “What do you mean?” a question left my throat feebly without me acknowledging it. My heart and something else was throbbing so hard right now. “I mean… I am handsome and it is natural for you to fall for me” he smirked back staring at my lips. “And as that kiss was not called for, you owe me one now.” My stepbrother lifted my chin in his fingers and kissed me softly but pressing his lips firm on mine.

As we get apart, the whole universe spun in front of my eyes and I threw myself at him without thinking at all. Patrick was surprised at first and tried to push me away gently but as my hand slid in his shorts and found his significant length, his eyes widened, either amazed or horrified, he could not resist due to indecisiveness. I could feel a flush of red creeping from the neck to his face as he got harder under my grip. Ashamed yet unable to stop myself I pleaded him in whisper, “I love you Patrick, please don’t stop me” His mouth opened to say something but his eyes met mine and they both said something to each other and then he simply nodded.
I slid down on the floor taking his shorts down with me and then I sat up on my knees to take off his briefs. When it spurred out stiff as a joystick, Patrick’s caller tune on his cell flashed in my mind. Katy Perry’s Peacock, and amidst my tears I giggled and looked at his face.

Nonplussed already, Patrick frowned and asked “what?” I shyly lower my head shaking and still giggling I started licking him softly. It seems I was doing good as Patrick sighed a couple of times and then eased himself backwards, resting on his palms stretched behind his body.

Encouraged by his response I tried to take him whole in my mouth, it was a bad decision, as I have never done it before, I felt gagging myself but I kept sucking it up and down, not letting it go. After a while I felt two hands on my head pushing me down on it. And I was doing it fast and faster.

But soon he pulled me away as he came on the floor between him and I. “Oh Christy, you are so good” he said panting as he started pulling up his briefs but my hand found his wrist and stopped him, instead I started taking off my clothes.

“Christy you don’t….” I cut off his sentence with my kiss and let go of my bra as my breast got free in front of his eyes, my nipples hard like his length. “Oh…” His jaw dropped making me shy, I hesitantly tried to cover them with my arm, when he realized he was staring.

“I… I… am sorry… Christy… it is just you… you are so beautiful” He said closing and opening his mouth. I slowly lowered my arm and I looked deep in his eyes, “will you get inside me?” I asked him that? HOLY CRAP!

“You… you want that?” he was staring at them again like in a state of shock. I shyly nodded and came closer to him standing between his legs and after a moment he put his arms around my waist and kissed my naval. A fire rushed up my belly to the throat and I spread my arms like a dragon spread his wings. Muffling my belly, Patrick lowered my skirt and undergarment and slithered his lips down there.

A soft whimper came out of me as my fingers clutched his shoulders and he sucked everything out of me. I can’t recall how I went from standing at edge of the bed to lying on it with my legs spread for him. But he was ready for me, and when he entered the whole room spun and turned into a starry night as few blood drops fell out of me. He was soft and caring at first, nibbling at my nipple with his thumbs and lips as I clutched his hair firmly. But then he grew harder inside me and I felt the pain. It was the best feeling I ever had in my entire life.

He started pushing harder and faster as well, rocking me top to bottom and bottom to top. And then before I could understand the pleasure I was having, something built up inside me and exploded all around him. He pulled himself out at the same instant dropping himself on my stomach.

We kept lying there for few minutes with his head on my chest, silently. My mind was spinning about what will happen if our parents ever discovered about this. Realizing, I sat up with a jolt.

“Christy, are you ok?” Patrick asked as he rose behind me worrying like myself. But there was no turning back now, what’s done is done. I shook my head to shake away the thoughts and climbed him to fill myself again.
