Ex’s bubble butt baby sister. [Mf] [Anal] [Dirty talk]

First time posting here, and I got permission from my partner in DPP to post this on reddit general. The formatting is a role-play back and forth between the two of us, so it will change perspectives. Hopefully fiction isn’t frowned upon terribly.

The premise:
A man was just recently dumped, and the ex-girlfriend has sent her little sister to go pick up her things to avoid confrontation.

Part 1 – Will reply the rest in comments or a second post if people seem interested.

Mia allowed herself into the couple’s home for at least an hour now. As soon as someone was to enter the front door, they would be greeted with the sight of suitcases, scattered clothes and boxes filled with her older sister’s belongings.

The brunette wasn’t too amused with having to go alone and pack up *all* of the sister’s belongings but someone had to do it. She was told the dumbass wouldn’t be home at this time anyway, so why not? If her sister wanted to move on from the jerk Mia couldn’t stand, she was more than happy to help her out.

The young girl had some of her own fun, too. She accidentally knocked over a few of Kale’s things, might have even stolen a thing or two and placed in a suitcase but he wouldn’t ever know. Mia was about halfway done packing when she thought she might as well rub it in and annoy her sister’s ex. Taking one of his white t-shirts, she picked up a sharpie and scribbled away. ‘Douchebag’, ‘man-slut’ and ‘moron’ were the three words she wrote over his clothing. In fact, that’s the sight the man would be greeted with.

Mia’s big, bubbly ass in the air; barely covered by her skirt while she was on her hands and knees, writing ‘jackass’ on another t-shirt while being unaware that he was entering the home right behind her.

Kale came walking in, dripping with sweat and exertion from his jog back from the gym. Looking quite ripped. Tight six pack snug against his black muscle shirt, slick due to the sweat. A pair of baggy stretchy gym shorts covering his nearly eight inch long (soft) cock. Bouncing around in his boxers underneath the gray shorts. Whistling a bit to himself and taking out his ear buds, when he was greeted with the sight.

Quietly, he walked up behind her as he shut the door behind him. Clearing his throat to get her to notice. He knew her by sight at this point, not telling her that sometimes he would have her sister wear her little school uniform just to see her bulge out of it. Never told Mia of course, would just “borrow” it.

Looking over Mia’s shoulder, he saw what she was writing on his collection of shirts. Gritting his teeth and trying to handle the fact that his key was given to this vapid bimbo.

“.. The hell are you doing in my house, bubble butt? ” He said with a hint of disdain, slightly out of breath. ” And why.. Are you destroying my shirts!? ”

He reached down to grab her by her hair, pulling her back to her heels and knelt by his ruined shirts, groaning. ” Aww fuck.. Come on! These things cost money you know!”

The man would be greeted by the sight of that big, bubbly round backside. Back arched, almost bare ass on display if it wasn’t for her poor excuse of a thong and skirt. It wasn’t until she heard him clear his throat that she noticed. Her head turned, with a wide grin as he got to notice that his shirts were ruined with her swears scribbled over them. “I’m grabbing Amanda’s things, dumbass.” She retorted only to feel his hands grip her hair.

She was pulled up to her feet, gritting her teeth in annoyance as she pushed at his chest. “Didn’t your mother teach you not to put your hands on women? Pig.” Mia mumbled, trying to create some distance with a pout. “Oh well. I’m sure you can get some new ones. You’re lucky I didn’t completely ruin them. Now let go of me so I can finish packing, asshole.”

Her eyes met his with a glare although it was obviously the young girl’s eyes glanced over the man’s tall, muscled frame without a hint of shame. Her fingertip rose, pushing her glasses back up against the bridge of her nose with a sigh.

It was hard not to stare like an animal. He had always had a fascination for big round fleshy asses. Her sister had one, she had one. Hers was actually quite more impressive. God knows he would never tell her that. She had an inflated enough ego to go with her impressively large wobbly bottom.

He grit his teeth and tried to control his hand to not slap the little mouthy brat. Taking a slow calming breath and draped his ear buds over his neckline. Those huge tight shoulders on display for her to admire, along with those six pack abs. After the breakup, he had taken to hitting the gym daily for nearly two hours meaning he was incredibly vascular after.

He returned the glare though, scoffing and towering over her. “Your bitch of a sister doesn’t even have the good graces to come do this in person? You show me a woman and I’ll avoid putting hands on her..”

He grumbled and went to move past her, grabbing his thing and tried to clean up after her. Looking around at his much more bare apartment since she had taken most of his tech. Stealing a subtle glance at Mia’s waist and thick thighs. “.. Pig? Speak for yourself. You must power down entire sundaes by yourself to get an ass that big..”

She felt slightly nervous with him towering over her. Her petite, curvy frame so close to his muscled body. She swallowed hard, realizing that coming along and vandalizing his clothes… and room (which he had yet to see) might not have been the smartest idea. Mia bit at the corner of her lower, glossy pink lip as he spoke before shaking her head.

“Aw, isn’t that sweet? What a nice guy, Kale. Calling a poor, sweet woman a bitch… Keep finding excuses to be an asshole, hon.” A wide, fake smile appeared on her lips as he walked off. She looked over his strong back, over the curve of his firm ass before starting to zip up the nearby suitcase.

“You’re such a fucking jerk.” She replied to his comment as she squatted down to zip it, considering it was jam-packed and she had trouble. “Don’t be mad because you’ll never be able to have a girl with an ass as nice as mine. But you’re more than welcome to take a good look as I’m sure you’ve done before, perv.”

He winced at her jibe, not really happy that this stupid brat was insulting his livelihood and past relationships. Smelling of old Spice, sweat, and general masculine musk since she was close enough to get a full whiff. About to speak up before she hunkered down. His ass, thighs, calves, everything quite lithe and tight. Not a bodybuilder, but certainly an athlete.

“Ugh. Look. Okay, wrong foot. You’re right. Just.. ” Was about to apologize until she knelt down and he got… Distracted. Walking up beside her, that bulging monstrosity of a cock that her sister couldn’t shut up about hanging right by her face. Swinging in his stretchy shorts, and it was getting stiffer. His pulse racing down south quickly, the skirt and full ass was too much. It was visibly throbbing, expanding, leaving little to the imagination.

“Here, let me just.. ” He went to kneel down beside her and help zip up the suitcase before he saw one of his signed Jerseys from the Bears sitting on top. Taking in a sharp breath. “.. That’s not hers.” His voice deepened. Reaching down to take it out and gave her an accusing look.

“That’s better, Kale.” She spoke in such a smug, bratty tone as she continued to struggle with the zipper. Even if it was her last time seeing her sister’s ex, she could at least appreciate that jock-like build. Her thoughts immediately went to the sounds of her sister’s moans mixed in with the man’s grunts as she’s heard them fucking countless times before. She pushed the thoughts from her mind as she focused on the suitcase.

As he stood beside her, she looked up only to have her pretty face right in front of his groin. She felt blushing filling her cheeks, swallowing hard and giving a quick swipe over her lips before the tension was broken. As he kneeled down, Mia rose to her feet while picking up her cellphone. She typed away after taking a picture of the man’s firm ass and strong back. ‘Look at this dumbass, Amanda. Helping me pack and I stole a few of his things. A complete fucking moron.’ She sent the text with the image before she heard his voice.

“Ummm, I’m pretty sure it is. She always wore that jersey. Don’t be an asshole. Put it back and forget it.” Her phone waved in her hand as the beep indicated she got a reply back.

He looked down at the jersey and quietly pulled it from the suitcase. Was folding it up since Mia had done such a piss poor job of doing any of that. Then found a few of his dvd’s. A game or two. A really nice necklace he had, a silver dragon claw pendent. Slowly looking up at her as he quietly gathered it in his arms, moving to the side and started to pile it on the couch.

He walked closer, towering over her again before quietly snatching the phone from her hand. So strong and fast, it was effortless. Reading her sent and reply. Fuming.

“.. A fucking moron huh.” Voice was dripping with anger, a little malice. “Stealing from me. Yeah, how dare I want to help..”

He turned around and approached her, grabbing her by her hair quite forcefully and threw her bent over the kitchen counter. Giving her ass a sudden sharp SMACK. Growling. “Maybe I should show her just what I’d be doing to HER right now if she was here!?” Completely out of character, pushed a little too far.

Mia stood silently, watching the man take his rightful belongings from the suitcase. She bit at the corner of her lower, glossy lip as she couldn’t even make eye contact. She was caught in the act.

“Kale, list-.” Her words were cut off when he snatched her cellphone. “That’s not yours, asshole!” She growled before she heard such a gruff tone and that look in his eyes. The little brunette was dragged over to the counter, bent over with her big, bubbly ass up high in the air. Her fat, round cheek shook from the hit as her skirt wasn’t even covering her ass now. “Oooow!” She squirmed, swaying her thick ass with a look of annoyance in her eyes. “*Don’t*, pig. Don’t do that! Give me my cellphone back!” Mia was still left over the counter with her perfect, plump ass out for the stud.

The little slut had driven him beyond the limit. Amanda he would be patient, sweet with. He loved her. Needed her. Took care of her. Mia? The spoiled little bitch got what was coming to her. With that.. Juicy hypnotic plump bubbly ass.. *Stop THINKING about that! *

From the one spank though, he was at half mast. A twitching tent of nine inches sticking out the front of his groin. A proud vibrating pole. Another SMACK. Then another. On the other cheek, pinning her down bent over the counter by the back of her neck.

“Call me pig again! Say it again you stuck up little brat! ”

Another SMACK. Fingertips curling around the flesh of her thigh. Striking her pussy slightly. The panties offered no protection. His breath rising and falling, making him look more deeply lined and vascular.

” Say it again fat ass! ” He couldn’t hear her, he had lost it somewhat. His eyes burning on those fleshy cheeks, admiring the way the pale gorgeous cheeks spread apart. The way her panties dug into her meaty juicy pussy peach.. *Fuck.. *

Mia was pinned right underneath his hand, getting the rough spanking she was certainly deserving of. Her big, thick ass cheeks shook from each hit, wiggling wildly as she squirmed back only making those fat, round cheeks bounce that much more. “Fuck!”

She squealed out, mouth wide open as her thighs tensed when his hand touched against her barely covered pussy. She was already damp through the material. Mia tried to look over her shoulder with a pout to see the stud. Hearing him call her ‘fat ass’ was embarrassing, yet hearing from his mouth was perfect.

“Get a long look, pervert! We both know you won’t ever get an ass this nice!”

He relished in every time those plump perfectly pleasing posterior cheeks wobbled. The way it would ripple from the sharp impact of his arm swinging back and moving forward full force. It was too intense, he was already addicted in less than a few swings, breathing so hard already.

“OH I won’t? You think I WANT an ass this big? You probably crush every chair in school!” Another echoing SLAP. This time fingertips hit her pussy directly, right over her clit.

“I bet you’ve driven guys away out of fear of being crushed!” SMACK! Again, Laser accuracy, hitting her clit but also making her ass tingle and burn.

“I can get any woman I want.. And you damn well know it you worthless little thief..” Talking through clenched teeth, trying to hide the intense husky arousal in his breath. But the way his face was staring right down at her ass, unable to look away, gave away his cravings.

Mia’s body jolted forward with each harsh smack. Her fat cheeks shaking so quick, her tan-lines making her ass look all that much more delicious. “I bet you fucking do… You’re always staring at my big ass…” She growls out before squealing out the moment his hand hits her little pussy. Her thighs quiver and tighten as she only lifts that backside higher up. She sways it left and right, mouth wide open with her tongue out as she pants. She was being punished and she was so damn embarrassed about how wet she was.

Mia looked over her shoulder, staring at the sight of the stud with a growl. “You can…? Is that why you have my sister right now?” Even with the punishing smacks, Mia managed that cocky, smug look on her face as she reached back. She tugged her thong up, making it tighten to her body as she swayed her big, bubbly ass. “You can’t get enough of my big, fat young ass, perv…”

Her defiant attitude had him harder, intensely harder. His breath heaving now, looking down at that fat ass and reached down to grab the left cheek as hard as he could. Spreading them wide, almost painfully so, and rubbed his thumb over her little rosebud from behind. When her skirt flared up, it was a dream come true. A naughty, slutty, buxom, big juicy fat assed schoolgirl bent over his counter. Teasing him by wiggling side to side, making him growl and restrain his lust.

Then she made the mistake of mentioning Amanda. He stepped up behind her suddenly and rammed his bulging cock to her pussy, flush to her ass, so thick it parted the cheeks like the sea. Twitching harder than any cock she’d ever felt in her life time. Reaching around to wrap a hand around her throat, making her arch her back higher as he leaned over her shoulder, hissing hungrily. “Maybe I should just take it.. Show you what your sister got every single night.. Show you what she kept coming back for even if she claimed to hate me so much..”

That cock was nearly legendary, at full hardness it was practically the thickness of her forearm, quite bulky. Coke can thickness, the head burning hot even through his shorts.

“You’re worthless, Ka~!” Her words were caught in her throat when that big, round ass was spread and she felt her little pucker being teased through the pathetically thin material of her thong. She wiggled, panting as the sensation was clearly far too much from her considering the loud, slutty moans in brought from her. “You can’t touch me there, no, no! Stop!” She squeals despite being dripping wet; she clearly loved it.

She jolted forward, trapped between the stud and the counter as she felt such a fat, thick bulge against her. Mia turned her head, staring at those hard abs through the thin shirt as she could only squirm and grind back against his bulge… Amanda wasn’t kidding when she talked about why she stayed with him for so long. “You’re too nice of a guy to do that… I’m just a sweet little girl, asshole. You won’t do it.” She scoffed, calling his bluff despite her face being bright red with embarrassment.

“And I wouldn’t ever fucking let you. The least I would let a pervert like you do is kiss my big, beautiful ass.”

He stopped, holding her throat and giving it a kneading squeeze. Cutting off her air quite sweetly but letting her breathe after a few seconds. Taking a sharp intake of breath, resisting the urge to grind but losing. It made that thick girth swirl up and down between those cheeks, teasing her rosebud, squishing those amazingly plump corpulent cheeks knead around his meat. “Too nice!? Too nice a guy.. After all the heartless cruelty you and your cunt of a sister have..”

He let go slowly, staring down at the arch of her slender back until it flared out drastically to her wide cheeks. So fucking gloriously thick. Taking a sharp breath, he slid back half a step. Gripping those fat cheeks and slid her thong to the side, exposing her little puckered hole. That slutty moan tipped him off.

The slut wanted it..

He hunkered down, agonizingly slow, to be kneeling behind her bent form. Warm breath brushing over her puffy pussy lips. Eyes half shut in uncontrollable lust. “.. Kiss it?”

Then he leaned in, so slow, so sweet, and pressed his lips to her tight backdoor. Giving it a gentle kiss and brushing his tongue over her little rosebud. Flicking along it. Moaning himself so hungrily. “.. Like this..?”

Mia’s throat was held so tight, she gasped out the moment he let go. She never experienced Kale like this. Even with her bratty behavior, he tried to be nice to her but this… this was new and hot. “Right… I forgot. You just referred to use as cunts. You were raised so well.” She shoots back before he finally let go. “Thank you.” Mia scoffed, thinking he was going to allow her to leave.

Up until she felt his strong hands spreading those thick full ass cheeks and tugging them apart with her thong. Her little, puckered rosebud was visible to the stud. She stared over her shoulder, jaw dropped as she got such a hot sight. Seeing the handsome hunk staring right at that winking, little asshole. “Kale…” She started.

A loud squeal of pleasure leaving her lips as she got something sensual. His lips met her pretty, tiny asshole as her toes curled in pleasure. “Oh my god… D-Don’t… do that..” Another whine in her words the moment she felt that hot tongue flick right over her little entrance. “No… Don’t… do that, perv…” Her breath was shaky, squirming back as that rosebud winked so tight in front of the stud.

He was thick. Naive. A dumb bulging jock of a man, who only seemed to know the gym and fucking. The problem was, he knew fucking. He knew a soaking wet bitch in heat when he saw one. He knew how to hit all the soft spots. Knew exactly what an anal loving whore enjoyed. Growling in the back of his throat and buried his slightly stubble covered chin between her thighs. His bottom lip striking the bottom of her pussy before he took a long slithering lick up from the bottom of her wet cunt up to her sensitive asshole.

Her complaints meant nothing to him. He’s heard it hundreds of times before. The pathetic whimpering mess of a woman who was pleading for it to continue even though her words were contrary. His tongue began to do tight little wet figure 8’s. Bouncing off of her asshole. Just enough pressure to dip inside. His long strong fingers kept kneading her fleshy cheeks, pushing them apart and squishing them around his face now and then. Making out with her wonderfully plump ass.

“Mmm..just doing what you said you’d allow. You’re right. I’m far too kind to ever fuck such a big, plump, wobbly, fat fucking ass.. ” His voice took on a new tone she’d yet to hear. A commanding kind of sensual purr, dominating and sweet. A voice that could seduce any pair of wet panties around their ankles when coupled with that God like figure.

Mia should have found a way out. She should have picked up her cellphone and called her sister but she couldn’t. She had the handsome man’s face right against her fat, juicy ass and she didn’t want him to stop. All those nights she heard her sister whining out in pleasure… It was only fair she got to experience before they booted him out of their lives. She shook with his tongue sliding along her backside until he focused on that tiny pucker again.

She heard his voice, making her face go bright red with blush. “Kale… Please…” She whimpered before reaching a hand back. She ran it through his hair before gripping it. Mia tugged him closer, forcing her thick ass right over his handsome face, grinding so quickly and working her ass in circles. Mia loved the tickle of his light stubble against her plump ass, starting to bounce and make those cheeks clap around his face. “Oooh… Sink it in, Kale… Just sink the tip of it in, please. Right into my little asshole… It feels… so good!” She begged, only arching her back higher to keep that big, fat ass out for him. “Spit on it for me…”

Speaking of Mia’s cell phone, he took it in his hand while he licked and sucked on her puckered asshole. Flipping it open with an evil smirk on his lips and cued up the selfie camera. Recording a video and putting it down on the ground between her spread legs. Capturing her slutty begging, his big face squishing between those pale juicy cheeks. His long tongue teasing a little around her puckered rosebud.

Feeling her hand on his head, it gave him all the incentive he needed. Holding his tongue out rigidly, and oh God was that tongue ever so thick and long and.. Articulate.. He began to push. Just enough pressure to sink it a little inside, then pumped his head back. Fucking it back and forth, deeper on every thrust. Not just a little. He was tongue fucking her asshole. The love of his life’s, bratty little fat ass sisters, asshole. God it was so thick.. His voice echoing and making his tongue become a living vibrator.

“You like it don’t you.. You’ve been thinking about me fucking this bubble butt of yours every time I came over. I bet you envied your sister.. That’s why you treat me like shit, you’ve wanted me for years.. ” Hamming it up, but at the same time, knew what he was saying was true.

Mia didn’t let go of his hair, keeping his handsome face smothered in her big, round bubbly ass as she bounced back. She loved the sensation of that tongue pressing on her pucker, forcing right into her tightness. Her little asshole winked several times, squeezing against his tongue as she heard him groaning against her. She pressed back, unable to get enough of the sensation; his tongue, the heat from his nose and the stubble… She didn’t want it to stop.

“Oh fuck yes… I love it… I love that tongue pushing right into my tiny, little asshole… So fucking good, sink it in there good… Tongue fuck my asshole pervert…” She whined, flipping her hair aside as she pressed back, grinding and practically sitting on the man’s face. “Get it in… Please, yes! Fuck… Sink it all the way into me!”

Kale used his flexible tongue to torture that little brats perfectly Crescent shaped ass. The way the orbs slapped around his face was ambrosia. He had never been this turned on, or this happy in his life. This ass was the best he’s ever seen. And on a tight little bratty teenage girl? An 18 year old schoolgirl with her skirt flipped up, panties to the side, and his tongue working up her ass. The video recording every one of her slutty words, and the way her pussy was glistening and dripping, clenching and relaxing, even though he was ignoring it. Her ass was all he cared about.

He gave that ass a sharp SMACK, helping part the cheeks with those palms. Squeezing the orbs that perked up perfectly and cast a shadow on the far wall. A slutty porn shadow box of his perfect face nuzzles between the cheeks. Pulling back to hold her puckered asshole open, spitting a hot load directly into the hole, and then attacked it again. Forcing nearly two inches of his long, strong, broad tongue into her winking hole. Gaping her muscles, making it hard for her to clench. Then again, he was really forcing it in. His cock pure steel, leaving a throbbing wet spot over the head, of which her camera phone had a perfect upward angle to watch.

“This asshole is mine then.. My fucking tight little ass between those fat fucking cheeks. MMMF.. It’s my new toy, you bubble butt cum slut.. ” Claiming it, he wanted it, so he was claiming it..

Mia was bouncing herself back, fucking herself on the man’s hot tongue like a greedy slut. Her thick, round cheeks bouncing with her movements as she felt her tiny, tight pucker being invaded by that hot, swirling tongue. “Mmm, fucking asslicker… I knew you loved this big, fat teen ass…” She watched the sight, seeing the stud devour her thick ass repeatedly. “Tell me how much you love my thick ass… You love it more than my sister’s, I know it.” Her hands spread her plump cheeks, holding them apart before letting go so they could shake into place.

A loud whine left her lips from the kinky sensation as he spread her cheeks so far apart that he could spit right into her rosebud that winked tightly in response. “Mmmm fuck! Get your fucking fingers up my big ass, daddy… Fucking do it! I know you want to.. work me open..” She whimpered, not even caring about her little pussy at this point. Mia had men dying to be all over her but none like Kale.. none that were so focused on tonguing her tiny pucker open.

Kale was working over her ass like a pro, wriggling that broad tongue in flexible bending twisting ways that stroked every nerve ending around her wrinkled eye. Pulling back to gasp for air since her rather ample ass was cutting off his oxygen. Panting hard, gasping and raking his teeth over the pale cheek, shuddering violently from arousal. Squeezing those cheeks so strongly the flesh peeked out between his long fingers.

“Oh fucking god yes I love this ass.. Your sister wouldn’t let me near hers.. She knew what I would do to it. What I’m going to do to yours..” Then back into it again, so when she released the cheeks they clapped over his face, eliciting yet another hungry moan from the ass hungry animal that he was.

He slid back a bit and while he licked around her rosebud, using feather touch flickering licks, he pressed the tip of his big finger to her butt. Forcing it in to the first knuckle with a wet slurp. Two quick fucking thrusts, deeper, then pulling out with a plop. Held the cheek to the side and spat in her asshole again, then rammed that finger inside deeper. Four more thrusts, out again, a little more gaped, another warm deluge up her bottom, then the finger once more until he was feeling around her insides. Tracing his finger along her warm hole and pushing her open as he growled, kissing and making out with the left cheek. The camera catching.. Everything.

Mia never imagined she would be in this position. While she might have had filthy thoughts about the stud before, she didn’t think she would ever be bent over, begging for him to keep going. As he pulled back with a gasp, she watched as he spread her thick ass wide. She wouldn’t admit she admired how much he paid attention to her big, fat ass cheeks with the gropes. “I knew it… That’s because Amanda doesn’t have a big, thick ass like me.” She mumbles, unaware that the camera was picking up the words directly against her sister.

Mia’s eyes focused on his as he forced that thick finger into her tight, anal passage. She bit down on the corner of her lip to try and keep her whines quiet, squirming right back against it before she was filled with two thick fingers working in and out of her. “Fuck… That’s it… Do you know how good you look kissing my ass? Kiss my big ass, Kale… Finally putting that mouth to use, babe.”

He smirked and was a hungry animal about how he sunk his teeth into her cheek. Raking it along the flesh as he let out a hungry animalistic moan. Sucking a hickey right beside her asshole. Being visceral and hungry about it. Huge fingers twisting and pulling apart her cheeks. Back handing and spanking. Gaping her bubble butt with two long strong fingers in and out of her making wet squelch ing noises. “You wanted me didn’t you.. Wanted me to take this big fat ass or yours. To claim it as mine. To make it my cock sleeve.. To make your cheeks slap my abs while you beg me to fuck your great big bubble butt..”

He looked down at the camera and grinned. To distract her he started to steadily fuck in and out. Curling his fingers to tease her warm little cunt from the other side. Spreading his fingers to work her asshole open. Groaning at the sight as he casually held the camera phone now much closer to her ass. “Just as bad as I wanted you.. You’ve wanted me. That’s why you came in this slutty mini skirt.. You know how much I love it.”

“You look so much more handsome with your face pressed against my perfect ass. Look at you, such a good stud. You follow instructions so well.” Mia kept a wide grin as Kale didn’t exactly as he was told when it came to her bubble butt. She was pushing back, fucking herself in rhythm with his fingers that pumped back and forth to work her tight entrance open. It wasn’t until his words came out that her cocky expression was lost. Her face went as bright red as her spanked cheeks as he mentioned the sight of her fat cheeks bouncing against his abs. “You’re meant to have a girl with a thick ass, Kale… Unfortunately for you it won’t be me, but at least you’ll be able to think about this every time you jerk off.”

She was unaware he was setting her up, even with that sexy smirk. A whimper from her mouth as his fingers curled inside of her while she nodded. “I… might have dressed like this to show you that you won’t be seeing my perfect ass anymore… that’s it, jerk.” Mia sighed out, before nudging back against his fingers and back closer to his face. “And now that you’ve had more than enough of an opportunity to say goodbye to this sweet ass, I’m done here. Let me take her things and go.”

Slowly Kale stood, letting his fingers bury to the hilt in her bubble butt, that perfectly pale sweet pair of cheeks that sandwiched into the most sensual sexy ass ever. He used his free hand to trace up along her back, tickling her skin, a little smile on his face. Seemed quite content to have his final farewell with her bubble butt wrapped around his cheeks.

“Mmmf..I do have to say, that was probably one of the best experiences of my life.. You DO have the hottest ass of any woman I’ve ever seen. And I’ve seen PLENTY of women.” He used the back of his hand to give it a sharp sudden SMACK, leaving a stinging rippling hand-print over the left cheek. Reaching up to help her ease back somewhat, so she was pushing up off the counter-top.

He made sure to send himself the video first, just in case, while he finger fucked her tight little butt. Leaning down to kiss the side of her neck, smelling of her dripping pussy and musky rear. “You’re right. This is going to be the best jerk off material. Especially the way you talk like a filthy slut. Mm.. You would wouldn’t you. Wear these mini skirts or leggings to make this big booty POP. Just to make me stare, to make this big dick your sister loved get big and hard..” He shifted forward and slid his cock up and down between her cheeks, after removing his fingers with a wet squelch. Leaving her poor yawning asshole lonely and empty.

Then he reached around her, gripping one of her hanging breasts and gave it a slow squeeze. Milking her through her top, pushing her nipple out between his fingers. Her juicy udders for her equally great big fat ass. “..At least admit that you liked it. That you’ve wanted it for so long. Then I can let you leave my life happy..”

With his tall frame towering over her, Mia pressed her ass back completely so her little pucker was plugged with his thick fingers. A satisfied grin on her face as she listened to her sister’s ex talk about how her ass is the best he’s ever seen or had. Her body arched, showing off every bit of her petite, curvy frame with a giggle as he kissed at her neck. “I couldn’t help it… I knew you were nothing but a pervert, Kale. Did you think about my big, fat ass when you were fucking her from behind, stud? I chose all my slutty clothes whenever I was around you. I knew you were checking me out.”

A soft moan left her lips as he groped at her bust, teasing her hardened little nipple while she turned her head to lock eyes with him. “I loved teasing you. I loved the very idea that I got your big, fat cock nice and hard when I wore my little shorts… my yoga pants. Just as much as I loved hearing you groan in the next room while the two of you fucked. It got me so wet… Shame she chose now to dump you. You’ve never looked hotter than you do today.” And with that, Mia did something she shouldn’t have. She forced a hot, sloppy passionate kiss to his lips, pressing her tongue out to seek his.

He had the camera angled towards their faces, just out of complete coincidence. His lips dueling with hers and sucking on her tongue, having her arch her back more until she was pressed to his chest. His cock jumping with his pulse against her fleshy bubbly cheeks, making them wobble from how violent his cock could spasm from his own heart beat. Every one of her filthy words got him exactly what he needed. Both emotionally, mentally, and from a standpoint of making this little brat his bitch.

He kept teasing her perky tit while they made out, twisting that nipple around, at the mention of her shorts his cock gave another swell. How they would cut into those fat cheeks, wobble and sway. The yoga pants that left nothing to the imagination, simply outlined that amazingly huge ass.

“Mm..when I fucked her, Mia? Any time it was doggy, all I could imagine was her ass getting bigger and bigger.. Fatter. Swelling up, to look like yours. To be huge and jiggly and plump, so with every thrust of my cock buried in her cunt it would make her ass clap..ugh. That would be heaven for me..”

As he spoke he kept grinding, teasing, pulling on her bottom lip with his teeth, this tall musclebound Adonis of pure masculinity. Worshiping her lips, her ass, her body with every movement. His tongue tasted of her ass, which was not at all unpleasant. Heavenly for him.

“..You sure you want to go without sampling it, I’ll bend you over here and now and have you creaming around that fat cock you’ve always dreamed of..” He asked in a breathy tone, looking down at her tiny frame pressed close to his body.

As much as she claimed she hated him, she was rather passionate when it came to making out with him. Her tongue lapping at the man’s, moaning into the kiss as they sloppily made out while she had his fat bulge trapped between her thick ass cheeks. Her moans transferred right into his mouth with his finger tweaking at her nipple and groping her bust. She pressed back, bouncing her fat backside to make it shake right against him. Mia couldn’t help herself at this point, kissing between his words for the taste of herself and his tongue.

“Tell me how much you love my fat ass, Kale. Look me in the eyes and tell me…” She mumbled as she lapped over his lips with a soft moan. “How a girl with a big, plump ass like me was made to be fucked by a hunk like you.”

Mia hesitated. It would be a crossing a line. Not only would her sister’s trust be broken if she found out, but she would be fucking the man her sister was with. She looked him over, biting at the corner of her lip before sighing. “Lose your shirt. I want to see your body while you’re fucking me.”

He was pulling upon her nipple, bunching her shirt up to expose her flat stomach and tracing his fingertips over her belly. His cock pulsating against her bubble butt and make it wobble and jiggle. Couldn’t get enough of it while they kissed. His eyes burned on hers, a fiery passion behind them that she’d just never seen when he looked at her sister.

“I’ve staring at your ass since the day we met. I’ve been ..obsessed with it. I would put your sister in mini skirts and shorts just like yours, and it was never the same. I’ve been craving it, dying to sink my teeth into it. To squeeze, spank, fuck and fill it. And ONLY a dick like mine can ever please a bubble butt as massive as yours..” He reached down to grip her pussy, cupping it through her thighs, and pulled her ass harder into his cock. Squishing her puffy peach mound with his fingertip digging into her core.

Then, the second she asked, his shirt was OFF. A magician. He pulled it hard from his body, it sucked to his abs so it was hard to remove. A greek god would be put to shame compared with a body like his. Two weeks of three hours a day at the gym had given him a physique most models would die for. Grinning at her saying that he would fuck her. His cock gave another jump in eagerness at the anticipation. “..How do you want me.” He spoke heavily, giving her control. For now.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/5lxgts/exs_bubble_butt_baby_sister_mf_anal_dirty_talk


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