[fF] Wild Roses pt. 4: Wisdom of the Forest [fdom]

Summer nervously twirled a lock of golden hair around a finger as she walked quietly down the forest path. She had been here before, she knew, but that was a long time ago and a long time forgotten. In the early spring air, her white linen dress was a little cool, but she loved the way it shaped her bosom, and against the stark blue of the winter roses in her hair it looked gorgeous. All she could hope was that the forest witch would find it as striking as she felt wearing it. As the small hut came into view at the bottom of the path, nestled under an outcropping where the river tumbled down a fall into a clear pond, she rubbed the ring on her finger for luck, and straightening her back she resolved to set one foot in front of the other.

At the door, she gave a knock, and waited.

When no reply came, she knocked again, louder this time, but again was met with silence.

With a sigh, she deflated, and with relief and regret half and half she turned, to make her way back home.

When she did, her heart near leapt out of her mouth when she found herself face to face with the forest witch.

“And so Summer returns once more.” she said with a grin. “I’ve missed you, you know.”

“I – you – um” Summer stammered, taking a half step backwards towards the door.

She had not expected to see the witch, for one, and had not expected her to show up stark naked, but she had. The witch was as tall as Spring, at least, and as slender and willowy as Autumn, but her body was that of a woman, with soft round hips and large breasts that were still youthful and buoyant for their size. Her lips were full and red, and her eyes the colour of moss. Tumbling over her shoulders in large, lazy curls was long bark brown hair flecked with leafy greens, and below a pleasantly rounded tummy sat another small patch of the same brown-and-green, over slender lips, pink against her pale skin.

“And a woman grown, too.” the witch said, placing a finger on the bottom of the neck of Summer’s dress, where a bright blue flame sprang up at once, in a heartbeat consuming the entire dress in a icy cold conflagration.

Whatever the witch said, against her Summer felt little more than a girl. Between the sisters, her breasts were the largest, but here they felt like little more than buds on her pale skin, the cold fire of the spell leaving her pink nipples hard and small. With her baby blue eyes fixed on the witch she was entranced, and she barely noticed as the woman moved her light fingers over her body. They danced along her smooth arms and long, slender fingers, over her firm, round butt and past her shapely hips, over her perky breasts, along her neck and over her small ears; all before tracing a straight line down through her cleavage, over her flat belly, through her golden patch and over her blossoming rose lips.

“The magic of the forest has served you well so far.” the witch said, tasting the tip of her finger withdrawn from Summer’s sex. “I take it you have come to learn more?”

Summer nodded hazily. The very presence of the woman was intoxicating her every sense, and wherever her fingers left her skin they left slowly blooming patches of desire for their return.

“There is a price.” she said, taking Summer’s ringed hand, her thumb resting on the silver band.

“A rose.” Summer suggested, plucking the pale blue winter rose she wore in her hair with her free hand and offering it to the witch, who took it in hand and brought it up to her nose, slowly drinking in the scent.

In her grasp, the rose suddenly crystallised into ice, before shattering, the shards falling glittering to the ground. “The ring.” she said, tapping it with her thumb.

Summer hesitated. “It is my father’s…” she said. “A gift…”

The witch nodded. “Therein its power.” she said. “Power for power is surely a fair trade, is it not.”

Summer nodded, and the witch drew the ring from her finger. She held it up to the light for a time, looking it over carefully, before with a flick of her wrist it was gone, and the witch fixed her eyes instead on Summer’s.

“I am Greenfinger, your teacher.” the witch said with a smile. “Are you ready for your first lesson?”

Summer nodded dully, and when she awoke, it was in the dewey grass to the sound of birdsong. Through the trees at the edge of the clearing, she could glimpse the cabin below the waterfall, and above her, the sky was blue and cloudless. Besides her, Greenfinger sat watching a sparrow wheel through the air. The cool night and fresh air had cleared her head, and something about Greenfinger’s intoxicating presence had faded, even if her beauty had not.

“Did you sleep well?” she asked, when she noticed that Summer had woken up.

Summer nodded as she sat up, and found that the grass just around her was, like herself, free from dew.

“Why are we sleeping out in the open?” she asked. “Some kind of lesson?”

Greenfinger shook her head. “Why would we sleep in a house?”

“For warmth and shelter?” Summer suggested, but felt foolish at once, when she realised she was neither cold nor wet.

“Hmm.” Greenfinger mused. “There is the lesson. Warmth and shelter comes from the forest.”

She pointed to the cabin through the trees. “Those without magic must carve out parts of the forest and fit them as tight as they will go to have it, but the wise have no need of such.”

Summer nodded. “So what do you keep in the cabin.”

The witch smiled. “Unwise things, not of the forest. But those are for later lessons.”

Summer filtered her fingers through the thick, healthy grass between her legs where she sat cross-legged. “You said earlier I had magic…”

“But you don’t feel like you do?” Greenfinger suggested, and Summer nodded. “It’s because the magic in you is as of yet wild and unshaped.”

She stood up, and stretched out a hand to pull Summer to her feet.

“When you learn how to channel it, you’ll realise how it has been with you all along.” the witch said, picking a few leaves of grass out of Summer’s hair.

“Since you gave it to me, you mean?” she asked, glancing over at the cabin, but the witch shook her head.

“It was the magic in you already that drew you to this place, and the echoes of it in your sister that showed her how to find me for you.” she explained. “I merely shaped what was already there into a shape a little more useful, which is all I can do.”

“Are you hungry?” the witch asked.

Summer shook her head. “No. Should I be?”

“No.” the witch offered with a warm smile, and led her by the hand off into the forest.

Throughout the spring, Greenfinger led Summer throughout the forest, teaching her to commune with its spirits, to call upon it to shelter her and sustain her, and to shape the land to her will. Not until midsummer did they glimpse the sheltered cabin again, as they followed the river down to the top of the outcrop and came upon it from above.

Summer gave Greenfinger a puzzled frown. “Haven’t we been following the river downstream this entire time?”

Greenfinger stepped up to the edge of the outcropping. “Haven’t I taught you anything?” she said, and with a smile toppled backwards, plunging into the pond below. With a shrug, Summer ran up and jumped in after her, golden hair flecked with grass green fluttering in the wind as her heart fluttered in her chest. At the bottom, she landed in the water with a splash, drenching the witch anew, and after dwelling on the bottom of the pool for a while, feeling the cool water envelop her, she swam to the surface, emerging next to her teacher.

“That was a rush!” she said with a grin, as she swam up to nestle herself next to the woman sitting on the grassy shore, her heart still beating out of her chest.

Greenfinger put her hand on her chest, feeling her heart beat. “I can tell.”

“And I can tell the forest likes you.” she added, as she traced her hands around the shape of Summer’s breasts.

She wasn’t wrong; the sustenance of the forest and the spirits of spring had conspired to shape Summer’s body into womanhood, filling out her breasts, rounding her hips, softening her face and giving her skin the lightest kiss of bark brown tones. As she feathered her thumb over her pink nipple, it hardened, sending shivers through her body, along with a softly blooming red heat.

“Perhaps it’s time for a different kind of lesson.” Greenfinger suggested with a grin. “A lesson in the way of a woman’s body?”

“Oh, I know all about that.” Summer said with a smile.

“You do?” Greenfinger asked, surprised.

Summer giggled. “Of course. Autumn is always out hunting, and my father has his carvings, but there’s only so many hours in a day I can spend on cooking and cleaning, and only so many times Spring can swing a sword at a bush before her arm tires, so we have to make our own fun.”

“I see.” Greenfinger said. “Perhaps you would show me how you make your own fun, then?”

“Sure!” Summer said with a smile.

Leaning forwards, pressing her breasts against Greenfinger’s, she laid a heavy kiss on her, toppling both of them backwards into the grass. Entwining her fingers in her hair, she lingered for minutes, eagerly making out, feeling out the responses of her body, letting her excitement grow, until she felt the hardness of the woman’s nipples against her own. Panting, she pulled back, and with a wicked grin she slithered down her body, planting kisses on the way across her neck, her breasts and her tummy. As she reached Greenfinger’s small patch of brown-and-green her legs plopped down into the cool water of the pond, and using the height difference to her advantage, she quickly buried her face in the woman’s cunt, parting her lips with a deft tongue.

With Greenfinger’s flower in bloom, Summer brought her lips and tongue to bear on the bud, kissing, licking and feathering it lightly, all in turn and in indiscernible patterns, all the while slipping two slender fingers deep into her tenderness, gently bringing them in and out in rhythm with her mouthwork and Greenfinger’s excited breathing and rocking, bringing it all together into one pulsing, resounding heartbeat. Soon Greenfinger was moaning and shaking, burying her hands in Summer’s hair, gripping it tight, and inflamed by her passions, Summer slipped her free hand down between her own legs to tend to her own garden, joining in the rhythm. Soon she both heard and felt Greenfinger reaching her peak, as a drawn out, rumbling moan reverberated off of the outcropping walls and her legs squeezed Summer’s head tremulously.

Withdrawing her hand, but keeping her mouth on task, she guided Greenfinger through the rocky waters as she was buffeted by wave after wave of devastating orgasm, and when the storm finally settled, she climbed out of the water with a love-scented kiss for the witch.

“That’s what my sister Autumn really likes.” she said with a smile as she pulled back from Greenfinger’s lips, the woman still panting and heaving.

“Spring likes a different thing, though.” she added with another kiss, and grabbing the witch’s hip with a hand, she pulled her over onto her stomach.

With practiced ease, she pulled the woman up onto her knees, leaving her panting face in the grass, both hands digging into the tall green carpet and gripping it tight as aftershocks rolled over her. Leaning down, Summer put a light kiss on her cunt, before slipping two fingers back in, bringing them in and out rhythmically.

“It’s kind of tricky, but it feels like you’re up for it.” she mused.

“Neither me nor Autumn can, really, unless we’re _really_ worked up.” she added, slipping a third finger into the thrusting. “But with Spring it’s like, _right_ away, every time.”

Greenfinger only mumbled incoherently as Summer worked her deftly with three fingers, her thumb pressing idly on her ass and her other hand between her own legs, rubbing more slowly. After a while, she slipped in a fourth finger, to exited mumbles and squeals from Greenfinger. Offering the hand she was using on herself to her for a taste, she let the woman lap eagerly at it for a while, before repositioning herself for leverage. Carefully, she drew her hand out a little, before bringing the thumb down and slowly inserting her entire hand to the wrist, as Greenfinger managed to push herself a little off the ground, giving out a howling, rolling moan of pure ecstasy.

Tightening her hand into a fist within her, Summer gently brought her arm back and forth, and by the fifth thrust Greenfinger’s face was in the grass again, her knuckles turning white as she gripped the grass tight against the force of the orgasm, Summer’s hand squeezed tight inside her. Slowly Summer released and withdrew, and rolled the witch over to again guide her through it with her lips on her sex.

“Then”, said Summer with a grin as Greenfinger managed to come to her senses, “there’s the thing that I really like!”

Utterly, devastatingly spent, the woman looked up at Summer groggily. “I don’t think I can take anymore right now…” she said, looking a little cross-eyed.

Summer grinned as she sat her light body on her chest, wrapping her legs around her arms. “You’ll do fine, I’m sure.”

The girl’s glistening wetness looming large in her face, Greenfinger gathered her strength and nodded resolutely. With a happy giggle, Summer pressed herself gently against her face, allowing her mouth room to find her way through the folds to the heart of her rose, and as the witch placed her hands weakly on her ass and pressed herself against Summer’s cunt, she buckled forwards, gripping the grass tightly as lips, teeth and tongue explored her sex. Soon, she was moaning and trembling, her passion building until, with a throaty scream of pleasure, she reached a shattering orgasm borne of four months without a chance to relieve her needs, a second and third rolling over her in quick succession as Greenfinger teased and kissed at her through the aftershocks of the first.

Exhausted, she fell over into the soft grass, panting and looking up at the deep blue sky through half-closed eyes.

“Now”, Greenfinger said as she got to her knees next to her, emboldened by her taste and gathering her fingers into a wedge, its tip resting against Summer’s sex, “when you say worked up…”

Summer gave a giggle, which soon became a slow, heavy moan.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/5lt2mb/ff_wild_roses_pt_4_wisdom_of_the_forest_fdom