Seeing Sally Again (Or “She does do [M]ore than my Ex-G[f]”), [Blonde], [18], [Petite], [Short Girl], [BJ], [Facial], [Creampie], [Mf], [Long Story], [Surprises]

Disclaimer: This story is fiction and so far no part of it is real (though man oh man do I wish it was) unlike in the previous story. For those who missed it, the link will be posted below my disclaimer, before the story begins. Also, this got WAY longer than I meant. I am sorry in advance. I hope that everyone does enjoy it none the less. Thank you for taking the time to read my latest tale.

[Making it with My Ex’s Sister Finally] (

Note: *Text in italics, will be a thought.* This is a change from using ~To denote a thought.~ “*Text in “Quotes” will be a text.*”


My phone goes off for the 100th time that evening. Sally and I have been texting ever since Christmas, planning, sexting, flirting, getting to know each other again, with a different relationship that before. Tomorrow, January 2nd is the day I am moving back to town.

After that adventure on Christmas, I expedited the process of moving back. My job was transferred to my home town so I have it ready when I get there, and as of Friday the 30th of last month, the everything that wouldn’t fit in my truck was sent to my new house. Everything that will fit in my truck is in boxes by the door.

I roll over to the side of my pallet on the floor and pick up my phone. I smile as I see a new picture of Sally in all but the minimum of coverings.

Sally is maybe 5′-3″ with heels on, blonde hair with black streaks put in it, straight today though usually curly, hazel eyes, 34B chest with just tan colored nipples, a shaved bare vagina, and the firmest ass (though a little small like her).

The picture I have been sent is Sally, fresh out of the shower, hair dripping wet with it’s natural curl, a hand towel just barely covering each nipple and her pussy.

My cock stirs. “*Tease.*” I type back.

Just a picture of her looking innocent and pouty. My heart starts to race a little, her eyes jump out at me. *I won’t be getting any more from her tonight since we are seeing each other tomorrow when I get into town.*

I text back. “*I know, not you. Good night beautiful. I’ll see you tomorrow.*”

After she replies with her goodnight, I put my phone down and fall asleep surprisingly quickly. Then again, I always have enjoyed sleeping on the floor and other less than forgiving surfaces as opposed to a mattress. I know, I’m weird.

The next morning, I wake up with more than a raging hard-on, my 7″ long cock tenting my boxers. I let out a sigh. *Why did she have to make me promise not to jack off for a damn week before I get there, and more importantly, why did I have to agree?* I get up rubbing the sleep from my eyes and head to the bathroom. I turn on the water to take the last shower in my apartment. As it warms up, I take off my t-shirt and drop my boxers, stepping out of them. As I climb in the shower, I realize I need to lose some weight. I weigh about 200 lbs and there is a belly that is bigger than I would like around my midsection, but other than that I am in good shape and still considered attractive my a few people. My blue eyes are bright and the first thing most people notice about me, the second being my sandy brown hair which has been freshly trimmed up.

I begin to wash up trying to distract myself so I will stop being so damn hard and can take my much needed morning piss. As I reach my cock, I moan at the touch. *Damn, I need to cum.* I shake my head and turn around to rinse off moving my hands from my cock. I hurriedly finish my shower and get out, dry off, and finally take a leak letting out a sigh of relief.

I get dressed quickly throwing on a black t-shirt and a pair of khaki pants. Grabbing my wallet, phone and keys, I put them in the appropriate pockets and then pack up the last of my things in the house. I load the truck, lock up and leave the key in the lock box where my deposit has been left. *It’s good being in good standing with the landlord. Doesn’t hurt she likes my company when her husband is out of town.* I smile to myself and get on the road.

In what seems like an eternity, but in reality only 4 hours, I pull into my home town. I head straight to my house so that I can unload the rest of my belongings and try to get them put away. As I pull into the driveway and park, I pull out my phone and send Sally a text. “*I just got into town. I’m unloading my truck now. Are we still on for you to come on over?*”

I start to unload my truck getting as much inside at a time as possible hoping that she will be there soon like we had decided.

My phone buzzes and I get excited. Setting the boxes inside the door, I pull it out. “*I’m sorry. Mom wants me to go to lunch with her and then we are getting our toes done. I won’t be able to get there until like 5 or so.*”

I frown and snap a quick picture hoping I look as pitiful as I think I do. “*This is my pouting face. It’s sad and I’m kinda disappointed…*”

“*There is a bright side, but if you’re so disappointed, maybe I won’t tell you.*”

“*Tell me. I’ve been saving up all week, so of course I’m disappointed, but I think I have a little right to be. I mean, as I told you, I’m used to cumming at least once a day if not more.*”

This reply takes a minute longer. “*Fine. That’s fair. I know this has been ‘hard’ for you. I told mom I wouldn’t be home tonight. That means I get to stay the whole night with you instead of just a few hours. Does that make up for it?*”

“*That more than makes up for it. I’ll be done putting things up and will be freshly showered by the time you get here. Have fun and I’ll see you in a few hours.*”

She sends me a pic of her kissing at the screen. I smile, set an alarm for 4pm in my phone, and then get back to work.

At 4, my phone goes off. I wipe my forehead and look around. *Well, it’s mostly done. I’ll fine tune it later.* I go to the bathroom and turn on the water, once again stripping while I wait for it to warm up. My sweat soaked shirt clings to my body as I pull it over my head. Tossing my clothes into the hamper, I climb into the shower. I make quick work of washing to try to avoid getting over stimulated. Trimming up a few spots I missed shaving my body takes the longest time and still I am out in less than 10 minutes with only a chubby to show for my quick shower.

I wrap a towel around myself after drying and step to the sink. Brushing my teeth quickly, I brush my hair before taking off my towel and hanging it up. I walk to the bedroom naked letting myself air dry a bit.

Once in my room, I grab out a new pair of khakis and a polo. I pull on a pair of black cotton boxers before slipping the pants on. Lastly, I pull the shirt over my head and finger comb the stray hairs that were misplaced in the process. I then head downstairs and take a seat on the couch to relax a minute before she gets there. I look at my phone to check the time. *15 minutes.* I turn on the tv and wait.

Right on time, the door bell rings. I get up, turning off the tv, and head to the door. Through the glass I can see her standing there. She waves and I wave back. *I’m going to have to put some kinda cover there in case either of us are walking around here naked…* I open the door and she comes in, a small bag over her shoulder.

She drops it and getting on her tip-toes, wraps her arms around my neck kissing me. My arms go to the base of her back as I push the door to. I pull her to me and between the kiss and her against me, I get a raging hard-on. She breaks the kiss shortly though and looks up at me. “Sorry about the change of plans. I plan to make if up to you though.” She smiles that smile and I smile back taking her in. Her hair is curled and put into a messy ponytail, she has on her “librarian” glasses that she says she hates, and she smells slightly of vanilla. She is wearing a black driving coat, buttoned most of the way up leaving just a hint of a white blouse and a smaller hint of cleavage and nude stockings. She has on a pair of black 1″ heels and a silver bracelet that I had gotten her as her Christmas present.

“I’m sure you do. Are you hungry? We can order in, or go out. I haven’t gotten groceries yet though.”

“I ate before I came over, but if you are hungry?”

“Not really. I’m still a little too hot and my mind is on other things that I would rather get to.” I smile a sly smile, my cock twitching in my pants.

She giggles. *Damn it’s so cute and sexy at the same time.* “Well grab my bag and lets go to the bedroom.” She heads off to the bedroom since her family helped me unload things and set up the heavier things over the past week.

I grab her bag and follow her. Entering the room, I see that she has already taken off her jacket. She turns around revealing a tied off button up white shirt and a skirt that would never pass the finger tip test at any school. I promptly drop the bag and walk over to her. I take her in my arms and kiss her with a force that is may have been to much, but she only moans into my mouth as I pick her up, sliding my tongue into her waiting mouth.

“Yes…” She takes a breath. “Wa…”

I break the kiss so she can speak, but I don’t let her go.

She smiles, her chest, neck and cheeks are flushed already. “Wait. I have to get ready for your surprise.” She struggles lightly to be let go.

I mumble but let her go. She reaches under her skirt and drops her panties, black lace and stained with her juices already, to the floor. Stepping out of them she pulls my shirt over my head tossing it to the floor beside us. She then undoes my pants.

I part my legs slightly so they fall and step out of them. My cock is tenting my boxers, which results in her grabbing it through them.

“Someone is happy to see me.” She tugs it softly.

I moan out. “Yes he is, and if you do that too much, he’s gonna show you just how happy he is to see you.”

She smiles seductively, lets him go before sliding my boxers off, and lays on the bed. “Your first reward for waiting all week is you get to cum anywhere you want with your first load.”

“Anywhere?” My cock is dripping as I look at her very bald pussy moist with her own juices.

“Anywhere.” Her right hand moves up to her top and she unties it. It falls to either side of her revealing her bra-less, perfectly pert breasts topped by nipples that would cut glass.

“Are you sure about that?” I step to her and tease the head of my cock up and down her cunt, our juices mixing.

She smiles and she nods licking her lips.

I push the head of my cock slowly into her way too tight for me right now pussy. I sloe down even more, but she clenches herself around him and I slam home the remaining 5″.

She yelps as I stretch her, my cock buried to the root. “Sorry.”

She shakes her head grinding her hips against me. “I deserved that. I’ve been a bad girl making you wait to cum.”

I smile and slide out, slamming back into her hard, eliciting another yelp. “Rub your clit. Rub it hard and fast. This is your punishment and you are going to like it.”

She smiles, sliding her hand to her clit and she begins to rub it furiously. I begin to pound into her with reckless abandon. Faster and harder I pound her cunt, grabbing her hips to drive even deeper, bottoming out every time, for about 15 seconds. “FUCCCCK!!!” I grab her hips and thrust hard and deep into her spraying jet after jet into her.

She screams out with the force of my thrust and her own rubbing of her clit and cums herself, her body shaking with the force of her orgasm. “YESSSS!”

Slowly, we both come down from our ecstasy only to realize I am still very much so hard.

In broken, gasping breaths she talks. “It seems a week is too long to make you wait. I may have bitten off more than I can chew.” She slides away from me so I take the hint pulling free from her.

Taking off her skirt and top, she flips around and puts her ass in the air facing away from me. Her mouth, not even with my cock, soon has my cock head enveloped. She begins to bob on it, slowly at first knowing I am still sensitive.

“Faster.” I place my hand on the back of her head lightly.

She speeds up her sucking as her left hand moves to her clit. She begins to rub it in slow circles, still sensitive herself. Slowly she gets into a good rhythm and is soon sucking in half of my cock while nearing her own orgasm.

“Faster. Suck me and I will reward you with more cum on that pretty face of yours.”

That was what it took. She began to suck me for all she was worth. Bracing herself on her elbow, she cups my balls massaging them while keeping good suction on my member that is beginning to throb in her mouth. She rubs her clit faster and faster and I know she is about to cum. Her body shakes and she stops sucking me, though doesn’t break suction.

Dropping her hand from her clit, she comes down from her orgasm enough to know what’s going on. She resumes sucking my dick with the same ferocity she was prior to her orgasm.

“Good girl. Are you ready for your reward my little cock sucker?” I lightly thrust into her mouth holding her head, not to gag her but to see how she did.

She nods around my cock as she sucks even faster.

I pull from her mouth. “Stroke it and you will get your reward.”

She smiles at me, wrapping her hand that was on her clit around my cock and begins to stroke me with a great deal of speed, keeping her hand just tight enough.

I moan loudly. “Yes, don’t stop! Yes!”

My orgasm approaching, my balls swell and she feels it. She squeezes them just a little more and strokes faster, tightening her grip.

“FUCK!!!” And with that last tightening of her hand, I am over the edge and am spraying her pretty little face with my cum. The first jet lands right on her forehead and hair, the second falls across her nose and cheek, just shy of her eye, the third across her mouth and chin, and the rest dribbles out onto her hand that hasn’t stopped stroking me the whole time. I moan, panting as I come down from my orgasm, my own body shaking. I manage to sit beside her on the edge of the bed, her still on all 4’s.

“I see I did good. This is more than last time. I can’t imagine how much is actually inside of me right now.” She smiles, licking her lips.

“You may not want to know.” I laugh weakly and lean back onto my arms, propping myself up. I look over at her ass and kiss the side of it. As I do, she wraps her mouth around my semi hard cock. I jump. “Easy. He’s sensitive.”

Taking my cock from her mouth she speaks. “I know. I’ll be gentle. You have one more surprise before we can clean up though.” She lowers herself back to my cock and holds it in her mouth, barely touching her tongue to it.

I try to take a break, but in no time I am hardening in her mouth. “What surprise this time?”

Pop goes my cock from her mouth. “One I think you will like.” And slurp goes her mouth as my cock goes back in.

“Tell me you cute tease.” I slap her ass fairly hard eliciting a yelp.

Pop. “Ever put your cock in someone’s ass?” Slurp.

Harder now. “No. No one ever wants to let him near there.”

Pop. “Well today is your lucky day.” She kisses the head of my fully hard dick. “I want your cum in all 3 holes, and we’ve got 2 out of the way. Just be easy. You will be taking my anal virginity.”

I smile and stand back up. “Turn back around and give me that ass. I’ll go slow.”

While she turns back around, I reach in a drawer for some KY. *All that hoping and praying is paying off!* I turn back to her now waiting ass and spread some on her rosebud, sliding a finger inside of her to get lube in there as well, slowly sliding it in and out. I pull it out and add more lube to her ass and my fingers before sliding my finger back into her. Sliding it back out almost all the way, I add a second one to the first and slowly slide back into her. I give her a minute to relax and stretch while I tip the bottle of KY over her ass, letting some run inside of her and the rest lube my fingers.

After a minute, I begin to slide my 2 fingers in and out of her slowly. She moans rather loudly. “Are you okay?”

“Mmmm-hmmmm. It feels good better than I thought it would.” She tenses her ass on my fingers.

“Strong grip you have there. I’m really looking forward to this. Your sister never even would try.”

“I told you I do more than here. And I will always be willing to try things with you.” She leans back onto my fingers sliding them easily inside of her.

I pull them almost all the way out before adding more lube and a third and final finger. “Good. And I will always be willing to try things with you.” I lean down and kiss the dimple above her ass on her back before sliding the three fingers inside of her.

“Fuck!” She gives a little shake throughout her body.


“It was a little one, but yes.” She gasps a little. “Fuck my ass with your cock NOW!”

I pull my fingers free and pour some lube in my hand rubbing it all over my cock. I push the head against her slightly stretched ass. With a little more force, the head breaks the ring and is inside her.

She yelps and I stop moving. “I can stop now if you want. I won’t be mad.” *Well I may be a little mad.*

“No, just give me a minute.” She takes slow deep breaths and begins to relax. After a minute, she nods biting her lip.

I press a little more into her, slowly sliding into her very tight ass. “I won’t last long in here. I’m glad this was the last and not the first.” I laugh lightly as I shudder in pleasure.

“Me too. I’m already going to have a hard time walking.” She laughs which tightens her muscles around my cock causing us both to moan in pleasure. “Give me all of it, please.”

*I was about to anyway.* I slide the remaining 3″ into her slowly, but faster than I was. I stop a minute so she can relax and get used to 7″ being inside of her, her ass stretched 3″ around. I slide back out a little later and then slowly back in.

She moans. “MMmmmmm, yes. I think I like this. Faster. I’m ready. Fuck me like I’m yours.”

“You are mine, so long as you think you can handle us.” I slide in and out, gaining speed my cock stretching her ass, my balls beginning to slap against her pussy. I slap her ass leaving a hand print and earning another yelp of pleasure and pain.

“Keep fucking me like this and you’ll be stuck with me a long long time.” She rocks back onto my cock truly ready for it all.

I speed up and begin to fuck her ass as fast as I would fuck her cunt and before long, she is cumming again. “Fuck fuck fuck, YES!!!!” I slap her ass again thrusting faster into her gaping ass.

Her body shakes and she can no longer hold herself up so she lowers herself to her elbows, face against a pillow. The change in angle sends me over the edge as I thrust deep into her bottoming out eliciting a yelp and another body shaking orgasm from her. I grip her hips tighter and shoot my seed into her ass. “FUUCCCKKK!!!” Jet after jet fills her as we both shake with the intensity of our orgasms.

She falls forward as I finish, the last stream covering her ass and lower back. I sink to my knees and turn, bracing myself against the side of the bed.

Neither of us moves for longer than I am aware. There are laughs and weak murmurs exchanged. Finally, when I can think a little straight and feel some strength in my legs, I stand up. Sally slides to touch her feet to the bed and I help her up. “Shower?”

She nods leaning against me. We slowly, unsteadily, make our way to the shower.

“Any more surprises?” I weakly ask?

“More sex and orgasms. But first, a shower and then food.”

I laugh and turn on the water. In short order, we are in the shower washing the sex and sweat from each other. Laughing, smiling, and kissing, both too spent to do anything more than that in the shower.

**I hope that everyone enjoyed this new story. I, again, apologize for it being so long. I didn’t intend for it to happen. I am always looking to get better, so any advice and insight is helpful. As always, constructive criticism, comments, and PMs are welcome.**
