[FM] So I cheated on my boyfriend…

Kinda long, sorry!

Some boring context: I love my bf but things are complicated. We have been together since I was 14 and he was 15, and that was almost 9 years ago. Needless to say, I had no experience with relationships or sex except for with him. I was always really skinny as a teen and my bf was too, we were kinda nerdy and we were in love when we were just kids. Things have changed in the last few years though. It’s like now in the last couple years i have sort of blossomed physically, my braces came off and I developed curves and my body transformed, and I think it makes my bf uncomfortable. I like the attention I get from guys at school and stuff like that, even though I never acted on it before, but I have to admit it’s strange because I never used to get any attention from guys before… at all! Now I admit it does excite me when guys flirt with me. I know it’s wrong but I guess I’ve changed and I like the changes :). He isn’t really the same guy either: kinda chubby now and not in shape, doesn’t try, eats really bad food, and as for myself I work hard on my body to stay fit. I try to cook good meals for him but he snacks all night long. He also doesn’t work, stays home and smokes pot most of the time, makes some money from fixing computers and selling small amounts of weed but otherwise he isn’t really doing much with his life. I’m a junior in college and I work 20-30 hours a week to make ends meet for both of us and it’s exhausting. So in a way we are drifting apart and we both know it. The worst part of our relationship is that he won’t talk to me about anything anymore, he is depressed, and whenever I try to talk about things he gets angry. So for the past two years or so I’ve been feeling kinda down about us.

When we have sex its very gentle and not really with any passion and I don’t orgasm unless i use my imagination. Physically he isnt a great lover and he doesnt excite me much anymore, probably mostly because he doesn’t even try. He doesn’t have a big penis at all, but that never bothered me even though he is super insecure about it. What bothers me more is how out of shape he has become and how he doesn’t care. I think he takes me for granted. And whenever I dress nice or sexy he criticizes me so it makes me want to not bother either. I never really planned on cheating on him but I fantasized about it sometimes.

</end of defensive rant>

So anyway my bf and I were at a party at one his older brother’s friends parents house last summer, there were about 100 people there. My bf got super drunk and ended up passing out in the basement while a bunch of them were playing video games. I was upstairs talking to some friends from high school but they split at one point and I ended up kinda alone and bored. So after a bit this guy who is a friend of my bf’s friend’s brother who i only met when we arrived at the party started chatting me up, he was really friendly and good looking and funny so we talked for a long time, with some flirting.

Eventually we went up on the roof of the house to smoke a joint together and the party was winding down it was around 2am and my bf was still in the basement where most of the other people were by that point. anyway we smoked the joint and talked for a long time, before long we ended up closer and next thing you know we were kissing. so we made out for a while and he started touching my breasts and i liked it so i just reached for his dick and was rubbing it through his jeans while we kissed. I didn’t know what I was doing or why, I never cheated on my bf even once before, but it all happened so fast and I was nervous. But I was really excited and things have been kinda bad with my bf lately for lots of reasons so I just went with it even though I knew I would feel guilty. But this guy is like the opposite of my bf, so tall and athletic and confident while my bf is kinda a hipster and insecure all the time, kinda chubby and just so different. So anyway we kept kissing and touching for a while and then i unzipped his fly and slipped my hand in and starting squeezing his cock, then he got up and without saying anything we went back to the window and went inside, then he locked the door to the bedroom and sat on the futon.

I kneeled in front of him and opened his jeans and took out his cock, he has a really big dick, so thick and long and the head was so huge. He is circumcised and I never saw a dick like that before in real life. So I just starting licking him and making his head wet with my tongue, it got even bigger it was enormous with a big ridge down the back. I really worked him hard, for some reason I wanted to give him the best blowjob he ever had so i was tonguing his balls and doing everything i can and trying to take all of him in my mouth and everything, i was trying so hard to please him. I wanted to really experience him since I knew what I was doing was wrong anyway, so I tried to really enjoy his body. He took a long time to cum and I was really into it, and he was iso ncredibly big and hard that i wanted to sit on it right there but I knew I couldn’t do that. He asked me to let him fuck me but I took off my top and gave him a titty fuck instead, looking up at him and begging him to cum all over me. I wanted him to cum so badly so he wouldnt take me and fuck me because i was so scared to do that in the party because i knew i would make so much noise if that thing was inside me. i liked it more because we were so quiet and alone up there but if he fucked me the whole house would have heard me. so i just focused on making him cum for me and so he finally did and i loved it, he came all over my mouth and tits, he came so much, i swallowed as much as i could but it was so much. It was amazing and so hot i really loved it.

He asked me for my number, but i gave him a fake email instead and he left, so i just went back down to the basement afterwards and my bf was still passed out so i just chilled there until he came to and we went home. He had no idea obviously.
Anyway I never stopped thinking about him since then, and after some really tough times around my birthday in early December I decided to contact him on Facebook and just push limits online. He was really happy to hear from me, he said he had been thinking about me too and was hoping I would try to contact him. We talked over FB for a week or so and it was usually hot conversations, like reliving that night and talking about what we would do if ever we decided to meet again. Sometimes I would take baths and re-read our conversations and it would make me cum so easily. He also admitted that he masturbated while we talked on FB. Finally we started talking seriously about meeting up. I don’t know why, but I just thought it was inevitable and we both wanted it so badly. I had a christmas party for my work that my bf wasn’t going to attend, and we agreed I would leave early and go over to his place afterwards.

Just for more context, this is the outfit I wore to the party: https://i.imgur.com/3g8DAgS.jpg

When I showed up to his place around 11pm, we started kissing right away, right at the door. He told he would tear me apart the minute I walked in his door, but I didn’t expect him to be so aggressive. I loved it! We practically tore our clothes off one another and got down to it right away. The first time we had sex we used a condom, I was giving him head while he was in a big chair and when we were ready I rolled it on him and the condom was stretched so thin and to get it over the head wasnt easy. Just doing that was so exciting. I rode him slowly for about 10 minutes, adjusting to his size, going really easy, and when he started to cum I pushed down on him and he was all the way inside me. Such a wonderful feeling. We kissed and he licked and sucked my breasts while I bounced in his lap, it was so intense and loving, I really can’t express in words how wonderful it felt to be in his arms.

We had sex again later on and it lasted much much longer, over an hour, and we used a condom at first but then in the heat of the action the condom was getting uncomfortable so I asked him to remove it. He fucked me hard and deep, I was creaming and so wet, he even had to stop several times to clean me because I was too wet. That never happened to me before. I pounded the hell out of me doggystyle at one point and when I came I thought I would pass out. Finally, when he was about to cum he asked me where I wanted it and I told him inside me so he did. I wrapped my legs and arms around him and held him close while he filled me up. And it was so incredibly sexy I never felt so taken by a man before, I really really loved the feeling of his cum inside me. We had sex again in the morning, much more slow and loving, so different, and he came inside me again. By then it felt right. I literally didn’t know sex could be that good, that intense, and that wonderful. Best night of my life, I didn’t want it to end.

When I left his place it was 9am. My bf was really upset when I got hom, he called me many times that night but I didn’t reply, I just told him before I left the party that I was going to spend the night at my coworker’s place and I fell asleep. He doesn’t really seem to suspect anything, or at least he hasn’t said anything to give me that impression, but who knows, he never really talks anyway. I don’t feel guilty though.

Now all I do is think about what will happen if we do it again. I want to. I know I am a bad person and I should just leave my bf, but it’s complicated and I feel responsible for him somewhat. I don’t really know how to feel about all of this.

All I know is that it was the most exciting night of my life and I think about it all the time. I’ve never been fucked like that before in my life and I really really loved every minute of it. I really did.

So that’s it :) Thanks for reading!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5lnogf/fm_so_i_cheated_on_my_boyfriend


  1. You should leave your boyfriend and not worry about it. You’re not married, he seems to have stopped putting effort into the relationship long ago, and you’re holding yourself back from potentially good things (both in your overall life and sexually) because of this guilt you’re carrying around. Nobody is obligated to stay with their high school boyfriend forever, and it sounds like you’ll be much happier without him.

  2. Cheating stories always seem to get down voted here but I liked the story! My perspective is a bit different because my wife and I both sleep with other people occasionally (with permission) but we often role play it as cheating.

    Hot story, sounds like you had a good time!

  3. It sounds like you grew apart from your boyfriend. It happens. Best thing to do is break up with him. He will be more hurt if he found out you were cheating on him.

  4. Great story. Nothing like the rush of having sex with someone fun, new, and compatible. I’ve cheated before in a dead relationship and you’ll know when the time is right to leave ur bf. It’s really hard but sometimes you need to pull the trigger and just break up or talk about going on a break.

  5. You’ve already left him, emotionally. Don’t feel bad about it, these things happen. Move on with your life.

  6. So your bf sounds like he’s dealing with depression, it causes all the symptoms you’ve described. Weight gain, lethargy, lack of interest, lowered libido, inability to derive pleasure from things he likes.

    And you can’t deal, that’s fine depression in an SO is difficult and you’re not obligated to date him. It’s understandable to feel resentful and even justifiably angry

    But you should have broken up with him first. Regardless of all those things, he didn’t deserve that breach of trust. That betrayal. And he won’t deserve the humiliation and pain when (not if) he finds out.

    Don’t act like you staying with him is a selfless act. What you did was selfish, and now keeping it a secret and staying with him to assuage your guilt is selfish.

    Regardless of your (justified) unhappiness you still willingly participated in an act (several times) that you *know* will cause immense pain to someone you supposedly love.

    I know this isn’t the right place to shame you, but I was cheated on in very similar circumstances, i need to say this.

    I’ve dealt with mental illness most of my life and in a bad period of depression I couldn’t get out of bed. I couldn’t smile or cry. I couldn’t feel anything. I gained 15 pounds, my antidepressants killed my libido and made me unable to get or maintain an erection (at 20!)

    I felt guilty all the time for the difficulties I was putting my girlfriend through but I didn’t know how to find help yet. She wanted to help me but felt so resentful that I couldn’t and wouldnt help myself.

    And then I found out she was cheating on me with a guy from one of her classes (we were living together in college). He was everything I wasn’t at the time, the life of the party, funny and confident, good body, and as her best friend later told me she bragged about, a bigger dick.

    Obviously I was heartbroken, but more than that I felt so *guilty* that i wasn’t able to be enough for her. Because I felt like I caused it. Felt like I deserved it. When I confronted her she broke down and told me how it had been eating her up inside, but apparently not enough to stop. That it was a dumb mistake but it was *just so thrilling* to feel desirable. *That* was the kick in the teeth, that even before I was so bad and sick, I apparently had never made her feel like that.

    I felt like a failure as a boyfriend and something less than a man. My body image issues, my self-esteem over my small dick I couldn’t keep hard. I was less than nothing

    She didn’t want to break up. She told me every complaint about our relationship of 3 years and every failure of me as a boyfriend. But she said she felt she owed it to me, now more than ever, to take care of me.

    I told her I wasn’t worthy of her. She was so much more fun and sexy than me, she deserved someone so much better, that I brought this on myself.

    And despite trying to hide it, I could see her disgust. Her disgust at what a pussy I was to not stand up for myself.

    I moved out and he moved in. The last thing I sad was that the only thing she owed me was my dignity, to have treated me with the dignity to break up with me first. Not to lie to me. Not to humiliate me to the world

    Because it’ll never be just you and your adultery partner who will know.

    Good god were the next two years bad. I think I wanted to die but was too cowardly to do it, so I tried to drink myself to death. The clinical depression combined with that betrayal..

    By the time I was about to graduate (later than I should have, I missed so much school), she’d heard from whoever how bad i was. She contacted me and told me she wished she’d never told her best friend, that no one had seen her and him out together, that she could have kept it secret to spare me that pain

    I finally had the anger needed to value myself just enough to tell her that she was a lying and selfish person, that even now by telling me that, she was being selfish. I told her that she would have had no right to decide what *I deserved to know or not* about *my* life and *my* girlfriend.

    And I told her i loved her more than anything and never to speak to me again.

    Tell him and then break up with him. No matter who he’s become, he deserves that dignity.

  7. I get the initial cheat, after that it’s on you though. Just break up with him.

  8. I feel like the relationship is dead and you both would be better off separate

  9. Hot! Glad you had fun and I don’t blame you one bit. However, you should break up with your boyfriend immediately or come clean, because you could give him an STD and that is no joking matter. For you, I hope you choose freedom.

  10. I’m sorry, but you’re a piece of shit for cheating.

    End it with your boyfriend. Seems to me that you don’t love him anymore.

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