[MF] the sex show (long)

This is a true story but I edited some details for anonymity. Happened about 10 years ago. Sorry for grammar and format. Wrote it on mobile. There are three parts. See comments for the last two.


Come on, we all want you to come”

Alex’s tone seemed genuine which surprised me. Besides his penchant for debauchery, my best friend was known to others for his unrelenting sarcasm.

After 15 years of friendship, my working theory was that his rhetoric was a defense mechanism from a childhood lost to a series of traumas. Whereas I had grown up in an unremarkable middle class neighborhood with two stably employed parents, Alex bounced from foster home to foster home and spent his last two years of high school homeless. We were unlikely best friends.

Nevertheless, we had both recently graduated college together and found jobs in the greater Chicago area and shared a small apartment. We did everything together despite our friend circles succumbing to the ebb and flow of life.

Recently, however, we had a group of 7 friends who, like Alex, slaved away to corporate america during the day, but wished to hold on to the last remnants of their feverish youth during the night. Sleep was an obstacle to be avoided. The only thing that mattered was spending as much money as possible on remaining young.

I was the oddball of the group, quiet and relatively “boring” as my ex remarked during a drunk fight. I was teased relentlessly for being an “old man”, despite being younger than the rest of the group.

But I knew they loved me. When shit went down I was the one who could fix it with my disposable income and subtle wisdom.

Generally I tried to avoid going out as much as possible, but Alex was going to woo me today with his surprising earnestness. It didn’t hurt that Jane, the newest addition to our group was going, either.

We were all single, me especially so. My last relationship, in college, had fizzled out over an argument over marriage. I may have been terminally heartbroken, but was still capable of developing crushes. And my latest was Candace.


Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5l9vus/mf_the_sex_show_long


  1. PART 2

    A former college distance runner, Candace was a tall, lanky woman who in a rare sober moment introspecively remarked that she drank “like she used to run: unrelentlessly”. Since her diet was mostly alcohol and she still ran along Lake Shore biweekly, her figure remained largely unchanged: tall and skinny. What attracted me to her, besides her surprising moments of introspection, was her Mexican accent. I always looked forward to our conversations where she would laugh at my broken Spanish with a drunken, “!Ay hermano!”. Her strange, but cute, pet name for me. I supposed she called me that because I was considerably shorter than her, 5’6″ on my best day, and also quite skinny myself. I looked like I could be her little brother I suspected. Nevertheless, I was smitten from the first week I met her a couple months ago.

    Finding it hard to say no tonight for the aftermentioned reasons, I said “fine, but not too late”.

    A cheer arose and all nine of us headed out of the cramped apartment to hail cabs. We were going to the South side, almost in Indiana. Normally I would have balked at the cost of such a cab ride, but Timofey had recently gotten a promotion at his ad agency and it was “his treat for the best group of friends since Friends”, a joke which was only funny if you were drunk or high, apparently.

    45 minutes later we showed up outside a seedy warehouse. A neon sign read “LIVE SEX SHOWS”.

    “Really?” I said, feigning annoyance. I had been told we were going to a bar.

    “Oh come on, old man”, Alex said.

    Laughter erupted and I rolled my eyes.

    “We’re all already drunk. Except you.”

    But despite rolling my eyes again, I was secretly excited. Exhbitionism was a fetish of mine I had discovered in 9th grade when Cicely Rizo and I took each other’s virginities in the back of a parked minivan.

    Although I had never considered going, the idea of a sex show excited me behind my stoic facade.

    While the outside of the building looked like an abandoned steel warehouse, an ode to the area’s bygone past, the inside was happening. At least two hundred people surrounded a makeshift stage.

    As I walked in I took a closer look at the stage. On it, a naked woman was playing with a dildo. All eyes were peeled on the action. She lay on her side, one leg lifted high in the air while the other lay flat. One hand rubbed the dildo against her shaved pussy while the squeezed a nipple. I could tell she had gotten her breasts surgically enhanced. They were quite large on her petite frame and seemed to defy the laws of gravity considering her sideways position. I could only imagine how she must feel, exposing herself to the crowd of people, all watching her pleasure herself. “Did she enjoy it?”, I wondered.

    As I glanced around the room I made out two bars in opposite corners of the warehouse. Both were swarmed with people, eager to grab a drink and return to watching the naked woman on stage.

    Alex led our group to one of the bars. A wooden slab resting on a sequential barrels separated the bartenders from the crowd. While they feverishly labored away, impressively navigating in the dark, I noticed the cracked mirror tiles that sparsely covered the walls. Halogen lamps and shelves filled with bottles gave the place a grungy industrial feel.

    Before I protested, Alex had ordered the group mason jars of cheap alcohol. I didn’t even bothering trying to find out what it was. I looked over at Candace who met my eyes. She seemed to be watching me. And feeling her gaze, I decided to take a swig.

    It was strong. Very strong. I didn’t have much of a tolerance. In fact, besides teasing me for being an “old man”, I was also teased for my penchant for ordering fruity drinks. I hated the taste of alcohol and again, had little tolerance, probably due to my frail and light frame. But tonight, I couldn’t protest.

    I took another swig and we walked towards the crowd, gathered around the stage. I noticed that it was mostly men, but there were some women as well. I would have assumed that the crowd would be full of shady characters. But as I moved through the crowd I rubbed elbows with a mixture of people, all politely allowing us to encroach forward.

    “its surprising what a naked woman can do to people”, I thought.

    As we stopped, maybe 10 feet from the stage, I noticed I was standing next to Candace. “Is she staying close to me?” I wondered as I tried to avoid being coy. But Jane leaned over to me and whispered, “this is hot”.

    Before I could stop myself, “yes, yes it is”.

    While I tried to recover the words into my mouth I could see Candace look down at my crotch.

    I was very embarrassed, as I knew she could see the outline of my hard dick. To be fair, I hadn’t considered the possibilities of ending up at a sex show when picking out my attire for the night. But here I was, 10 feet from a naked, masturbating woman on stage, and my crush had noticed my boner.

    As my cheeks turned red, she gave me a playful push. I turned away, just in time to watch the woman on stage walking off. Her bare ass morphing to her strides.

    As she disappeared, a voice came on over the PA system. I hadn’t noticed the cheesy music it cut out.

    “Our next performer is looking for a volunteer. Who would like to volunteer?”.

    Just then out walked a woman who looked like she had just left a hip hop music video shoot. She looked to be about 5’3″ with curves to die for. Her massive breasts spilled out of her bikini. Her wide hips and tiny waist immediately made me interested in seeing her ass.

    As she came towards the front of the stage I noticed she was absolutely stunning. Her exotic features made me guess her ethnicity. Pale skin, large eyes, symmetrical features.

    “Perhaps Mexican, like Candace” I wondered.

    The performer smiled as an array of people waved their hands, hoping to get chosen by this beautiful woman.

    “Fuck, she’s looking at me”, I thought. “maybe its just my imagination. No she definitely is.”

    And suddenly I was pushed forward.

    “Fucking Alex” I thought, not realizing Jane also conspired in this plot to get me on stage.

    And the performer on stage was still looking at me. And suddenly she was pointing at me do come forward. And suddenly I was on stage.

  2. PART 3

    Maybe it was the alcohol. I had absent-mindedly finished my drink. Maybe it was the crowd pushing me forward. I cant remember now. But somehow I was on stage with this beautiful, voluptuous, naked woman. And the whole crowd, 200 people in my estimation, were looking at me.

    And somehow I was still hard. While many lament the unfortunate combination of alcohol and male sexual performance, in my anecdotal experience, it had never been an issue.

    “I’m Chantel” the performer whispered in my ear, “I had my eyes on you the moment you walked in with your group”.

    I didn’t even consider how she had noticed me among the crowd. In the heat of the moment, adrenaline pumping, I was flattered.

    “I bet you’re a good fuck, if you’re down,” she continued.

    “Ok” I blurted out, awkwardly, before my mind could catch up.

    She smiled. “You’re cute”.

    I blushed.

    “Do whatever you want to me” she whispered. And with that she kissed me and kneeled down, pulling my joggers down with her.

    If I hadn’t been aware of all the eyes on me, I definitely was now. But I was still hard. And now all these eyes were going to watch me get a blowjob from this unbelievably hot woman who wanted me.

    Suddenly I remembered the two eyes that mattered the most to me. “Shit”, I thought, not realizing Candace had helped push me on stage. I looked back towards her. When I found her eyes, I was afraid. “What would she think?” I thought. Not that it really mattered. “It wasn’t like she was mutually into me”, I wrongfully reasoned.

    When I looked into her eyes, though, she winked. And with that I allowed myself to succumb to the sudden rush I felt as Chantel put her lips on the head of my penis.

    Remembering her instructions to do as I wish, I reached down and freed her huge breasts from the tiny bikini. As they fell out, the crowd let out a cheer. Her nipples were brown and perky, and unlike the last performer, these breasts were definitely real.

    As I stood back up, Chantel took my whole member down her throat. Maybe it was just my dry spell, maybe it was because she was a professional performer, but it was definitely the best I had ever had.

    Despite the hundreds of eyes that were on her, despite being a professional performer, she seemed focused only on me. She kept eye contact almost the whole time, focusing entirely on pleasuring my dick. She spat on it in between shoving it down her throat.

    “my goodness”, I thought, “this woman has no gag reflex”

    Sensing, correctly, that I was going to come soon, she stood up and grabbed a condom. I didn’t even notice where it came from.

    “your call” Chantel whispered to me, her eyes looking passionately into mine. Without hesitation I pushed her onto all fours, removed her bottoms, put the condom on, and entered her.

    She was so wet. Her ass, which was nearly as big as my torso, might’ve looked comical as I thrust in and out. It was so big. Clearly, she squatted. But I was able to get deep inside her thanks to my above average length. She was tight but ready.

    Feeling in control, I spanked her and watched her ass jiggle in response. Despite the corny music that came back on after I was sentenced to fucking this woman, and despite the audience loudly enjoying the performance I was putting on, I could hear her moaning as I pushed in and out of her pussy.

    “Fuck me” she moaned.

    Feeling ready to come again I pulled out and looked over towards where Candace was standing with my group. I could see Alex cheering at the top of his lungs and I saw Chantel with a smile on her face.

    I leaned over to Chantel and commanded her, “ride me”. And with that I removed my shirt and laid down and awaited her to sit on my throbbing shaft.

    To my surprise, however, she didn’t do as told. Instead, bending over and displaying her magnificent ass to the crowd, she began to suck on my dick again. I didn’t mind as I was sure everyone could see the red marks on her butt, remnants of me slamming and spanking her.

    After a minute of blowing me she positioned herself to sit on my dick, facing me first. She squatted and sat into my hard-on and we let out a moan in unison. She used her arms to steadied herself on me and pulled back up and then sat back down. Over and over. I had forgotten the crowd at this point. I was consumed by the intensity of fucking.

    Suddenly, she stopped and, to the cheer of the crowd, turned herself around without removing me from inside her. Now I had a spectacular view of her ass as she began to ride me. I spanked her again.

    As she rode me like a pro, I knew I was going to cum. I wasn’t sure what to do, but I had an idea.

    I pushed her off of me and stood up and removed the condom. I pulled her mouth onto my dick.

    “finish me” I commanded her. She proceeded to alternate between deep throating and stroking me, eventually stroking me while licking my head.

    “Fuckkkk” I yelled as I came all over her face and tits. I had never cum like that before. I felt like a dolphin splashing the kids in the front row at the dolphin show. I shot jizz all over her and the stage. I hope I didn’t get any on anyone else.

    Chantel laughed as I began to shoot blanks, still orgasming despite emptying my cum arsenal.

    “nice job”, she mouthed to me, as my cum drooled out with the words.

    The crowd erupted into applause. I blushed for the millionth time that night.

    Chantel grabbed my pants and shirt and handed them to me while standing up. She kissed me on the cheek and I didn’t even care.

    “I hope to fuck you again” she told me.

    I put on my clothes and quickly climbed off the stage.

    As my group of friends patted me on the back, along with random other people in the crowd, I faced Candace. She was smiling and I smiled back.

    Then she leaned over and whispered in my ear, “I hope you saved some for me, later tonight.”

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