A tale of a recent blowjob [MM]

The falling snow made it difficult to navigate the sparsely lit street. The ad I posted said: “Looking to suck a cock tonight. Clean, DDF, expect the same. Pic gets a reply. I come in, you pull it out, you come and I go.”

I needed to suck a cock. I’m not into kissing, or cuddling, or other bullshit, every now and again, I just need a hard dick in my mouth. I don’t care for the taste of cum—except my own. I quite like the taste of my own cum, but I’ve yet to find another man’s cum palatable.

I found the house number through the falling snow: 204. I pulled into the driveway and killed the engine. I have a little ritual: I leave my keys and phone stashed in the car and I text a buddy of mine to let him know where I am—you can never be too careful. I got out of the car and approached the door. No turning back. The guy’s name according to the “From” line in the email was Larry. I really didn’t care about his name, though, and that he was 39, 6 feet tall, 140 pounds, and was [sporting 8 inches](http://i.imgur.com/8PhR53A.png).

I knocked, and the door popped open and a young-ish man invited me in. The room I entered was dimly lit with blue mood lighting, and shadows made up most of the details of the sparse furnishings.

He made his way over to the futon against the wall and dropped his pants while he sat, “Here it is,” he said. I took his flaccid dick into my mouth and started bringing it to life. It didn’t take long to get his organ to grow and start pulsing in my mouth. I was skeptical of his claims of 8″, but after a few minutes of bobbing up and down on his cock and having to fight my gag reflex, I had no doubt of his claims.

I worked his cock sloppily, making slurping noises while going up and down. Pretty soon I heard him whisper, “Yesss … like that …” and soon after that, “I’m going to cum soon …”

At least he warned me, some guys don’t.

I felt his cock pulse in my mouth and tasted his load. Again, while not as good as my own, his was the first I didn’t gag on as I swallowed it down. This is how I prefer my man to man encounters–quick and to the point, without any nonsense. I *just* wanted to suck a cock.

We exchanged info and I went back outside, into the snowy night. I got into my car and drove down the dark street.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5kvw2y/a_tale_of_a_recent_blowjob_mm