A Nightmare Was Born (cuckold) (mff) (mm)

I knew before taking the bong hit that it was a mistake. We had all been drinking for hours and this was going to give me the dizzies. My girlfriend knew better and skipped her turn. When it did hit me, she helped me to my room and bed and then got me some water from downstairs.

When she returned, I was on my side facing away from the door and could only see her shadow. Her hand ran up my back and she gently massaged my hair. Allie whispered “you don’t mind if I stay up, do you?”

I really didn’t want her to stay up. The party in the room next to us was dwindling down. It was only my roommate John and a couple we were friends with. I didn’t like John. We hadn’t been friends in a few months but still had the same circle of acquaintances so we dealt with each other the best we could. My previous girlfriend was adamant in telling me that John was not my friend. When I coaxed her into telling me why, it was because he had said some negative stuff about me and was very interested in sleeping with her. For some reason I was more drawn to what he might have said about me versus what he said about sleeping with her. I pressed her on the vagueness, I could tell she didn’t really want to repeat what he said but ultimately gave in. “That you’re weak and can’t fuck as good as him, and that he’s jacked off listening to us fuck knowing that I would make noises with him that I wouldn’t with you.” I remember hearing it because it stuck with me. “I’m sorry, did you really want to know that?” For some reason I did want to know that.

John’s room and mine were connected by a door, but each had their own separate entrances from the main floor of the house. The adjoining door was slightly open and I could see the couch where John was drinking beer and I could see the other guy on the seat next to him on the couch.

I turned to face Allie to try to give her the *stay with me look* but she kissed me, a really dirty kiss and said “c’mon, it’s the last week before summer, I’m having fun, you want me to have fun right?” When she asked like that, it was definitely her way of saying she might be a little slutty tonight and was looking for my permission, but it could also be taken as an innocent question. She danced that line very well. I told her that of course I wanted her to have fun, but not any bad fun. “Everyone likes a little bad fun now and again” she kissed me again “c’mon we’re new to this, and I’m only in college for another year, I’m staying up.” And with that she got up and walked out of my room.

A few minutes later I heard Allie enter my roommate’s room. To the joy of the guests, she had some type of alcoholic drink they asked about and enjoyed. “I thought you went to bed with what’s his name” he asked her. I didn’t hear Allie reply.

But I did hear the other couple, they spoke at the same time so it was tough make out, but the girl said “why would she want to” and the guy said to John, “I bet you’re not too upset”

Before long, the guy said to John, “ok, what the fuck did you put on?”

After a few seconds of moaning from the TV, you could tell it was porn. Instead of John, my girlfriend spoke up, “leave it”. The couple, led by the guy announced they were tired and going home.

“You two have fun” the guy accented the words *you two* implying something. Allie took the spot on the couch next to my roommate and the other two left. Their talking got low, and I really couldn’t make out what they were saying, but I could see them both glancing to me. I’m pretty certain they were asking each other if I was really asleep. I did my best not to move, as I was in a dark room with my eyes mostly closed.

“Should we shut that?” John motioned to the door. Allie said no, looked to me and then leaned in and kissed him. Holy shit, my girlfriend is kissing my roommate and I’m watching them on his couch from my bed in the adjoined room. And I’ve got a boner. But I’m angry. Now John is leaning back on the couch and Allie is the aggressor pushing into him. He pulls a leg around her and now she is between his legs but still kissing him.

She unbuttons her shirt to show her small B, tanned breasts. She had some black blouse on and looked great against her tanned body, even more when it was partially coming off. She wasn’t wearing a bra, so her tits were exposed and John started licking them. “Your turn” she said and pulled up his shirt. My god he was built like every guy wanted to be. Tall, cut but skinny and tan. He had the ultimate beach body.

My girlfriend is grabbing his chest and abs and kissing him. He breasted pressed against him. They were grinding on each other hard, with her on top, in between his legs. Then she started licking her way down his body. She started on his neck and shoulder, while groping his upper arms and biceps. Then she started kissing his toned arms, he put his hands behind his head and she started licking, kissing and biting on his arms. “I want to lick every part of you” and she started to.

My girlfriend kissed and licked her way down his golden body, both hands clasped to his muscular pecs. And then I hear footsteps and someone enter his room. They bang on his open door and a female voice says “knock knock”.

“Hey, uh, I didn’t think you were coming” he said

“Obviously” the girl says.

Now my girlfriend’s shirt is open, not fully exposed to the girl at the door but she is on top of John and he isn’t wearing his shirt. “Well I’m glad you decided to finally come over”.

“Should I leave?”

Allie does a once over at the girl and shakes her head no. “Only if you want to go”.

“this is Allie, she’s my roommates girlfriend”. He says with a chuckle.

“Where’s your roommate?”

“Right over there, probably watching us right now”. John looked in my direction and gave a head nod, but my girlfriend was staring right at me. She had the sexiest smokey eyes I have ever seen. She was squinting and biting her tongue while still holding his chest and staring at me.

Footsteps, and my door opens. The other girl climbed onto my bed, felt for my crotch area and found my boner. “It’s been a little while”

It was my ex, the same one that told me John tried putting the moves on. She came over for a late night booty call and found my current girlfriend about to take her prize. “He’s very awake”.

“Is he watching us? That’s fucking weird, hey, either come in here and join us or shut the door, that’s creeping me out”. My girlfriend was still melting into him as he said that to me.

“C’mon, let’s go” and my ex pulled she sheets off of me. “Not your finest moment, huh?” I got up and followed her into John’s room. She was dressed like a hot slut. My ex is a small, porcelain doll looking girl with supple, large boobs that fit well on her surprisingly small frame. She never wore skirts, she was either at a fancy party or dressed for a booth call.

When we got into John’s room, he looked at me like he would have preferred that I stayed in my room. My ex grabbed my cock from behind and says “I’ve already had this, I’m here for that one” and points to John.

John and Allie both stand up and move towards his bed. My ex turns me to the couch and pushes me to sit down. Before I could turn around, my ex was now on her knees in front of John pulling at his jeans. My girlfriend drops down and gets behind my ex, their heads next to each other as they unbuckle his jeans. And they pull down his boxers to unveil a giant man cock. It was eight or nine inches and thick. My ex was up front and she was first, and she put about half of it in her mouth.

Allie was now caressing my ex’s shoulders and arms and started unbuttoning her shirt. From time to time Allie would grab Jess’s breasts and then unfasten another button. By the time her shirt was off, she was gobbling almost three quarters of the huge cock.

“I think it’s my turn now” Allie said right into Jess’s ear. They turned and started making out. My ex was still holding on to the cock and jerking it, but she was firmly making out with my girlfriend. She released the dick to finish taking off my girlfriend’s shirt and removed her own bra.

John walked over to the bed and laid on his back. “Ladies” and they both climbed into bed with him. My girlfriend dropped down and grabbed his big cock. She looked right at me and started licking it. “God this is a nice cock”. My ex moved behind her and mounted her from behind, grabbing her boobs. She whispered something to her and then started working her hands down Allie’s skinny body to unzip her jeans. My ex made a noise and giggled and pulled Allie’s pants off. “Just a second ago, I’ve never cum just from sucking a cock before”.

And there we have it. My girlfriend had come from blowing my roommate.

“You okay buddy? You want to come over and join us?” I just stared. “Do one of you girls want to blow Mr. Personality over there?” Silence from both of them. “You just want to watch right? You want to watch me fuck your girlfriend and your ex? You sure you can handle this? I don’t know if they can, but I don’t have to live with them. If you need to leave do it now because you’re never going to unsee this.”

I was speechless, I could just nod. My ex slipped off her skirt and looked at Allie, “I’ve been waiting longer” and mounted John. “Wow” she slowly slid down, her breathing sounded like someone bench pressing. “Don’t move” she was all the way down. “Don’t move” she said again. “Do you feel that? That’s me cumming all over your cock”.

“Was I right?” He said to my ex.

“Yes”. She slid off his dick. “You were right, you made me cum more in ten seconds than fuckboy over here ever did”.

Allie was now next to him on her back and pulled him in. He got on top of her and positioned it. He pushed an inch in, and then took it out. Her hands were on his chest. My ex came up behind him and started grabbing at his balls. Her other hand reached around and was grabbing the base of his shaft, taking over for him. “Tell her what you want”.

“Put him in me, please”.

“Give her a little”. My ex guided him in and then started pushing on her clit. “Tell him what you want”

Allie looked to me, and back at him. “Babe, I want him to fuck me. I want him to fuck me like you can’t. Do you hear me? I want him to fuck me with that huge cock. He’s going to fuck me and I’m never going to feel you again. Ok babe? Tell him to fuck me.”

Now all of them are looking at me. “I’m not going to fuck her until you ask” he smirked.

“Tell him to fuck me babe. I need it, I need his cock. Please tell him to fuck me.”

I was speechless. I couldn’t react. John pulled back and stood up. He walked over to me with his big dick and started waiving it near me. “I’m not going to fuck her until you say it.” I couldn’t do anything. “If he won’t say it, I’m not fucking you. You can suck me off, but I’m not going to fuck you until he says it.”

Now Allie has come over to us. She is sitting beside me and grabbing his dick. She kissed it. And then leaned in to me. “Baby, tell him to fuck me”. She licked up and down his cock and then leaned over and kissed me on the lips. “Tell him to fuck me”. She licked the head of his cock and then kissed me again. By now she was an inch from my face with his cock in one hand, going back to sucking it between begging me to say it and kissing me.

“If he won’t say it, make him suck it”. Thanks a lot ex girlfriend, glad you’re here…

“Is that what you want, you want to suck my dick”

I shook my head no. My ex now came over behind him and started jerking at his dick. “Yes he does, he’d suck it”. She pushed him even closer to me. It was staring me right in the face. And now my girlfriend was holding the middle of it pointing it right at my lips.

“Do it faggot” my ex pushed him from behind so his dick touched my lips.

“Holy shit, you’re a fucking fag” John said to me. “You’d rather suck my dick than let me fuck your girl”.

By now I was just sucking cock. My girl holding my head and telling me how I’m doing a good job. My ex chiming in with confirmation that she always knew.

“I’m going to fuck her anyway” and he pulled my head away. “That’s enough for you”.

My girl got in doggystyle in front of me and he got behind her. “Call him a faggot and I’ll fuck you”

“Sweetie, you’re a cock sucking faggot, we just watched you suck your roommates superior dick and now he’s going to fuck me. I’m not yours anymore.”

“Holy shit, that’s big, you’re big, my god”.

John tells her to tell me how we compare. “You’re a small dicked faggot and he’s a man. HOLY SHIT that’s a nice cock. My god, I’ve never felt anything like this before. OH MY GOD. You are so much better than him. He can’t fuck me like you. I’m your whore. You can fuck me any time with your big cock. I’ll make him watch. I’ll make him watch any time you want. I’ll make him suck your cock if you want. Just to show him how dominant you are. You want to fuck him? I’ll let you fuck him in the ass if you want”

My ex jumped in to say that was hot and she would like to see that too.

And they fucked for a pother few minutes. She screamed, she cried, my ex watched from the side, occasionally looking at me and shaking her head in disgust.

When John finally came, he came right inside my girlfriend. “Who wants to clean me off”. My ex dropped down and started sucking but then she looked back to me.

“He does”. He came over to me and put his semi hard dick in my mouth and pulled it out, wiping it on my face. He then slapped me with an open hand and hit me with his dick again.

“Get it all and then clean out your girlfriend”. I sucked him for another few minutes and then went over to Allie and started licking her clean. While I was doing it my ex got behind me and started to dry hump my ass and pulling my hair. She reached around and found I was still hard.

“Oh yeah. He likes it, he wants more cock”.

“I’m sure he does, but for now, get the fuck out of my room”. John grabbed me by the arm and led me out and then locked the door in my face.

I went back to my room and sat on the bed. I looked over to the adjoining door and my naked girlfriend walks over to it, blows me a kiss and shuts it.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/5kzefp/a_nightmare_was_born_cuckold_mff_mm


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