[MF] My best friends little sister. a slow start to something more later this week.

So I’m visiting where I’m from for Christmas and my best friend is only in town for a week. We both are really busy but we find some time to hangout. Unfortunately it’s also with all of his siblings so we don’t get any 1 on 1 time. But there’s lots of weed, drinks and video games. This was a huge bummer because I didn’t get any beastie time but the biggest surprise I’ve had in a long time still awaited me. Jenny is his younger sister. We have a decent amount of years between us with myself being the older one. Jenny was a model that toured the world, but didn’t enjoy the life. She’s beautiful to say the least.
So through the course of the night Jenny and I got stuck on the same end of the couch. Before this, every interaction between us was strictly platonic. I wouldn’t say we grew up together, but I was around her from a very young age. We were never close, but if either one of us ever needed help we would have helped each other. So I’m on the very end of a large L couch and Jenny is next to me. At some point I start picking on her and grab her phone. Since she’s kind of obviously hiding the phone from me whenever I look over. We kind of wrestle but she gives the phone up somewhat easily. I look through her messages and I don’t find any pictures or anything else. The whole time shes kind of fighting me but not really. I end up giving her phone back sad I didn’t find anything. She then tells me I just didn’t click the right convo. After this things changed slightly. We are always touching now. Either our feet on the foot stool or her legs are resting on top of mine.

Don’t forget her Brothers and sisters and my best friend are all in the room. Everyone is mostly preoccupied with the gaming system….
I take her phone again and this time she actually puts up a decent fight. When I finally get the phone from her I was quite surprised. All I remember is her talking to someone about sex and that they didn’t want to watch bdsm when they had sex. And her half typed messaged was “I’m so horn” at this point I look at her and she’s this mix of excited and scared. I tell her that her phone is off limits and I hide it in the couch. She starts to wrestle me and I’m definitely not careful where I put my hands and push her back. She asks me why she can’t have her phone back and I tell her it’s more fun this way. She wrestles me again and this time there is a lot of contact and I brush against her beast and it’s so much bigger than I thought. I’m always around her on the holidays and of course when she’s lounging around the house she never wears a bra. I had noticed at some point that she had developed but I had no idea how big. I’m starting to get turned on and ballsy. As we are wrestling I reach and grab what I think is her nipple and squeeze. Her tit fills my hand so full, and I don’t have small hands. She doubles over and yells. Everyone looks over and I play it off like I was tickling her. And I’m scared that I went too far. We let things cool down but we are still touching, either our hips or legs. I take this as she was OK with what happened. We play around some more and I graze her ass. Unfortunately after this the console got turned off so we had to chill out. I was hopping she was going to stay over but she didnt and I ended up leaving as well. Later that night I sent her a text simply saying “wow….”

She responds the next morning and it starts off very flirtatiously and within the hour she sends me a snap of her tits. They’re the most amazing pair. They look huge on her small frame and her nipples are tiny and inverted. I LOVE inverted nipples. Her tits must be Ds and her nipples are the size of dimes. I’m starting to freak out and I can’t believe this is happening. She starts to demand dick pics. she keeps snapping me pictures of herself bottomless and showing me all her tattoos and her shaved pussy. We made plans to hang out later this week to fuck and I can’t wait.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5ksvp5/mf_my_best_friends_little_sister_a_slow_start_to


  1. Nice story, I’m dying to hear what arrived next.
    Btw, did you send a dick pic when she asked or she just continued sending pics to you eithout anything in exchange ?

  2. Hey .Jenny, if this:

    She tries to squeeze her legs to shut me out but I command
    her to spread her legs, wider than before. Of course like the
    dirty girl she is, she opens wide for me.

    …is actually true, you should stay the fuck away from the shit-talking proto-rapist.

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