First attempt. New here . [MF]

Where were we…

You, bent over on my lap. In a naughty school uniform. In a tiny top, Buttons undone , boobs hanging out. Skirt riding up , panty less.
The fingers of my left hand in your mouth blowing God knows whos dick(you naughty fuck). The 2middles on my right grasping your clit. Smack! Right on your clit. You gag from the pain. “Nah!.” I say with anger. You look at me in the eyes . Full eyes. The look a whimpering cat give her mate.

“Lower your gaze you cheapslut.” With eyes soo fierce, goosebumps rise all over you, around your buttocks. It’s too late now to beg for forgiveness…SMACK! Down comes the wooden scale behind the bend of your knees. Down again at the very place you got smacked twice before. So deeply bruised, tiny droplets of blood ooze out. Glistening like dew , red jewles of your masters love. :*

I throw the scale away, it hits a vase, falls, shatters, you don’t flinch. Good. I turn your head around with my fingers in your mouth. Gripping your lower jaw with my thumb. You are such a good girl, you still continue pleasuring the imaginary phallus.

A nudge and I make eye contact with you, peering into your depths as I move my head towards your butt. Mouth open, salivating, drops fall and carry the red in a trickle along the curves of your licious thighs. My tongue glides along the chaffed skin ,spit drooling like a hungry animal from my lips. I let my lips cover the entirety of your wound , sucking on it with palpitating pleasure. You can feel my stubble pricking you as I suck. All Without releasing you from the grasp of my hands. Without breaking eye contact.

I move you to a kneeling position with my right hand on your wet vagina and my left still being pleasured. I stand up , behind you , the fingers of my left in your mouth. I pull you closer to my body, tilt you head up and to the side so you can see me as you suck. Your temple on the buckle of my belt. You can feel my penis throbbing against your cheek.

“You’re a good girl? Aren’t you princess ?”.
My right hand caressing your hair, moving it behind your ears so I get a better view of my girl.
I ease my grip on your jaw and pull the dripping fingers out of your mouth. “Clean it up baby. You mustn’t soil daddy’s fingers.” You lick each finger. I put all 4 of my fingers in my mouth and enjoy the sweet taste you’ve left on them.

The fingers of my right hand massaging your scalp as I lower my head , tug on your hair to tilt your head up and kiss you. Lick your soiled lipstick off your face. Suck on your lower lip then your upper. Tangle my tongue with yours. Drooling. My hands holding you tight , I’m sitting on my toes as I make out with you. Button you up but not before holding both your breasts with my warm hands and giving them a gentle squeeze.

1,2,3,4… All buttoned up.
Hold you by your shoulders to your feet. “Stand straight at attention princess.”. I say. You respond ,”Yes Daddy!”. With a blush on your cotton cheeks. I fix you skirt and tuck your shirt in standing behind you. Then I embrace you , arms around your torso and around your shoulders and kiss you on your neck, under and on your ear. Turn you around and kiss you on your sweet lips. Gently. A good kiss. A memorable kiss.

“I have to go now darling, be a goody girl while I’m gone. The milk man might come for the monthly payment. I’ve heard he’s a young chap . You’ll know what to do with him. Right ? “.

“Yes Daddy.” With a look not meeting my eyes.

“Make sure you clean up the broken vase properly. I don’t like it when things other than me make you bleed.”
