A Twisted Tale Part 2

A strong, masculine hand clamped hard on her windpipe as a man’s body pressed her hard against the wall. She tried to push back, fight against it but whoever it was had leverage and mass against her.

She could feel his heart beating in his chest pressed against her back. His breath was hot against her ear as he whispered, “Hello slut. We’ve been waiting for you…”

Her mind reeled and she was caught off guard again as she was snatched off of the wall by her hair. She began to twist, intending to fight. Her body was strong and her anger was white hot inside of her. But as she turned, his foot drove into the back of her knee, buckling her leg and driving her to the floor. Yanking back on her hair titled her head upward painfully and she froze again when she felt the cold steel edge of his knife come to rest on the vulnerable, exposed flesh of her throat.

She stared up into HIS face. Her brow wrinkled and her fear and confusion only increased. They had RECONCILED. They had talked, mended fences. He had said he forgave her!

But here she was, on her knees with his fist in her hair, a knife pressed to her throat, and her boyfriend tied helplessly to a chair, bound and gagged at the foot of the bed they had done so many debauched things on.

“What…what’s happening?”, she managed to force the question out.

“What’s happening?!? Do I have to spell it out to you, you stupid fucking whore? You’re going to fucking PAY for your actions”, he pointed with the knife at the only person in the world that could possibly save her, “And he is going to watch.”

She looked pleasingly at him, silently willing him to break out of his bindings and beat the hell out her assailant. She couldn’t understand why he wasn’t struggling.

“Oh sweetie, oh my” his voice held a cold amusement, “He isn’t going to save you. Him and I had a little chat. He is going to sit there like a good boy because he doesn’t want to watch you bleed out. Took a little convincing, but I got the point across” his smile held pure evil in it, “he realizes what I am capable of. Don’t you Bobby boy?”

Her man met his eyes for a moment, hatred seething, but he dropped his eyes after a moment, shoulders slumping in defeat as he shook his head in an affirmative nod.

“Now that THAT is settled”, the blade of the knife slipping down through the collar of her running tank, “you and I need to come to a bit of an understanding.” A sharp yank and the blade split the fabric with a little zip of sound, her top slot a quarter of the way down her chest her sports bra peeking out.

“You are going to do every last fucking thing I tell you to do. You might want to fight. Hell, you might even get away. But the next time you see your lover boy there, he will be in a morgue.”

“You WOULDN’T!”, her voice was too high and laced with anxiety to her own ears.

CRACK! Her face burned brightly and she could feel the imprint from his hand where he had slapped her full across her left cheek.

Leaning down he roughly grabbed her by the chin and growled into her face, “I would go to prison for what I’ve done so far cunt. Don’t question my conviction!”

He grabbed her top with both hand and jerked hard, ripping it and finishing what the knife had started. Another hard yank from behind had it stripped completely off of her.

Again the knife pressed against her skin as he ran the blade between her sports bra and her skin that was now cold and clammy, the sweat from her run chilling her body as she began to tremble.

“It’s VERY sharp slut. Trust me, you don’t want me to grow tired of cutting your clothes and decide to start cutting other things.”

The bra joined her top on the floor, her tiny tits bared, her nipples hard as little chips of ice. She was freezing, but even now she couldn’t say that it was JUST the temperature. As twisted and fucked up as it sounds, she could feel her body responding to him.

She hated him for what he was doing. For what he was going to do. But, at the same time, she had dreamed of being hate fucked. Being taken roughly and had even acted out rape fantasies with the man tied helpless in front of her, watching as her clothes were slowly destroyed, baring her flesh to be abused by this other man.

Without warning, he hauled her to her feet by the handful of hair he had never let go of. Still standing behind her, his knife traced a slow line down her chest, goose flesh pimples up on her arms as the scraping sensation circles between and then circled around her tits. Her nipples were hard and erect and she was intimately aware of the keen edge of the blade and how soft and vulnerable she was if he were to turn that blade to evil designs.

His breath was hot on her neck and without warning he bit hard on her trapezius muscle. She could feel his teeth separate and lift the muscle from her frame, not doing damage but the bite was hard, the type that would leave a mark. This time her knees threatened to buckle on their own, the bite turning her on despite the circumstance. This was all he used to do to her and more. And she realized, as sick as it was, she wanted it. She wanted to see what he would do to her. To be the focus of his lust and anger. To be taken and punished by him brutally.

The knife turned, the dull side pressed hard against her tummy as he slid to point under the waistband of her running shorts. She could feel it slip beneath the tiny, flimsy silk of her panties. Her breath caught in her throat as the backside of the knife parted her sex.

The blade slowly tilted away from her until it’s point split the material, digging the dull metal hard against her pubic mound, crushing her sensitive little clit painfully. Her clothes parted easily for the blade and she stood there naked and trembling with a confusing mixture of anger and fear and desire. Her eyes drifted closed as she struggled to separate all the warring thoughts and feelings, unable to distinguish which feelings were voluntary and which were quite beyond her control.

He still held her firmly with a fistful of her hair and she found herself shoved forward until she was directly in front of the man she loved so desperately.

“Tell him that you’re nothing but a little whore. That you love being treated like the worthless fucktoy that you are.”

She tried to yank her head free from his grasp, unwilling to comply with his sick game.

His fist tightened and again she found herself yanked backwards, his knees pressed into the small of her back, causing her to bow backwards painfully and his free hand whipped viscously fast, leaving another burning, stinging slap across her face.

Before she had a chance to really cry out, he shoved her forward again and she was standing naked with tears in her eyes in front of her helpless boyfriend.

She felt him pin her nipple between the blade of his knife and his thumb, the pressure was nearly enough to part her flesh.

“Tell him that you’re nothing but a little whore. That you love being treated like the worthless fucktoy that you are”, his voice dropped to a whisper in her ear, “Don’t make me tell you again, Cunt.”

“I’m a whore. I’m a worthless fucktoy”, she looked pleadingly into her lover’s eyes, “God I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

He laughed behind her. “You think you’re sorry now? We haven’t even started whore. You aren’t sorry yet. Not nearly sorry enough, but you will be.”

He hauled her across the room by her hair, her scalp actually becoming sore from being tugged on so hard and relentlessly. She could hear him rustling around in a bag and briefly thought of trying to make a break for it. She could likely make it. She might lose some hair, but she could. And she knew she could run. There is no way he could catch her. She might be naked but she could make the front door, unlock it, and bolt. At least she thought she could.

What she couldn’t do is untie her man. And even if she went just next door and called the police, it would take him only a second or two to kill him. Hell, he could be dead before she was even out of the front door. Would he do that, really? She didn’t know. This was, technically kidnapping, false imprisonment, terrorist threats, and was about to be sexual assault.

What did he have to lose adding murder? Was he REALLY that angry? Certainly not. But, then again, he wouldn’t get away with this. He had to know that. He had to know he was fucked.

And then her window of opportunity was gone. His attention was fully back on her. She couldn’t see what he had in his hand, but he was no longer distracted.

Again, she felt his teeth bite hard into her, this time on the other shoulder. God, he is leaving irrefutable evidence, she thought. He isn’t even trying to get away with this. A lance of pure, fear driven adrenaline races through her heart and it pounded like a piston trying to beat it’s way out of her chest. She could feel herself starting to panic, to hyperventilate.

“Say goodbye to Bobby boy while you can still see him”, his voice seemed to come to her from far away.

All she could manage to mumble was “What?” And then he slipped the leather hood over her face and she tried to run.

He was ready for it and the moment he released her hair, he grabbed her around the waist, twisted, and slammed her down on the bed. She felt his weight pin her firmly down and he pulled the hood into place, she could feel the zipper closing behind her skull, pulling her hair.

And the sharp little snap of a lock. She wasn’t getting it off until someone took that lock off. She was completely blinded by the hood, the stronger scent of the leather overwhelming her senses, heightened by the lack of vision. Her mouth fit through an opening in the hood and she was able to breath and talk.

“Please. Please no. Please take it off. Please. I hate it!”, she hated herself for begging but was powerless to stop it.

“I told you we were just getting started, Whore. Now we see how sorry you can be.”

He flung her onto her back and again she felt the cold steel blade pressed against her breastbone. She lay very still.

“I’m going to ask you a series of questions whore. You’re going to want to give me the right answers.”

The knife vanished and she could sense that he had backed away from the bed.

“Spread yourself open. Show me that dirty little fuckhole of yours.” She shivered at his wicked words, reaching down and parting her lips, peeling the petals of her flower wide and exposing the little nubbin of her clitoris.

“Good. Now tell me you are a little whore and you want me to abuse you.”

She was silent, refusing to say it. A moment later the muffled sounds of her lover in pain assaulted her ears.

“I’M A LITTLE WHORE AND I WANT YOU TO ABUSE ME”, she shouted, “Please don’t hurt him.” Her breathing was hot and ragged. She couldn’t believe this was happening, but she decided that she would do whatever he wanted. She would make sure they both survived this and she would make him pay.

“Good. Now say it again, NICELY!” His voice sounded pleased, even amused. She steeled herself for a moment, locking her mind on a vision of him in prison.

“I’m a little whore. I want you to abuse me. Please”, she put as much sweetness and sexual seduction into her voice as she could. Anything to keep from hearing the love of her life in pain again.

“And what if I hurt you? What if I leave marks?” His voice was soft and playful. She was thankful that the hood masked her, she wasn’t sure she could have kept the look of contempt off of her face while she answered.

Luckily she was a singer and her instrument was well trained, she could fake THAT well.

“Please hurt me. I like it. Please leave marks. My body is yours to have.”

“What if I bite you? Do you want to be bitten?”

Her shoulders burned with his teeth marks as she answered, “I love it. I love being bitten.”

“I’m going to fuck you hard slut. Brutally. Is that what you want? Is that what you like?”

“Oh God yes. Anything you want. Please. I need it.” She wanted this part to be over with. The faster he stopped talking the sooner he would fuck her and the sooner he would be done and leave. THEN he would pay.

“And what sort of woman wants to be abused and fucked hard, huh? What sort of lady acts the way you act?”

“A dirty whore. I’m a dirty, slutty whore.”

“And you want this? You truly want this? Don’t say you do if you don’t.”

“Yes. Please. Fuck me like a whore. Use me. Bite me. Hit me. Anything you want.” She poured on all the enthusiasm and encouragement she could, prompting him to get to it so it would be over.

“Good girl. You did VERY well whore”, he laughed at her and she could feel her face heat with anger and shame.

“Listen to this slut”, he said and she could feel something pressed right against her leather covered ear.

She heard her own voice, “I’m a little whore. I want you to abuse me. Please.”

“And what if I hurt you? What if I leave marks?”

“Please hurt me. I like it. Please leave marks. My body is yours to have.”

He must have used his phone to record her. She blood ran cold as she realized he had evidence of her consent. Hell, she sounded convincing to HERSELF. All of her effort to try to entice him with her voice made for a very compelling case of acknowledged consent.

“You DO understand now, don’t you slut? You understand how fucked you are?” His voice held a tiny thread of anger mixed with lust and triumph. She refused to answer.

SLAP! His hand slapped against her wide open pussy and fire detonated in white hot pain focussed directly on her sensitive clit. She cried out, her hands cupping her tender sex and her legs pressed tightly together.

His hand clamped hard on her throat and she suddenly couldn’t draw in breath.

“Spread your fucking legs whore and spread your dirty cunt open like you were told or I will choke the life out of you”, he growled, venom dripping from his words and she struggled to comply. Again she was spread open, her most intimate parts stinging and waiting for whatever he did next.

He rustled around in his bag again and she felt a smooth, cold, metallic bulb pressed against her lips. She pressed lips tight as he tried to force whatever it was into her mouth.

The object moved away for a moment then rapped hard against the thin, tight line of her mouth, crushing her lips painfully against her teeth.

“You’re going to want to be a good girl and open your mouth before I smash your teeth in and stick this in anyways.”

Her lips parted timidly and suddenly her mouth was filled with a large, egg shaped object. She could feel where it tapered down then flared out to a rounded base and realized he had just shoved a stainless steel buttplug into her mouth.

“You’re going to want to get that nice and wet slut, it’s the only lube you’re going to get.”

Again she could hear him rustling around what she imagined was the same bag he used to bring back when they played together regularly. She tried to recall what he used to keep in there and could only come up with a few items. A paddle, nipple clamps, and a flogger was all she could recall. He certainly didn’t have a leather hood before, so she knew he could have added anything in the interim.

Her legs were grabbed roughly and she felt him start to wind rope around her left thigh, midway between hip and knee, cinching tightly. Then the same was repeated around her right thigh.

Within moments the ropes had been wound back and forth, over one shoulder, under the opposite arm, through the thigh wraps and then back in the opposite direction.

Pulling tight, her body was put into a crunched, sitting position, her hands bound tightly at the wrists. With a stiff shove, she rolled onto her back, legs pulled up and open, exposing her pussy and positioning her to be fucked.

He plucked the buttplug out of her mouth and she could feel it pushing hard against the puckered little knot of her asshole, forcing its way inside of her. She gasped as the widest part of the toy stretched her little hole painfully, her body refusing to open up wide enough to take it.

The pressure vanished as he removed the toy and she sighed her relief. His hand clamped hard on her throat, cutting off her breath and she opened her mouth, gasping and struggling. The plug was shoved back in between her open lips and she thrashed and turned her head back and forth but he shoved it deep into her mouth.

“Taste your ass slut. Get it wet you little whore. Your asshole won’t take it.” He spun the toy in her mouth, making sure it was coated well with her saliva. This time when he pressed it against her asshole, he shoved hard. The saliva didn’t help at all and she cried out as he forced it deep inside her, shoving its widest point right into her tight, dirty little hole.

“That’s better whore. I know you could take it. Your asshole is just one more little fuck hole that needs to be stuffed full.”

She felt him wrapping still more rope around her body, pressing something tightly against her pussy. With a little snap of a switch, the bulbous shape tied tightly against her clit vibrated violently. She realized he had pressed a hitachi wand against her sex and secured it there.

Against her wishes, her body responded to the rough treatment, the stimulation against her slippery little hole and her hips began to rock and strain against her ropes, moving rhythmically as she felt her orgasm start swelling up inside of her.

Small grunting breaths escaped her lips as her body betrayed her, building towards the point of no return. Every small movement made her intimately aware of the large steel plug deep in her ass. She knew her boyfriend was watching helplessly as her orgasm threatened to crash over her, seeing that she really WAS helpless against her need to be used and abused like a fucktoy. No matter how much she hated this man for what he was doing to them, deep inside she couldn’t deny how fucking HOT it was. To be treated like a piece of meat. To be helpless for him. To endure whatever depravity he dreamed up.

“Are you going to cum whore”, his hand slapped her tits, alternating with every other word, “Are you going to cum like a fucking slut? Tell me you’re a filthy whore!”

“I’m a filthy whore. I’m a dirty fucking slut! Oh god, I need to cum. Fuck fuck fuck. ARGHHHHHHHH.” Her orgasm crashed over her body, pleasure blossoming deep inside her pussy and traveling up her spine, her brain lighting up like a Christmas tree, synapsis firing in bursts, her body spasming in full body clenches. The vibrator just continued humming against her wet, leaking pussy. Her juices running around it and dripping down the crease of her ass, wetting the bed cover beneath her.

He kept slapping her tits painfully, stopping only to pull and twist her nipples painfully. Her body convulsed as pain and pleasure fought a war for dominance within her mind.

After an eternity, her orgasm subsided and she painted in her bonds. Her mind floated on a cloud of endorphins and for a moment, reality ceased to exist. The only things within her world was the aftershocks of her orgasm and the pleasant buzzing between her legs.

Again, she felt his phone pressed against her ear. She listened to her voice yelling at, calling herself filthy names and then listened to herself grunt and moan and make sounds she hadn’t been aware of when she had been making them.

Suddenly the playback went silent.

“Not bad whore. Tell me, do you recognize this”, he hesitated for a moment and then started speaking numbers into her ear. She wasn’t thinking clearly but the numbers seemed familiar.

“Come on whore. You know what this is. Listen again”, and again he rattled off a series of numbers. With cold shock, her brain finally locked on to what he was saying. It was her mother’s cell phone number.

She must have gasped because he laughed suddenly. “Yep. You recognize it. How about this?” Another number spoken quickly but she had no idea who it was. “Or this one”, another number. “Or THIS one?”

He rattled off a half dozen numbers. Before stopping. “Your kids teacher. Your boss. Your brother. How about your email? I have all of your students emails. Their parents. Hell, I have your divorce lawyer’s number here. Your fucking GRANDMA’S number!”

He paused, let the ramifications sink in. “Yeah, it’s amazing how accommodating a man can be with his girlfriend’s phone when he understands how much danger she is really in”, the humor in his voice was almost too much for her to handle, “And now I have quite the collection of videos and pictures to share with them. Hell, I can show your KIDS. Don’t they deserve to know what a whore their mommy is?”

He grabbed a nipple and pinched it brutally hard until she cried out and writhed in pain.

“I asked you a question bitch. Don’t your kids deserve to know what a whore their mommy is?”

“Yes. Yes they should know. Please…..it HURTS!” He released her nipple and stepped away.

“You do realize how fucked you are, right? You realize you’re painted into a corner, don’t you?” She could hear him digging through his bag again.

“Yes. Please just do what you want. I will let you do what you want. Please.”

“And you want it? You want to be treated like a whore?”

“Yes. Please. Anything.”

“Good girl.” She heard the playback again, her begging for what was happening. Sounding like she was consenting again. FUCK!

He approached again and she heard a sharp metallic click under her chin. Although she couldn’t see, there must have been a ring built into the neck of the hood that he had attached a leash or rope to. She rocked forward into a crunched, sitting position as he pulled on it, lifting her painfully by the neck.

The toy kept buzzing away between her legs, tied tightly in place and the head of his cock forced its way into her mouth.

“If you bite me, I’m going to cut off one of your nipples and stick it in your boyfriend’s mouth”, his tone of voice was chillingly calm, as if he were describing how he needed to stop by the grocery store on the the way home for a loaf of bread. “I remember how poorly you sucked cock before. It’s time you learned how to suck a real man’s cock.”

She could feel his hands on the back of her head as he pulled forward and shoved his cock to the back of her throat. Her eyes bulged under the hood and she struggled, gagging and choking as he fucked deeply into her mouth. She coughed and drooled as he pulled out but couldn’t catch her breath before he thrust back in even deeper. Her gag reflex clenched and bucked under the assault, thick gobs of saliva filled her mouth as she resisted the need to puke on his rigid cock.

He yanked hard on the leash, pressing down on the back of her head with his other hand and she felt her esophagus distend as he drove his cock all the way into her throat. Her stomach convulsed and she felt bile rush up and around him, running out of her mouth and down her chest. Still he fucked her face without mercy, calling her a whore and a slut. Telling her she was a worthless fucktoy over and over.

Her body felt hot and sticky, her throat battered and sore in a way she had never experienced before. She was thankful for the hood, she didn’t want to see what was running out of her and covering her tits, pooling between her legs as he fucked her mouth, pounding his cock in and out of her face. She couldn’t breath. She imagined that this is what it felt like to be captured by a terrorist and waterboarded.

Finally he pulled back and asked, “You had enough slut? You want me to stop?”

She couldn’t catch her breath enough to speak but managed to nod her head, hoping it was enough of a yes to stop him from fucking her mouth anymore.

She jumped as he popped the buttplug out of her asshole and jammed it back into her mouth.

“Suck on this or I will fuck your face until you pass out.” And with a shove she rolled back onto her back, legs in the air.

She felt him tugging at the ropes and suddenly the vibrator was gone and he was driving his cock deep into her pussy. She expected pain and was surprised that he slide in smoothly.

“You little whore! You’re SOAKED. You fucking LIKE this, don’t you? Your pussy is a wet fucking mess. You dirty fucking slut.”

He slammed into her, stretching her pussy with his girth and little grunts of pleasure burst out of her with each thrust. He wrapped one arm around her raised thigh and levered himself in order to slam into her harder.

He must have grabbed a riding crop because she began to feel stinging lines of fire explode all over her tummy and chest, her tits were hit numerous times. She could her the whistle as the crop cut through the air and everywhere the little leather tongue licked her skin left searing pain behind.

Wet, squelching noises came from her sloppy pussy and she could feel herself dripping and leaking all over, her ass wet and slippery as he fucked and hit her. Her mind reeled as another powerful orgasm caused her to writhe and buck in her restraints. She moaned and cried out through wave after wave of orgasmic bliss, her pussy clenching and milking his cock as her hips rocked uncontrollably, urging him to fuck her harder and deeper.

The crop stopped and his hand clamped once more on her throat, choking off her breath. His cock kept pounding into her and she couldn’t breathe at all. She could feel the pressure on her head as her lungs began to burn with need and the world slowed down. She struggled as panic set in, her face purpling with the lack of oxygen and an even more powerful orgasm ripped through her soul.

Finally his grip relaxed and she drew in a ragged, burning gulp of air. She cried out as her legs trembled and shook, yet another spasming wave of orgasm taking hold of her mind and body. Dimly she realized he was slapping her, rocking her head to the side then alternately slapping her little tits and leaving burning imprints of his hands on her flesh.

An eternity later, her orgasm ceased and she panted, breathless as his thrusting slowed.

“God you’re so fucking twisted. Who the fuck enjoys shit like this? You’re unbelievable.” He pulled out and started untying her bonds. Within minutes, she was rubbing her wrists where the ropes had cut into her and tried to restore circulation into her hands.

She was finally able to straighten her back and the freedom felt amazing. She still couldn’t see but she knew better than to touch the mask. He had locked it on in any case, she couldn’t remove it if she wanted to.

“Now you’re going to fuck me. Show your boyfriend how much of a whore you are and ride this cock like a good little girl.” He must have laid down beside her because as he yanked on her leash she could feel him.

She climbed on top of him and he thrust upwards, stabbing himself into her wet depths.

He threw the leash over her shoulder and she felt it hit her back as he pushed her into an upright position. She slowly rocked her hips, grinding in a circular motion, enjoying how full she felt with him inside of her.

She started pumping her hips up and down, feeling his hands on her hips, guiding her as she fucked herself on his stiff, hot cock. She could feel a little flutter deep inside her, the stirring of another orgasm that could easily be coaxed to life again.

Suddenly her leash was snatched from behind, bending her painfully backwards and again her throat was grabbed roughly making her gasp and fight for breath.

“He is right”, her boyfriend said right into her ear, “You ARE a fucking whore!”

She was shoved forward, pushed chest to chest with the man she was riding and her boyfriend shoved his cock up her ass dry.

“AWWWWWWW. FUUUCCKK!!”, she called out, her asshole stretching around him as he drove into her without lube. He pulled back out a bit and she could hear him spit, felt his hot saliva dripping onto her asshole and the head of his cock and again he jammed forward, impaling her with his hard shaft.

“You thought I was out of tricks for you? I fucking KNOW you slut! It wasn’t hard to set this up. I knew he wanted to fuck you again. Now you’re going to get it from BOTH of us!”

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/5k8taw/a_twisted_tale_part_2

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