Reserved wife goes to Vegas with very adventurous sister [reluc]

Stephanie is a 36 year old wife, married with 2 kids who is about to go to Vegas with her younger 29 year old sister (Mary). Stephanie has only every slept with one man (her husband Jeff) while her sister is VERY experienced. She is also drop dead gorgeous. Like supermodel gorgeous – guys hit on her all the time, she literally had a sugar daddy when she was in college who took her on trips and bought her jewelry. To this day, Mary is a size 2 with firm chest, ridiculous legs and a rock hard stomach. She could literally be a swimsuit model. Stephanie is more like a size 8 and pretty. Guys check her out some, but it is ridiculous when she is around her sister Mary.

Neither of them have ever gone to Vegas and Mary wants both of them to go together and have a fun girls weekend. Stephanie is very nervous because she is pretty conservative, and she knows Mary is pretty wild. But Mary talks Jeff into letting them both go and the two of them book their flights and hotel. Neither of them make much money, Stephanie is a stay-at-home mom and Mary is a nurse, but they both buy some cute outfits and head out to Vegas for a long weekend.

* Everywhere the two girls go guys are hitting on Mary and buying them both drinks
* To Stephanie’s surprise, some of them are also hitting on her. She didn’t expect this, and even though she is normally very shy, this is Vegas and she starts to like the attention as it’s been awhile.
* The two sisters start to have some sisterly conversation and Mary finds out Stephanie’s husband Jeff has a relatively small 5 inch penis.
* Stephanie thinks that’s normal since she has only been with one man, Mary assures her it’s not
* Mary decides to make it her mission to get her sister royally fucked by a hot guy with a large cock to show her what she is missing and to get her taken care of for the first time since Stephanie has rarely orgasmed due to her husband’s small unit (and doesn’t really realize why)
* All the attention from the guys is starting to get to Stephanie after awhile. She did not expect the way all the attention is making her feel and it is starting to make her very horny.



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