Revenge – a tale of a cheating husband and his wife’s revenge

Emma was in the kitchen washing the dishes when she heard a shout from the office.
“Babe, come here. I’m nearly finished.”
She went to the fridge, grabbed a bottle of champagne and a couple of glasses, and walked through to the study.
As she came through to him, she took a moment to take him in. He still took her breath away. Pencil lodged behind his ear he was tapping away feverishly at the computer.
As she walked in, he turned his head and beamed at her.
“Five more minutes,” he said.
She walked over to him, took his face between her hands and kissed him.
He pulled away from her smiling.
“Stop distracting me,” he said.
She let him focus on the screen again and he continued to type. After a couple more minutes he simply wrote ‘The End.’
She squealed with delight and popped the champagne cork.
“Well done baby, I’m so proud of you.”
The last eighteen months had been the most difficult of their relationship. They had met ten years previously at university. He had been an English Literature student, determined to become a famous author, while she was studying Graphic Design.
Their life since then had been incredibly blessed. They had married after finishing their studies and Jamie had his first book published a year later. His second book was a bestseller and they had never looked back. That was until two years ago when he had sat down to try and write his eighth novel.
He had suffered writer’s block for the first time in his life.
Things had become difficult. He had been incredibly frustrated and she had seen a side to him she had never seen before.
However, she had done her best to support him and eventually his urge to write had returned and the words flowed freely again. And the best bit about the whole thing was that he had ideas for his next four books. His inspiration was back and their life was brilliant again.
“Thank you so much for all your support,” he said. “It really does mean the world to me. I don’t know what I would do without you.”
“I love you,” she replied. He took her in his arms, lifted her off the floor and took her through to the bedroom.

Six months later
They were sat in his office. There were piles of books in boxes all around them. They had been delivered by his publisher earlier that day.
He had to get them signed before embarking on his book tour. As she passed the books to him his new assistant Louisa breezed in, carrying drinks for them both. Louisa was incredibly pretty and Emma had suffered the odd pang of jealousy when she had first started working for Jamie three months earlier.
Luckily, once she met Louisa properly, and learned that she had a boyfriend of her own they had got on famously.
They were working hard to get the books ready. He was leaving with Louisa tomorrow. He didn’t know this but Emma was planning to fly down and meet him in London at the weekend. It was going to be a surprise.
After working through the night everything was ready. Louisa drove Jamie to the airport where they were both going to catch a plane to the first stop of the tour.

Three days later
Emma was packing her bag. She was wearing some brand new underwear and had packed plenty of sexy items in her suitcase. She just hoped that it wouldn’t be searched at airport security. That definitely had potential for embarrassment. They always missed each other when he was away and Emma would often find herself craving Jamie’s body when he was absent for long periods.
She had made the decision before this book tour that she wasn’t going to let distance be an issue between them. They had plenty of money and if she had to jump on a few planes and trains to see him more often, she was prepared to do that.
Emma loved everything about flying. Once she was through airport security she ordered herself a martini and settled down to read her new book. Every now and again she would look up and watch the world go by.
She found herself chuckling quietly as she watched a young family arguing. Dad looked stressed, Mum looked harried and the kids were both screaming.
Despite that unattractive picture, Emma craved a family of her own. She hoped now that Jamie was writing again and was happier that they might be able to start trying soon. He had always promised her children but the right time never seemed to come.
Once she was on the plane, she popped her earphones in, selected some classical music and settled herself in for the short flight.
After she arrived, she got a taxi from the airport to the hotel. It was beautiful as always. Jamie always insisted on staying in nice hotels when he travelled, which his publishers were always more than happy to pay for as he made them millions every year.
She had phoned the hotel before she left to let them know that she would be coming. They had a key waiting for her at reception.
She couldn’t wait to see him. She wanted him desperately.
As she got outside the room, she could hear voices from inside. One was Jamie and the other’s was a woman’s voice. It must be Louisa.
She felt another irritating twinge of jealousy. She was sure they would just be working but she wasn’t sure how she felt about them being together in his room.
Never mind.
She decided not to use the room key and knocked gently on the door.
She was greeted by her husband, who clearly wasn’t expecting her. His face was surprised at first, and she felt a pang of worry shoot through her, before it changed to delight.
“Hey baby,” he said. “What are you doing here?”
“I missed you, so I thought I would surprise you.”
“You know I don’t like surprises,” he said completely dead pan.
Emma felt herself stutter. She thought he would have been pleased to see her.
“But I like this one,” he said.
She broke into a big grin and kissed him gently. He pulled away from her then and gestured discreetly behind him.
She had forgotten all about Louisa. She felt embarrassed then. She walked into the room, walked over to Louisa and gave her a hug.
Jamie was looking bashful in the corner.
“Right, I think that’s enough for today Louisa. Thanks for all your help. You go out and have a nice evening. I know you mentioned you had some friends you were hoping to catch up with while you were in the city. Feel free to take the night off. I certainly will be.”
Louisa bid them both goodbye.
Jamie looked at Emma then with a lust in his eyes that already had her quivering down below. He crossed the room quickly and before she knew it his tongue was in her mouth and his hand was between her legs.
He always knew just the right spot. As he played with her gently she could already feel the first orgasm coming. He could sense her body tense and smiled at her. He used his other hand to undo the buttons on her shirt.
His mouth roamed over her chest before finding her right nipple. His tongue flickered and circled it and as his fingers found her sweet spot again she cried out in ecstasy.
Her breathing was heavy and she collapsed in his arms.
He lifted her gently and laid her on the bed. Removing the rest of her clothes, he moved away and stripped down.
He took his cock in his right hand and started stroking it.
She knew what was coming. Recently he had been reluctant to actually have sex with her. She wasn’t sure why. He always made sure she got off and then this routine would begin. She would be desperate for him inside her but often he wouldn’t give it to her.
He pinned her down on the bed.
He continued to jack himself off. He grabbed one of her hands and put her fingers on his asshole. This was another thing he seemed to enjoy lately.
She knew that he watched a lot of porn when he travelled. Maybe this was one of the things he had seen.
She was happy to oblige for now but she knew at some point they were going to need to have a conversation about some of the habits he was picking up. There was nothing wrong with having normal sex.
She was returned to her thoughts as he started to twitch in front of her.
She knew he was about to come. She closed her eyes and braced herself.
He groaned loudly and she flinched as hot ropes of come landed on her face.
She felt him roll off and lie next to her.
He didn’t appear to have any concern that she could barely see. She risked opening one eye slightly and staggered to the bathroom. She grabbed some tissue and wiped her face.
She turned the shower on and got under the water.

Later that night
They had enjoyed a lovely meal together and a few drinks. They were slightly tipsy. When they returned to the room she kissed him.
“I want you to fuck me,” she whispered in his ear.
She felt his body tense up.
“Is there something wrong baby? Is there a reason we can’t just have sex?”
He took a moment before replying.
“Of course there isn’t,” he replied. “Sorry I just like to try different things sometimes.”
“I know, and that’s fine, but right now I just want you to fuck me. I want you to come inside me.”
He kissed her then and before she knew it they were in bed together.
“Let me get a condom,” he said.
“You don’t need one baby,” she whispered, but either he didn’t hear her or ignored what she had said.
She sighed but wouldn’t let this spoil the moment. The baby conversation was clearly one for another day. He found a condom in his overnight bag and rolled it on.
By the time he slid into her for the first time she had forgotten everything else.

The next morning
They enjoyed a relaxed breakfast together. They shared fruit and croissants and some excellent coffee. She knew he had a busy day ahead of him. He had signings all over the city and was then attending a dinner held in his honour in the evening.
She had booked herself a ticket to go and see a show.
She kissed him goodbye and because she had plenty of time decided to walk to the theatre. She had a ticket to see Phantom of the Opera. She had seen it dozens of times before but it was her favourite.
Halfway through the first half though she got up and left. Whenever she had come before she had always had Jamie here with her. It wasn’t the same without him. She missed him desperately. She hadn’t travelled all this way to be with him and then be separated. She could just sit in the room with him. He wouldn’t mind.
As she turned the corner and could see the hotel they were staying in she stopped in her tracks.
What the…
No surely not….
But why?
Why did he have a condom in his overnight bag?
He was meticulous about that bag. Whenever he got home from a trip he always emptied it. She knew because on more than one occasion she had found herself going through it when she needed some change.
She never found anything in it. It was always empty.
And before he went away on a trip he always packed exactly what he needed.
If there was a condom in his bag it was for a reason. He hadn’t known she was coming.
She broke into a run then. Tears were already streaming down her face. A couple of concerned bystanders tried to ask her if she was ok as she ran past them but she ignored everyone.
As she ran into the hotel, the receptionist who had been on the desk that morning smiled at her. Emma saw the girls face change from one of welcome to horror as she saw the look on her face.
“Mrs Baker are you ok?”
“I’m fine,” Emma snarled at her. She felt guilty then. It wasn’t her fault after all.
“I’ve just had some terrible news.”
The receptionist nodded.
Emma waited for the lift.
As she waited outside the door she could hear them inside. She screamed loudly.
She heard them pause momentarily as they heard her scream.
They must have decided to ignore it as Louisa was soon moaning again.
Emma took the key out of her pocket and let herself in.
As she stood and watched them, they didn’t even notice her at first. She looked at them curiously. He hadn’t fucked her like that for years. He was too busy pretending to be a porn star to fuck her like that.
Then Louisa briefly opened her eyes and looked in her direction.
“Shit, shit, shit,” she said.
Jamie managed to momentarily stop grinding into her to look behind him and see his wife staring back at him. He was so shocked that he rolled off the bed.
“Babe, what are you doing here? It’s not what it looks like.”
Emma laughed in his face then.
“If it’s not what it looks like then what the hell is it?” she asked.
For a man who made a living with words he was clearly coming up short now.
“I’ll see you in court,” Emma said, before leaving the room.

Twenty fours later
Emma waited for the locksmith to arrive. She looked down at her mobile phone. She now had 30 missed calls and 64 text messages from Jamie. She hadn’t answered or read a single one of them.
She replayed the vision of what had happened in that hotel room and felt the bile rise in her throat once more.
She honestly couldn’t believe it. She never thought Jamie would cheat. They had been together and had been happy for so long that she never thought he would have it in him.
He clearly did. And Louisa of all people. She had trusted her and been betrayed. She wondered if Louisa’s boyfriend knew yet.
Just then the locksmith arrived. She had deliberately called someone from out of town so that rumours wouldn’t start.
Once he was done, Louisa went upstairs and into Jamie’s office. She searched through some of his files until she found what she was looking for. Louisa’s employment file. She was looking for her address. Once she had the information she walked down to the garage. She ran her key along the side of Jamie’s pride and joy before getting into her own car.
She was at Louisa’s house within fifteen minutes. She had never actually met Louisa’s boyfriend before.
She walked up to the door and knocked.
After thirty seconds the door was opened by a man dressed only in a towel.
His body was rugged and chiselled and for a moment Emma was taken aback. She couldn’t believe that Louisa would have been tempted to have an affair when she had this man waiting for her back home.
“Hello, can I help you?” he asked politely, not a bit perturbed by this woman ogling his upper body.
“Yes you can. Are you Louisa’s boyfriend?
“The very same,” he smiled.
“I’ve got something to tell you,” she replied.
“You’re not her secret lover are you?” he asked laughing.
However the grin on his face soon faded when he saw the look Emma was giving him.
“You better come in,” he said.

Half an hour later
He was completely shell shocked by what Emma had told him. At first he hadn’t believed her but once she told him the details he had accepted that what she was telling him was the truth.
He had gone and got dressed and re-joined her in the kitchen.
She felt so sorry for him. Part of her wondered if she had done the right thing telling him but then that vision of her husband fucking another woman came into her head and she felt vindicated.
She crossed the room and put her hand on his shoulder.
Then he said something that surprised her.
“I suppose I had it coming.”
“What do you mean?”
He sighed.
“Last year I had an affair. It went on for six months until I ended it. Except I was so consumed by guilt that I told Louisa. We had always been completely honest with each other. She was devastated. I always felt like she had never been able to move past it. I guess I have my answer now.”
Emma did laugh out loud this time. The thought that Louisa had just been using Jamie to get back at her own boyfriend was funny. That would undoubtedly be a blow to the ego when he found out the truth.
Then for a brief second she almost felt sorry for him.
Snap out of it, she told herself. He’s a cheating bastard. He deserves everything he gets.
“You’re going to be ok then?” she asked.
“Yeah I’m going to be fine. I need to talk to Louisa now.”
She nodded and left.
Three weeks later
There had been no contact between them. After he had continued to try and get in touch she had sent him a message saying that she needed to be left alone. If she wanted to contact him she wanted to be given the respect to do so in her own time.
There were some days when she found herself missing him desperately. Sometimes she wished she had never gone back that afternoon. If she hadn’t she would have been none the wiser. She would probably be happy right now instead of completely miserable.
That was probably why when he knocked on the door later that day she didn’t slam the door straight in his face.
When she initially opened it she was angry that he had gone against her wishes of no contact but as soon as she took a breath she knew that she glad to see him.
She let him in and they walked through to the kitchen.
He sat down at the table.
She put the kettle on.
An awkward silence descended on them. Eventually he spoke.
“I’m so sorry,” he said.
She didn’t know what to say to that. She could feel the tears welling in her eyes. She knew if she didn’t compose herself she would forgive him too easily and frankly he deserved to be punished for everything that he had put her through.
Whenever she found her resolve weakening she would just remember that scene she had walked in on in that hotel room and the anger would return.
She used that tactic now and it worked.
She walked over to him slowly. He looked up at her with a hopeful look in his eyes.
She snapped then. Emma rained blows down on him. He tried to protect himself but she felt her fists connect. As her attack became more vicious he collapsed to the floor. She propped herself up against the wall as she regained her breath.
He was sobbing now.
“Please,” he mumbled through the tears and snot on his face. “Please give me another chance. I’ll do anything you want. Anything at all. I love you, I miss you, I need you.”
She wanted to sneer at him then but he looked so pathetic she couldn’t bring herself to do so. She realised then that she wanted to give him another chance. That she was going to.
She got a piece of pen and paper and wrote down an address and a time for him. It was to see a marriage therapist.
She gave it to him and then asked him to leave.

Three weeks later
They were at their third session with the therapist.
The first two sessions had been fairly introductory. They had talked about their relationship quite generally but hadn’t got into the nitty gritty of why they were there. Mainly the fact that Jamie had been fucking his assistant.
Emma was determined that this was going to be the session when they got it all out in the open.
Their therapist started the session with this sentence.
“So Jamie, I believe the main reason we are here is because you have been unfaithful to Emma. Is that correct?”
Emma looked over at Jamie and was gratified that he did look genuinely ashamed of himself. He was clearly very sorry for what he had done and that had been the main factor in Emma deciding that giving therapy a go could save them. If he was genuinely sorry she definitely thought there was a chance for them.
“Yes that’s right. I had an affair with my assistant Louisa. Emma walked in on us together during a trip promoting my new book.”
“I see. And is this affair now over?”
“It is,” Jamie replied. “I ended it that day. She no longer works for me.”
“That’s good to hear. Let me ask you both a question.”
Jamie and Emma both looked at her expectantly.
“Do you both truly want to save this relationship?”
They both looked at each other and smiled. They nodded.
The therapist looked pleased.
“Then I need to ask you both a difficult question. I need you to tell me. Have either of you ever had any other extra-marital relationships?”
“No,” replied Emma quickly.
She then turned towards Jamie who hadn’t answered the question.
“Jamie?” she said quietly.
Silent tears were rolling down his face.
“Jamie?” she said again hearing the anger rising in her voice.
“I’ve had affairs before,” he replied quietly.
Emma got up then ready to attack him again.
“Emma sit down,” the therapist said firmly.
Surprisingly she found herself doing as she was told.
She looked at Jamie with a feeling of disgust running through her. Who was this man in front of her? How deep was his betrayal?
“I’ve had six affairs. Nothing like Louisa. The others were all one night stands.”
“Thank you for your honesty Jamie,” said the therapist and surprisingly Emma felt her attitude towards him softening already. She had wanted him to be honest and he had been. They would just have to work through the consequences together.

The revenge
Emma was waiting for Jamie to come home. Things had been better between them the last few weeks. She had almost managed to get over his betrayal of her with all those different women. She had invited him to move back in and though they hadn’t been intimate yet she felt like they were nearly there.
She had done something that had made her feel better. And now she wanted to share it with Jamie.
She fidgeted uncomfortably in the chair.
She had made an effort for him. She had bought new lingerie and sat with her trench coat around her.
Emma text him.
“Don’t come straight in when you get home. Knock on the door.”
“Ok,” he replied. “Anything I need to worry about.”
“No,” was her response. He didn’t respond.
At 6pm on the dot he rang the doorbell.
She answered the door.
“Good evening,” she said.
“Good evening,” he responded.
She let her coat fall open then and revealed her body to him.
He gasped in pleasure as his eyes took in every inch of her. She felt a flicker between her legs as he admired her body. It had been a long time since he had looked at her like that.
“Follow me,” she said.
He did as he was told as she led the way to the bedroom.
She kissed him gently on the mouth then. She could tell he was feeling tentative. Still nervous to touch her.
“It’s ok baby,” she whispered in his ear. “You can touch me wherever you want.”
She felt his hands on her body then and a shiver down her spine. She had missed this. But she had one more surprise for him before she was prepared to move on with their relationship.
“I’ve been thinking about what you said in the last session,” she said, as his hands continued to roam over her body.
“What was that?” he asked, clearly distracted.
“About how you’d become a bit bored by our sex life. About how you wanted to try some new things.”
“Forget about that stuff babe,” he said.
“No I can’t. So I’ve decided to take on board what you said. Take off your clothes. That’s an order,” she said.
He did as he was told until he was completely naked. Though not fully erect his cock was twitching.
“Lie on the bed.”
She got a blindfold out then. He laughed nervously.
“Are you serious?” he asked.
“Deadly,” she said.
He shrugged his shoulders then, allowing her to put it on.
When he could no longer see she removed the handcuffs from her bedroom door. She put one on his wrist and attached it to the bedpost. She did the same with his other wrist.
She could tell he was apprehensive and she conceded to herself that he probably should be. She certainly was. She was intrigued to see how he would react to what she was about to do.
She started gently kissing his chest. He bucked underneath her and she felt a low groan escape his mouth.
She made her way down to his now throbbing dick.
She teased the tip with her tongue, the sweet taste of his pre-cum familiar to her. He was excited. After a couple more minutes of this she swallowed him whole.
He cried out like he had been stabbed. She bobbed up and down, how she knew he liked it. Just as she felt the first rumblings of his orgasm she stopped what she was doing.
“Not so fast. I’ve got a surprise for you.”
She made her way up the bed then and removed the blindfold but left the handcuffs on.
She kissed him hard, sliding her tongue into his mouth so that he could taste himself on her.
She got up then and left the room and came back with a blank DVD. She put it into the player.
“I thought we could watch porn together while we fucked,” she said to him. She laughed internally as she saw his eyes light up.
She pressed play.

24 hours ago
She had been totally devastated by the revelation of his other affairs. No matter how hard she had tried she hadn’t been able to get over it.
So she had signed up to dating website that specialised in extra-marital affairs.
She had spent a couple of weeks talking to a number of men. She had uploaded a number of photos and she had had no problems attracting suitors. Her confidence had sky-rocketed. Feeling wanted and desirable was something she realised that she had missed for a very long time.
However, she had to carefully vet the men she was talking to as she had something very special planned. After talking to a number of them, she lined up six who fitted her needs.
She booked a hotel room.
At 12pm exactly there was knock on the bedroom door. She finished setting up the camera and turned it on.
She answered the door and was greeted by a large African American man. He was as attractive in the flesh as he looked in his photos.
He had been surprised when he had seen the camera. When she sat him down and explained what she was doing, he chuckled quietly and confirmed that he was more than happy to oblige.
She had walked over to him then and kissed him hard on the mouth. She ran her hands all over him and felt the muscles ripple under his tight shirt.
She had quickly undressed him. When he had nothing but his pants left on she moved him closer to the camera. He had an erection and she could see that his penis was huge.
She got down on her knees then so that her head and his dick were right in front of the flashing red light.
She slowly pulled his boxers down then and gasped as his true size was revealed. She had never had a bigger one.
“Look at the size of that fucking cock,” she said into the camera. “Look at it.” She took it in her mouth then. She gagged as she tried to take it all in. She looked up at him.
“I want you to fuck my face.”
He had obliged, pounding his length to the back of her throat. She gagged on more than one occasion and tears rolled down her face.
“I’m going to come,” he said quietly.
“On my face,” she replied.
He had obliged, covering her.
It was in her eyes, in her mouth and dripped down on to her breasts.
She moaned in pleasure, touching herself. As the man pulled up his trousers, there was knock on the door.
“Send the next one in,” she instructed.

“What the fuck is this shit? What the hell have you done?” he screamed at her.
“What do you mean baby?” she asked him. “You said you wanted to spice things up so that’s what I’m doing. One of the things you mentioned was watching porn together. So I thought I would make you a home-made special.”
“Why would you degrade yourself like this? Was he the only one?”
He had then heard the knock on the door and heard her say.
“Send the next one in.”
“This is fucked up. Untie me. I don’t want to watch this you whore.”
“I’m a whore am I? So it’s ok for you to sleep with six other women but I can’t sleep with other men. I’m just trying to even things up. Once we’re even we can have a clean slate.”
He strained once more against his restraints but soon gave up. The look of resignation on his face was extremely satisfying to her. Then he smiled at her and simply closed his eyes.
“I might have to hear you fucking other men but I don’t have to watch you.”
She didn’t say anything but simply left the room. He heard her leave and wondered what was happening.
He kept his eyes closed.
The next thing he knew, he felt cold steel press into his cheek.
He opened his eyes in a flash. She was stood over him with a knife.
“Watch the video, or I’ll cut your eyes out.”
He looked at her face. She wasn’t messing around.
He reluctantly turned his eyes to the video. There were now two men on the video with her. She was being fucked from behind and had the other’s cock in her mouth. She was moaning with pleasure.
To his horror he was starting to feel aroused watching this. His cock started to get hard.
When she noticed she laughed cruelly.
“Enjoying this baby? Enjoying watching your wife get fucked by two other men?”
She moved her hand up and down his cock. He kept his eyes on the telly and knew he was close.
When he was past the point of no return, stars started swimming in front of his eyes. He felt the hot ropes of his own come spray all over his torso, the first squirt hitting him just below the chin.
He was aware of the sounds of his wife enjoying an orgasm of her own on the screen in front of him.
While it bothered him greatly, he was still so high from his own orgasm that he pushed it to the back of his mind.
“Enjoy that baby?”
Although he would never admit it to her he had been incredibly turned on by the whole experience, seeing his wife being desired and fucked by other men had undoubtedly turned him on. The evidence of that was going cold all over his chest.
If he was being fair maybe he did deserve this. He had cheated on her multiple times. Why should he expect to be forgiven? Why shouldn’t she be allowed to get her own back?
Unfortunately his male pride overcame him then.
“Slut,” he spat at her.
She laughed at him again which infuriated him further. Why was this whole thing a big joke to her?
He had made mistakes, but he had been trying to piece his marriage back together. This sort of behaviour wasn’t going to help anyone. Unless she didn’t want to be married to him anymore and this was just a parting shot.
“Call me a slut all you want, but you enjoyed that.”
He ignored her. He knew she was right.
“I’ve got one more surprise for you. You have slept with six other women during our marriage. Is that right?”
He nodded his head.
“Then by my calculations I owe you one more,” she said.
She picked up her mobile phone then and dialled a number.
He heard a man answer on the other end of the line.
“You can come in now,” she said. “The door is unlocked.”
He felt this was going too far now.
“Please Emma,” he begged. “You’ve made your point. I really can’t bear to see this.”
“Well unfortunately this isn’t about you. This is about me.”
Two minutes later a large black man entered the room.
“Recognise him?” she asked.
“If not I can show you on the tape. This is the guy that absolutely plastered my face in come. Now I want you to see the live show. I always enjoyed our sex life, but this guy knows some serious tricks. Maybe you should take notes and worry about how to keep me satisfied for a change.”
Jamie decided to try a different tack then. He had realised that there was no getting through to Emma. Instead he appealed to the man.
“Come on dude. That’s my wife there. We’re going through a rough time but please don’t fuck in her front of me.”
“You don’t get to speak!” Emma cried at him. He shut up then. He was genuinely a bit frightened of her now. He wished he wasn’t tied to the bed. He felt incredibly vulnerable.
“You,” she said, now pointing to the black man. “Lick my cunt.”
He looked over at Jamie tied to the bed and at least had the decency to apologise for what he was about to do.
“Sorry man,” he said. “But just look at her. If that girl tells you to lick her pussy that’s exactly what I’m going to do.”
He gave a final shrug of his shoulders before getting down on his knees and going to town on her clit.
Before too long she was moaning again.
Jamie had to admit this pleasure seemed genuine and not just a show for him.
Despite himself he felt himself harden once again.
Emma noticed this and once again started working his cock. Give her some credit, he thought, at least she isn’t leaving me out. She stroked him rapidly.
He came again. Not as much or as powerfully as before but it was still a pretty amazing orgasm.
Emma came herself then. After recovering, she looked at the stranger.
“Now it’s your turn,” she said “What do you want to do with me?”
“I want to stick my cock in your ass,” came the response.
“Be my guest,” she replied. She bent over for him.
At first he slowly slid himself inside her pussy and her legs quivered in pleasure. He was huge and knew what to do with it. He was hitting all the right spots.
Jamie watched as he licked his finger and gently inserted it into his wife’s arsehole. She had never let him do that.
When she was suitably aroused he slowly inserted the head of his cock gently into her arsehole. There was a small yelp of pain and despite himself Jamie felt protective of her. He didn’t want this to man to hurt her.
He slowly removed himself from her.
“Are you sure this is ok?” he asked her gently.
“Yes,” she whimpered. “Put it back inside me.”
He did so tentatively and this time she didn’t cry out, but opened her legs wider allowing him greater access. He gently slid himself all the way in and this time Jamie could see the delight on her face. He fucked her slowly at first, but as her body responded to him his stroked quickened.
Eventually he cried.
“I’m going to come.”
It was all she could do to manage to spit out two words.
“Inside me,” she said.
He was happy to oblige, pumping his load deep inside her. She collapsed on the floor. He pulled out of her and started dressing. She hadn’t moved. Once he was fully dressed he walked quietly out of the room.
Neither of them spoke for 15 minutes. Eventually she got up. She found the keys for the handcuffs and unlocked them, releasing Jamie.
He rubbed his wrists which felt tender.
She looked at him with a quizzical look on her face.
“The way I see it we have two choices,” she said.
“That door is open. You can either walk out and we can get a divorce or you can stay on the bed, fuck me like only you can and we can get on with the rest of our lives. It’s your choice.”
Jamie got up. He had every intention of walking out of that room and never looking at her again. She seemed to sense this in him and her eyes welled up with tears. She wasn’t going to beg him though. She had too much pride for that.
As he got to the door he hesitated. He loved her didn’t he? Despite everything they had been through he still loved her. Instead of walking out of the door, he closed it gently and walked back to his wife.


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