Watching Each Other Masturbate [MF] [voy] [mast]

Baseball practice was torture. I liked the sport, but not having to wear the uncomfortable uniforms the college provided us underneath the beating sun. It was September when this happened, still technically summer. The heat, as well as the girls practicing with us, made me horny. But the one and only girl I dedicated all my attention to was April Sinclair, the girl I’ve lusted after since middle school.

I was grateful for the stifling uniforms in one way: How well they showed off her fantastic body. She was curvier than the other girls, with a wide waist, and a big, round ass. Each step made her cheeks jiggle. Her face was really fun to look at, too. Her hair was pulled up in a messy pony tail, with loose strands falling down each side of her face. She usually wore black-rimmed glasses, but during practice, she kept them off. I think her glasses were just an aesthetic choice; she seemed to see fine without them.

I was so hot and bothered by the time practiced ended, I decided to wait until everyone else had left to masturbate in the showers. I had to wait a pretty long time, though. Everyone was either playing around or just hanging out. They had no idea I needed to get myself off, but still. It felt like an eternity waiting for everyone to file out of the locker room. Even the coach had taken his time leaving. I hoped they all assumed I left before them. I wanted total privacy. I wanted to moan out all my desires to April, to tell myself out loud what I’d do with her. I stripped naked and stepped into the shower.

But the silence of the locker room was disturbed by a noise, like a groan. I was fuming. If someone was still in here, they’d better have a good reason. I needed to masturbate now. I tied a towel around my waist and walked down the length of the locker room, but saw no one. I heard another groan, and found that it came from outside the locker room door, which was held open by a kickstand.

The boys and girls locker rooms were separated by a small hallway, the entrance doors across from each other. The door to the girls locker room was also held open, but by a wooden wedge. And as I got closer to the doorway, I could see across the hall, and inside.

Sitting on a bench with her back turned to me, in perfect view from the boys doorway, was April.

She was wearing only a black t-shirt, her whole body from the waist down completely naked, even down to her feet. Her bare, plump thighs were on full display. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. April Sinclair, actually naked, and in real life! My mouth watered at her thighs. I wanted so badly to feel them, to caress my hand over her smooth skin. Her jeans were crumpled up in a pile next to her. The tip of her crack barely rose out above the bench, but it was all I could focus on. It wasn’t her full ass, but at least I was finally looking at it naked.

Her right arm jerked back and forth. What I would give to see the front view, to see her pleasuring that sweet, delicious pussy. She must be so wet. Every few moments, I could make out tiny drops falling from the bench. Every single noise she made sent a chill through my body. She tried to keep her moans stifled, but every now and then a soft gasp would escape her lips. Her thighs and her boobs, slightly visible from the back, jiggled, even her ponytail swayed. Her whole body was in motion, in tune with her hand.

My dick grew so hard it caused my towel to untangle and fall around my legs. Luckily April didn’t hear anything. She was still rubbing away. I moved my hand down to my dick and stroked my fingers up from the base. I had to make sure I stayed quiet. If I let myself loose, she would definitely hear me. I used my other hand to feel my thighs, groping and squeezing as if I were feeling April’s. My hand moved from my thighs to tugging and twisting my balls, which were already tingling. My urges were quickly growing insatiable. With every stroke I inched closer to cumming. The feeling made me bite my lips.

April’s *Mmm*’s got harder and louder. She must’ve been close to orgasm, too. Finally she broke out in loud gasps, and squirted out several times, drenching the lockers in front of her. She made a big puddle on the floor, and my jaw literally dropped. It was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. April Sinclair, the girl I’ve masturbated to thousands of times, just squirted right in front of me. She sat breathless, spreading her wetness all over her pussy. Then she stuck her fingers into her mouth and sucked on them.

I used all my willpower holding my dick tight, to stop my cum from spurting out. I had to get away then. I had to finish myself off in the shower, so April wouldn’t know I was watching her. The running water would cover any sounds I made. Or maybe it wouldn’t, and she would be tempted to come join me . . .

With that I scampered away. I was so close to exploding.

– – –

My smile was unbreakable. I’d hoped Ryan would be watching me. My stomach fluttered when I heard his feet pattering away. He looked so sexy in his uniform, the way it defined his toned body, the way it showed off his tight ass. I could even see his underwear lines in those pants. My smile broke as I observed how much of a mess I made. But whatever, I just threw my towel over it. It was too much for paper towels to clean up.

After I showered and got dressed, I picked my towel up and threw it into the overflowing hamper, and started on my way out. But then, I heard running water. That might be Ryan, probably beating it to me. What if I could go and watch him? That’d even us out.

I had already put on my shoes, so I took long, soft steps down the boys locker room, which was actually more like a hallway than a room. I followed the sound of running water to the end of the hall. As I got behind a row of lockers, I stole a look at him.

The shower curtain was pulled back, and he was standing with his side to me. His dick was beautiful. It wasn’t really long, but it was thick and smooth. He was cut, and his balls hung low, and all of that was bordered by a forest of pubes. The pleasure he felt caused him to kneel forward. His eyes were shut, his mouth wide open, and he was letting out more moans than I did.
Maybe he wasn’t trying to hide the fact that he was masturbating in a risky place. Maybe he wanted me notice?

I thought about carefully closing the locker room door. I thought about stripping naked. Then I’d call out his name, and come around the lockers, walking towards him, watching his eyes take in my full body. I thought about him pulling me into his lips, his hands running over me and gripping my ass. By now my hand was in my pants, running my finger over my underwear in a circular motion. I thought about his hard dick pressing against my pussy, then I’d get down and suck the cum out of him, making sure I got every drop. Then he’d eat me out, making me squirt all over his face. I thought about his dick filling me up, taking me on the most exciting ride of a lifetime.

My fingers felt sticky. I looked down at my pants. A small dark spot had formed, right in the center.

The opportunity was right there. It was so hard to pass up, but I had to. I don’t think he had any condoms, and I had things I wanted to do with my life. As much as I wanted that dick, it wouldn’t be today. So I resolved to just watching him play for me.

He jerked himself so fast his hand was like a blur. As he reached closer to orgasm, he let out a long, unbroken moan that got higher and louder. Then, he popped. The shower water didn’t hide his cum. It came shooting out in thick, white ropes, splashing on the walls. At least his would be washed away. He gathered some of his creamy load and used it as a lube, spreading it all over his dick and balls and through his pubes. Then he resumed jerking off. His moan meandered into a low growl.

“This’ll be our little secret, Ryan.” With that I began the walk down to the exit, the sloppy sounds of him still pumping his dick filling my ears.


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