[MF] Shopping With “Auntie” Liv [Illustrated][Public] Liv wants to try on a lot more than just a bathing suit!

I love my Aunt Liv but still fussed when she dragged me clothes shopping. Heck, Liv wasn’t technically even family but has been close friends with our mom for so long, that we all called her “Auntie” anyway. But really, who wants to wander around the mall with an older woman holding her purse while she picks out boring outfits and asks for opinions on every little detail? Of course, I should’ve known better. Aunt Liv is never boring, even when shopping for clothes.

First we grabbed a bite to eat at the food court and caught up on our lives. She was still perpetually single because she couldn’t find the right man. I was still perpetually a loner who should “get out more.”

After she was done teasing me about my social life, she dragged me over to Macy’s. “I’ve lost five pounds and think I might finally be able to pull off this number I’ve been eyeing for summer at the beach. What do you think?” She held up a flimsy green piece of fabric that looked like it had been clawed by some wild animal.

“That’s a swimsuit?” I asked, incredulous.

“Yes silly! What? You don’t think it’ll look good on me?”

“Uh, well I didn’t say that…”

“Good! Let’s go try it on.”

“You want me to go with you?” I gulped.

“Well I’m certainly not prancing around all of Macy’s half naked,” she frowned. “Just come sit in the changing area. I’ll put this on and then open the door so you can tell me if my ass looks fat in it.” She laughed. Aunt Liv was a voluptuous woman with curves everywhere. Her ample bosom and her ‘fat ass’ where assets she was keenly aware of and used regularly to get her way.

“Ok fine,” I grumbled.

A few minutes later I heard her call my name over the partition. “Maybe you should come in here instead…”

The door opened with her standing behind it so I couldn’t see her. A bit wary, I loped over to the doorway pondering some wisecrack to have at the ready when she asked me how she looked. Of course, when she shut the door, my mind went blank. It wasn’t a swimsuit, but more like careful bits of dark green ribbon stretched over her tits and down her crotch. Though technically a one-piece, it exposed all of her creamy belly. It rode high on her waist, showing all of her thighs. As she turned, I could see the entirety of her round butt cheeks with only a dark green strip going down between. The fabric was so taut and thin on top that I could fully make out the shape of her areolas and nipples underneath.

“Well? What do you think?” She asked, pointing for me to sit on the bench as she closed the door. My mouth was still agape.

“That’s uh… pretty sexy,” I started, “but don’t you think it’s…” I trailed a bit, pondering the right words to use so as not to upset her. “That it’s a bit inappropriate for a woman your age?”

“Inappropriate?” she laughed, her bemused eyes settling on my crotch. “Is that because seeing me in this is making you hard?”

Of course I was hard. There was a beautiful, shapely woman strutting around before me. If she were any closer, it would’ve been a lap dance. Still, I sat up a bit and tried to play coy.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“What I’m talking about is the giant tent that was suddenly pitched in your shorts the moment you saw me in this,” she said, arching her back and jiggling her breasts in a playful fashion.

I resigned. “Well… That’s what you were going for wasn’t it?”

She smiled, quite satisfied with herself. Aunt Liv knew more about teasing and seduction than I could ever hope to learn. Her entire life was a trail littered with the broken hearts of men. I found myself suddenly quite jealous of whichever gentleman she was going to wear it for.

“It’s okay hun. You’re right though. I love it when I have that effect on a man,” she paused in contemplation. “You know, you’re quite the grownup yourself nowadays aren’t you? It’s high time I stopped treating you like the little boy from years ago… wouldn’t you say?”

“What do you mean?” I think I knew what she meant. I hoped so anyway, but had to ask to be sure.

She smiled at me. “What I mean is…” Her voice trailed as she moved in close, her thighs brushing up against mine. She squatted down in front of me, pressing her breasts up against my leg as she ran her hand over my pants.

“…that you should let me show you how indecent your Aunt Liv can be!”

I was very turned on by Liv’s ministrations but also in a full panic nearly crawling up the wall looking for a way to back out of this situation gracefully. I felt so conflicted and confused.

She moved her hand up my pants until she was rubbing my crotch. With her other hand she brought a single finger to her lips and looked me in the eye.

“Shhhh….It’s ok hun. Just a little rub and tug from your dear Aunt Liv,” she said with a wink. “Now let’s see what we have here.”

It felt so wrong, but I knew I wasn’t going to do anything to stop her. She didn’t seem the least bit apprehensive or even nervous, like she’d been planning this moment all along. I watched as she unbuttoned my pants and unzipped my fly.

“My my… I do believe we have a winner!” was Liv’s commentary as she fished out my manhood. Without any additional pretense, she immediately began stroking me.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/5i63ng/mf_shopping_with_auntie_liv_illustratedpublic_liv

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