“Concerns Over My First Purchase” [Fantasy, Misogyny] (X-Post /r/MaledomEmpire)

Hello, /r/sexystories. How’s it going?

This story was originally written for the creative folks over at /r/MaledomEmpire, which is an elaborate role-playing sub with strict lore and a well-developed universe. A disclaimer, before we begin: You might want to take quick gander over there *before* reading this story. Things will simply make more sense that way.

That said, here we go…


I wish I didn’t have to start this post off with a confession, but I guess there’s no other way to go about it. Don’t judge me, but: *I’ve never owned a woman before.* In high school, when all the other guys were getting their first cunts — usually as birthday gifts from their fathers — I was the odd one out. *I never even got my license to own a woman!* Well, not until a couple of weeks ago, anyway. That’s where my story starts. But first, one more confession…

To put this mildly, I grew up in a *rebellious* household — more like an FRA cult, really. It feels so surreal to be saying this publicly. I can still remember the day my mother first caught me referring to women as “cunts”. She scolded me for hours, then never spoke to me again. Later on, when I was in my teenage years, I managed to shake off their brain-washing, thanks to a circle of close friends. After reporting my mother and sister to the Empire, I began my life as a proper citizen.

But, I *still* didn’t go out and get my cunt license… Some part of me deep down still believed in my mother’s crazy bullshit. That is, until a couple of weeks ago.

I was shopping for used furniture, when I found this cunt for sale at my local Goodwill. Looked like she was in her mid-thirties. I don’t have much experience judging this sort of thing, but her pussy and asshole seemed exceptionally tight. I asked the store’s owner about her mileage and he told me she was still a virgin — must likely, anyway. Then, I started to wonder why she was only $60…

The cunt was ex-livestock, apparently. Which made a great deal of sense. I’d never seen a pair of udders as big as her’s before. They were paradoxically both full and saggy. As she lazily crawled across the store’s floor, I was hypnotized by the way her tits swung pendulously back and forth, crashing into each other with a meaty clapping sound. And her hard nipples kept making this soft, scratching sound every time they skimmed the dirty carpet below.

Never once in my life had I ever looked at a woman that way before — sorry, I meant a “cunt”. *(Old habits die hard, I guess…)* It felt like a moment of utter revelation.

Learning that she was ex-livestock also explained how she managed to get this far in life without having her holes significantly stretched out before. I figured she must have been born on that farm, maybe after one of the working-hands fucked her mother — likely, when the boss wasn’t looking for a few minutes. I’ve often heard that cunts born on such farms rarely live to never leave them.

I’m very curious by this point, so I asked the obvious follow-up question: “What happened to her? Did her tits dry up? Did her milk sour?” The old man behind the counter shrugged, said he hadn’t the faintest clue, then told me to find out for myself.

Ever since becoming a law-abiding citizen, I’ve bought my milk from the supermarket, just like everyone else. *(Sometimes I get the organic cunt milk, but that’s just a preference of mine.)* Her milk, though… It tasted unlike anything I’d ever had before.

My initial plan was to buy her, then only use her for her milk. I told myself that I wouldn’t mistreat her; *not ever, not even once.* I told myself that I’d give her a new life, one that’d make her feel content — *happy,* even. Honestly, I think I was still experiencing some guilt over what had happened to my mother and sisters. I know that sounds crazy to say, but maybe it’s true. I don’t know.

But once I got her home, everything changed for me. *I got it…* All of a sudden, it just *clicked* inside my head. I watched that cunt instinctively crawling toward my kitchen, and I noticed the way her brown bud of an asshole was winking up at me. It was mesmerizing… Something about watching her sphincter blink with every breath she took made me realize how fragile it was; it made me realize how badly I wanted to see it destroyed.

It didn’t even occur to me what I’d done until after I was already finished. Maybe the cunt wouldn’t have screamed so much if I had the common sense to use her pussy first. Turns out, fucking a thirty-something year old virgin in the ass without lube is a great way to cause them to have a mental breakdown. I never knew these cunts cried like that. I don’t think I was even aware they *could* cry before that moment, frankly. *(Again, I grew up awfully sheltered, to say the least.)* But she’s fine, now. The cunt slept it off overnight. Her asshole looks a lot looser now, but I don’t mind that. It’s sort-of a cute look, actually. It’s like she has a second set of labia now. A new pair of lips, forever puckered for my cock.

Anyway… So, that was yesterday night. This morning, I woke up and realized that I don’t really have *any* idea what I’m doing. I found the cunt huddled in the corner of my storage room, looking terrified. The expression reminded me of the look my mother would have on her face, every time the Empire raided our compound looking for her.

I’ve never had a pet before, not even the non-female kind. I guess I should make a trip to the cunt supply down the road at some point today, but I’m not even sure know what I need to buy. I guess a dish to feed her with and a leash is a good place to start, but what else am I going to need to invest in?

I know these are very rudimentary questions, but I’m the definition of *a late bloomer*. Any and all advice from Slave Trainers out there reading this would be greatly appreciated. Especially regarding common mistakes that first time owners make.


Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/5i5ll0/concerns_over_my_first_purchase_fantasy_misogyny

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