Landica Academy: Reflections [FF… M] (Domination; exhibitionism; internal conflict)

*Hey everyone, long-time lurker here, first post. Here’s a chapter of my work. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it– I’d love to hear your thoughts. More to come on [my Patreon](*

*Eleanor x*

‘Okay,’ said Julian, smiling, ‘first thing’s first. Show me your pussy.’

‘What?!’ Emma recoiled. ‘Here?’ Julian had been slowly advancing for some time. Emma only now noticed how close the two of them had been.

‘You want me to help you and you won’t even get naked?’ Julian scoffed. ‘I don’t get it. Why did you even sign up to come here?’

Emma didn’t want to talk about it. Quickly weighing her options, she looked around, then lifted her robe and started to slide her underwear down her legs. The two of them were stood opposite each other in the short corridor that connected their common room to the kitchen. It was late; the chances, Emma figured, of anyone coming through were small. That didn’t mean it couldn’t happen, though, and she felt exposed even in front of one person.

With her panties around her ankles, Emma again bunched up her robe. It was clear to Julian that Emma wanted to be quick.

‘I can’t see anything.’ Julian said blankly.

‘What do you mean?’ Emma looked from left to right.

‘I can’t see your pussy, Emma.’ Julian’s tone became frustrated. ‘This–’ she poked her in the pubic bone, causing her to jump, ‘isn’t your pussy!’ Emma didn’t reply. Julian sounded as though she was mocking her now. ‘And I’m not giving you biology lessons.’ Julian looked Emma in the eye for a moment.

‘Come on, be real.’ She added. Emma’s reluctance was turning her on.

Emma hadn’t given much thought to what she might expect when she approached Julian. All she’d been concerned with was how much she’d been struggling with everything since enrolment. She’d felt nervous at the prospect of approaching an instructor and admitting that she was having difficulties, and so the solution, she’d concluded, was to go straight to the best student in her year. Now that she was here, though, she wondered if she’d made the right choice.

‘Would the instructors have been easier on me?’ She wondered, but her thoughts were interrupted as Julian grabbed her head and kissed her passionately, forcing her back against the wall and pressing up against her. Emma dropped her robe and struggled at first, but Julian’s kiss was enthralling. Emma moved her hips instinctively and found Julian’s leg up against her crotch. Julian backed off quickly and smiled.

‘Show me your pussy,’ she demanded again. Emma, her rationale quieted by arousal, decided to give in. She unzipped her robe, stepped one leg out of her panties and stood wide, sliding her back down the wall and thrusting her pelvis out slightly. Looking down at herself, she could see her labia parting just slightly. Julian dropped to the floor, and Emma felt exposed as her young peer came in close.

‘Emma! You have the prettiest little cunt!’ Julian shouted. Emma hushed her but she didn’t pay any attention.

‘I’ve seen a lot of girls since we got here but wow, you’re perfect.’ Julian wanted to use her mouth right away, but decided to play with Emma instead.

‘Is it tight?’ She asked loudly, smiling up at Emma.

‘I…’ Emma was checking both ways frantically. ‘I don’t know!’

‘What do you mean you don’t know? You mean you’ve never fucked yourself?’ Emma felt sure by now that if anyone was either side of these doors they’d be hearing what Julian was saying.

‘I…’ Emma looked down at Julian, confused and seemingly unable to think straight. Julian couldn’t help but abandon her ideas of teasing Emma. She went straight at her, clamping her mouth around her clitoris and spreading her vagina with both hands. Emma sounded alarmed but was immediately grinding her hips against Julian’s mouth. Emma wasn’t too wet, but Julian wanted to find out just how tight she was. Julian released all the saliva she had and, gathering it up with her fingers, moved it down to Emma’s vagina. Two fingers, one from each hand, slipped easily into her, but Julian had been right– Emma was tight. Maybe even a virgin. Emma slid further down the wall into Julian, who rubbed her face all over her and then moved away.

‘Stay just like that,’ Julian demanded, ‘you look amazing.’ Her entire face was soaking wet; her chin dripped as she spoke. Emma was almost horizontal against the wall, her hips thrust out hard. She was breathing heavily, and her thoughts of caution were now much quieter. That was, until Julian grabbed her by the hand and tugged her toward the common room.

Emma barely had time to consider whether or not there might be other students present before she was shoved through the door. Julian held onto Emma’s robe in such a way that it slipped right off of her arms as she stumbled forward. Emma now stood well into the room wearing nothing but her bra, but was relieved to find the room empty. Julian followed her in, and Emma noticed that she was empty-handed. She must have discarded the robe in the corridor.

‘Isn’t it a rush: knowing that anyone could walk in here right now and see you like that?’ Julian unzipped her own robe now, revealing herself to be wearing nothing underneath. Emma hadn’t described herself as lesbian or even curious before she’d arrived at the academy, but she felt a tangible desire toward Julian now. In a way she was glad: she’d known before enrolling that sex with girls was going to be inevitable, and so she welcomed the notion that she might be able to enjoy it. Still, Emma’s thoughts danced back and forth between arousal and concern.

Julian bounded over to the far wall and grabbed a mirror that had rested near the fireplace. Emma wondered what Julian could have planned, then watched her place it down in the middle of the room and straddle it, finally ditching her robe completely.

‘Have you ever done this?’ Julian was speaking loudly again. ‘Come on!’ Emma was trying to let go of her inhibitions, to be more like Julian. But as much as she tried to convince herself her intuition was still guarding her. And so she decided she was going to have to live with the inner conflict.

‘This is how it’s going to be… This is how it’s going to feel,’ she told herself as she continued to deal with the strange mix of emotions. She moved quietly over to the mirror and knelt down opposite Julian, who immediately moved in as close as she could, forcing Emma’s knees apart.

‘Oh wow…’ Julian purred, ‘don’t we look beautiful?’ She was spreading herself wide and working her pelvic floor so that her vagina contracted inward and out. Emma found herself becoming more excited as she settled in, and hoped that if she got into it Julian wouldn’t shout so much. She looked down and saw her own face, flushed and bewildered, then grabbed at her crotch anyway, following Julian’s lead.

‘Yes,’ Julian smiled, grabbing Emma’s chin and looking her in the eyes. ‘You with me now?’ Emma nodded.

‘Spit.’ Julian held out her hand. Emma leant forward and did as she was asked. ‘More.’ Julian beckoned. When she had what she felt was enough she slapped her hand into Emma’s spread pussy and rubbed back and forth aggressively. The sound filled the room. Emma struggled to stay silent herself– it felt good. Emma started to grind against Julian’s hand, which eventually was taken back to her own mouth for more lubrication. This time Julian supplied herself, and immediately started pounding her fingers into her vagina.

‘Emma, I wanna see what you look like when you cum.’ Julian panted. The two of them continued to work hard, their attention shifting frantically between one another, themselves and the mirror. Juices started to collect beneath them, and as they ground their hips they moved even closer together. Emma now felt a strong desire toward Julian and reached out to grab her thigh, digging her nails in as she came closer and closer to orgasm.

Other students had started to peek into the room but it was too late for Emma to care. What would she have done anyway? She knew that she was in this now, and that if she truly wanted Julian’s help it was going to mean showing everyone– not just her year group– both her body and her most intimate behaviours from now on. If there was any shame to be felt, it would come after.

‘Hey–’ Julian managed to address the onlookers through heavy breaths– ‘like… what you… see?’ She smiled wide, looking around the room, and then back to Emma, who was still working just as hard as she was. Some of the other students seemed shocked. Others were clearly turned on.

‘I’m gonna cum Emma–’ Julian announced. Emma looked up and nodded, her eyes watering, her expression pained. ‘Emma… make sure you–’ Their tempo picked up even further and Julian reached deep inside of herself now, using the strength of her whole arm to stimulate her G-spot. This was enough for Emma: seeing Julian going so hard on herself, feeling her movements right up against her, brought her orgasm on hard. She started to shake violently and then buckled, almost falling into Julian, who now ripped her own hand away from her body and ejaculated hard into Emma. The two found themselves soaked instantly.

The taste brought with it a new arousal for Emma who, still cumming, found her hand automatically starting to work again. Julian had thrust her hips into the air as she pumped out the last of her juices over Emma’s chest. Emma’s bra was now hanging off of her, exposing her small, shining wet breasts. Julian slammed back down onto the mirror, her ass cheeks causing a little splash. Emma slumped into her and they slid backwards slightly. Julian came to and looked down to see Emma still fingering herself at quite a pace.

‘Look at this,’ Julian announced, grabbing Emma by the thighs and swinging her around, spreading her wide open for everyone to see. Emma didn’t stop masturbating.

‘Go faster,’ Julian whispered in Emma’s ear. The closeness of her breath was another source of pleasure for Emma, who lifted her hips as she picked up her tempo. She felt Julian’s juices dripping from her buttocks, which reminded her that she herself was still soaked from head to toe. She became aware again of the taste of Julian’s cum in her mouth. Her few spectators, she saw, had come quite close. They looked at her with curiosity and desire on their faces.

‘Do you want to touch me?’ She asked, interrupting the sound of her fingers that moved in and out of her. The other students looked at one another hesitantly.

‘Come on,’ Julian beckoned. ‘Niall, come and touch her. She’s completely naked. Totally dazed. She’ll cum again before too long.’ Just hearing Julian’s words took Emma closer. She began to grind her hips harder now, splashing lightly down onto the mirror every now and then. Niall was one of the youngest students in the entire academy and as such had struggled to find experience since arriving. He hadn’t, in fact, had any female contact at all. Julian intimidated him greatly, but Emma he had spoken to a number of times. Emma was more on his level he’d thought, at least until now. He moved closer, not taking his eyes off of her, and knelt beside her. She looked back at him, seeming to reach out to him not with her hands but with her whole body. Both her hands, as it was, were working fast on her genitals. Niall looked up and down his classmate’s glistening body. Her breasts were shaking along with the work of her arms and hips. Niall grabbed them, and found the sensation to be even better than he’d imagined it. They felt as good as they looked: a perfect example of young feminine form. They slipped in and out of his grip as Emma continued to writhe around. She was clearly turned on by his touch, moving even faster now.

‘I’m cumming again!’ Emma’s own voice was loud now, not that she noticed. Her hips started bucking as she tried to get as much of her hand inside of her as possible. She clamped down around her fingers and continued to rub her clitoris. Niall now started to explore other parts of her body, his hands slipping around and grabbing at whatever they could. Emma finally took herself over the edge, and made a grab of her own for Niall’s hand, bringing it down to her pussy and pressing it against herself as hard as she could. He felt warm wetness being squeezed out of her as her vagina convulsed against his palm. Julian couldn’t help but grab Emma’s head and engage her so passionately that the two of them struggled for breath between licks and kisses. Niall, overwhelmed by his experience, found himself in orgasm too, though he managed to hide it well. Contrary to what tended to happen after he masturbated– loss of interest– Niall found that his desire became stronger.

‘How far are we going to go?’ He wondered. Emma’s pussy was still in spasm, and seemed to be grabbing at his hand. Keen to please her, he curled his fingers and found them immediately inside of her. Emma’s muffled cry conveyed pleasure, and so he continued his first exploration of the female anatomy. He couldn’t believe how strongly Emma was able to grip his fingers, but he tried to work with her movements like he’d heard about in class.

Before long Niall was helping Emma to work toward her third orgasm, and Julian now stood upright above them, pleasuring herself. Of the remaining spectators two girls had found their way onto a small sofa and were fondling themselves lightly. Emma found that Julian, who seemed to be wasting no time in building another orgasm in herself. filled the whole of her vision. Emma thought her new friend looked as though she knew exactly how to get herself off. Her legs were slightly apart, knees bent outwards. She hunched over to get what looked like the perfect angle on her pussy, and her hands moved as though well-rehearsed. It wasn’t long before Julian let out a cry, along with at least as much cum as before. Emma was soaked again, and this time she made more of an effort to taste Julian’s juices, even swallowing quite a volume. Julian bent down and kissed Emma again, then slurped up some of her juices from her classmate’s face. Niall, feeling inspired, introduced a third finger into Emma and began pounding her using the full strength of his arm. He couldn’t take his eyes off of Julian, who was still bent over with her back to him.

Deciding he wanted to take this further, Niall took his other hand and unzipped his robe. Julian looked back at him through her legs and smiled. The look on her face caused Niall’s cock to twitch, and she saw that it was already poking out the top of his underwear. She went straight for it, clamping her mouth around it’s tip and tugging at Niall’s boxers so as to reveal more.

‘You came already!’ Julian laughed, playfully flicking her tongue around. Niall smiled nervously. ‘Don’t worry, I’d’a cum too if I were you.’ Julian looked down then and took him into her throat, causing him to groan in pleasure. Niall became aware that he’d stopped working on Emma when she grabbed his hand and started grinding against it, and so he struggled to regain his focus.

The three of them, with their audience of two, had been going on for some time when Niall, two orgasms later, took himself away from the girls and slumped down in an armchair. He knew he would be dirtying it with Julian’s juices, but he didn’t care at this point. He was exhausted, and watching his two lovers continue to play with each other softly he felt his desire finally subside.

‘What a way to lose my virginity,’ he thought, ‘coming here was a good idea after all.’ He considered that classes were going to be somewhat easier from now on.

‘Wait,’ Julian said as Emma started to get up from the mirror, ‘I wanna cum just one more time.’ Emma looked back at her and smiled, turning and opening her legs. Julian’s eyes widened as she looked her new friend up and down. ‘You’re a mess!’ She said playfully, then hopped onto her feet and tried not to slip.

‘Okay girls,’ Julian looked over toward her audience, who had hiked their robes up so that their own genitals were exposed now, ‘how quickly do you think I can orgasm?’

‘Hmm,’ one of them considered, ‘I give you one minute!’

Wasting no time, Julian grabbed Emma’s head and pulled it into her hard. She started grinding her hips furiously, taking the scene right back to where it had been at it’s peak. Emma thought she might suffocate. Julian didn’t seem to be concerned with using Emma’s mouth but rather was grinding her pussy into her entire face. Eventually, though, Emma managed to clamp her mouth around Julian’s clitoris, and got four fingers into her. She matched the tempo of Julian’s hips, and it wasn’t even thirty seconds before Julian erupted again, soaking Emma from head to toe one more time. Emma drank more than she had previously, taking gulp after gulp and yet still finding there was enough to flow out of her mouth and down her body.

‘How’s that?’ Julian asked her challenger, who simply looked on, impressed, continuing to play with herself. Julian bent down and kissed Emma hard, more of her juices spilling from her own chin as she came back upright.

‘Emma, you fucking slut,’ she said, holding out a hand and then helping Emma to her feet, ‘you’ve been drinking my cum all night! Look at us.’ The two of them peered into the mirror beneath them. Julian moved behind Emma and rung out her hair. Emma was in a daze.

‘Hey, wait right there.’ Julian looked around the room for her robe, which she grabbed and patted for her phone. She wiped her hands dry and then opened her camera, coming back and putting her arm around Emma to grab a breast.

‘Smile!’ She chirped. Emma could barely register what was happening as fatigue took hold of her.
