[MF] In The Tutelage Of Ms. Kline – [Illustrated][Male Training] – Young Kevin is summoned to the estate of Ms. Kline for a summer of hard labor. Little does he know what she really has in store for him…

The first time Kevin saw Ms. Kline was when she walked up to his parents after church and introduced herself. She was dressed more appropriately for a cocktail party than a Sunday sermon. All legs and black nylons, Ms. Kline wore a matching black skirt that went just barely past her knees. Her black flats seemed conservative enough, but the dark bustier visible through her sheer blouse brought the whole ensemble into question again. The giant wide brimmed hat was very churchy. The tight hair bun and deep red lipstick was more ‘Addicted to Love’ than ‘Praise Jesus’.

Kevin guessed she was in her late forties, maybe even early fifties. She was so lean and well put together, it was hard to tell. Whatever the contradictions of her dress, she easily projected an air of importance.

Kevin’s parents ate it up, almost bowing when she introduced herself. The pleasantries she exchanged were mild enough. She was matronly, knowledgeable and commanding. Eventually, the conversation turned to him. He groaned when his mother brought up the ‘dilemma’ of his unemployment. Certainly, Ms. Kline would have a cornucopia of opportunities perched at the tip of her lips.

“Why don’t you have him come work for me?”

“Oh no, we couldn’t. We don’t want to put you out,” his mother protested.

“Oh think nothing of it! I recently had to let some help go and I’m in need of a strong man to help out with some physical labor around the house. I’ll warn you though, I have very exacting standards for anyone who works for me. Your son would be treated no differently.”

His mother’s eyes lit up. He was doomed. “Oh that sounds just like what our Kevin needs!”

Monday morning came and his mother was sure to get him out of bed early. He protested of course, but she would not be denied. After all, Ms. Kline was a lady of importance and it would reflect poorly if he didn’t meet his obligations on time. He was ushered impatiently out the door to make his odyssey up towards the hillside estate of Ms. Kline.

He arrived at the gate and pressed the button.

“Kevin?” came the sharp, business-like voice of Ms. Kline.

“Yes ma’am,” he replied promptly.

“You’re on time. Come up to the house, let yourself in, climb the stairs, and enter the doorway directly across to your left. Understand?

“Yes ma’am,” he replied again.

“Good.” [click]

The gate clanked and rolled laboriously aside. Kevin huffed an exasperated breath and began his journey up to the house. He did as instructed; entered the mansion, ascended the stairs, and made his way to the doorway on the left.

Inside, Steve found Ms. Kline, sitting on the bed dressed like she was preparing to go out for the night rather than oversee garden labor. She wore high heels and a mini skirt with a laced up bodice that accentuated her long, taut curves.

“Kevin. Thank you for coming. Please,” she gestured to the couch across from the bed. “Sit.”

She sounded polite enough, but he dared not disobey. He quickly made his way over, slipping past her crossed legs to sit upright on the couch.

“It’s okay,” she smiled, crossing her legs in front of him again. “You can relax.”

Steven tried his best, leaning back on the couch. It was deeper than he anticipated. He felt rather prone before her.

“I know your parents sent you here so I could work you on the property and perhaps… teach you some manners,” she chuckled, leaning back a bit while slowly sliding her legs together. “…but I must admit I have my own reasons for summoning you.” She arched her back, stretching the laces of the bodice that was attempting to contain her ample bosom.

She paused, her eyes appraising him and gauging his reaction. Consciously, he felt violated but physically his body was responding to her subtle, sensual movements. She smiled as they both witnessed the growing bulge in his pants. He was mortified, wanting to cover himself with his hands but knowing he would look even more foolish in doing so.

She addressed it directly. “Don’t be ashamed about that,” she said, eyeing his crotch. “That’s exactly the reaction I was hoping for.”

Steven watched her intently as her eyes strayed up from his crotch slowly to make contact with his. “Take your shirt off.”

“Whhaaa…?” he stuttered.

“Take it off,” she commanded. “Now please.”

Steven wasn’t sure what the hell he was getting into, but he immediately complied. He sat there, shirtless with a bulging crotch and watched as Ms. Kline leaned up onto her left arm and began pulling the laces free of her bodice.

“I see that I arouse you. That’s good. I have fabulous tits. You’d love to see them, yes?”

Steven nodded, dumbly.

“Mmmm, good,” she murmured as she pulled a flap free, exposing her firm, shapely right breast. She switched arms and similarly freed her left breast. Ms. Kline then leaned forward and cupped them both before rubbing each nipple between her thumb and forefinger.

“Fabulous indeed, yes?”

Steven in total awe and consternation at the scene unfolding before him, again nodded dumbly.

“Yes, ma’am.” she corrected.

“Y… yes, uh… Yes ma’am!”

“Good.” She made a show of rubbing her long legs together before kicking off each of her high heels. She then slid off the bed and onto her knees before him. Her hands quickly ran up his legs, sending a shiver up his spine and reverberating goose pimples along his flesh.

“You see, I was hoping to use you for quite a different purpose.” Her hand moved abruptly to rubbing his crotch. “I think you have some… assets, and some potential that I could shape into a very lucrative summer job for you.”

Her touch was electric. Kevin felt himself immediately go from mostly erect to the hardest he’s ever been.

“You’re interested in learning how you can easily earn lots of money this summer, yes? Say, enough to pay for college?”

Steven stuttered again. He was excited and petrified at the same time. He knew he wanted to say yes to her but was deathly afraid of what she had in mind.

“Yes ma’am,” he replied.

“Mmmm… I see we have an understanding. Good. First things first. Let’s get these pants off.”

She leaned back and waited for him to comply. She offered no assistance. Steven stood up and quickly fumbled his jeans and boxers down before returning to his prone position on the couch. His manhood flopped around like an enraged, frothy bull.

Ms. Kline smiled as she looked it over before quickly taking it up in her right hand. “Ah, this will do nicely.”

Kevin tried to contain his squirming as she listed off a litany analytical terms regarding his phallus.

“Good length. Nice and thick. Very hard – always good. Ample lubrication. Not monstrous, which is good. That leaves anal as an option.” She squeezed it rather hard before loosening her grip and jerking it forcefully several times.

“You have a lovely cock Kevin. I’m impressed. So, let’s give you a little audition so I know how much work I’ll have to do to prepare you for my clients.”

“Clients, ma’am?” Kevin asked, momentarily pulling himself from his blissful stupor.

Ms. Kline continued to manhandle him, applying various pressures and tugging him in all directions. “Indeed. A person of your talents, if properly trained, can be a very valuable asset in certain… important negotiations. If things went well, I would reward you handsomely for assisting me.”

Kevin tried to imagine what scenarios she could be talking about. It was exciting and terrifying at the same time. She began jerking him furiously almost daring him to cum. He wanted to resist, but his body was entirely enthralled by her possessive touch. His hips bucked as his penis convulsed, spitting his seed lazily over her still pumping fist.

“Mmmm….” he murmured quiety, trying to stifle an outright moan.

She smiled knowingly, as if the outcome had been inevitable. “Aww baby… Did I excite you too much? I wasn’t certain, but this really is your first time isn’t it?”

Kevin nodded meekly before remembering to add a faint, “Yes ma’am.”

Ms. Kline reached behind a couch pillow and produced a towel which was apparently staged for just such an occasion. She made a hasty effort of wiping him down; just enough to sop up the biggest globules before tossing it aside. The last little bit on her fingers went nonchalantly into her mouth as if it was a rivulet of chocolate. Once she had licked them clean, her wet fingers quickly wrapped around his girth again and began stroking.

“Don’t worry. We can work on that, but first I need you to stay hard for me for a little bit longer, okay?”

Kevin didn’t think he’d have much trouble complying with this request. He was still as physically excited as he’d ever been.

“Yes, ma’am.”

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/5haogt/mf_in_the_tutelage_of_ms_kline_illustratedmale

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