Someone suggested I x-post here: We did it! During a layover with a new friend. Where can I collect my hotwi[f]e merit badge? :) [story inside]

Hopefully this doesn’t come across as a humblebrag – not our intention. I thought this might be useful for anyone in a similar spot, or anyone who is curious to hear a newcomers first time from the wife’s point-of-view.

After talking about it with my husband for almost a year we finally made it happen! It was actually a really great experience, and while I was afraid I might regret it a little or have second thoughts, it ended up being a ton of fun!

Some quick background. My husband and I are both 26 and started dating at 17. Neither of us has had a ton of partners before of our relationship, which we both regret to some degree, although it took us a long time to admit it. Don’t get me wrong, we love each other to death, I think we both just wished we had a little more “sexual exploration”. That got us talking about swinging / hotwifing – which we didn’t have a term for at the time – and eventually we were passively interested in trying it out, but were generally too busy or intimidated to actually do it.

So, my job took me to Boston for a week of work on the other side of the country from where we live (San Francisco area). It’s always hard to be apart, and while we managed to chat and get intimate over FaceTime, it’s not exactly the same. By the end of the week we were both pretty horny and looking forward to being reunited.

On the way back, I got stalled at Denver when the next leg of my trip had a 3.5 hour delay due to fog at SFO (Really. Fog. You’d think SFO would know how to handle that but no.). After about an hour of waiting, my mind had started to wander, and I was remembering a post I read on r/sex about how setting a 1 mile radius on Tinder was a really good way to hook up at airports. Feeling a bit bored and brave, and wrapped in the relative safety of being in a public place away from home, I ended up creating an account and swiping through matches. It was actually really impressive all the people who were nearby (<1 mile I guess?). I didn’t put on my bio that I was married, since I was just curious and exploring. I wondered how many other people were doing the same.

I had a couple of matches (!), but the only guy I chatted with was this guy named Jake. He was cute, kinda tall, early 30s, and was headed from Seattle to Florida to spend some time with his cousins. We only really chatted about little things – what’re you into, plans for the weekend, etc. – which was nice. I guess I was expecting more of a “hurr durr look at my dick” sorta crowd. It felt very low-pressure and safe.

After chatting for a little bit, he asked what terminal I was at. This was the first time I started to get nervous, since I hadn’t really anticipated meeting and talking to anyone! I stalled a little bit and cleaned up in the bathroom a little, then told him where I was, and asked if he wanted to grab a bite. A few minutes later, he walked up and asked “Are you Emily?” and we introduced ourselves and found a bar to sit at. I was up front that I’d never met anyone like this before, which he said was cute and endearing. We hung out for a little bit before paying and sitting at the terminal next door. [There’s some flirty details here that I’m leaving out in the sake of brevity.]

The airport was pretty dead (it was about 10pm) so we had plenty of space to put our things down and not worry about eavesdroppers. We chatted and flirted for a while, and I remember thinking to myself “You haven’t dated in years! This is going pretty well!” which is kinda funny looking back on it. He told me how he got out of a relationship not too long ago, and feeling guilty, I admitted that I was married, and apologized if that meant I was wasting his time. To my relief, he said that he knew, and started teasing me about wearing my wedding ring (oops!). Ahhh, I was pretty embarrassed…

We started talking about my marriage, and how the two of us were both interested in trying to “open things up” but didn’t really know where to start. “Do you want to kiss me?” he said, and when I gave him a puzzled look he added “Well, that’s a way to get started, right? Have you ever kissed anyone since you’ve been married?” When I admitted no, he scooted a little closer and said “Ok, I’m going to kiss you.” and did it – wow! My heart was racing, but it actually felt really good having broken the touch barrier. I knew he was interested in me and ok with my situation, and he knew I was interested in him.

Honestly, it was a great feeling – kinda reminded me of kissing your crush in middle school, I had butterflies in my stomach and everything! We cuddled a little bit, and I texted my husband to let him know what was happening.

– Me: “There’s a guy flirting with me at the airport!”
– Me: “What do you think?”
– Husband: “Awesome!”
– Husband: “Are you asking permission for something?”
– Me: “I dunno!”
– Husband: “If you are, you should go for it! Just be safe. Let me know how it goes.”
– Me: “Are you sure??”
– Husband: “:)”

He’s the greatest.

“That was fun” I told Jake, and we kissed again. He put his hand on my leg. We continued to chat and flirt, but I’ll skip to the exciting part:

– Me: “Can I be honest?”
– Jake: “Sure”

I put my arms around me and he did the same, we were kinda whispering into each other’s ear.

– Me: “I kinda want to sleep with you, but I have no idea how to do that?”
– Jake: “What do you mean?”
– Me: “I’ve never done this before…”
– Jake: “I haven’t either, if it makes you feel better.”
– Me: “Would you want to see what I look like naked?” (My sexy talk could use some work.)
– Jake: “Yes.”

– Jake: “Do you shave?”
– Me: “Yes…”
– Jake: “When was the last time you had sex?”
– Me: “About a week ago. You?”
– Jake: “A month or two ago.”
– Me: “Oh! You must miss it?”
– Jake: “Definitely.”

– Jake: “There’s a mothers’ room over there a ways. If it’s private, would you want to join me in there?”
– Me (feeling really nervous at this point!): “Yea. Sure, I’ve love to.” :)

We smiled at each other, and he picked up his things and walked over to the door. He knocked a couple of times, and looked both directions before walking in. A minute later, I did the same. When I walked in, his hands wrapped around my hips and we started to kiss. A bit deeper than the last time. And things took off from there. We had a ton of fun, but this post is already waaaay longer than I intended.

If people are interested, I’d be happy to share any details or answer any questions. Hopefully this was a fun read and inspired somebody on the fence to give it a shot! We’d recommend it. :)



  1. I think it needs a part 2, you can’t stop a story at the best bit! And when I am super hard.

  2. Not enough details here – we’d like to read more. What *exactly* happened inside that mothers’ room?

    You have an excellent writing style! Please don’t be stingy with your words. There’s plenty of room on the Internet for you to share your debauchery.

  3. Wonderful story. Cute, believable, exciting. And yes: a second part would definitely complete this!

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