How it started with my ex Part 1 [MF]

So I met my ex, let’s call her Chloe, back in 2006. I was super into her and we quickly became best friends. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I was put into the friend zone. I asked her out 3 times and each time she said “she didn’t want to ruin our friendship.” Eventually, in 2010, she decided to give me a chance. It started off great. We even got engaged but we eventually ended in 5 years later. I stayed away from her for a while to clear my head and all and then she got another boyfriend. They ended up breaking this summer.

The Start:
I’m a pretty liberal person when it comes to sex. For me, if it feels good and it doesn’t hurt then it can’t be wrong. It is like smoking weed. It’s a “victimless crime”. She, on the other hand, doesn’t think that way. She told me before any of this happened, and a few times since, that she would “never EVER have sex outside of a committed relationship.”

Nonetheless, the next time I saw her, I kissed her on the lips. Just a quick peck. She didn’t say anything. I don’t exactly recall how it started but whenever I would come over, she would cuddle up to me while we watched Netflix. Nothing overly sexual but typical head on chest, maybe a leg thrown over. I would also get in a kiss or two every time. Again, they were just pecks though.

One time, I was home watching some football and she calls me up. You see, her family is very poor and my family is really well off. She asked me if I was willing to buy her some health food. She had already picked the food out on a website but couldn’t afford to purchase it. I of course agreed since I’m a pretty nice person. I always found her attractive and as a guy who has been single since we broke up, I was hoping to get something out of it. I texted her saying, “so what do I get for ordering this for you? :p” I was mainly joking not even expecting a result but she said “I can give u a kiss.” “long kiss?” I asked. She said “Sure if that’s what you want” with a kissy face.

It was cool. Next time I went over, we kind of made out a bit. Nothing over the top but omg, her lips are so soft! The next few times I went over, we also made out a bit. We started cuddling even closer, making out some more. She would tell me how much fun it is to make out with me. I even put my hand on her breast while watching Netflix and she seemed fine with it. I think she felt like we were getting carried away so a few weeks ago when I went over, she was very reserved. Would barely kiss me. I even asked for a kiss before I left and she said no. I went home kind of upset but she texted me later that day saying “I should have given you that kiss.” Then the next time I went over, she was all over me. I asked her what was up since she didn’t seem into it last time and she said “she is moody”. We were making out and cuddling.

We went into her bathroom to smoke some weed since she was expecting maintenance to come over so we had to hide the smell. When the door was closed, we started making out but a lot harder than before. She was all over me. We were grinding. She felt up my cock through my pants. She showed me her breasts. I played with them and even sucked on them a bit. She was telling me how horny and wet she was. Eventually, she made me stop because she was getting too horny. I understood so I backed off. We smoked, I hung out for another half hour or so and then left.

On Tuesday, she calls me again and asks if I could buy her some more food and if I have any weed I could give her. Without me even saying anything, she said that she has a way to pay me back that she thinks I would like. I was going to buy her the food and give her some weed anyway so I said sure. I go over that night. I was there for about 2-3 hours. We were making out ¾ of the time. I would be on top of her and she would grind against my leg. I rubbed her pussy over her yoga pants. She would grab my hand and put it on her breasts. She let me lift her shirt and play with her breasts. I went down and kissed and sucked on them some more. I kissed her neck and I’m pretty sure she gave me a small hickey. She would tell me to stop since she was getting too horny but 5 minutes later, she would be all over me again. This happened a few times.

When she told me how wet she was, I asked if I could feel. She told me no. I asked if I could see. She put her hand down her pants, and when she pulled them out, they were really wet! I slowly took each finger and licked her juices off. Her face while I was doing that was pure bliss. She eventually told me what she wanted to give me for the food. She said that she is not sure when since her mom is usually home but that she wants to give me a blowjob. She almost did it then but she said she wanted to take her time and it was too risky. We eventually decided that I will come over on Saturday when her mom is at work and she will give me a blowjob then. She did spend about 30 minutes rubbing me through my jeans though.

She wouldn’t let me see her pussy but she said I can see it on Saturday. Considering I was rubbing her through her yoga pants, I don’t think it will be too far of a stretch to at least get to finger her. I generally have a hard time cumming from a blowjob so it might even go further though I’m trying not to get my hopes up. Plus, I haven’t cum since last Saturday so I doubt it will be too hard to get me off.

Anyway, that is where I am at. I’m planning on going there Saturday around noon. I know this probably wasn’t the hottest story on here but I wanted to document this part before Saturday. I’ll make sure to update afterwards… If there is any interest.

TL;DR: I slowly started getting more “intimate” with my ex who said she would never EVER have sex outside of a committed relationship. I’m going over Saturday for a blowjob.


1 comment

  1. Dude, she’s just using you for your money! If she really wanted to give it up to you, she’d have done it by now.

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