Princess and her businessman

His phone vibrated just as he pulled into the driveway. He opened it to reveal a text.
“Come find me. ;)”
He locked the device and climbed out of his car. His lips formed a smile as he opened the front door. He scoured the house top to bottom, looking in each of her usual hiding spots. First, he checked the hall closet, hanging up his coat as he did so. Then he looked in each bedroom and the bathrooms, calling her name as he went, although he knew she wouldn’t answer. Finally, he made his way to her office door, and turned the knob.
There she was, the love of his life, his tiny firecracker wife. Their eyes met and his breath caught in his throat. He took in the sight before him. She was perched delicately on the corner of her unusually barren mahogany desk, long auburn hair cascading down her back. Her coal black business skirt rode up on her creamy thighs. The sheer black stockings with red lace hugged her legs, and exposed a bare inch of skin just above her knees. She tapped the heel of her dainty foot repetitively against the desk, and smirked at her man.
“Took ya long enough.”
He laughed softly and loosened his silk tie, shedding the stress of his day as it fell. His other garments were discarded without thought, as he moved closer to her. He stood before her, bare apart from his favorite plaid boxers.
Her chocolate eyes seared his skin as they traveled over him. She quickly, yet thoroughly, took in each of her lover’s assets. He was at least a head taller than her five foot frame, and the bulk of him made her feel safe. His curly brown hair begged to be tousled. She absentmindedly licked her cherry red lips.
His blue eyes pierced her as he watched her study him. She looked up into the gray-blue storm of his eyes and remembered why she’d fallen for him. His brooding intelligence, warm embrace, and gorgeous eyes had captivated her. His ability to make her laugh, however, had won her heart.
He finally reached her, leaning down to cup her tiny chin in his large hand.
“I missed you,” he breathed into her ear.
She leaned in against his solid frame.
He kissed her gently and unhurriedly, parting her legs to fit himself between them. Her skirt was shoved up to her waist as his fingers deftly undid the buttons of her blouse. Her fingers wound their way into his hair, tugging gently on the spirals.
He cupped her ass and dug in his fingers. She moaned into his kiss, leaning back slightly to give him access to her neck. He took the hint, planting small kisses down her throat to the thin skin just below her collarbone, where he roughly bit down.
She sucked in a shallow breath and moaned his name, digging her unpolished nails into his exposed back. He removed her bra slowly, savoring the way his fingertips tingled as they slid over her smooth skin. He bent to kiss each nipple softly, and suckle just enough to force a small whimper from her lips.
He picked up her hand and kissed each finger once, then pulled her to her feet.
She could feel her muscles tense as his hands explored her, and the heat pooling between her legs. He pulled back from her embrace, crossing his eyes and sticking out his tongue at her. Leave it to him to turn a passionate moment into a silly one.
She giggled, weaving her fingers into his. He pulled her to the window sill.
“Say it.” He growled into her ear.
“Say what?” She playfully avoided his question, batting her eyelashes.
He jerked her remaining clothing from her body and pushed her small frame against the frigid bay window. Her nipples hardened into tight little beads, and her breath escaped in a rush.
His hand wound into her copper hair and he pulled her head back sharply.
“Don’t make me tell you again.”
“I want them to see me. I want the neighbors to watch you fuck me.” She whispered, face glowing crimson.
He slid a finger into her wetness, and she pressed her ass against him. He brought the finger coated in her honey up to her lips.
“Suck,” he commanded.
She licked tentatively, then did as she was told, tasting herself for the first time in weeks. He spun her around to face him, and pulled her back to the desk, laying her down and pulling her close to the edge. He parted her knees and sat in the desk chair, positioning himself between her legs.
He dipped a finger slowly in and out of her entrance, and kissed the inside of her thigh lightly. He licked and sucked the soft flesh until she was panting, then bit down slowly but firmly. He kissed the fresh bruise and moved on to her center, blowing lightly on the moist folds. He knew exactly where to stroke with his tongue to keep her on edge until he was ready for her release. When he finally allowed it, her orgasm crashed through her body, and she screamed and clutched his hair.
He chuckled softly to himself, and glanced down at his erection, pulling it out of his boxers.
He pulled her off the desk and onto his lap, impaling her with excruciating slowness. He lifted her suddenly off of him, and to her feet, and her lower lip stuck out in a pout he knew all too well.
“Back to the window, Princess.”
She scurried over and put her hands on the glass to brace herself, spreading her legs for him. He reached around to her waist and adjusted her posture, pulling her backwards slightly and forcing her upper body forward. He slid back into her gently, grunting his pleasure. He thrust in with the speed of a man who has all the time in the world to make love to is wife.
She squirmed against him, trying to force him to move faster, but he pulled her hair roughly in warning and she stilled. He captured one breast in his hand, massaging gently as he sped up slightly. She moaned her pleasure, as he knew she would. She sped up, growing rougher with each thrust into her warmth.
He looked out the window at the neighbor’s house and noticed their teenage son watching from his window. He smiled to himself, and bellowed as his seed spilled into her.
Her climax washed over her, her walls tightening rhythmically, and she collapsed against him, spent.
He turned her to face him and kissed her softly on the nose.
He took her to their bed, removed the stockings and dressed her in her favorite of his t-shirts. He tucked her in, cuddling her already sleepy form. She curled around him, and quickly drifted off, her slim fingers tangled in his hair.
