All the power, part 5 [fantasy] [Mdom]

Dawn had not yet broken over the Sacred Estate as the boats pulled up to up to the piers. Tetenia sat, naked, cramped in with over 100 other concubines, looking out a small window at the water. She still had much penance to do, months of it, probably more, but for today she was happy to be off her knees. It was the day of the Changing of the Term.

For thirty days per year, each of the forty-eight Subject Kingdoms and twelve Imperial Provinces must send twelve individuals to perform the Term of Sacred Service. These individuals must be distinguished or highborn, or preferably both. During the Term, they would act as His Supremacy’s personal servants – running errands, fetching concubines, and performing other tasks. They were usually referred to as term servants.

His Supremacy had sixty term servants at any given time. Each month, a new rotation consisting of twelve servants each from four Subject Kingdoms and one Imperial Province would perform the Term of Sacred Service. At the start of the month, these rotations would turn over – the Changing of the Term.

The Changing always began with a processsion of His Supremacy’s concubines, who walked fully nude into the Sacred Throne Room and presented their bodies to Him as He sat upon the Sacred Throne.

Bleary-eyed, Tetenia exited the boat onto a massive concrete platform along with the other concubines. It felt good to stand and be in the fresh air, but it was chilly in the pre-dawn and she was naked. She rubbed herself with her hands, hoping to warm up a bit. Two boats, docked on opposite sides of the platform, carried concubines who streamed out onto it.

Tetenia began looking around. She had always been praised for her beauty, but suddenly she felt a bit inadequate. All of these women belonged to His Supremacy? Of course they did. All things belonged to His Supremacy, these were just the fortunate few who were chosen to live out their highest purpose.

They certainly did not all look exactly the same, but all were beautiful and most were curvaceous, the sorts of women that men fought over and wrote poems for. None were truly worthy of His Supremacy.

Tetenia wandered a bit, taking in the scene. The first hints of dawn were starting to show, and the concubines would look even more beautiful in the daylight. She was walking towards the center of the platform when an arm reached out suddenly and grabbed her. “Don’t walk there!,” a voice said, with a mixture of surprise and concern.

Tetenia stopped, almost tripping over herself, and looked down. Just in front of her was a narrow strip of pure gold in the middle of the concrete, maybe about four feet across. Tetenia looked at the smiled sheepishly. “Sorry,” she said.

The woman – a sultry blonde, every bit as naked as Tetenia – said “that’s the Golden Path. It is reserved for His Supremacy. Anyone else who traves upon it must follow Him on their knees, kissing the ground He walks on.” She cleared her throat. “If he permits it.”

“Oh, I didn’t know. I’m really sorry. I’m new around here, I guess. I’m Tetenia.”

The woman nodded. “Edea. It’s OK. Now you know.”

Tetenia was about to ask her how best to learn such things, but she turned and walked away. Evidently, she was not interested in making new friends.

At that moment, a horn blasted, and the concubines began lining up on either side of the Golden Path, one concubine on each side of it, in pairs of two. In front of thme was a massive marble staircase, beyond which lay the central entrance to His Sacred Palace, out of sight. Two by two, the concubines walked up the stairs.

Tetenia looked out towards the sun rising over the hills to the east. His Sacred Palace extended down the shoreline, a marble walls and balconies sloping down towards the lake’s edge. The first glimmers of sunlight danced on the water. Tetenia smiled.

The concubines ascended the top of the staircase and then stopped suddenly, partway through an even more gigantic platform, this one made of marble. Tetenia, who had been taking in the view, was startled and again almost tripped on herself. She looked around quizically. Once it became clear they were going no further, she leaned up to the concubine in front of her and asked why.

The concubine tapped Tetenia’s shoulder, and pointed forwards and up. Tetenia looked up and audibly gasped. Her heart started beating faster.

Before her was the central entrance to His Sacred Palace, which led to His Supremacy’s main throne room. The structure was six-hundred feet wide and four-hundred feet tall, its wall a sheath of pure, shining, marble. The rest of the main Palace, to which it was connected, had a variety of windows and balconies, but not here. There were two large triangular windows on the upper left and right corners, and that was it. The walls were pure marble. On the far sides were two enormous statues of His Supremacy, over three hundred feet tall and nearly a hundred feet wide. Each statue depicted Him sitting naked upon a throne, a concubine or Queen Priestess kneeling before Him and worshipping Him. Both statues were made entirely of pure gold.

At the center was the entrance itself – an utterly enormous solid gold door, four hundred feet wide and over five hundred feet high at the middle, tapering off at the sides. The procession of concubines had stopped where it did because the door needed an enormous amount of clearance.

Tetenia’s palms grew sweaty and her left arm started shaking. She tried to regulate her heartbeat, but she kept looking at the mind-boggling scene before her. She knew His Sacred Palace, and especially the central entrance and throne room, was enormous, but she had never seen it up close. A trumpet sounded. Tetenia looked down a bit a noticed hundreds of men – all guards – with their bodies tethered to the enormous golden door.

The men began walking forward with great effort, straining, heaving. The door gradually opened with a deafening roar. The men strained and heaved forward as the door slid across the marble. Tetenia thought it almost sounded like thunder, but it didn’t really – it sounded like what thunder might sound like if you happened to be inside the cloud producing it. She began to quiver.

The procession entered an anteroom, but calling it an anteroom seemed wholly inadequate. It was an enormous room, so huge it didn’t even feel indoors – six hundreed feet wide and equally as long and four hundred feet tall. Its walls were, again, sheathed in pure marble. On either side, at its edges, the room gave way to hallways and staircases leading to other parts of the Palace. Behind them, where they just entered, the wall was decorated with carvings depicting His Supremacy’s conquests and varous subjects and potentates prostrating themselves before Him, and Him in repose with varous beautiful concubines and Queen Priestesses.

Before them was the entrance to His throne room, another marble wall with another enormous golden door, almost as large as the last one. This one opened in the same way, with hundreds of guard-servants tethered to it, with a thundering roar.

Tetenia felt like her heart was beating out of her chest.

Tetenia had been awestruck. When they entered the throne room, she did not know if a word existed to describe the level of awe.

She had heard that His Supremacy’s throne room was large enough to fit one-hundred-thousand people, but she thought it a myth. It was true. The room was six hundred feet wide and half a mile long. The concubines walked down a center aisle, keeping clear of the Golden Path. Tetenia looked around. Skylights rimmed the top of the walls and the ceiling, bathing the room with daylight. The room – if it could be called that, the entire Nordish royal castle could probably fit inside of it multiple times – was shorn of ornamentation, all simply marble and gold trim. The floor of the throne room was filled with people bowing down towards Him.

His throne sat atop a massive staircase, covering about half the room’s height – around two hundred feet above the tens of thousands of worshippers. It extended the entire width of the room, creating a large marble platform at its top, on either side of His Supremacy’s throne. The staircase was largely occupied by more nude female bodies, prostrating themselves towards Him – the Blessed Servants. The concubines would eventually each take their spots along the staircase in the middle of the room, closest to the center aile and the Golden Path, next to the Blessed Servants.

Tetenia fixed her eyes on His Supremacy, even though He was still quite far away. His throne was made of a rare gemstone, mostly red with golden trim. The seat and back and armrests and footrests were apholstered entirely in layer upon layer of rare silk and velvet. He sat upon the throne, nude, with the Queen Priestesses Anya and Sha fellating Him. Arrayed on either side of Him, bowing down towards Him at the top of the staircase, were the other eight Queen Priestesses. Tetenia looked around agian. Her body began to twitch. She had no idea a person could be so nervous, so completely overwhelmed by earthshattering awe.

The procession reached the foot of the staircase and stopped, all 244 concubines falling to their knees. They remained like that for several minutes. The room, so filled with people, was shockingly quiet. Tetenia’s hands trembled.

His Supremacy gave a signal to the Queen Priestess Lyenne, who said “His concubines may approach His Supremacy’s Sacred Throne.”

The concubines ascended the staircase, two by two, on their elbows and knees. All who ascended the staircase to His Sacred Throne had to do so on their elbows and knees.

When the first two concubines reached the top, the procession stopped again. Tetenia was afraid of slipping the entire time, as her body was a trembling wreck of nervousness and awe. Soon, she would have to present herself to Him.

One by one, the concubines stood, each for five seconds before sliding over to take her place prostrate upon the staircase. The procedure started with the concubines at the top of the stairs and worked its way down. Tetenia was about halfway down the line, and as her turn grew closer, her nerves frayed more and more. She had to actively stop herself from vomiting; she was trembling and shaking but couldn’t possibly control that. She noticed many other concubines looked nervous and were shaking, too, albeit seemingly not as badly as her. When it got closer to her turn, time seemed to slow down. Every tremble of her body felt like an internal earthquake, every effort to calm her stomach an internal war. The concubine in front of her stood for five seconds, then moved to the side. His Supremacy looked totally relaxed on the throne, His cock buried deep in Anya’s mouth and throat. The concubine to her left stood for five seconds, then moved to the side.

It was Tetenia’s turn.

Slowly, slowly – it felt slower than that – Tetenia stood up. She felt like she didn’t know what her body was doing.

His Supremacy was staring at her intently. She noted a look of pleasured calm on His face as He eyed her curves. She tried with all her might to keep her arm from shaking so violently that He would see it.

He continued to stare at her. A second passed. It felt like a minute. It felt like an hour.

Tetenia tried to focus on her breathing. Nervous sweat covered her hands and feet.

A hundred thousand people were behind her, bowing down to Him. Among all of them, the only two people who were not on their knees at this moment were Tetenia and His Supremacy.

Another second passed. Another hour.

Tetenia glanced up at His Supremacy, still feeling His eyes on her like the eyes of God. He was her God. He was everyone’s God. She watched Him put His hand on Anya’s head, the same look of calmness and pleasure on His face. She realized He was cumming. At this moment, He was cumming in Anya’s mouth, in her throat. He had been cumming the entire time, staring at Tetenia.

A third second passed. Time had no meaning anymore.

Tetenia tightened her throat, holding back the urge to vomit. Every little movement in her body, every twich, felt like a convulsion. She could feel every bit of skin. His Supremacy continued to stare at her, continued to cum in Anya’s mouth.

A fourth second passed. A fourth hour? A fourth….is there a new unit of measurement for time now?

She felt His Supremacy’s focus on her, she could swear it. She felt like his line of sight created a weight in the air. He owned her. He owned all of this. He dominated all of this.

The fifth second passed. Somehow, she was keeping count. Or was it the fifth minute? Or the fifth hour? Or the fifth something else entirely? Tetenia bowed down and moved over, stil a ball of nerves, but with palpable relief.

His Supremacy was still cumming. It was, in fact, only five seconds. The next concubine stood to present herself to Him.

After the concubine procession was finished, the outgoing term servants were called up to present Him with their parting offerings. Most of these He accepted, but a couple He did not.

It was then time for the incoming term servants to present themselves to His Supremacy, along with their initial offerings. The Queens Priestess Seri called out the first group – the term servants from the Subject Kingdom of Sul.

The twelve Sulanese ascended the staircase, on their knees. Leading the way was the crown prince, the king of Sul’s son, carrying a heavy jade ornament, flecked with silver, carved in the shape of a crown. It was the key component of the Sulanese crown jewels. They were offering it to His Supremacy.

It was also very heavy. The crown prince tried to balance it over his head as he climbed the stairs on his knees and elbows. He groaned at evey step, it was a struggle and he was terrified of falling or letting the offering slip out of his hands.

It didn’t help that the crown prince was trembling and nervous – perhaps not as much as Tetenia had been earlier, but still. He had never performed the Term before, never been to the Sacred Estate. Now he was going before His Supremacy on the Sacred Throne. He was terrified of getting something wrong or of displeasing His Supremacy somehow.

Out of breath, achy and terrified, the crown prince finally ascended to the top of the staircase, with the other Sulanese behind him. His Supremacy did not acknowledge the crown prince. He reached down and grabbed Lyenne’s tits as the Queen Priestess worshipped him. “Fuck that’s good,” He said.

His Supremacy looked out and surveyed His enormous throne room. Tens of thousands of people, all on their knees except for Him. All bowing down to Him. Lyenne tried to move up His cock to get some air and He put His hand on her head. “Worship me, Lyenne,” He said. “Fulfill your purpose.”

Tens of thousand of people, all on their knees. Except for Him.

Still looking out at the room, He addressed the crown prince. “Mmmhhmm….what have you brought?”

“Thank you, Your Supremacy. It is a great privilege and a tremendous honor for us to perform the Term of Sacred Service. The poeple of the Subject Kingdom of Sul thank you, with great sincerity, for your great benevolence in permitting us to worship you and serve you in accordance with your will and whim. As a token of our appreciation, I present to you the grandest of our crown jewels. It is a rich jadesone, expertly carved. It is already yours, as all things are yours, but we beg that you may claim it, although it is not worthy of you, as all things are not worthy of you. Thank you, Your Supremacy.”

His Supremacy briefly glanced down at the jewel piece, looking bored. It was the most valuable item in the Sulanese royal treasury. He pushed His cock towards the back of Lyenne’s throat and sighed. His cock felt amazing. “It will suffice, I suppose,” He said. “Put it with with the rest.”

The crown prince crawled to the right of the throne, carefully laying down the jewel piece next to a bounty of other accepted offerings. He crawled back to His Supremacy.

“Thank you, Your Supremacy. You have done us a great honor by claiming what is rightfully yours. We are boundlessly grateful, and ashamed that there does not exist a greater way to express our gratitude towards you, as befits your sublime wondrousness. Thank you, Your Supremacy.”

Lyenne gagged on His Supremacy’s cock. His Supremacy dismiessed the Sulanese, who clambered back down the stairs. He looked around the room again – all on their knees, but for Him – and gestured to Seri, who called for the next group of term servants.

These servants were from the Subject Kingdom of Heras, which was near Nordland. They were led by their new king, Leres.

His Supremacy had rejected Heras’s last offering to Him, under the last king, Leres’s father – who had since died. This put Leres in a difficult position, as he could be removed if he displeased His Supremacy. But Leres had an ace in the hole: his beautiful niece, Serrenia.

Serrenia was thin, but not too thin, and had a perfectly symettrical face with dirty blonde hair and sultry lips. She was nineteen, and the most sought-after beauty in Heras.

Leres and Serrenia climbed up the staircase to His Supremacy’s throne on either side of the Golden Path. Leres knew his crown could be on the line, and he was worried – but he tried to comfort himself with the likelihood that His Supremacy would be pleased by Serrenia’s beauty.

Leres, Serrenia, and the rest of Herasian delegation reached His throne. They were all short of breath from ascending the staircase on their knees, and Leres took several deep breaths. His Supremacy waited several minutes to acknowledge them. He was in no particular rush – His cock twitched with pleasure in Lyenne’s mouth.

“What have you brought for me to claim,” He asked Leres.

Leres recited the same incantation. “Thank you, Your Supremacy,” he said. “It is a great privilege and a tremendous honor for us to perform the Term of Sacred Service. The poeple of the Subject Kingdom of Heras thank you, with great sincerity, for your great benevolence in permitting us to worship you and serve you in accordance with your will and whim. As a token of our appreciation, I present to you my niece, Serrenia. She is a great beauty, and while she may be unworthy of you, you can derive much pleasure from her. She is already yours, as all things are yours, but we beg that you may claim her, although she is not worthy of you, as all things are not worthy of you. Thank you, Your Supremacy.”

His Supremacy placed His hand on Lyenne’s head again. Lyenne, who was famously voloptuous, was perhaps His favorite Queen Priestess aside from Anya. She did not, however, have Anya’s deepthroating talent – although her skills would be unbelievably remarkable in any other context. But now she had been sucking His Supremacy for well over an hour, and had barely come up for air. She employed the strategy of taking small breaths while deepthroating Him, but her head began to pound from a lack of oxygen and her eyes were cloudy with tears.

His Supremacy, his body ensconced in a silk-apholstered throne that was more valuable than many castles, moved his hips up and down in pleasure while holding Lyenne’s head firmly in place. “Ohh, fuck,” He said. “Yeah, Lyenne….yeah…that’s nice.”

He looked at Serrenia. “Come forward, Serrenia, and present yourself to me.” Serrenia crawled towards Him, and then got up, with her knees stil on the ground but her thighs and torso upright and her breasts out, fasing Him. Serrenia’s hands trembled with anxiety and anticipation.

Lyenne moved up His cock for half a second, and He pushed her back down forcefully. She began gagging uncontrollably. “Oh fuck yeah, Lyenne,” He said. “That’s so fucking good.” His entire body tingled, the pleasure was so great.

His Supremacy reached out and cupped Serrenia’s breasts. They were substantial, but not exceptionally large. He carressed one for a moment, then grabbed at it forcefully. Serrenia let out a muffled moan and her face turned red. Her entire body felt flush.

“Stand up and turn around, Serrenia,” He said. She did so. He reached out at her ass, rubbed, grabbed it, then slapped it and grabbed it again. The flush feeling increased as Serrenia felt Him touching her – His Supremacy was actually touching her – and she looked out at the assembled worshippers. A sea of people in an unfathomably large room, all bowing down to Him. How powerful could He possibly be? Her pussy was wet with excitement. She ached to touch it – better yet, ached for Him to touch it. “Turn back around towards me,” His Supremacy told Serrenia. “Ahhh…yeah….oh yeah,” He said, as Lyenne’s struggle to maintain the entirety of His cock in her mouth and throat grew increasingly obvious.

His Supremacy grabbed Serrenia’s breasts again, then He reached down and grabbed Lyenne’s, which were much larger. He held one hand firmly on Lyenne’s head, as the other fondled her breasts. “Fuck yeah, oh fuck yeah,” He said. He pushed His cock in as far down Lyenne’s throat as it could go. Lyenne felt like it was in her esophagus. His Supremacy slapped her tits and then squeezed them, all the while dominating her mouth and throat and then some with His cock.

Lyenne was dizzy and pained. She could not go on any more, but she had to. She was incredibly aroused, her pelvis moving back and forth involuntarily as she knelt before His Supremacy. She was utterly powerless.

Suddenly, His Supremacy released her tits and head from His grip and relaxed in the throne. Lyenne gagged loudly, several times, but did not budge. Sucking His Supremacy’s cock was its own reward.

His Supremacy scanned the assembled worshippers again. “I do not accept this claim,” He said. “Serrenia, go back on the stair and bow down.”

Dejected, Serrenia retreated. What was wrong with her? Every prince in Heras wanted her. None of them were His Supremacy.

Leres began to panic. Is this the end of my reign, he thought. Is the end of my house, my line….the end of Heras? What will He do now? What can He do? He can do anything, Leres thought – which did not ease his panic.

Leres then realized he still had to recite an incantation. “Thank you, Your Supremacy. She will remain yours, as all things are yours. We remain eternally grateful that you have bestowed upon us the honor of serving you. Thank you, Your Supremacy.”

Lyenne powered through the gags, powered through the pain. She was truly grateful to have His Supremacy’s cock in her mouth and throat – as she should be. He reached down and began grabbing and caressing and grabbing her breasts again, as He pushed His cock even deeper. Again, she felt like it was in her esophagus, almost. But this time gagged louder, and massaged the base with her lips, and flexed her throat to pleasure the tip deep inside, and she didn’t move at all.

His Supremacy leaned His head back. “Leres….” He began to cum, and He squeezed one of Lyenne’s tits. His voice, always low and enigmatic, sounded like an extended, low moan. “You must make this up to me….ohhh fuck yeah Lyenne. Oh that’s so…good. I expect….ohhhh….I expect….ahhhh….” He gripped Lyenne’s tit and slapped the other one.

Lyenne’s pussy was convulsing, her pelvis moving back and forth, almost involuntarily. Her throat was sore, overwhelmed with cum, which His Supremacy shot down into her and she just received it. Breathing seemed to get more difficult by the second. She was completely and utterly powerless now, a mold for His Supremacy’s cock, putty for His pleasure. She was cumming. He overtook her body, conquered it like He had conquered so much of the world. His Supremacy was rubbing her tits, but there were no fingers or cocks anywhere near her pussy, or even her ass. But she was cumming. He was so incredibly overwhelming. She couldn’t stop, she had no control over anything at all.

His Supremacy rubbed Lyenne’s tits and more cum spilled out of His cock. None of it left Lyenne. None of it was on the floor. He arched His back further and pumped harder a couple of times, then moved forward a bit. “I expect you….ohhh fuck…I expect you…” He was still addressing Leres, and cumming the entire time. “Ohh yeah…to triple your tribute. That feels so fucking good, that feels amazing.” He had been cumming for over two minutes already. “I expect that your next offering….to me…..ahhhh.” His Supremacy sighed and moaned. “Ahhh….your next offering will…yeah…make up for the last two. You will also….ahhh…ohh…ahh…you will also…destroy your castle…and build a temple…ohh fuck…ohh yeah…in its place…to my greatness. It will be grander…than the grandest temple…ahhh…in your kingdom. You will hold court…fuck yeah…somewhere else. Be grateful…be grateful that I am…letting you do this.”

“Ohh that’s so fucking good Lyenne…that’s so amazing…ahhhhh,” He said. He came for another thirty or forty seconds, and then His orgasm subsided.

His Supremacy looked down at the assembled crowd, and dismissed the Herasians. A delegation of term servants from the Imperial Province of Egarkos was called to Him. He was the only one not on His knees.
