The Cheerleader – Part 3

[Part 1](
[Part 2](


A few minutes later we were gathered in a circle on the floor. I was sitting across from Ginny, with Amber and Kristen sitting across from each other. Kristen spoke up, “Alright, let’s go over some ground rules. First rule: no repeat questions or dares. Second rule; you cannot chose truth or dare more than twice in a row. Third rule; You cannot ask Truth or Dare of the same person twice in a row. Alright, any questions?”, Kristen asked.

The rules were simple enough, so no one had any questions. “Well, who goes first?” Amber asked.

Ginny had a suggestion, “Let’s keep it simple. Play a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors with the person across from you. The two winners will then play each other. The winner goes first.” Everyone agreed to this. I won my game against Ginny and Kristen won her game against Amber, so I had to face off against Kristen. “Rock, Paper, Scissors, Shoot.”, Kristen says as we push our fists into our hands. I chose paper, but she chose scissors and won.

“All right, so who will be my first victim?”, Kristen asked with a sly grin. “Meagan!” she exclaimed, “Truth or dare?”

I was really hoping to not be the first one, and I definitely wasn’t going to pick dare first and make a fool of myself. “Truth,” I said.

“Alright, going the “safe route” I see,” said Kristen. “Okay then, what’s the furthest you’ve ever gone with a guy?”

I know I must have started blushing, but I knew personal questions like this would get asked. I just didn’t expect them to start immediately so I was caught a little off guard. “Well,” I said, “I dated a guy last year on the soccer team. We fooled around a bit in his car. We never had sex, but I did let him finger me a few times.” As I say this last part, I feel the warmth in my cheeks and know I am blushing even harder.

“Aww, don’t worry Meagan. It’ll happen at some point,” Amber chimed in at this point. “Maybe it’ll even be Josh,” she says as she giggles.

Kristen looked a little annoyed and cut through Amber’s giggles to say, “Okay Meagan, you’re up. Who do you pick?”

I think for a moment. “Ginny, Truth or Dare?”. She doesn’t even hesitate before saying, “Dare.”

“Alright. Hmm,,” I say to stall for time as my brain thinks furiously. I was really hoping for a little more time to think of something, but she was so quick. “I dare you to make a prank phone call to Dominos.”

The game proceeded from there through a few rounds until it was Amber’s turn. “Kristen, Truth or Dare?” she tried to say in a dramatic voice, but failed and giggled instead. Kristen chose a dare and it seemed Amber had this one already planned because she said, “I dare you to do a handstand for a full minute.”

Kristen smiled and said, “Sure, no problem.” and proceeded to roll into a handstand and hold the position. I watched at Kristen’s sundress fell down, first uncovering her light purple panties and falling further down to expose her matching light purple bra. I had seen Kristen do this same thing at cheer practice hundreds of times, but somehow this was different. It felt more personal, more sexual. I don’t think Amber intended to shift the tone of the game, but the atmosphere in the room somehow felt more intense. We’d been playing for about 30 minutes and other than the first question I was asked, nothing remotely sexual in nature had been done or asked. I had a feeling that was about to change.

Kristen was back on her feet now and smoothing her dress back down. “Meagan,” she begins, and immediately my heart starts pounding. I had chosen truth the last two times I was picked, so this time I have to choose dare. I feel like Kristen knows that and is targeting in on me. “Truth or Dare?” she asks.

“You know I don’t have a choice.” I say a little meekly.

Kristen gets this big, mischievous smile on her face and says, “I know. I just want to make you sweat a little bit. Alright, I dare you to take your top off.”

That’s no big deal I think as I pulled off my blouse and put it off to the side. I wonder if she’s trying to lull me into a false sense of security before hitting me big. I picked Amber and she had to confess which girl on the team she thinks is the hottest. Amber picked Ginny, and she has to hold an ice cube to each nipple until it melts. Afterward, her nipples are rock hard and clearly poking through her clothes.

She looks over at me and asks, “Meagan, truth or dare?”. I hesitated for a moment, but I had been choosing truth every chance I got so I decided to go with dare again. With a sly smile on her face, she says “I dare you to take your skirt off.” It suddenly hit me what they are doing. If I don’t do something, I am going to end up with no clothes on. Outwardly, I acted like I didn’t care and it was all fun and games. Inwardly, I was slightly panicked. Trying to play it cool, I stood up and slowly slid my skirt down to my ankles and then kicked it over to where my shirt was. The only clothes left on my body are my light blue panties and bra.


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